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Constitution of the Undergraduate Mock Trial and

Moot Court Society of the University of Ottawa

Adopted: --
Amended as of: August 21, 2021
WHEREAS it is necessary, in order to prepare ourselves as well-rounded citizens, to gain
tangible experience in research, collaboration, written and oral advocacy, and general persuasion;
WHEREAS we, as undergraduate students, have traditionally faced difficulties in participating in
the activities of mock trial and moot court – difficulties a formal society could improve;
THEREFORE, we adopt the following Constitution to govern our society:

Article I: Name and Definitions

1.1 – “The Undergraduate Mock Trial and Moot Court Society of the University of Ottawa” shall
be the official name of this society, and may be referred to as “UMMSUO” or simply as “the
1.2 – “Members” shall refer to all people who qualify for membership in the Society, as laid out
in Article III, and may be referred to collectively as “the membership”
1.3 – “Executives” shall refer to people holding one of the positions listed in section 4.1, and
may be referred to collectively as “The Executive Board” or simply as “The Executive”
1.3.1 – Executives styled as “Vice-President of _____” may also be referred to as “Vice-
President (_____)” or simply as “VP (_____)”
1.4 – “Semester” shall refer to one of two four-month periods used by the University of Ottawa;
either the fall semester between September and December, or the winter semester between
January and April. The spring-summer semester between May and August shall not be counted
as a semester for the purposes of this Constitution
1.4.1 – “Fall General Meeting” shall refer to the general meeting of the Society that is
scheduled during the fall semester
1.4.2 – “Winter General Meeting” shall refer to the general meeting of the Society that is
scheduled during the winter semester
1.4.3 – “Special General Meeting” shall refer either to a general meeting scheduled
outside of the fall or winter semesters, or to a general meeting scheduled to conduct
business not covered during a fall or winter general meeting
1.5 – “Equity” shall refer to consciously and fairly working to overcome barriers, both
intentional and unintentional, which may prevent or discourage people from participating in
aspects of the Society
Article II: Objective
2.1 – The primary focus of the Society shall be to promote the activities of mock trial and moot
court to undergraduate students at the University of Ottawa
2.1.1 – Ancillary to this, the Society shall facilitate and encourage its members’
participation at appropriate competitions, as well as hold training events and workshops
to allow members to improve their advocacy skills for said competitions
2.2 – The Society shall also work to build social connections between its members and serve as
network for like-minded undergraduate students looking to improve their advocacy skills
2.3 – The principle of Equity shall underpin all other aspects of the Society, and the Society shall
at all times affirm its commitment to combatting discrimination in all its forms on the basis of
race, religion, sex or sexual orientation, gender identity, ethnicity, national or cultural origin,
language, or any other protected characteristic

Article III: Membership

3.1 – The full membership of the society shall consist of all people who, over the course of a
i. Are current undergraduate students at the University of Ottawa
ii. Attend at least one (1) regular meeting of the society
iii. Express interest in attending mock trial or moot court competitions
iv. Meet any other membership criteria as laid out by the Executive Board or by resolution
of the Society
3.1.1 – Should a person not meet the criteria for full membership, they may, by a two-thirds
(2/3) vote of the Society, be granted honorary membership for a period of one (1) year
3.1.2 – If a member fails to fulfil the criteria laid out in section 3.1 during a given semester,
their membership shall lapse on December 31st or April 30th, as the case may be
3.2 – Members of the society shall have the following rights and privileges:
i. The right to attend undergraduate mock trial or moot court competitions on behalf of the
University of Ottawa
ii. The right to speak, vote, make motions, and nominate candidates in General Meetings
iii. The right to attend executive meetings as an observer
iv. The right to stand for election to the Executive Board
3.3 – The Secretary shall maintain and continuously update a membership roll containing the
names of all members of the society, and notify those whose membership is less than thirty (30)
days from lapsing
Article IV: Executive Board
4.1 – The Society shall be ordinarily governed by an Executive Board composed of the following
i. Two (2) Presidents
ii. A Vice-President of Finance
iii. A Vice-President of Communications
iv. A Vice-President of Training
v. A Vice-President of Equity
vi. A Secretary
4.2 – All Executives must be undergraduate students at the University of Ottawa
4.3 – Unless otherwise stated, the Executives shall divide general responsibilities amongst
themselves in a manner which seems fitting in light of their positions.
4.3.1 – The specific responsibilities of the Presidents shall include:
i. Co-Chairing all executive and general meetings
ii. Recommending the appointment of a secretary to the rest of the Executives
iii. Assisting other executives in the fulfillment of their duties
iv. Fulfilling the duties of any and all vacant executive positions
v. Co-Chairing and appointing the members of the Constitutional Review
Committee, tasked with assisting the Presidents in updating and proposing
amendments to this Constitution
4.3.2 – The specific responsibilities of the Vice-President (Finance) shall include:
i. Overseeing any funds belonging to the Society, including keeping a record of all
accounts and reimbursing any legitimate expenses incurred
ii. Preparing an annual budget in consultation with other Executives detailing
projected income and expenses for the Society
iii. Leading the Society’s fundraising efforts and securing various sources of revenue
iv. Chairing and appointing the members of the Finance committee, tasked with
assisting the VP (Finance) in their responsibilities
4.3.3 – The specific responsibilities of the Vice-President (Communications) shall
i. Managing any and all presence of the Society on social media and the internet
ii. Leading the Society’s recruitment efforts
iii. Leading the organization of social events and events with the purpose of
increasing morale and social connections within the Society
iv. Chairing and appointing the members of the Communications committee, tasked
with assisting the VP (Communications) in their responsibilities
4.3.4 – The specific responsibilities of the Vice-President (Training) shall include:
i. Organizing and leading all regular meetings
ii. Planning any seminars, workshops, or events focused on improving members’
skills in mock trial or moot court
iii. Facilitating the efforts of members to find partners for competitions
iv. Reporting to the Executive Board regarding potential tournaments and
competitions for the Society to attend
v. Chairing and appointing the members of the Training committee, tasked with
assisting the VP (Training) in their responsibilities
4.3.5 – The specific responsibilities of the Vice-President (Equity) shall include:
i. Ensuring that all aspects of the Society model the principles and best practices of
Equity, and that all members feel safe and encouraged to participate in its
ii. Planning seminars and workshops for the purposes of promoting Equity
iii. Resolving Equity violations on an unofficial basis or reporting severe Equity
violations for disciplinary action, as the case may be
iv. Chairing and determining the membership of the Equity committee, tasked with
assisting the VP (Equity) in their responsibilities
4.3.6 – The specific responsibilities of the Secretary shall include:
i. Preparing agendas and recording minutes for all general and executive meetings
ii. Maintaining all non-financial records of the Society, including the membership
roll detailed in section 3.3
iii. Acting as Chief Electoral Officer during all elections
iv. Managing disciplinary investigations, except for those in which the Secretary has
a direct conflict of interest
v. Chairing and determining the membership of the Discipline committee, tasked
with assisting the Secretary in any disciplinary investigations that may arise

