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Digital Supply Chain, Smart Operations and Industry 4.0: A Decision-Oriented

Introduction to the Creation of Value

Chapter · January 2019

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-94313-8_16


18 3,431

3 authors, including:

Dmitry Ivanov Jörn Schönberger

Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin Technische Universität Dresden


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anyLogistix: Supply Chain Simulation and Optimization View project

Supply Chain Viability View project

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Ivanov D., Tsipoulanidis, A., Schönberger, J.
(2019) Global Supply Chain and Operations
Management: A decision-oriented introduction
into the creation of value, Springer Nature,
Cham, 2nd Ed., ISBN 978-3-319-94312-1

Chapter 16 Digital Supply Chain, Smart

Operations and Industry 4.0

16.1. Introductory case-study: SupplyOn .......................................................... 3

16.2. SCOM Excellence and Digitalization ....................................................... 5
16.2.1 Operational Excellence ....................................................................... 5
16.2.2. From Operational Excellence to SCOM Excellence ......................... 6
16.2.3. Digitalization as New Driver in SCOM Excellence .......................... 6
1.2.3. Digital SCOM Excellence Framework ................................................ 7
16.3 Development of Technology in SCOM ..................................................... 9
16.3.1. Three Industrial Revolutions ............................................................. 9
16.3.2. Fourth Industrial Rrevolution: Industry 4.0 ..................................... 10

16.3.3 Internet of Things ............................................................................. 12

16.3.4. Cyber Physical Systems .................................................................. 12
16.3.5. Smart, Connected Products ............................................................. 13
16.3.6. Smart Supply Chains and Smart Value Adding Networks .............. 14
16.4. Digital SCOM framework ...................................................................... 15
16.5. Digital Technology in the “Plan” Processes ........................................... 17
16.5.1. Big Data Analytics .......................................................................... 17
16.5.2. The Digital Twin ............................................................................. 18
16.6. Digital Technology in “Source” Processes ............................................. 19
16.6.1 eProcurement .................................................................................... 20
16.6.2. Supplier Collaboration Portals ........................................................ 20
16.6.3. Digital Trends for Excellence in Sourcing ...................................... 21
16.6.4. Blockchain....................................................................................... 22
16.6.5 Robotic Process Automation and Artificial Intelligence in
Procurement ................................................................................................ 23
16.7. Digital Technology in “Make” Processes ............................................... 24
16.7.1. 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing ........................................ 24
16.7.2. Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality .......................................... 27
16.7.3 Robotics ........................................................................................... 28
16.8. Digital Technology in the “Delivery” Processes .................................... 30
16.8.1. Drones or Unmanned Aerial Vehicles ............................................. 30
16.8.2. Smart Driverless Transportation Systems ....................................... 31
16.8.3. Smart Forklifts, Pallet Movers, and Cranes ..................................... 32
16.9. Qualitative and Quantitative Potential of Digital Technology in SCOM 34
16.9.1. Qualitative Improvements of Digital SCOM................................... 35
16.9.2. Quantitative Potential Assessments of Digital SCOM .................... 36
16.9.3. Possible Obstacles and Limitations of Digital SCOM .................... 37
16.10 Key Points and Discussion Questions .................................................... 40
16.11 Case-Study Smart usage of big data along the supply chain: Big data
analytics between companies, value-added and the impact of risk and
complexity management .................................................................................. 41
Bibliography .................................................................................................... 46


The supply chain is as good as the digital technology behind it. This chapter is de-
voted to the digitalization of supply chain and operations management (SCOM).
The chapter starts with the concept of SCOM excellence and continues with funda-
mental definitions of digital supply chains and operations. Subsequently, digital

technology classifications of SCOM are presented in terms of the SCOR model.

Decision-making support improvements in the digital SCOM framework are dis-
cussed from qualitative and quantitative perspectives.
Learning Objectives for this Chapter
 What is SCOM excellence?
 What types of digital technologies can be applied to SCOM?
 How can digital technologies be applied to SCOM?
 How can digital technologies improve decision-making support?
 What are the benefits and challenges of applying digital technologies to SCOM?

Find additional case-studies and video streams in the E-Supplement to this book

16.1. Introductory case-study: SupplyOn

In this case-study, we take you on a journey into the sensor clouds and consider
a new perspective on how they could transform working methods within aerospace
supplier networks. We will begin with the most important requirement for the inte-
gration of sensor clouds: Collaboration! Collaboration between all parties involved.
Preferably via one central platform and connecting all major players within an in-
dustry. It was this core idea which a number of aerospace companies envisioned
and put into practice many years ago. In a joint initiative, a central Supply Chain
Management hub was launched to effectively connect all relevant players through
one single jointly used system.
This SCM hub is called AirSupply and was developed by SupplyOn. Today,
more than 2,500 customer/supplier relationships are powered by this platform,
which has matured into the standard solution in the aerospace industry for supplier
collaboration. AirSupply provides the foundation for all main SCM processes such
as forecasts, orders, dispatch advices and invoices to be managed in a clearly struc-
tured and highly efficient manner.
As a part of this Industry 4.0 initiative, SupplyOn analyzed the existing demand
and the incoming goods processes. The demand processes is already comprehen-
sively covered within AirSupply (cf. Chapters 3 and 6). The challenge came with
the incoming goods process: how to efficiently identify supply chain disruptions,
detect material damage early on and optimize the goods receipt process to ensure a
stable production with the highest possible capacity utilization.
Now let’s have a look at the resulting Industry 4.0 Initiative that led up to the
solution and then the solution itself. In 2016, an Industry 4.0 working group was set
up to collect process optimization suggestions from all departments. The most
promising projects would then be piloted and developed within an implementation

phase of 90 days, after which a decision would be made on which pilots would go
into productive use.
Now let’s go online and have a look at the piloted solutions. We started the pi-
loting process by first identifying a specific sensitive part regularly subjected to
temperature or humidity impacts during transport. This view shows where the de-
livery note is generated in AirSupply. All relevant fields are pre-filled with data
obtained from the preceding purchase order process.
As AirSupply supports the possibility of "pairing" material to a container and a
sensor, the worker can now assign, for example, 5 packets with 10 parts each to a
handling unit and then scan the connected sensor number. Now the supplier only
needs to enter the number of the sensor during the creation of the delivery note. All
other processes remain unchanged for the supplier. This was one of the central ob-
jectives of the project to ensure the highest possible acceptance level on the supplier
From this point on, the parts can be monitored throughout the entirety of the
transport cycle. The new SCPM (Supply Chain Performance Management) solution
continually displays the position and the condition of the parts in near real-time.
The data here is automatically derived from our AirSupply solution. In this partic-
ular project, the position, temperature and humidity of the parts were tracked. The
temperature monitoring was important for a temperature sensitive adhesive and the
moisture monitoring was used for metal parts. Tracking the position of the parts was
important for two reasons: to monitor the lead time and to allow an automatic "un-
pairing" of the sensor from the goods upon goods receipt.
The position of the parts or the containers is displayed as well as the distance
which has already been covered. The route still to be driven is displayed. The posi-
tion information in conjunction with the condition information allows a quick anal-
ysis on which routes it could become problematic.
SCPM also checks whether the order and the transport are within the agreed lead
time. Software evaluates the number of days remaining until the order arrives at the
plant and whether or not the lead time will be exceeded. The material planer there-
fore has an exact overview on the current status of an order at the top of the screen.
All the data such as position and condition are stored and can be used for report-
ing and analytics purposes. One of the resulting reports could look like this: By
simply clicking on a container type, the graphs indicate whether there has been a
violation of the defined temperature or humidity limits along the time axis. Different
drill downs are implemented – in this case the analytics period can also be adjusted.
The analysis of the data in this chart allows a quick identification of all orders where
the lead time was exceeded, allowing for a quick identification of transport bottle-


The introductory case-study is based on the materials of SupplyOn and is written

with permission of SupplyOn. We thank Ms. Cornelia Staib and Mr. Arvid
Holzwarth (MBA) for their help in preparing this case-study.

16.2. SCOM Excellence and Digitalization

16.2.1 Operational Excellence

The term “excellence” is widely used in business. This section focuses on SCOM
excellence. Companies are striving to achieve excellence in SCOM, but they in-
creasingly face severe pressure from their business environments. Outside the en-
terprises, numerous changes take place in the markets and with competition. In ad-
dition, there are various types of risks, such as strikes, natural disasters, political
instability, or terrorist attacks that significantly influence SC resilience. An addi-
tional factor is fast changing customer needs and expectations: it is a challenge to
manage and adapt continuously changing SCs, and, as a result, also necessary to
redesign those SCs and operations.
“Operational Excellence” is often mentioned in close connection with Lean
Thinking or Six Sigma. Ballé et al. (2017, p. 8) stated that “the aim of a Lean strat-
egy is to learn to solve the right problems and avoid wasteful solutions.” Martin
(2008, p. 605) defined Operational Excellence as “an umbrella initiative including
Lean, Six Sigma, and Total Productive Maintenance (TPM),” which focuses on the
systematic usage of these philosophies and instruments to provide customer value.
In addition to Martin (2008), other authors looked at the aspects of Lean and Six
Sigma differently when trying to answer the key question: What is Operational Ex-
cellence? Miller (2014, p.1) stated that “Operational Excellence is the relentless
pursuit of doing things better. It is not a destination or a methodology but a mind-
set that needs to exist across an organisation. Operational Excellence is not about
perfection or performing activities. It is about providing dramatic performance im-
provements and financial growth.”
Miller (2014) enhanced the view of Martin (2008), because he clearly pointed
out that the “Excellence” mind-set (one could also refer to the corporate culture)
needs to exist throughout the enterprise to achieve financial targets. Duggan (2012,
p. 28) defined Operational Excellence in one sentence with a focus on employees:
“Each and every employee can see the flow of value to the customer and fix that
flow before it breaks down,” and he pointed out that “it clearly defines that waste
elimination and a culture of continuous improvement are not goals of Operational
Excellence but rather products of it.” Furthermore, Duggan (2014, p. 27) empha-
sized that Operational Excellence is “about how the operations side of the business
supports business growth.”

The significant difference of “Operational Excellence” in addition to the classi-

cal Lean and Six Sigma philosophies are the incorporation mindset, culture, and
organizational behavior for improving performance with the objective of securing
financial growth. In this sense, Operational Excellence is an element which secures
a company’s growth strategy, and thus an incremental part of Strategic Manage-
ment. Operational Excellence is a dynamic and continuous ability that opens the
door to competitive leadership and high profits in continually changing business
environments (cf Hossenfelder, 2010, p. 14). The dynamic factor is significantly
relevant at times of digitalization.

16.2.2. From Operational Excellence to SCOM Excellence

Operational Excellence means searching for opportunities to accelerate value

adding processes, to eliminate wasted efforts, or to identify opportunities for
quality improvements. However, since it affects the entire organization and
global SC players, it is much more than this (Martin 2008). SCOM Excellence
needs to be considered as follows:
 a change enabler for dramatic performance improvements and financial
growth in line with the strategic direction;

 a philosophy of providing superior value for customer by designing attractive

products and services, as well as highly efficient value adding processes
throughout global SCs;

 a cultural mindset that exists across an agile organization;

 a systematic approach including Lean, Six Sigma, and Total Productive

Maintenance (TPM) focusing on the continuous pursuit of doing things better.

