Chapter 5 Fourier Series

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Chapter 5 ourier Series f fourier secies is a Series of functions © netal berm Un (ds An Cor Nx+b,Sinnt (onelR , be ) Lhen Zale) = agrayeons +b siax se neepaycorns + Sin The general tem UnGs) 15 a Confinaous and differentiable function on (R awe of petied Th = aM Then , khe Sum of a Fouciet adic Cunction of petios Series 16 & pent T= 2v. Remark. \U, io| < las) * \ bal rf on and ob, ate absolutes convergent neo neo Lhen So) \s normally converge? Tri onome ie Coefficients Consider a Conve rgent Pouriet series of sum {(x)- . { [x)= 40% (aco % + by 5%) jean th a connx + by Sin dx (fode- Jaod +2\[on (0.6 0X ybsinns) t--- - 49- 27 {fe Ceonx +b,sin we [ents sinnX ~ bcm Theres a,c bef Hl ela ° We calculate On and Ey by Computing aT jf £69 cor ped x and fFesmp dx (pen) = fact : ° eo «0 f tr (x) Cor px dx= 2), [acorn +b Sinn cpp 217 nee If pen {cor nx om px dx = 1 footer +o ye lo nyse. soley = n+P (n-P) 1 Pen penis Efi fiemmane ae . 20 [x ¢ ins) "TT. Tf PA, [sina Cor px teetfe [si iloubasevte px) T ads _ Conlnap. X_ Coo(n-p)4| -0 an ob n+ P eoinep i = < xC _ 2 2m a TE Pe") j sinnX Cornx dx = [zit a (uesinwd) o 2 By yakin P Y) we obtain: J tT tits dx = Won? ane] {(x) oowxde ~ 5d. av ee 2tT aed [isin pdx =f [a,ceonx +b, sina x]sinpeds nao Similarty, By taking pan, We cblain ™ $) °3 4, pe my - if (2 sim nx dx wh, > bre tof f(sinnxd Remavk~ The. integrals which intervene 10 the Colcalation of Fourier coefficients way, be calculated on every interval with amplitude am) [x., x +21). 20 a Tu fact, Toy = j fod) car nx dx = {fd emoneda ° Xo+2T Sar *| 4 (cor nx d+ [ils)ceomx dx Let x= 2T4t, the third integcs (erowmes: an 6 j f(x) cornx dx =f { (2r+t) cos w (ome) dt = Nor 27 X (ley corn dt (4 is periodic of 20 period) Xhet Thevefove WOne j Cl) Cont ax Lek [El be on jaterval’ of amplitude 2m we have Bem de | fd 5 One de ff(eons dx and (6) Ce 28ik b= {f gin nx dx CF) by ehoasin’) Fe 2 [my Th, we obtain f" ox iq | fO)x> ar J $9 4x On= Ss" f(x) Canxs Peat () cauxdx (9 cosux even function) baz Lf fle) siwnx dx = saan i" ys ° (40 x) Sim nx ig odd) Ta this case, the Fourier Series is the : . w Fourier Cosine series: {x)= aot anCon nx nhe=\ Odd wnchions: By choosing Fe(-1) +1}, we obtain a,=0; Ayze- byt +f (9 sianx dx =2 {opened Cl x) sinnxX 1S even) In this Case, Lhe Poaciel cecies is the yo Sime series defined by. £ x) Zn Sin nx -52- Remark: f a odd | even odd even| oO od evew | even even odd _lodd even Expansion of a Lunction hy Fourier Series: i) Case of peciodic function * fer each in beg cable fanetion f, of period Je2T, we Con assotiate a series s (On cnnx +b, 9 nx) ; called Fowrier n=o series of {. Theorem: rf f is a periodic Canction with period 2 and { and {ave piecewise Continace Est), Lhen the fourier Series 6 Conver ent. The Sam of the pouriet series 1S Convergent at of numbers x where f iS Continucus. al the pomber x where f is discontinuous the sum of the fourier Series is the ave vag ¢ of the right and Saft Gamids 5 that -§3- ST pe) +o). Recall that a piecewise Continuous function has only a finite numba of er discontinuities ow [- wT) wT). Example: Expand in Fourier series the funchi ion t of pitied a1 euien by E(x) = xe)- aut. Dedue S 2 tf pee ZPt) 4 Solution: The Fovclion is odds lage a,co- b= ke . oor wT “x sinme dx = FF | xemonds nv nt) - -LCMnt=- =u n Tw £( (*)= Zn Simnx = 22 C yr ‘Sin nx =6h- (9 1s Constinuous at x2 then na ((g)- B= ZA Se rf n=2P 5 sin 2pT_ sin pu = ° z rf ne 2pthy sim Genb= sin (FT +E)2 conpt eC ef P r T - 2 (0) _ ok ge Ze ~tL-3°% ye] id) cose of any function? Let f be a function defined and bounded ow on interval (a,b) - To expand f in F we have to tind the fourier series of the periodic extension of {. ee fa =F GF eTael 9 (e+) = 4 (x) Con be expande genecal term of perio By = ance h 2m x + bySin® an & ie oie, \n Fourier series ushose dé 5 n Taking We aes Vv re ja, bf 2 FO LONOKE pha, Se Ee s Adidas 2 2. (49) coonwoxde te) [Al of amplitude T -55- 4 (x) = A+ ACP wtb Swxr+- Ao= bys 2 40°) sin nwxtdy Lr) Sometimes, \S use fue to Find he fourier Series of the eata (or eve ) periodic extension of f. Then, kheve exist an infinity of Fourier set ies Lhat represent a function ow an interval (a,b): Exowmple:

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