How Do Organisms Reproduce (Biology Aid Notes)

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The production of new organism from the already existin existing onganiom Of thé same ‘species is Known as vepfoduction: ~The process Of reproduction ensuves continuity of Life on earth: ~ Reproduction is essential for the survival of a species on this earth: ~The production of a new onganism from a. | Asexual Reproduction single parent without the involvement of sex cells “Cor gametes) is caliéd ‘asexual reproduction: - The production of a new organism from two Parents by making Use of their sex'cells Cor gametes ) is called Sexual reroduction: Q: Differentiate between Asexual Reproduction and Sexual Reproduction: “Asexual Reproduction — [| Sexual Reproduction’ = Only one parent is needed to |—Two parents ave needed to profduce a new Organise: Produce a new Orgamism: = No Sex cells Cor gametes) ave |~ Sex cells (or gametes) take park involved: in Sexual vebroduchon: |- No fusion of gametes takes —Fusion of gametes yesults in place ‘Thus, Zuaote is not the form: ion ot xygote formed: Figsi — In the process of fission, a unicellular organism Splits or divides into two or more new Organism: ainavi fise = The parent Organism Splits to torn two nebo organise e Eql— Pinay fission in Anocha. fissi in can take place in & -D BHO, 8 Figure 8.1(a) Binary fission in Amoeba e Eq2- Binary fission in Leishmania Chissid takes plac. i a 4 } f ® © @ @ @ o Figure 8.1(b) Binary fission in Leishmania a = The parent organism Splits to form many Yicwo organism at the samfe time: e Ee ~ Plasmodium Figure 8.2 Multiple fission in Plasmodium =The breakin f the body of a Simple orga ie Le tao 4 or more pieces on Urnacing each of which Subsequent to form Complete ve ganism is Called fragmentation e Eq ~ Spirogyra Fig Fragmentation Iv Spinogyra. Q What is the difference between Fission and Fragmentation? Ans: Fission ————> Unicellulay Fragmentation —> Multicellular ing back a full organism e fr process 9 tr +, ac | wy 0 pris ' ao j 6 Eq Hydra. and Planaria g ‘ 1 =In budding, a Small part of the Tentacles body of reat ovganism gros out as a ‘bud’ witich then detaches and becomes a new oqarioer Bud ae ° Eq-- Huda Fig: Budding in Hydra, =The parent plant produces hundred of called When the spore case of the plant bursts, then the Spores Spread into air: When these aiv-borne spores Land on food Cor soil) under favourable Conditions Clike damp and warm Conditions), they germinate and produce new plants: \ = Eq-- Rhizopus: Figure 8.6 ‘Spore formation in Rhizopus f crisunmesummaniiatanicemenseenerai t3 Gt Ma YG) Gea Gi Pasian | Mgnnaneana ia etieinensenceanaceaoneinaen cea =\ln Vegetative Prepagation, new plants are obtained from the parts of old lants ‘Clike4stem, roots and leaves) without the help of reproductive organs f any. Aly = Buds produced in the notches =The process of growing many plants along the leaf margin of trom one sich by vndon- al ef eqebiyllu fall on the soil methods: Eq- Sugarcane, Rose, Jasmine and ‘develop into new plants: = Its three common methods are- oe It involves cutting a piece of the pldint and ooking it 46 ae tel a new plant- 2 dagen: It involves covering the Fogure 8.5 branch of a plant with ‘sol Lea of Brophy and then cutting ike 3. - Ik occurs when two different plant Stem ave foined and they grow as a single plant: Tissue [ace im an artificial medium Callus [coma transferred to a medium containing hormone Plantlet [pent ets placed in soil yeproduction axe similar to each = The individuals produced abate, other and their parents: This si ilavrity occurs because of DNA- e During yeproduction, DNA Copying takes place- = However, the process Of DNA copying is not 100/ accurate: These DNA coping leads to variations - CEven Imaceuracies duri during asexual ‘tebroduction’ = It helps the species to Survive even in Adverse enviornment: exual i = Sexual Reproduction involves the Ov Sex Cells Yeoulting im the formation of = Due to the fusion of gametes, the chances of variations ave very high during sexual veprodiction: Q. What is the advantage of Sexual reproduction ? Aus Sexual reproduction vesults in which ultimately leads to “evolution of ~ The sex organs (or reproductive organs) of a plant are in its flowers: Parts Of A Flower | Stamew: It is the male reproductive rt of the flower: It is composed of oo cris Wate amd editeualon t Stamen produces pollen grains that si are yellova in Colour: 2 Ristil: It is the female reproductive ar is made of three parts - . : The swollen bottom part Figure 8.7 - Middle. elongated part atta secon of = sth: Terminal “sticky part 3- Sepals: The green, Leaf- like parts of the flower ave called Sepals: — Its function iste protect: the fibwer in tie fin Stages p 4 Petals: The colourful parts of a flower are called petals: ~ The function of petals is to attract insects for pollination and to protect the reproductive organs: Types Of Flowers. e - Contains cithey stamens ov pistil - Eq Papaya, Watermelon Bisexual flowers - contains both stamens and pistil eq Hibiscus , mustard ER SRP OT = The transfer of pollen grains from anther of a stamen to the stigma Of a carpel is called pollination: = Pollination can be of two types : © seit L- The pollen pains from the anther of a flower axe transterred to the