16.2.3. Digitalization as New Driver in SCOM Excellence

When SCM was being introduced to the management practices, it was popular to
say that “the company is as good as the SC behind it”. Christopher (2005) formu-
lated the proposition that the competition is not between firms, but rather between
SCs. Today and in the near future, specialists say that “the SC is as good as the
digital technology behind it”. Moreover, a new proposition can be formulated: com-
petition is not between SCs, but rather between the information services and ana-
lytics algorithms behind them.

► Practical Insights With the help of smart sensors and plug-and-produce

cyber-physical systems, the stations in the assembly system are capable of changing
operation processing and setup sequences according to the actual order of incoming
flows and capacity utilization (Theorin et al. 2017). In the front-opening, unified
pods technology in the semiconductor industry, robots are used in real-time opera-
tion sequencing. Collaborative robots read the information about the products from
sensors and tags and decide flexibly where to forward a wafer batch next (Mönch
et al. 2012). Amazon recently applied for a patent for a self-learning robot, including
an automatic packaging system. This robot will be able to pick-up items ordered
and package them appropriately, while secure data provides the opportunity to save
the ideal packaging strategy of a product. Blockchain applications to SCs are be-
coming more and more important. The central idea is to increase visibility and effi-
ciency based on record keeping in the SC. New cloud-based analytics platforms
such as SupplyOn Industry 4.0 Sensor Clouds make it possible to control the SC in
real-time, and plan and adjust processes using up-to-date information. By simply
clicking on a container type, the graphs indicate whether there has been a violation
of the defined temperature or humidity limits along the time axis. The data analysis
in this chart allows quick identification of all orders where lead time was exceeded,
in turn allowing for quick identification of questionable transports. Resilience360
at DHL allows comprehensive disruption risk management by mapping the SC end-
to-end, building risk profiles, and identifying critical hotspots to initiate mitigation
activities and alert in near-real time mode on incidents that could disrupt the SC.
We are living in times characterized by market dynamics as well as technological
and organizational changes. Competition is growing rapidly on a global scale: cus-
tomers expect individualized products in ever shorter frequencies. Innovations are
disrupting the current players and business models in all industries and services, but
what does it mean when we use the expression “digital revolution” or “digital trans-
formation”? Digitalization is a game-changer. It will lead to significant changes in
business and society in terms of work conditions and consumption of goods as well
as cooperation and communication in value-chains. Furthermore, compared to pre-
vious transformations, it is anticipated that fast companies will successfully com-
pete against slow ones (BMWi, 2016, p. 8).
Throughout this book, the SCOM principles have been elaborated. In this chap-
ter, the connection between SCOM fundamentals and new technology is elaborated,
such as the linkage to digital or smart factors of value creation in terms of concep-
tualizing and implementing the Factory of Future.

1.2.3. Digital SCOM Excellence Framework

Digital technology, respectively the digital transformation, enables the introduc-

tion of intelligent factories, so called “Smart Factories”, or adjustable (adaptive)

production and logistics networks. Thus, new ideas will be delivered through the
implementation of Industry 4.0. In addition to this, Big Data Analytics (BDA), the
usage of robots, augmented reality, additive manufacturing (AM), or technology for
tracking and tracing are factors which generate digital SC operations. All these con-
cepts and technologies will be considered in detail in the next paragraphs of this
To develop a starting point for supporting the development of a Digital SCOM Ex-
cellence Strategy covering multi-dimensional perspectives, a guiding framework
(“CORRIDOR-Model”) has been suggested (Kiehne and Tsipoulanidis, 2016). The
CORRIDOR-Model serves as a guiding framework for influence assessment and
development of proactive or corrective actions. These lead to an aligned SC strategy
which focuses on SCOM Excellence using digital technologies. The CORRIDOR-
Model is composed of the following elements:
Complexity is growing: Companies are facing an increasing number of new prod-
ucts and variants demanded by different markets. They need to cope with various
information and communication channels; this requires a holistic view of the SC
and the application of efficient value adding processes. As we know, the larger a
SC gets, the higher the complexity.
Overview and the overall transparency are fragmented: The SC and all relevant
processes of all SC partners cannot be determined to be “monitored and orches-
trated”. However, technology for tracking and tracing and supplier collaboration
portals can increase SC transparency.
Risk and vulnerability: Some external factors can easily be predicted, and some
not. Some have a big impact, and some a low impact. A SC is not immune to risk
and thus it is vulnerable, but mitigation of SC risk can be achieved through reason-
able means.
Responsibility is key for all players involved: This includes compliance to codes
of ethics, codes of conduct, and includes CSR and sustainability.
Information flow / information availability: Material flow and information tech-
nology are closely connected; this is relevant for suppliers, producers, customers,
and partners in a SC. New technology, respectively the digital transformation, is
driving change as well.
Dynamics in the SC environment: The involvement of and focus on the customer
has led to rapidly changing product requirements according to customer needs,
changing components, new suppliers, and new locations. A SC requires adaptabil-
ity, respectively dynamic networks: digital technology will have to be implemented.
In addition, such systems evolve through adaptation and reconfiguration of their
structures, i.e. through structural dynamics (Ivanov 2018).
Organizational structure: Roles and responsibilities per function inside and out-
side (with the partners and suppliers) need to be clear and talents developed accord-
ing to the changes in the business environment. This is strongly connected to human
change management.
Redesign of the SC: Redesigning the SC in connection with (new) suppliers and
partners is frequently required as part of the strategy.

The CORRIDOR-Model is a good starting point to draft a digital SC strategy

with a focus on Excellence. The framework was successfully used to assess many
industries, such as food, retail, automotive, fashion, aircraft producers, general mer-
chandise, and electronics. The specific aspects will elaborated in the subsequent

16.3 Development of Technology in SCOM

Centuries ago, the way people worked underwent changes in parallel to advances
in technology and knowledge. Changes took place in the past, and they are also
currently taking place in the business environment. To better classify these improve-
ments, in principle four phases, or better four revolutions, can be identified (BMBF,

16.3.1. Three Industrial Revolutions

The first industrial revolution was mechanization of the production processes.

Steam and water power was used to increase efficiency during the creation of goods.
After this, the principles of work separation and the electrification of the production
floors took place: this is the second revolution. The combination of the separation
of work-packages and electrical power helped the industry to produce in larger
quantities and use moving production lines. One well known result of that era was
the production of cars, such as the Ford T-Model, on an assembly line. The flow
principle and product creation in well planned work-packages led to the final move
from craft to mass production.
The era starting with the 1970s was characterized by the increasing usage of
computer technology during the value creation processes. This information orienta-
tion of production represented the third industrial revolution. Electronics, infor-
mation technology, and the ambition for automation were dominating objectives
which led to e.g., computer integrated manufacturing (CIM). During these three in-
dustrial revolutions, significant improvements in terms of productivity and effi-
ciency were made.

16.3.2. Fourth Industrial Revolution: Industry 4.0

Improvements did not end with the third revolution, today we are in the midst of the
fourth industrial revolution, which is based on digitalization. In other words, it is
the decade of Industry 4.0.
There is no unique definition of Industry 4.0. The main idea is that in the future
companies will intensively utilize and connect machines, materials, tools, ware-
houses, transportation technology etc. in an intelligent way. This implies the for-
mation of Cyber-Physical-Systems (CPS). Materials, machines or devices can ex-
change information mutually, set priorities, trigger action and help to schedule and
sequence the work in process. Value adding processes will improve themselves,
which means continuous improvement would no longer be precisely connected to
the human being.
Most new factory concepts share attributes of smart networking (Strozzi et al.
2017). As such, Industry 4.0 represents a smart manufacturing networking concept
where machines and products interact with each other without human control. SCs
in such networks have dynamic structures which evolve over time. Industry 4.0 en-
ables companies to produce customized products in small quantities. At the same
time, large amount of variants and throughput can be increased, capacities can be
exploited to a higher degree, and stock levels, transports, and emissions can be re-
duced in parallel. It is obvious that this is the outcome of Industry 4.0 and the avoid-
ance of waste according to Lean Thinking has reached a new level that was
unachievable before (Buer et al. 2018). Because it is in complete unison with the
classical approach of Lean Thinking, it has also been referred to as “Leandustry 4.0”
(Tsipoulanidis, 2015). Industry 4.0 also significantly enables the reduction of SC
risks and resilience (Ivanov 2018). These two fundamental aspects of Lean Think-
ing and risk mitigation offer new opportunities for achieving SCOM Excellence at
the times of digitalization.
To better explain how digitalization, Industry 4.0, and SCOM fit together, a short
hypothetical case is presented.

A hypothetical case on Industry 4.0

Imagine that you are loading a truck with fresh strawberries. To ensure prod-
uct quality, the cold chain needs to be permanently monitored in the truck with
the cooler (to meet customer expectations). We also know via GPS where the
truck is at each point in time. With Machine-to-Machine (M2M) technology, all
collected data can be transmitted in real time, because the M2M technology en-
sures connectivity and data transmission (it is comparable to a mobile phone with
a sim card).
Now imagine that the M2M device in the truck is communicating with a cen-
tral monitoring center and submits the data that is measured during the journey
to a computer in this monitoring facility on a regular basis.

The result is that the machine (truck) is communicating with another machine
(computer in the monitoring center). Following that process, the cold chain can
be permanently documented (this prevents the shipment of defective products).
In other words, we can track and trace the shipped goods on their way. Further-
more, if the truck has a technical problem and due to that the cooling device does
not ensure the proper temperature, the driver will be notified (avoidance of bad
From a logistical perspective, it does not make sense to continue the journey
with perished goods. Based on the GPS data, the next appropriate waste disposal
station should be identified and the driver should be instructed to go there. This
helps to reduce unnecessary transportation efforts.
Also, the truck will be guided to the destination using the shortest routes: it
will be redirected in case there are traffic congestions. Furthermore, the next re-
pair facility can be contacted for the maintenance of the defective truck, where
spare parts can be pre-ordered and the capacity for the repair can be scheduled to
ensure shortest processing time and thus highest usability and availability of the
truck. This reduces SC risk, but it also means that over-processing and waiting
time is reduced.
In our case, we were assuming the truck was bringing strawberries from the
field to a yoghurt factory. They will need to be informed early in advance that
the truck had a technical defect resulting in rotten fruit: the expected delivery of
the fresh strawberries cannot take place as initially planned. The shipment of bad
inventory is avoided.
Although this is a very unfavorable situation, the producing factory might be
able to order strawberries from an alternative supplier or change the production
volume to produce an alternative yoghurt, maybe with nuts or vanilla flavor. The
competitive advantage is generated by the early use of available information that
allows higher flexibility over the entire SC and value creation network and better
use of existing capacities. Proactive production rescheduling also protects the SC
against it vulnerability; even though SC risk cannot be fully eliminated, it can be

A lot of the aspects summarized in the short case above are related to the avail-
ability of data generated, stored, and analyzed during the various processes.
Recent surveys by Shafiq et al. (2015), Addo-Tenkorang and Helo (2016),
Richey et al. (2016), Oesterreich and Teuteberg (2016), Küpper et al. (2016),
Schrauf and Berttram (2016), Gunasekaran et al. (2016, 2017), Nguyen et al. (2017),
Moghaddam and Nof (2017), Hofmann and and Rüsch (2017), Choi et al. (2018),
Gunasekaran et al. (2018), Ben-Daya et al. (2018) identified classifications of dif-
ferent digital technologies and their impacts on SCM. Summarizing, the implemen-
tation of Industry 4.0 in SCOM is based on two pillars, i.e.:
 networking environment such as Internet-of Things and Cyber-Physical Systems

 enabling technology such as RFID and AM.