Article V: Meetings of the Society

5.1 – The Society shall conduct three (3) types of meetings: regular meetings, executive
meetings, and general meetings
5.2 – Regular meetings shall consist of activities meant to further the objectives of the Society,
including but not limited to training sessions, seminars, workshops, social events, and
informational events for members
5.2.1 – A regular meeting must be scheduled at least once every month during a semester,
with specific dates being determined by the Executive and proper notice being
communicated to the membership by the VP (Communications)
5.2.2 – regular meetings are not bound by quorum or by traditional rules of order, and as
such no business may be conducted outside of the purview of the meeting
5.3 – Executive meetings shall consist of the ordinary governance of the Society, excluding any
business that can only be conducted in a general meeting
5.3.1 – An executive meeting must be scheduled at least once every month during a
semester, with specific dates being determined by the Presidents and proper notice being
communicated to the membership by the Secretary at least seven (7) days in advance,
with an agenda being communicated at least two (2) days in advance
5.3.2 – A quorum for an executive meeting shall consist of a majority of current
executives, excluding any vacant positions
5.3.3 – All members of the Society are entitled to attend executive meetings as an
observer, but may not speak, vote, or make motions unless allowed by the Executive – If a motion to enter executive session and conduct business in private is
adopted, all observers will be required to leave the meeting unless
otherwise allowed by the executive
5.3.4 – All agendas and minutes of executive meetings must be made available by the
Secretary if requested by a member
5.3.5 – Executive meetings should be conducted by the principle of consensus; but in the
absence of consensus, a majority of executives present is required to render a decision
5.4 – General meetings shall consist of the ordinary governance of the Society, specifically
business that cannot be conducted in an executive meeting
5.4.1 – A general meeting must be scheduled at least once per semester, with specific
dates being determined by the Presidents and proper notice being communicated to the
membership by the Secretary at least fourteen (14) days in advance, with an agenda
being communicated at least seven (7) days in advance – Special general meetings may be called at any time, either by the
Executive Board or by a petition endorsed by at least one quarter (1/4) of
the membership as determined by consulting the membership roll, with proper
notice being communicated to the membership by the Secretary at least seven (7)
days in advance and with an agenda being communicated at least two (2) days in
5.4.2 – A quorum for a general meeting shall consist of at least one fifth (1/5) of the
membership as determined by consulting the membership roll
Article VI: Elections and Appointments
6.1 – Elections to the executive board are only valid if conducted during a general meeting
6.1.1 – The following positions shall be elected at each Fall General Meeting:
i. One (1) President
ii. The Vice-President of Communications
iii. The Vice-President of Training
6.1.2 – The following positions shall be elected at each Winter General Meeting:
i. One (1) President
ii. The Vice-President of Finance
iii. The Vice-President of Equity
6.2 – The Society may at its own discretion create rules and regulations pertaining to elections,
provided they do not conflict with Article VI of this Constitution
6.3 – The Secretary shall act as the Chief Electoral Officer for all elections, and shall not be
allowed to stand for election for as long as they continue as Secretary
6.4 – If an Executive wishes to tender their resignation, they must inform the Presidents of their
intent at least two weeks prior to the end of their duties
6.5 – Should an elected position become vacant prior to an election, the Executive Board has the
power to appoint any member to the vacancy on an interim basis until the next general meeting,
where an election shall be held to fill the position for either a half term or a full term, as the case
may be
6.6 – The Secretary shall be a member, appointed to their position by a resolution of the
Executive Board, on recommendation of the Presidents
6.6.1 – Once their appointment is confirmed, a secretary cannot be removed from their
position except for resignation, disciplinary procedures, or lapsing of membership
6.7 – The Executive Board may, on their own volition, appoint committees and ad-hoc positions
to assist the Executives in their duties