Sta of the same flower Cov another flower of the same plant®)- ° Cross Pollination - The pollen grams from the anther of & flower on ome plant are transferred” to the Stigma of a flower of another similar plant: <—— Pollen grain Stigma 4, Fertilization ~ Fertilization occurs when the male gamete Male germ cell Pollen tube Present in the pollen grain joins with the female gamete Cor eg) present in ovule- 3 Formation of Fruits and Seed ovary © After fertilization, the zygote divides Several ovule times ‘to form an emb f within the ovule eo germ- cell = The ovule develops a tough coat and is converted into Seed- Ce get! and vipens to form t “tn sign 4. Germination Of Seeds. = The seed contains the future plant which develops into a Seedling = The vadicle grows to form the oot: Cotyledon = Plumule grows upward to form the shoot: ‘onsen ° contains Stored food that helps Yadicle and plumule to qrow Reproduction to Suman Sage = The age at which the Sex hormone and gametes begin to be produced and “the boy and gil become soxually mature is called Puberty: =In males, after puberty, testes starts producin: and the miata Sek hlvmaohe calla tesibeetoag) Ur S| 1 ty, i 4, mn females, after puberty, ovaries pate producing ova Cor cags) and female sex ‘hormones , Figure 8.9 Germination = Male and female also start developing Secondary sexual Characters: © Hair qrow in armpits, pubic regions , Chest and face: © Body becomes muscular: © The “voice deepens: © Chest and Shoulders broaden: q ° Hair gow under armpits and pubic region: ° Mam glands develop and enlarge’ © Hips broae’ ° Fallopian tube, uterus and vagina enlarge: = The male veproductive Systemn consists of portions which perform two major functions - ° Producel'sperms - Testes ° ‘Deliney sperms to" the: site “Of fertilization ~ All the rest a (Vas deferens, Seminal vesicle, 'rostrate) \ Testes @ it is Hi peer regee eecs d in male: = It is located outside the abdominal cavity in scrotum because Sperm ation Yequires & lower femperbture than the normal body temperature: = Functions of testes : © Formation of Sperms: reer © Secretion oF Testosterone. —It is the male Sex hormone: ~It helps im the development of Secondary sexual characters =I vequlal cs the formation of sperms: a ‘tuman-nate repre ster = Vas deferens delivers sperms trom testes to urethra: 3. Prostate & Seminal Vesicle = Both of these glands ada fluid secretions to the Sperms which makes the transport of Sperms ‘casier and provides nutrition A. Dyethra = Forms a common passage for both Sperms and urine: Specms. — hey are tiny bodies that consist of mainly genetic material , a lon al that helps them to move® “towards the emal qe I: = It is the primary veproductive mM im female: iP pevfostes Too major functions © Production of © Secretion of and = One €4q is produced every month by ovaries x Fallopian tube /OViAUEE ——gwessinnnontenptnensen is transfered from ovary to uterus through obi tube: = It acts as a site of fertilization: 3. Ukevus: = The oviducts unite into an elastic- bag like Structure Rnown as the Uterus: = Uterus opens into the vagina through cervix = It recieves sperms from male partner, Serves as a birth canal: = Uterus is connected to Vagina through 4 narrow opening Called Cervix: eeeee———————————————’ Fertilization & Development of Embryo = The sperms enter through the Vaginal passage duving sexual intercourse: = They travel upwards and Yeach the oviduet where they ynay encoumber = The ia 99 ‘CKygote) Starts dividing to form a ball of cells ov Fallopian = The embryo is implanted in the lining of the uterus where they continue to grow ‘amd develop ovgams to beco’ = The embryo gets nutrition from the mother's blood with the help of a Special tissue called i Placenta Ib isa disc shaped structure embedded in the utevine wall — It helps in exchange of nutrients, oxygen and waste products between the embryo and ‘mother: = The development of the child inside the ynother’s body takes approximately nine months CQcstation period): The child is born as’ a result of hy thrnic. contractions of the muscle im the uterus: Menstruation = Every mouth, Ovary releases onc egg and uterus prepares itself to vecicde the fertilise’ “aq by dovelhhg thick, spongy liming = If fertilisation docswt take place, along with the uterus liming breaks down and cones out throug Vagina as blood and mucous: = This cycle takes place voughly every month and is Rnown as menstruation: = Ik lasts for about 2-8 days: = Diseases which arc spread by sexual contact with an infected person are called Sexually Transmitted Diseases (stb) = Common STD ave : ° ° Syphilis } caused by Bacteria © AIDS Depiteney Syearomey > Caused by virus bY ee = The prevention of Preqnamcy im Women is Called Contraception: | Barrier Method - Condoms, Advantage : IE helps im the prevention of STD "Chemical Metnod - Oval pills Bisadvawbliges It changes hormonal balance which caw cause side effects: 3.IUCD Untra Utevine Coutvaceptive: Devices) - Copper -T Disadvantage : Can cause ivritation of uterus: Vasectomy ~ Blocking of vas deferens im male 4 Surgical Methods < ‘Tubectomy~ Blocking of fallopian tube in females: = Surgical methods ave sat fe im the lon iy but Surgery itself can cause infections if not Performed paper!

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