16.3.3 Internet of Things

Internet of Things (IoT) requires electronics, software, sensors, actuators, and

connectivity to operate successfully. Digital technology enables the implementation
of smart factories or adjustable production and logistics networks and provides fur-
ther possibilities for companies such as smart maintenance or smart logistics.
On the subject of smart manufacturing, Hentrich and Pachmajer (2016, p. 155)
summarized that production machines and processes are going to become more in-
telligent from end-to-end and will be connected. The production will be fully inte-
grated from planning to execution on the shop-floor and production will react flex-
ibly when changes in the sequence or process become necessary. Production
systems will be more flexible and more intelligent as a result of new sensor tech-
nology, intelligent robotics, and data analysis, so that also lot size 1 and customized
products can be created economically. Production will increase its ability to inno-
vate. For example, the maintenance of production systems will be optimized
through predictive analytics and remote monitoring via mobile technology, aug-
mented reality, and 3D-printing of spare parts. In the final scenario, production will
move into the cloud and become an on-demand-cloud-service.
Porter and Heppelmann (2015, p. 11) stated “We will see a whole new era of
‘lean’”. Data flowing to and from products will allow product use and activities
across the value chain to be streamlined in countless new ways. Waste will be cut
or eliminated. In other words: Due to the introduction of Industry 4.0, a whole new
level of ‘Lean’ can be reached because the information and data that has become
available now, is necessary to avoid wastes which couldn’t be avoided beforehand
because of the enhanced information technology, data availability and grown capa-
bilities to analyse generated data” (Tsipoulanidis, 2015).
In sum, “Industry 4.0 will involve the technical integration of Cyber Physical
Systems into manufacturing and logistics and the use of the Internet of Things and
services in industrial processes. This will have implications for value creation, busi-
ness models, downstream services and work organisation” (BMBF, 2013, p. 14).
The principles around the Cyber Physical Systems are explained subsequently.

16.3.4. Cyber Physical Systems

There are multiple definitions regarding the expression “Cyber Physical Sys-
tems”. According to Edward A. Lee (2008), referenced by the VDI (2013), “Cyber-
Physical Systems (CPS) are integrations of computation with physical processes.
Embedded computers and networks monitor and control the physical processes,

usually with feedback loops where physical processes affect computations and vice
versa.” The fundamental difference between the classical automation processes and
CPS is that today an open infrastructure – the Internet – is used for communication
and data exchange (VDI, 2013, p. 2).
Furthermore, the real and the virtual world are now connected and this is done
by converting passive components into active, intelligent systems. Due to the inter-
action of previously passive systems with e. g. sensors or intelligent communication
devices, the components are enabled to transmit data and information from the real
into the virtual world, i.e. to other machines, humans for further data analysis (see
Baur et al. 2014, p. 21).

16.3.5. Smart, Connected Products

To understand the power of the digital transformation, the role of smart, con-
nected products has to be clarified. According to Porter (2015, p. 4), so called
“smart, connected products” are a combination of three core elements. These are
physical components, “smart” components, and connectivity components, as shown
in the subsequent illustration. Now what does this mean? “Smart components am-
plify the capabilities and value of the physical components, while connectivity am-
plifies the capabilities and value of the smart components and enables some of them
to exist outside the physical product itself. The result is a virtuous cycle of value
improvement” (Porter, 2014, p. 5).

Fig. 16.1. Concept of smart, connected products (based on Porter and Heppelmann 2015)

The physical components are represented by the mechanical and electrical parts
or modules, such as the housing or the cooling device of a refrigerator. In addition,
a smart component needs to be added to make the physical product intelligent, i.e.,
“smart”. Examples are sensors, control systems, actuators, microprocessors, data
storage, software, the embedded operating system, and the user interface (see Porter
and Heppelmann, 2014). In the example of the refrigerator, a sensor is used to meas-
ure temperature to avoid icing or even to scan the items which are stored in the
To enable the refrigerator to exchange the gathered information with its environ-
ment, a connection to the outside world needs to be established. This means the
smart product requires a connectivity component. As Porter and Heppelmann (2014,
pp. 5-6) state: “Connectivity components comprise the ports, antennae, and proto-
cols enabling wired or wireless connections with the product. Connectivity takes
three forms, which can be present together”:
 One-to-one: An individual product connects to the user, the manufacturer, or an-
other product through a port or other interface—for example, when a car is
hooked up to a diagnostic machine.
 One-to-many: A central system is continuously or intermittently connected to
many products simultaneously—for example, many Tesla automobiles are con-
nected to a single manufacturer system that monitors performance and accom-
plishes remote service and upgrades.
 Many-to-many: Multiple products connect to many other types of products and
often to external data sources—for example, an array of types of farm equipment
are connected to one another and geolocation data to coordinate and optimize the
farm system. Automated tillers inject nitrogen fertilizer at precise depths and in-
tervals, and seeders follow, placing corn seeds directly in the fertilized soil.
Connectivity serves a dual purpose. First, it allows information to be exchanged
between the product and its operating environment, maker, users, and other products
and systems. Second, connectivity enables some functions of the product to exist
outside the physical device in what is known as the product cloud.

16.3.6. Smart Supply Chains and Smart Value Adding Networks

A smart product is equipped with sensors, actuators etc. to exchange data with
the environment and therefore the third criterion—connectivity—is necessary. Now
how does a smart product influence SCs to become smart value adding networks?
Think about smart products such as a car, an elevator, a train, or an aircraft and their
connection to the SC. During their lifetime, these smart products generate data. Ac-
tually, a lot of data is generated, which has led to so-called “Big Data”.
And this is the difference—smart products generate also data regarding the user
behavior, usage conditions, and the use of profiles. This helps us understand why

products might fail due to certain usage conditions. This new knowledge supports
the improvement of existing products, improved maintenance, and the prediction of
failures prior to their potential occurrence.
It also significantly helps to improve the product development of the next gener-
ation of products. The data generated by the smart product in use also helps in terms
of the monitoring of the product during its use (for example during the operation of
a train, the condition of its operating devices are monitored and spare parts can be
ordered and the maintenance work scheduled early before something fails). This is
important for the preventive maintenance of products (i.e. planned and unplanned
repairs, proactive recognition of wearing of components, defects of parts). Un-
planned down-times are avoided or reduced.
Because of monitoring, the right amount of spare parts can be kept, necessary
resources for replacement can be scheduled, and the availability of the product in-
creased. This leads to the reduction of unnecessary inventory, resulting in less trans-
portation, avoidance of over-production, etc. Thanks to the amount of data gener-
ated during the product’s lifetime, indications about good or poor supplier quality
might also be possible, through the prevention of defective batches. This means that
sourcing processes, the process of supplier evaluation and supplier development,
and thus the SC is significantly affected.

16.4. Digital SCOM framework

The technology analysis in Sect. 16.3 allows us to draw the following digital
SCOM framework (Fig. 16.2).

Fig. 16.2 Digital SCOM Framework

BDA, AM, Industry 4.0, and advanced tracking and tracing technologies can be
considered in regard to four major SC processes, i.e., plan, source, make, and de-
liver. Therefore, the areas of digital planning, manufacturing, sourcing, and logistics
can be classified. Moreover, IoT, cloud technology, robots, and sensors facilitate
the technical implementations of these technologies.
This classification, in line with the SCOR model (cf. Chapter 4), will be further
used in Sects 16.5-16.8 where relevant approaches concerning the usage of digital
technology in SCOM will be summarized. However, it is unlikely that the presented
approaches and technologies will only be applicable for one of the major processes
according to the SCOR-Model. The aspect of BDA might be used for sourcing,
making, delivering, or returning processes, while the AM might, for example, be
used for sourcing or for making processes. Robots could be used in manufacturing,
logistical, or retail processes etc. In essence, multiple applications and thus a very
broad utilization and process coverage is expected, as the following sections sum-
marize. The attempt in Sects 16.5-16.8 is to create a framework that links digital
technologies to the primary value adding processes derived from the SCOR model.

16.5. Digital Technology in the “Plan” Processes

In this section, a few examples are given of how planning processes can be sup-
ported by digital technologies. First, we focus on BDA. Second, the creation of a
so-called digital twin in the early beginning of the product life cycle which aids in
planning the SC and its operations is given as an example.

16.5.1. Big Data Analytics

Generally, “Big Data” is a widespread expression, which is used to summarize

the large amount of unstructured or semi-structured data, which are produced day
by day by companies, their devices, machines, or products in use. It requires a lot
of effort to structure these data and a lot of work and expertise to analyze the data
once it’s has been uploaded into a relational database. The characteristic aspect of
“big” in BDA is related to the sheer amount of data, which is generated, adjusted,
or modified day by day.
Big data has been characterized in literature by 5Vs: volume, variety, velocity,
veracity, and value (Wamba et al., 2015, 2017). Veracity and value are particularly
important since data analysis shows the real value of big data. BDA is based on
knowledge extraction from vast amounts of data, facilitating data-driven decision-
► Practical Insights Pharmapacks ships the merchandise that we expect to
find in a drug store. Pharmapacks used a pricing software called “Master Mind” to
increase their market share and revenue. It updates prices every 45 minutes and
manages inventory and sales/demand forecasts. In another example, to produce cyl-
inder heads at its plant in Untertürkheim, Germany, Mercedes-Benz uses predictive
analytics to examine more than 600 parameters that influence quality (Küpper et al.
BDA has been undoubtedly the most elaborated area of digital technologies ap-
plication to SCM over the last decade. Johnson et al. (2016) and Simchi-Levi and
Wu (2018) analyzed the application of BDA in retail. Retailers must continuously
strive to grow their revenue, margins, and market share. One method for doing this
is price optimization models, which calculate the variance of demand as price levels
rise or fall, and then combine this information with the relevant cost and inventory
data in order to recommend prices that could maximize revenue and profits. Nguyen
et al. (2017) showed that optimization is the most popular approach in the prescrip-
tive analytics application to logistics and transportation.
BDA applications to SCM can also be seen in procurement processes, manufac-
turing shop floors, promotion actions in the omnichannel model, routing optimiza-
tion, real-time traffic operation monitoring, and proactive safety management
(Addo-Tenkorang and Helo 2016, Gunasekaran et al. 2016, 2017, Nguyen et al.