Article VII: Finances

7.1 – All expenses of the Society must be first approved in the form of a budget resolution before
any member is authorized to spend money on behalf of the Society
7.2 – At each Fall General Meeting, the VP (Finance) in consultation with the rest of the
Executive shall present both a financial report of the previous year’s revenues and expenses and
a budget resolution laying out projected revenues and expenses for the upcoming year
7.2.1 – A financial report shall also be presented at each Winter General meeting, but a
new budget resolution is not required unless more spending than initially allocated is
7.3 – All finances of the Society shall be made publicly available, and any member has the right
to request the financial records of the Society from the VP (Finance) at any time

Article VIII: Discipline

8.1 – In minor cases of wrongdoing where an amicable solution can be produced without
resorting to formal disciplinary measures, every effort should be made to do so by all parties
8.1.1 – As well, the Society maintains the right to censure any person by a majority vote
during a general meeting, without resorting to formal disciplinary measures
8.2 – A formal disciplinary investigation shall be opened by the Secretary when instructed by:
i. One or both of the Presidents
ii. A resolution of the Executive Board
iii. A petition endorsed by at least one quarter (1/4) of the membership as determined by
consulting the membership roll
iv. The VP (Equity) of the Equity Committee, solely in cases involving breaches of Equity
v. The Secretary acting on their own discretion, solely in cases involving breaches of
election rules
8.2.1 – In cases where the Secretary has a direct conflict of interest in the matter under
investigation, the matter shall be investigated and reported on by an independent person
appointed by the Executive Board, who shall have all the same authority as the Secretary
in disciplinary matters
8.3 – When the Secretary has opened a disciplinary investigation, they shall thoroughly
investigate the matter at hand and prepare a report determining whether there is probable cause
to bring forward formal charges and, if so, what those specific charges should entail
8.3.1 – The Secretary shall be aided in their investigations by the Discipline Committee,
with the exception of members who have a direct conflict of interest in the matter under
8.4 – At the conclusion of their investigation, the Secretary shall present their report at the next
general meeting of the Society, where the Society may by a majority vote bring forward charges
against one or more people
8.4.1 – While it should be considered highly persuasive, the Secretary’s report shall not
be construed as to limit the ability of the Society to bring forward charges regardless of
its recommendations
8.5 – If the Society votes to bring forward charges, the person or persons accused shall be
formally notified, and a special general meeting shall be promptly scheduled with the only item
of business being the trial of those accused
8.5.1 – At the beginning of the special general meeting, a resolution should be adopted
laying out specific procedures for the trial that are consistent with the principles of
fundamental justice
8.6 – At the conclusion of the trial, a two-thirds (2/3) vote of all members present is necessary to
convict the accused
8.7 – If the accused is convicted on one or more of the counts brought against them, the Society
may by a majority vote impose one or more of the following punishments:
i. Censure
ii. Demotion from the Executive Board
iii. Non-monetary restitution
iv. Fine, which shall not exceed 150% of the damages the accused was found to have caused
to the Society
v. Suspension of one or more membership rights as laid out in section 3.2
vi. Suspension of membership for a period not exceeding one (1) year
vii. Expulsion from the Society

Article IX: Interpretation and Parliamentary Authority

9.1 – With the exception of regular meetings, the rules contained in the current edition of
Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the Society in all cases to which they are
applicable and in which they are consistent with this constitution and any special rules of order
the Society may adopt
9.2 – The Executive Board shall be responsible for any official interpretation of documents
relating to the Society, guided by precedents of the Society, parliamentary precedents, and the
principle of good faith
9.2.1 – Both the French and the English translations of documents shall be considered
persuasive in terms of interpretation, but in the event of conflict between multiple
translations, preference should be given to the language the document was originally
drafted in
9.3 – In the absence of explicit instructions from the Society, the Chief Electoral Officer may
make decisions and interpretations pertaining to elections, guided by precedents of the Society,
parliamentary precedents, and the principle of good faith

Article X: Amendments
10.1 – This Constitution may be amended via a two-thirds (2/3) vote at a general meeting
10.1.1 – The Society may also adopt resolutions that contravene this Constitution, but
only via a two-thirds (2/3) vote at a general meeting and only for a period not exceeding
one (1) semester
10.2 – To aid the Society in ensuring that this Constitution continues to serve in the best interests
of the Society, the Constitutional Review Committee shall have the authority to analyze and
report on suggested amendments as well as recommend amendments of its own
10.2.1 – Section 10.2 shall not be construed as to limit the right of individual members to
propose amendments or to ignore the recommendations of the Constitutional Review

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