2017, Zhong et al. 2017). Nguyen et al. (2017) identified some areas where BDA
can be applied to SCM in the near future. These areas include quality control in
manufacturing, dynamic vehicle routing, and in-transit inventory management in
logistics/transportation, order picking, and inventory control systems in warehous-
ing. Niesen et al. (2016) and Papadopoulos et al. (2017) pointed out that BDA can
help in improving SC risk management and disaster-resistance. Kinra et al. (2017)
analyzed computer aided textual analysis within BDA with applications to logistics
transportation systems.
Summarizing, the ability and capacity to analyze the relevant data for a company
is fundamental element for achieving SCOM excellence.

16.5.2. The Digital Twin

The expression “digital twin” is used to describe when a virtual clone is created.
This means that the engineers generate an item during the product development
stage. This digital representation of the product is then further enhanced with addi-
tional data while the real product is made and during its usage and maintenance.
The virtual and real product exchange status data are collected or measured by the
sensors throughout the product’s life.
Porter and Heppelmann (2015, p. 6-7) pointed out that a “digital twin is a virtual-
reality replica of a physical product. As data streams in, the twin evolves to reflect
how the physical product has been altered and used and the environmental condi-
tions to which it has been exposed.”
One objective of the principle of the digital twin is to identify product errors at
an early stage, to learn about and improve the product, and to check the performance
of the product during its usage. The digital twin can therefore be used for condition
monitoring and constant assessment of the status of the good while it is in operation
and when it collects the generated data.
In other words, the digital and the real product form the twins which exist in
parallel from the early stage of the idea, throughout the design and production sim-
ulation or production planning, until the product is really physically created and
further during its usage, and until its maintenance and repair or until its removal
from production. Thus the digital twin has a huge potential for the improvement of
engineering, manufacturing, and for maintenance processes. The insights generated
throughout the entire product life cycle and the lessons learned from beginning to
end help companies to continuously improve their products and to offer additional
Siemens (2017) summarized the characteristics of the digital twin in the follow-
ing way: “The digital twin is the epitome of the digitalization of plants and machin-
ery – the virtual copy of a real machine or system. And the twin is indeed increas-
ingly proving that it can help ensure optimized machine design, efficient
commissioning, short changeover times, and smooth operation.”

This means that the digital twin provides valuable inputs for the creation of the
next generation of the product and the concept of the digital twin offers the potential
for new business models or services that are, for example, based on BDA.
Let us look at a mini case from practice (Siemens, 2017), which focuses on the
potential and achievements of the digital twin.
► Practical Insights
The special-purpose machine manufacturer Bausch + Ströbel uses software and
digitalization as the key to consistency in its engineering. It expects an increase
in efficiency of at least 30% by 2020 thanks to the time saved during engineer-
ing alone. Another example is Schunk, the world market leader in clamping
technology and gripping systems, which is also using digitalization solutions
for its electrically controlled gripping system components. This new engineer-
ing process will, it is hoped, lead to significantly shorter project timelines,
faster commissioning, and a considerable increase in efficiency when building
similar plants.
The digital twin’s potential to increase quality and efficiency thanks to the
improved documentation of processes and machines is just as exciting. In the
future, every manufacturer will know exactly which component has been in-
stalled with which features in which of its products – allowing them to provide a
targeted response to problems and to optimize processes. In its Simatic produc-
tion facility in Amberg, Germany, Siemens is already using a comprehensive
documentation and evaluation system and has achieved an extremely low level
of errors in production.
The digital twin ensures greater efficiency and productivity in other sectors as
well: with the step from integrated engineering to integrated operation, Siemens
enables the process industry to build a comprehensive data model from plant en-
gineering to operation. Digitalization ensures a shorter time to market, greater
flexibility, and increased efficiency. This gives companies the opportunity to re-
spond effectively to the volatility and diversity of global markets and to increase
productivity as well as energy and resource efficiency.

Siemens (2017): The Magazine: Digitalization in machine building –

Twins with potential

16.6. Digital Technology in “Source” Processes

Once the processes have been planned, sourcing activities need to be initiated.
Of course, electronic data interchange (EDI) has been a well-known approach for
managing the connection and information flow between involved companies for

decades. Other means include WebEDI, which connects partners within their sup-
plier-customer relationships, or the usage of Supplier Collaboration Portals (SCPs)
for the consideration of online-shops for procurement activities.

16.6.1 eProcurement

E-catalogues, e-invoicing, or e-auctions can facilitate sourcing activities. Not

new, but still valid is the fact that eProcurement (see also Sect. 3.1.1) is a core pro-
cess within eSCM since it uses Internet Technology (IT) to facilitate purchasing
processes (Wannenwetsch and Nicolai, 2004, pp. 91-92). eProcurement supports
companies in improving transparency concerning the supplier base, negotiations,
the alignment within the company, or supporting cost-intensive and long-lasting
sourcing tasks through a better information exchange. Furthermore, information
technology helps to obtain more accurate, fast, and up-to-date information regarding
customer needs and business processes. It also provides an overview on market
changes and supports better planning, coordination, and controlling. Importantly,
information technology better connects companies, suppliers, and customers and at
the same time provides early warning indications. To sum up, eProcurement helps
companies to reduce costs, increase sourcing security, reduce sourcing throughput
times, increase flexibility and quality, and improve the relationship between the in-
volved parties.
In addition to the aforementioned factors, Chopra and Meindl (2013, p. 507) saw
the following aspects as important trends that will impact IT in SCM:
 The growth in software as a service (SaaS);
 Increased availability of real-time data;
 Increased use of mobile technology.
They also stated that “the increased use of mobile technology coupled with real-
time information offers some supply chains an opportunity to better match demand
to supply using differential pricing (Chopra and Meindl, 2013, p. 507).

16.6.2. Supplier Collaboration Portals

In Ch. 3.1, we introduced eProcurement, Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI),

EDI and Supplier Collaboration Portals (SCPs) to facilitate SC processes with a
special focus on VMI. It is the purpose of this section to refer to SCPs as an approach
to manage the inbound and outbound flow of materials efficiently, to manage per-
formance, and thus to describe how SCPs can be embedded in a digital SCOM strat-
egy striving for excellence.
SCPs are successful solutions for efficiently connecting suppliers, service pro-
viders, and customers via a platform that supports transparent supplier processes.

Generally, a SCP supports the management processes via a steering cockpit. This
serves the forecasting, planning, and monitoring of the value adding activities and
provides transparency and visibility of SCM activities. Furthermore, the project
management processes during product development (advanced product quality
planning (APQP)) can be managed to secure the smooth start of the project. The
fundamental sourcing processes (e.g., quotation requests (RFQ)) are supported by
the platform to provide production (status of goods received, on-time availability of
materials) with the necessary materials. Delivery (dispatch and advanced shipment
notification (ASN)) of the items is handled via the SCP. For SC managers, the
avoidance of SC disruptions, the availability of undamaged components, and fast
usability of the materials from goods receipt are enormously important. SCPs are
powerful tools for these critical processes. Even more, the location of parts in cer-
tain containers or their status regarding humidity or temperature can also be tracked
when the transmitted sensor data is processed by the SCP.
In parallel, continuous improvement processes can be run, clarity on payment
processes provided, and importantly the return process, in the sense of managing
complaints, can be part of the SCP solution. Often claim management is connected
to a practical problem solving tool that enables companies to handle complaints or
defects using the “8D Report” (eight disciplines report). The 8D Report consists of
form sheets to document the problem solving process according to a standard rou-
tine of eight steps or disciplines (Schmitt and Pfeifer 2010). To manage SC perfor-
mance, the related key performance indicators (KPIs) are tracked and allow the
SCM manager to identify deviations or problems and take corrective actions. The
SCP can be seen as a repository of data and information, so that processes can also
be analyzed retrospectively. Overall, the SCP helps to connect the involved parties
in SCM in real-time and to improve the transparent flow of information, SCM vis-
ibility, and to enable collaboration using “what-if” scenarios for better decision
making. The portals also support flexibility and proactivity, leading to improved
SCM performance.
As in the example of SupplyOn (see Sect. 16.1) documented, SCPs play a fun-
damental role in supporting companies to deploy excellently managed digital sourc-
ing processes. In other words, SCPs can be considered a core attribute of digital

16.6.3. Digital Trends for Excellence in Sourcing

New sourcing technologies to achieve excellence in procurement are considered

to have a huge future potential, as digitalization is very likely the future success
factor for the efficient sourcing of tasks. In particular, the following digital technol-
ogies are considered in sourcing (Decken 2018).
 Augmented Reality (e.g. to be used for the visit of suppliers)

 Blockchain Technology enables collaborative document management, payment

processes, digital signatures, and documentation.
 Data and Text Mining helps to analyze texts and data using algorithms.
 Digital Data Management recognizes mistakes and errors, sorts, and excludes
inactive datasets.
 Enhanced Procurement Platforms can be used for the sourcing processes of per-
sonnel or technical services.
 Identification of Sourcing Synergies using software or artificial intelligence
 Artificial Intelligence for the imitation of human interfaces within the sourcing
processes (e.g. for the reading, analysis, and evaluation of PDFs or Excel-Tables)
 SCM Security Rating as assessed and evaluated by artificial intelligence
 Smart-Contracts to support automated contract adjustments in case of changing

16.6.4. Blockchain

Blockchain technology in the procurement area plays a crucial role. A Block-

chain is a decentralized database that exists as copies in a network of computers. It
is a chain of blocks, because the data and information stored is captured in blocks.
In principle, it is a list of data sets that can be enhanced with data, which then can
be validated by its locked sum, the so-called “Hash”.
The list of all transactions is stored as copies throughout all further evolvements
on numerous computers (a network of even hundreds of computers). As a result, if
an illegal or unauthorized modification takes place on one of the computers it can
be traced back for verification purposes. The copies are checked regarding their
consistency from the perspective of the value (e. g. if the verification value is the
same on all but one computer, the manipulation is detected). Thus, the Blockchain
is a technology that cannot be manipulated.
The Blockchain, a relatively simple technology, is expected to be used exten-
sively in sourcing processes e. g. for contract management, archiving of customs
documents, certificates at deliveries, or for patent management. Initially, the Block-
chain concept was developed to secure the financial transactions of the crypto-cur-
rency Bitcoin.
► Practical Insights In the food industry, it is of critical importance to es-
tablish confidence in food safety through accurate and comprehensive documenta-
tion of the production process. This includes the location of ingredients’ production,
as well as methods of processing and distribution. On this frontier, Dole, Driscoll’s,
Tyson, and Nestlé are collaborating with IBM to develop a Blockchain for the food
supply system. Among the issues the companies are looking to address is food con-
tamination. IBM and Walmart are also researching how to increase food safety con-
trol in the SC using Blockchain technology (IBM 2017).

In SCOM, Blockchain is also being used for SC contracts, which often involve
multi-party agreements, and regulatory and logistical constraints. Further complex-
ities arise from operations in different jurisdictions, as well as the dynamic features
embedded in the contracts. The flow of information in a SC plays a critical role in
the efficiency of operations. Regulatory processes (e.g. customs) can be expedited
by improving confidence in documentation. This, in turn, reduces waste, risk, and
insurance premiums. IBM and Maersk are collaborating to create trust and trans-
parency in global SCs (IBMblockchain 2017). They are developing a distributed
contract collaboration platform using Blockchain technology. Maersk estimates that
shipping a single container of flowers from Kenya to Rotterdam requires nearly 200
communications. How can the efficiency of the global SC be improved? In their
approach, each distinct entity involved in the transaction is allowed to access this
system. Shipping from the port of Mombasa requires signatures from three different
agencies and six documents, the smart contract will automatically generate after the
system receives the signatures. Simultaneously, when documents about inspection,
sealing of a refrigerator, pick up by the trucker, and the approval from customs
communicated to the port of Mombasa are uploaded, all participants can see the
data, allowing the appropriate entity to prepare for the container.
Blockchain technology provides a global tamperproof repository for documents
and shipping events, and all the data are secure and transparent. Because of this,
third-party intermediaries can be eliminated, resulting in efficiency, low costs, less
delay, less fraud, and the possibility to have private networks. Additionally, it can
also increase customer and partner trust. Blockchain technology can facilitate a truly
digital SC.

16.6.5 Robotic Process Automation and Artificial Intelligence in


Automated processing to support routine sourcing activities such as “procure-to-

pay” is another form of digitalization. These kinds of activities include conducting
price searches for items or making a purchase requisition. Although it is called “ro-
botic processes automation” (RPA), it is not a physical robot made from steel that
acts, but a software application that performs the tasks that are normally done by a
person. It is not necessary that the RPA software does everything, but it supports a
person in performing critical or relevant tasks. In other words, the processes are
conducted by software robots that run necessary activities using artificial intelli-
gence (AI). AI software continuously learns and shapes its knowledge using exam-
ples. The machine uses experience and feedback, which means that it is not pro-
gramed (or coded) to solve one single problem.
Where are potential areas for RPA or AI in procurement? Generally, repetitive or
administrative tasks can be automated in procurement. This could be clerical activ-

ities in classical direct, as well as indirect, procurement. Processes in indirect pro-

curement should also be assessed with regards to their potential to be electronically
supported, which might reduce uncoordinated purchasing. Often the purchasing of
indirect materials (such as buying external maintenance or repair services, travel
booking, sourcing of office furniture, or buying indirect materials like office sup-
plies etc.) can be digitalized or automated. The transaction costs for indirect mate-
rials are generally high, because of the difficulty of selecting goods: the requests are
more randomly placed and firms do not have one system for indirect materials (see
Chopra and Meindl, 2013, p. 470). When individual procurement activities are done
by departments in isolation, i.e. without a structured approach, it is referred to as
maverick buying; a huge potential is expected if maverick buying can be limited by
appropriate technology.

16.7. Digital Technology in “Make” Processes

Many of the digital technologies that belong to Industry 4.0 have a close connec-
tion to make processes, and are connected via the Internet. This is where the name
Internet of Things arose in relation to SCOM. In the following section, core tech-
nologies are presented, which mainly focus on physical value adding processes, but
they can also be used in other SC areas, as well as outside the industrial world, e.g.
in medical care (3D printing of prosthetics or use of robots to assist staff in hospi-
tals) or in farming.

16.7.1. 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing

Historically, metal subassemblies or components have often been created by

casting, milling, drilling, pressing, or turning. Other examples regarding the con-
nection of single loose parts are gluing, riveting, or welding. In this sense, Koether
and Rau (2012) refer to the use of for example shaping, reshaping, separating, join-
ing, combining, or coating processes. Historically, often material structures took
their final shape by material removal (e. g. in the case of milling, drilling, or turn-
ing), which is a subtractive technology. However, there are also manufacturing pro-
cesses in which material is added. In 1990, Fritz and Schulze had already referred
to sintering, a process in which (simply explained) metal or ceramic powder is
heated and then pressed into the final shape of the component.
According to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO,, 2017), “Additive manufacturing (AM), also known as 3D printing, is
the process of joining materials layer upon layer, as opposed to “subtractive man-
ufacturing” methods such as machining.”

Khajavi et al. (2014), Holmström and Gutowski (2017), Feldmann and Pumpe
(2017), Li et al. (2017) described the applications of AM to operations and SCM.
Those applications reach from spare part logistics to redesigning global SC produc-
tion and sourcing strategies. The core of AM applications to SCM is the use of 3D
printers at different stages in the SC to increase manufacturing flexibility, achieve
shorter lead times, increase product individualization, and reduce inventory.
► Practical Insights UPS and SAP developed a joint technology which al-
lows UPS to manufacture items using 3D printing directly at the distribution cen-
ters. This contributes to a faster and more efficient SC. Such an integration of pro-
duction, sourcing, and distribution is also positive for increasing the speed of
reactions to possible disruptions in the SC. In another example, Adidas Speedfac-
tory has introduced the innovative technology of 3D printing to its production pro-
cess, taking the next step towards fully high-tech and automatic manufacturing. The
Speedfactory is based on an automatic production process to allow manufacturing
to move closer to consumer markets while producing faster than ever before.
Previously, the main manufacturing facilities of Adidas were located in Asia,
most of them in China, Vietnam, and Indonesia. Under these conditions, the deliv-
ery of finished sneakers to Germany took about three months. By building the new
Speedfactory in Ansbach, Germany, in an area belonging to the German industrial
company Oechseler, the completion time of one pair of sneaker was reduced to five
hours. Having a Speedfactory located in Germany, Adidas is now able to adapt pro-
duction more intensively to customers’ demands and wishes.
In high contrast to the foreign production facilities, production processes at the
Speedfactory are almost entirely automatic, with half a dozen machines being part
of the shoe manufacturing. First, a knitting machine produces the fabric used for the
sneaker’s surface. Using a laser, another machine cuts the fabric into the correct
shape. Simultaneously, the shoe sole is put together from plastic on the other side
of the factory. With 160 employees working at the Speedfactory, the overall pro-
duction process requires fewer personnel than usual. In 2017, the Speedfactory
started mass producing with a planned annual outcome of 500,000 pairs of sneakers.
Initially, the Speedfactory will cover the production of more expensive and complex
sneaker models, such as running shoes, to achieve higher quality (Welt 2016).

The advantages of such a project are numerous. Storage of finished goods be-
comes less important and even unnecessary since the Speedfactory, which is local
and fast, can produce the exact number of shoes that is actually sold. In addition,
personalized models can be delivered much more easily and quickly to customers
because of the short distances. Another economic advantage of the Speedfactory is
an increase in efficiency because of the ongoing work of the machines. It is im-
portant to mention that AM allows the creation of structures in ways which were
never possible using traditional production techniques. Furthermore, AM allows the
simplification of structures to create completely new component geometries, reduce

the number of parts, and combine multiple parts into one. AM also is a key technol-
ogy for reducing the weight of the components through geometry, which also helps
to reduce the amount of material needed.
Companies from various industries, such as automotive, aerospace, defence,
medicine, consumer goods, or agricultural tractors consider AM in various areas
(D’Aveni 2015). In general, they see major potential for AM in the creation of tools,
components with functional integration, replacement parts, and the customization
of mass products.
According to Müller and Töppel (2014, p.7), it is common for the additive or
generative manufacturing processes, as they are also called, to follow the sequence
shown in Fig. 16.3.

Fig. 16.3. Principles of generative production processes (based on Müller and Töppel 2014, p. 7)

Müller and Töppel (2014) showed that a 3D-CAD volume model is a prerequisite
for all generative production processes. This 3D model is sliced into several thin
virtual layers using special software. Then, the final product is created in a genera-
tive or additive process in which volume elements are added generally in subsequent
layers and the final product is created. Materials used for additive production pro-
cesses include metals, ceramics, or plastics.
For SCOM, the core of the AM applications to SCM is the use of 3D printers at
different stages in the SC to increase manufacturing flexibility, achieve shorter lead
times, increase product individualization, and reduce inventory.

16.7.2. Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality

In the previous section on digital technology in the sourcing process, it was men-
tioned that augmented reality is a potential tool to prepare and assist procurement
team visits to suppliers. In order to understand that striking digital innovation, let
us look at the concept of Virtual Reality (VR). VR is computer generated reality.
Like many universities, the University of Sheffield ( operates
a VR-Laboratory and they summarized that “Virtual Reality is a technology which
allows interacting with a 3D computer-simulated environment as if it was real,
whether that environment is a simulation of the real world or an imaginary world.”
The user enters this virtual environment be either wearing VR-glasses or similar
devices like a head-mounted display. In the industrial environment and often in the
early stages of product development, the user enters a 3D cinema which is a so
called CAVE (Cave Automatic Virtual Reality).
The CAVE is used when products are designed and the engineers, planners, and
operators want to assess functionalities, tolerances, and accessibility or even check
assembly processes. The CAVE is used for example in the automotive, railway,
aircraft or turbine industries. VR-glasses are used for training purposes for logistical
processes. The operator wears the VR-glasses and carries hand-held controlling de-
vices. What is shown through the glasses is a completely virtual world, and the user
can practice picking and kitting processes. The quality of the virtual representation
is fascinating, as practical experience shows. Using VR, it is possible for the auto-
motive industry to share best-practice solutions from one site to another, or train
new employees very efficiently.
In contrast to this, it is important to understand the concept of Augmented Reality
(AR). AR is a technology which adds a computer-generated image onto the user’s
view of a real environment. The AR technology converts data and their analyses
into pictures and animations, which are then added to our real environment (see
Porter and Heppelmann, 2017). In this way, AR enhances (in this sense augments)
a real view with an unreal additional layer: digital information or visualization are
projected on what the user practically sees. This can be compared to information
that is written on a window and the user looks through this window into the real
environment. As Westerman et al. (2014, p. 247-248) summarized “augmented re-
ality meshes real-world environments with additional data and presents a revised
environment with computer-generated sensory forms such as sounds, graphics, and
video. […] Augmented reality will also change your internal processes.”
AR is already being used in production today, where operating instructions are
displayed in the logical sequence of the assembly processes or to enhance mainte-
nance processes, where a service operator receives instructions about what to re-
place in which sequence by looking at the defective component. AR is also used
within logistical processes, where the pick worker or forklift truck driver receives
enhanced information by looking through a device (like an AR glass) which shows
which shelf to pick for which item in which quantity. The expression “smart

glasses” is used for an AR device that is worn like a pair of eye glasses. In the
medical field, AR is used to educate future medical doctors for surgery, for example.
For SCOM, the technology of Augmented Reality surely contributes to the genera-
tion of competitive advantage while value adding transformation processes take

16.7.3 Robotics

The term “robot” was coined by Karel Capcek in 1921 (Brynjolfsson and
McAfee (2015, p. 39). A robot is an engineered machine, which interacts in the
physical world of factories, warehouses, or offices to increase efficiency or perform
repetitive, monotonous tasks. In the medical environment, robots can assist nurses,
for example, to avoid heavy activities that are not ergonomic, such as when patients
need to be lifted. Robots are also used to perform extremely dangerous tasks, e.g.
when bombs are deactivated (bomb squad) or when unknown territories like build-
ings need to be entered.
According to Robot Institute of America “A robot is a reprogrammable, multi-
functional manipulator designed to move material, parts, tools, or specialized de-
vices through various programmed motions for the performance of a variety of
tasks” (Robot Institute of America 1979, see Gupta and Arora, 2013, p. 309).
Brynjolfsson and McAfee (2015, p. 39) referred to the three laws of robotics:
 A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being
to come to harm.
 A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such orders
would conflict with the First Law.
 A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not con-
flict with the First or Second Law.
The robots commonly have three main characteristics. First, there are the sensors,
which support the gathering of information about the robot’s environment. Of
course, there are various types of supporting devices employed to guide the robot’s
behavior and its actions, such as the use of cameras, microphones, thermometers, or
accelerometers to mention a few. Second, are the actuators (e. g. electric motors,
hydraulics, pneumatics etc.) and effectors. These might be the tools at the ends of
the robot’s arms like pliers, hammers, screw drivers, spot-welding device, and mo-
tors for manipulation or handling devices, or lights or speakers. In other words, the
actuators are the parts that activate the machine to perform the real value adding
work. Third, there is also the control system for each robot, which can be considered
the center for its artificial intelligence.
It is expected that the total number of industrial robots will be above 3.05 million
by 2020, as compared to 1.828 million in 2016 according to the World-Robotics-

Report 2017 (VDI Nachrichten 2017, p. 3). Furthermore, it is expected that the an-
nual growth rate will reach 14%. The main reasons for the increased demand for
robots is the need to produce with higher flexibility and to be able to better react to
customer needs in shorter cycles. Traditional customers of robots are the automo-
tive, retail, electronics, and logistics industries, who have been using robots for dec-
ades. Additionally, small and medium sized companies are increasingly using ro-
bots in their operations.
According to Statista (2017), the tremendous growth in sales of robots is largely
driven by the automotive sector, which accounted for over 100,000 new installa-
tions in 2016. As a consequence, robot density is particularly high in those countries
that have a strong automotive industry. For example, in Japan, there are 1,562 in-
dustrial robots installed per 10,000 automotive employees, as Statista (2017) iden-
A typical and classical example is the production and assembly robot. The robots
integrate strength and flexibility to assist in production sites for electronics, metal
and machinery, rubber and plastics, food and beverage industries as well as the
pharmaceutical and cosmetics industry. Historically very these robots are fixed and
immobile installations, but in the future moving robots in the shape of snakes or
spiders will be developed, so they can be very flexibly used, e.g. a crawling robot
to conduct welding processes in aircraft production.
Another example is the assisting robot in a car garage. Such a robot would bring
wheels, bolts, and tools to the operator. The non-value adding and heavy work of
searching, motion and movement, bringing, and lifting is done by the machine,
while the value adding tasks of positioning, fitting, fixing, and checking are per-
formed by the skilled operator who can perform the task under much better and
more ergonomic working conditions.
In this context, the expression Cobot needs to be mentioned, as increasingly the
human being and the robot perform tasks in cooperation: they actively collaborate.
This is how this term was coined: it is used to describe the collaboration of a robot
with a human, thus called “Cobot”.
A similar scenario is valid for hospitals, where the medical staff is assisted by a
robot lifts the patient, when a medical treatment is required, or for drawing blood
from the patient. Mini robots can also be swallowed and then be moved in an exter-
nally coordinated way through a patient’s body for wound detection.
Robots are also used in farming or agricultural. For example they are used to
prune vines in the vineyards (vine-bot) or to assist in pulling lettuce from the fields
(lettuce-bots). Robots can also be used for cutting or harvesting crop. In an enlarged
scenario, where you have (autonomous) agricultural tractors or other devices that
communicate with silos and the monitoring center, the expression “smart farming”
is used to describe a system of connected agricultural machines that perform tasks,
run diagnosis, provide fertilizers, and are externally monitored. Smart farming goes
far beyond the pure use of robots.
On construction sites, automated bulldozers might be guided by the pictures
taken by a drone, i.e. a flying robot, or an “unmanned aerial vehicle” (UAV). During

construction work at a site, the quality of the work performed can be monitored and
documented. How many times the construction machine compressed gravel to se-
cure a certain contractually required density or how often certain areas were bull-
dozed can be recorded.
Of course, drones can be used for more than elevated observation of construction
locations during value creation. They can be used to perform replenishment of items
or for intralogistics processes. This will be introduced with examples of other ma-
chines using the digital technology to support delivery processes in the next section.
In retail or warehousing, intelligent robots are also used to assist in cycle-count-
ing (also in supermarkets) or in logistics for picking and kitting processes. Very
popular examples are the Kiva-Systems warehouse robots, which bring the items
from the shelves to the picking and kitting worker, increasing productivity.
These were some examples of how robots can support “make” processes. Other
applications will be discussed in the following chapter on technology in “deliver”
processes according to the SCOR model.

16.8. Digital Technology in the “Delivery” Processes

Smart connected products have enabled companies to rethink their entire value
chain and have supported them in increasing efficiency in planning, sourcing, mak-
ing, delivering, and returning products. How is this connected to the subject of smart
logistics or the use of digital technology to execute delivery processes? Smart lo-
gistics is an approach for connecting transportation devices, vehicles, products, ma-
terials, pallets, and load units. Using digital technology and data analytics, tracking
and tracing can be performed and companies can optimize routes and loads per ship-
ment. This section is focusing on the investigation of smart logistical devices and
their primary application in delivery processes in SCOM.

16.8.1. Drones or Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

A drone is a flying robot, or an unmanned airplane or aircraft that can be remotely

controlled or reach a destination autonomously under using software, known geo-
graphic coordinates, embedded sensors, and GPS data. Formally, drones are un-
manned aerial vehicles (UAV) or unmanned aircraft systems (UAS).
With regards to SCOM, drones can also be used for the transportation of goods
and packages. This might be to deliver goods to areas that are difficult to reach and
to ship ordered packages to customers to secure last-mile delivery. In 2017, drones
were tested by UPS to carry packages from the delivery truck to the house of the
customer (SupplyChain247, 2017). Amazon tested the delivery of their goods from
a flying warehouse to the customers by drone.

Drones can also assist in conducting cycle counting or checking inventory. For
this, the flying robots are equipped with an RFID reading device. As the develop-
ment of drones, like that of robots, is taking place rapidly, it is only possible to
provide an inspiration for drone use within this book.

16.8.2. Smart Driverless Transportation Systems

Driverless transportation systems (DTS) are mainly used in intralogistics and the
warehousing. Such DTS increase safety during loading and unloading of materials
and finished goods. These devices assist operators in every step from goods receipt
and storage to order picking and preparation for shipment. In addition to the classi-
cal driverless transportation devices have been used decades, smart features are re-
lated to their precise positioning, guiding, route optimization, machine diagnostics,
or real-time condition or loading monitoring abilities. DTS can operate individually
or be coupled and connected.
Generally, DTS provide a higher reliability of operations due to a reduction in
human errors, leading to higher productivity in warehousing or intralogistics and
cost savings. There are numerous use cases of DTS and we will take a look at some

Practical example

One possible DTS application is the flexible connection of two production

lines. Such a connection might be necessary for the onward transportation of a
vehicle body. Bodies were previously moved from line to line via permanently
installed transport stations. Any modifications are therefore expensive and time-
consuming. With the use of driverless transport vehicles, however, the body is
loaded at the end of one line and transported to the start of the other as if by
magic. DTS technology is also used for so-called mobile pickers. This form of
parts supply, which can replace fixed-route supply trains in production shops,
makes it possible to deliver "just in time" or "just in sequence".
At the Ludwigsfelde Sprinter plant south of Berlin, driverless transport vehi-
cles are already supplying assembly line workers fully automatically with pre-
pared "shopping baskets" from the logistics and picking areas. Take door pre-
assembly: where parts containers were once lined up in tight rows along the pro-
duction line and employees had to find, fetch, and install the parts themselves,
you now only see the occasional tool wagon and data terminals. Everything else
an employee needs to assemble a side door is brought by a driverless transport
vehicle in so-called “carsets”, which contain the right parts and arrive at the line
exactly in sequence with the respective vehicle.

A trailblazing pilot project is also currently underway at the Hungarian Mer-

cedes-Benz plant in Kecskemét, where all materials are brought line-side for fi-
nal assembly in pre-picked carsets by DTS vehicles. Not only does this eliminate
walking distances for personnel, it also means that at the end one look into the
"shopping basket" shows whether all parts have been installed – a further simple
and effective contribution to quality assurance.
Examples taken from the publication by Daimler AG available at the Global
Media Site: “The driverless transport system (DTS): Autonomous mobility
around the plant”

These examples above from Daimler show in detail how Operational Excellence
can be achieved using digital technology.

16.8.3. Smart Forklifts, Pallet Movers, and Cranes

Using a communication technology, the control system assigns certain pick or-
ders and sends them to the closest forklift, which can then be maneuvered by the
operator. In the case of fully automated, or smart, forklifts, the operations are per-
formed completely autonomously, i.e. without an operator.
The Auto Pallet Movers (APM) are examples of such smart forklifts. In princi-
ple, they are an automated, reliable, and efficient solution for vertical order picking.
According to the producer Jungheinrich, their APM ERC215a has a lifting capacity
of 1.5 tons. APMs contribute to eliminating errors in picking and improved safety.
Examples are automated signals, speed controls, the use of anti-slip technology,
collision detection, and fork speed optimization. Such devices also increase safety
in a warehouse by choosing the optimal speed and routes based on the environment.
Smart forklifts or Pallet Movers can be equipped with additional technology such
as barcode scanners and distance sensors. Furthermore, technology for e. g. freight
documentation, proof of delivery, RFID identification, tracking and synchroniza-
tion of delivery routes etc. can be installed.
Smart cranes have a broad set of applications, ranging from large warehouses to
ports, yards, and the (un-) loading of various heavy freights. Examples for the use
of (smart) cranes are related to the movement of steel coils or for paper roll han-
dling. However, they are also used in shipbuilding, train production, and container
handling, i.e. in metals processing.
Today, the companies that provide smart cranes also offer smart features or de-
vices for the modernization or retrofitting of existing cranes with smart modules.
Smart cranes are used for waste disposal or in container ports to handle containers
between ships, trains and trucks. A well-known example is the so-called
“smartPORT” in Hamburg, which is also called the intelligent port (HPA 2017).
The HPA stated that the smartPORT is characterized by 10 key-elements:

 Navigation in Real-Time
 Green electricity from the land
 Intelligent switching points
 Mobile all-purpose sensors
 Smart maintenance
 Virtual depot
 Port monitor
 E-mobility in the port
 Parking for professionals
 Renewable energies.
At the container terminal in the port of Hamburg, automated guided vehicles
AGVs operate autonomously, and this is done with the help of thousands of tran-
sponders that are embedded in the floor. Besides the AGVs, a complementary
SmartPORT cloud application was installed and launched in 2015 – jointly devel-
oped by T-Systems and SAP (Deutsche Telekom AG, 2015). It aims to improve the
operational traffic and trade flow as well as the overall infrastructure by intercon-
necting all involved parties. In the cloud, data collected about freight, infrastructure,
traffic, and location of vehicles and containers can therefore be consolidated and
analyzed. Through the integration of smart logistical devices and an IT-system, the
automation of the majority of container, truck, and unit load device transportation
between the wharf and storage areas could be realized. According to T-Systems
(2018), the developed digital transportation management solution has great poten-
tial for new value networks because of the following factors:
 Intelligent infrastructures for a faster flow of goods;
 Real-time analysis of comprehensive SC data;
 Overall platform provides a constantly updated situation picture;
 Better synchronization of dynamic logistics processes;
 Unbroken shipment tracking improves distribution planning and delivery relia-
 Cost transparency by coupling logistics and finance systems.
Summarizing, smart logistical devices can positively influence SCOM processes
by, for example, supporting processes inside a warehouse with regards to safe
(un)loading of goods, more efficient inventory management, or shorter picking cy-
cles. Smart devices can help reduce the number of accidents, increase transport vis-
ibility, and support truck drivers. Looking at the delivery processes around the “last
mile delivery”, i.e. when the shipment is handed over to the customer, a shorter
delivery time could be achieved and the environmental friendliness of the vehicles
improved. In combination with tracking and tracing, this means SC visibility is im-

16.9. Qualitative and Quantitative Potential of Digital

Technology in SCOM

As we know from Ch. 9.5, Lean Thinking has contributed to the generation of
competitive advantage in SCOM. Basic ideas of Lean Thinking are, for example, a
strong customer focus, cooperation, respect, lifelong learning, and continuous im-
provement, which means in simplified terms that it is about generating added value
for customers while preventing wasted effort. The digital transformation with its
inventions and technologies offers huge potential, as this chapter has demonstrated.
Thus, the combination of the digital transformation with the Lean principles is a
significant factor contributing to SCOM Excellence and the reduction of SC risks
(Tsipoulanidis 2017b; Ivanov et al. 2016, Dolgui et al. 2018). This is summarized
in Fig. Fig. 16.416.4.

Fig. 16.4 From Lean to Leandustry 4.0 (Tsipoulanidis 2017b)

In this context, Scheel et al. (2015) stated that “traditional lean has lost its teeth”,
which might be due to the insufficient use of technology to climb to new levels of
Lean (Tsipoulanidis 2017a). As a result “digital lean is giving rise to a new era in
operations excellence (Scheel et al. 2015, p. 1).” Schneider (2017, p. 36) also stated
“Lean before Industry 4.0”: in processes and structures, an organization must be
optimized according to Lean principles before applying Industry 4.0 technologies.

Now, not only information and big data is available, but also the computational
power required to further process and analyze it (see Westerman et al. 2014;
Brynjolfsson and McAfee 2015). This enables firms to reduce wastes which
couldn’t be avoided beforehand. Furthermore, it also offers new ways to analyze
the generated big data, to run better and more reliable prognosis, and to implement
successful measures for SC risk reduction and resilience (Ivanov et al. 2018).

16.9.1. Qualitative Improvements of Digital SCOM

The aforementioned improvements in SCOM with the help of digital technolo-

gies lead to resource efficient production and logistics according to the needs of the
customers. Table 16.1 provides an overview on the qualitative potentials of digital
technology in SCOM which uses the avoidance of the seven wastes originating from
Lean Thinking as a guiding framework.

Table 16.1 Overview on the qualitative potentials of digital technology in SCOM (Tsipoulanidis
et al. 2017b)

Category of Improve- Identified qualitative improvements

Transportation Real-time data can be used for transportation route optimization and im-
proved fleet utilization. Additive manufacturing AM (see also 3D Printing)
leads to data exchange instead of part shipments; 3D printed parts can have
a significantly lower weight, leading to lower fuel consumption.
Inventory When better point of sales (POS) and consumption data is available, pro-
duction can be done according to customer demand. Irregularly required
spare parts or customized component can be printed on demand. Digital In-
ventory Management or Supplier Collaboration Portals can support optimi-
zation of supply networks and harmonize operations, material flows, and
Motion and Move- The human workforce can be supported e. g. by Augmented Reality (AR);
ment to shorten the learning curve, gives guidance and reduces the potential for
human errors. Machines (e.g. robots; cobots; exosceletons, gesture-con-
trolled logistical vehicles…) can conduct e.g. non ergonomic (e. g. heavy),
dangerous (e. g. dust, heat), monotonous (e. g. sorting) or repetitive tasks.
Waiting Smart operational units will determine the most appropriate production se-
quences and lot sizes. Robots can help to reduce machine set up times sig-
nificantly. 3D printing can help to produce samples or specific tools faster.
Real-Time status reports via track & trace and information regarding traf-
fic conditions can help to reschedule routes.
Over-Production Due to more accurate sales data, better forecasting and interpretation of de-
mand patterns for production planning and simulation will be possible.
Closer cooperation with customers (co-creation), will allow the production
of goods in lot size one, i.e. in the appropriate quantity / specifically small
series. For individual or rare parts, 3D printing might be used.

Over-Processing Smart Factories are able to configure production conditions and sequences.
Items communicate independently and wirelessly with other units. Produc-
tion processes can be improved, logistical replenishment processes can be
initiated according to demand, and condition based maintenance work can
be specifically conducted: Thus, various types of over-processing can be
Defects Monitoring and diagnosis during operations, logistics, or maintenance can
be supported. Quality can be steadily supervised according to the Jidoka
and Poka-Yoke Principle (stop problematic process, solve it, avoid errors,
do not ship them). Better in-process monitoring of end-to-end operational
conditions (temperature, humidity etc.) increases quality throughout the
value network.

16.9.2. Quantitative Potential Assessments of Digital SCOM

According to a survey by Alicke et al. (2016, p. 7), “the potential impact of

Supply Chain 4.0 in the next two to three years is huge – up to 30% lower opera-
tional costs and a reduction of 75% in lost sales while decreasing inventories by up
to 75% are expected.” Another huge factor is the potential reduction of forecasting
errors. Due to predictive analytics in demand planning, it is expected that forecast-
ing errors can be reduced by 30-50%, as Alicke and his team found out.
The consulting company 4Flow presented a case at the company AGCO, where
logistics costs were reduced by 28% because of the implementation of their digital
supply chain concept (4Flow 2016). Overall, significant improvements are expected
to be achieved over the next ten years. Furthermore, “industrial-component manu-
facturers stand to achieve some of the biggest productivity improvements (20 to 30
percent), for example, and automotive companies can expect increases of 10 to 20
percent (BCG 2015).”
Other companies refer to productivity improvements of approximately 10% due
to the use of RFID along the value chain. Furthermore, it was determined that in-
creased transparency and flexibility leads to optimized use of resources. In the farm-
ing industry, up to 15% increase in productivity can be achieved (Deutsche Telekom
AG 2013). Wildemann (2016) demonstrated that productivity in the automotive sec-
tor has increased by 10-15%. In addition, inventory levels are expected to be re-
duced by 30% due to the combination of material and information flows. As pre-
sented earlier, there is a steadily growing number of robots, or cobots (as well as
BDA, 3D printing, or AR etc.) which are used across many industries. Asche (2017)
presented the impressive example that the weight of a part can be reduced from 14.3
kg to 2.9 kg when it is 3D printed.
Robots are getting more intelligent and thus they can become a real assistant for
the classical workers and conduct 30-50% routine tasks. Another example is that
due to the usage of robots for machine set up tasks, waiting time can be reduced by
50% (Continental Automotive Spain 2016).

This potential varies from industry to industry and should be considered first
indications. In essence, all sources identified significant improvements due to the
digital transformation in SCOM. This intensively contributes to a reduction of the
presented 7+x wastes of classical Lean Thinking. In addition, 3D printing can also
be seen as a significant factor for reducing SC risk. When a supplier might not be
able to deliver the goods or a supplier no longer exists, it might be a solution to
follow a strategy of producing these components using AM (Ivanov 2018).
To summarize, there is a strong link between the implementation of digital
SCOM technologies and improved performance. For example, a reduction of wait-
ing time leads to higher capacity utilization. A reduction of over-produced items
leads to lower inventory levels and the capability of BDA supports more robust SC
processes. In that sense, Lean principles in line with SC resilience (cf. Chapter 15)
are the key potentials of digital SCOM.

16.9.3. Possible Obstacles and Limitations of Digital SCOM

A more connected world no doubt brings many benefits – and some dangers. The
previous section described the potential benefits the digital transformation will have
on SCOM. At the same time, we should also consider the possible limitations, ob-
stacles, and negative consequences digitalization might have. Table 16.2 summa-
rizes the chances and challenges of digital technology applications to SCOM.

Table 16.2. Chances and challenges of digital technology applications to SCOM

Digital technol- Chances for SCOM Challenges in SCOM
ogy and ena-
Predictive ana- Increase in promotion action quality Data transparency and safety
lytics, Big Data Better demand forecasts Coordination complexity increase in
Routing decision optimization cross-channel logistics
Supply chain visibility, risk and resili- Higher time risks because of increases
ence analysis in coordination complexity
Better customer experience promotions
Reduction in demand risks
Reduction in information disruption
risks and better quality of contingency
plan activation

Industry 4.0, Customized production system at the Radical changes in SC and manufac-
IoT, smart prod- costs of mass production turing process organization
ucts, robotics, Individualized products and higher Reduction in number of SC layers
augmented and market flexibility
virtual reality New locations close to the markets
Risk diversification Re-qualification of employees, re-de-
Higher responsiveness sign of facility layouts
Shorter lead times and better capacity Data security
utilization Increase in design and control com-
Real-time manufacturing monitoring plexity
Higher exposure to information secu-
rity risks
3D printing, ad- Flexibility increase, Higher supply risks if disruption hap-
ditive manufac- pens in the upstream SC since no inter-
Product variety,
turing mediate inventory in between the
Shorter lead time stages
Efficiency increase in MRO inventory
Reduction in demand risks
Advanced T&T Real-time identification Increase investments in ICT
technologies, Real-time material flow tracing Data security
RFID, sensors,
Blockchain Increase in data quality
Improved transaction coordination
Reduction in information disruption
risks and better quality of contingency
plan activation
Reductions in supply and time risks
due to real-time coordination if activat-
ing the contingency policies

The chances of SCOM digitalization were analyzed in Sects 16.9.1 and 16.9.2. With
regards to limitations, the issues of skills, security, and standards are key points that
need to be considered. Employees require new skill sets that enable them to conduct
data analytics, run prognosis, operate SCPs, collaborate with robots, and so on. En-
gineers will need to learn new ways of thinking to design parts and products that
can be 3D printed etc. Furthermore, employees on the shop floor and colleagues
conducting clerical or administrative tasks might be afraid they will be replaced by
steel and AI. As with all technological developments, there have been some jobs
lost and new jobs created. In early days, the workers in warehouses carried goods
on their shoulders and now they use a forklift truck or pallet jack. In the future, there
will be staff being responsible for monitoring how the automated systems perform
the work. Efficiency and competitiveness are fundamentally important, but compa-
nies also have a social responsibility: the right balance must be found. In other
words, companies striving for digital SCOM processes need to critically assess cost,
benefits, speed, quality, and human involvement during value creation. Ideas to

strike this balance include robot taxes or the need for producers to clearly specify
the ratio between human and automated value add (like a human labor depth ratio)
to limit the associated number of job losses due to digitalization.
The lack of standards is also frequently mentioned as an obstacle towards digi-
talization. Especially small and medium sized companies show hesitance because
they do not know exactly if a costly investment in the right new technology will pay
off. There is no right answer to this subject. It is more the case that the aspect of
standards and standardization needs to be assessed when digital strategies are
drafted and respective decisions are going to be taken.
Another crucial subject is related to limited trust in security and cyberattacks.
Companies carefully observe data security issues, data theft, attacks, dependence
on information technology, correctly working algorithms and so on. Managers raise
the question: If all my data is stored in a cloud that is hosted by an external company,
what are the possible risks which are connected to that? Again, there is no precise
answer. The only answer is that cyber security or dependence on cloud solution
providers is extremely important and companies will need to very carefully assess
how safe their data and information is. Thus, it is another item on the list of critical
evaluations and decisions when it comes to the implementation of a digital SCOM
Another result of smart technology in value adding processes is related to the re-
design of production networks. Companies are reassessing their industrial footprint.
Companies that were initially under pressure of cost efficiency might have shifted
their capacities to low cost countries in Asia. Now, as salaries and wages increase
in Asian production sites, a trend of re-shoring can be diagnosed, as the example of
the Speedfactory has shown. There is also a second trend that sees countries in Af-
rica as the new global workbench, as (Sun 2017) described. Even Chinese firms
consider the shift of production capacity to Africa. European companies might con-
sider the European Balkan countries as alternative to an Asian factory (here the
main driver besides the cost of production is geographical proximity, so it is not
purely related to digitalization).
Finally, business models might also be changed in line with the implementation
of new smart solutions or new service providers will appear who specialize in the
industry of 3D printing on demand.
It is impossible to mention all the obstacles and limitations, but it is important to
emphasize that there are two sides of the digital coin. It will be very difficult to
avoid digital technology in business and SCOM, but it is important to make a critical
assessment and to evaluate what-if-scenarios in the development of a digital SCOM
strategy. One very important aspect though is corporate responsibility. This is why
the human being should always be in the center of digital SCOM decisions.

16.10 Key Points and Discussion Questions

Disruptive innovations such as digitalization and Industry 4.0 influence the de-
velopment of new paradigms, principles, and models in SCOM. The Internet of
Things (IoT), Cyber Physical Systems, and smart, connected products facilitate the
development of digital SCs and smart operations. Digital technologies applications
to SCOM include Big Data Analytics (BDA), advanced manufacturing technologies
with sensors, decentralized agent-driven control, advanced robotics, augmented re-
ality (AR), advanced tracking and tracing technologies, and additive manufacturing
(AM) (Fig. 16.5).

Fig. 16.5 Digital Supply Chain and Industry 4.0

While the individual contributors (e.g., robots, sensors, radio frequency identifi-
cation (RFID), agents, modular factories, etc.) are not really new, they are becoming
more practical and companies more receptive to using them to stay competitive. In
addition, an attempt to interconnect these local solutions using the progress in data
processing technologies can be observed in practice. As such, this trend calls for
new principles and models to support SCM of such future factories.
 Can you summarize the major developments throughout the four industrial rev-
 What are the main elements of smart, connected products?
 Where do you see reasons for criticism? Discuss the pros and cons of the digital
transformation besides the aspects of the generation of competitive advantage.

 Where do you see potential to create new business and new jobs and where do
you see risk concerning job losses?
On the technology side, ongoing developments, such as Industry 4.0, AM, smart
sensors and intelligent materials, open new opportunities, but also create new chal-
lenges for ripple effect analysis in the SC. Examples of the impacts of new engi-
neering technologies on the SC are the localization of production, high flexibility,
and reduced SC coordination complexity.
This chapter has shown that there are numerous applications of digital technol-
ogy in SCOM. Of course, the presented examples only reflect a small portion of the
digital possibilities in SCOM and it is important to highlight that the development
in this area is taking place at a very high speed.
 Can you give examples for the application of digital technologies and relate them
to the processes according to the SCOR-Model (plan, source, make, deliver, re-
 Can you explain the following terms in your own words: Big Data Analytics,
Industry 4.0, Blockchain, digital twins, robots, additive layer manufacturing,
RFID, and tracking and tracing systems?
 Can you connect these technologies also to the digital SCOM framework and
explain how they are successfully connected as a systematic concept?
 Do you recall which suggested framework helps to evaluate a supply chain and
to draft a strategy for digital SCOM Excellence?
Immediate benefits of applying digital technology in SCOM are higher transpar-
ency, increased capacity usage, cost saving, and elevated safety as well as reduced
SC risk, which are all examples of achieving SCOM Excellence by using technol-
ogy in the digital transformation.
Finally, we note that this chapter does not pretend to be encyclopedic and rather
seeks to highlight the role of digitalization in SCOM with the objective of identify-
ing the perspectives that can be leveraged in the near future in exploring how digital
technologies can improve decision-making support and performance in SCOM.
 Make a recap regarding the potential which digital SCOM offers to reduce SCM
risk and how it helps to climb new levels of Lean.

16.11 Case-Study “Smart usage of big data along the supply

chain: Big data analytics between companies, value-added and
the impact of risk and complexity management”

Learning goals:
 Understand the complexity of big data projects along the supply chain;

 Understand pain points for suppliers, such as data conversion and concerns about
sharing machine data;
 Understand how organizational restrictions play a role;
 Understand the challenges of setting the right goals and the need to have a fitting
project setup;
 Understand the challenges facing suppliers who need to share some data and
keep other data private.
An Aerospace manufacturing Tier1 company is in a ramp-up phase for a new
Aerospace program (for a cadence increase of a new aircraft model). Therefore, this
Tier1 company is seeking to secure its inbound supply chain with its own key sup-
pliers. First steps are planned to receive, evaluate, and interpret production data
from such suppliers. An affected Tier 2 pilot supplier is requested to provide fore-
cast and production progress data to the Tier1 company.

The CEO of the Tier1 company wants to secure his supply chain, since he has to
manage the ramp-up of a new aircraft program for one major Commercial Aircraft
OEM. For this purpose, he requests demand and production data from his strategic
A suppliers, which will ideally be available to use for his own company’s analytics.
Through increased supply chain visibility, the competitiveness of the Tier 1com-
pany in managing the ramp-up will be strengthened. He requests that the Tier 2
supplier listed above acts as the pilot supplier and shares the related production data.

The Chief Digitalization Officer at the Tier 1company has just been appointed.
As budget and skilled employees are scarce, he seeks to implement a proof-of-con-
cept (PoC) within a few months to show he can perform and reach his objectives
even with limited efforts. As the IT department is facing serious bottlenecks, the
development of an internal solution is not feasible as long as they are not in the lead
for the PoC and receive additional resources.
The Tier 2 supplier does not build upon standard a production system, but for
years has built upon dedicated legacy systems with proprietary interfaces, such as a
CSV download. The main purpose of the Tier 2 supplier is to stay in business, so
he approves joining the proof-of-concept with the Tier1company even though the
value added is questioned by some employees and the workload is already at the
limit, because of the program ramp-up for the Aerospace OEM. Furthermore, the
Tier 2 supplier wants to keep control of which production data he will share with
the Tier1company.

Fig. 16.5. Supply chain structure

Frame conditions
 The given timeframe for the proof-of-concept is only 3-4 months.
 The budget at the Tier1company is limited, but if the proof-of-concept proofs
successful, the board has promised to release a further budget.
 Business processes of the Tier 1company and Tier 2 supplier (e.g. usage of fore-
cast, before the order process starts) and IT tools (including the ERPs) are dif-
 Daily business will need to continue despite the foreseen PoC

Organize yourselves in teams of four people (or at least three). Answer the fol-
lowing five questions and prepare a short (max. ten minutes) presentation of the
Explore which interest in the Aerospace OEM drives the Tier 1 company to in-
vest in the Big Data PoC (proof of concept). Methodology wise, please fill in the
aim grid below

Discuss the Pros and Cons of a Make-or-Buy decision in terms of the Big Data
solution in the Tier1 company. Consider not only financial factors, but also the

availability of IT resources, time-to-market and collaboration factors, or if differ-

ent partners with non-standardized IT tools seek to collaborate.
Discuss in which sequence the following steps (which are randomly listed be-
low) would have to be organized to ensure a successful project. For this purpose,
number the steps in the correct sequence in the column on the right (the first step
is already entered).

Project steps (in random order below) Step number

To-be analysis for future IT ecosystem / landscape
Data migration
Deployment of pilot plant
Pilot productive deployment of suppliers
Key user training
Check data sources / Data cleansing (ensure good data quality)
As-Is analysis of existing business processes
Full deployment of all other sites
As-Is analysis of existing IT ecosystem / landscape
To-be analysis for future needed business processes
Configuration and setup of to-be solution in test environment
Quality assurance for each module and related data
Quality assurance end-to-end
Project Kickoff / Scoping 1
Lessons learned
Setting up change management

1. The Tier 1 company has limited available manpower to staff the project.
The project lead is a business expert in supplier collaboration, but only
can invest ½ FTE (1 FTE = 1 full-time equivalent). In addition, the man-
ager of the IT department can only give him limited support of 20 man
days, but only for 3 months.

Explore how the shortage of available internal resources is likely to im-

a. Project scope
b. Project timeline
c. Probability of developing an in-house solution from scratch ver-
sus involving external expertise
d. Probability that industry clusters (e.g. cross-company Aerospace
organizations, supporting small and medium Aerospace suppli-
ers) are involved
e. Development of new advanced IT interfaces (e.g. Web Services)
versus integration of in-use file formats (like CSV, Excel), with

all their limitations

2. During the course of the project, not all (ideally) required data are availa-
a. Forecast data about future customer-side demands towards the
supplier are not always available.
Explore which impacts on supply chain security and related
stock levels the as-is situation has and which improvements are
linked to better supply chain visibility (= more transparency
about future material demand, and from the supplier).

b. Different legacy systems at the Tier1company in manufacturing

planning and execution only provide limited data export func-
tionalities. Concretely, only CSV files are generated once per
night in a so-called “batch run”.
Explain how this bottleneck will impact expectation manage-
ment towards the sponsoring management for the scope of the
Which restrictions apply?
Which benefits (in terms of supply chain predictability and visi-
bility) will still apply? In this context, explore how a high OTD
(on-time delivery) performance can contribute to avoid expen-
sive stockouts.

3. Explore why the Tier 2 supplier will seek to maintain control over which
production data he shares with the Tier1company. In this context, please
consider the deviating interests of the Tier 1 company, who wants pro-
duction-related data from the Tier 2, and of the Tier 2 supplier, who
wants to stay in business, even if in his own production, not everything
always works perfect.
Then explore how the Tier 2 supplier could still maintain control pro-
cess- and IT-wise.

4. Explore which benefits the Tier 1company can expect if the project suc-
For this purpose, please consider Porter’s Competitive Five Forces re-
garding industry competition.

The case-study “Smart usage of Big Data along the Supply Chain” is written by Mr.
Arvid Holzwarth (MBA) based on the materials of SupplyOn.


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3 Additive manufacturing 21
3D printing 21 Additive Manufacturing 21
A artificial intelligence 20
additive manufacturing 13 Artificial Intelligence 19

Augmented Reality 18, 24

Big Data 14
Big data analytics 13, 14
Blockchain 18, 19
Cobot 26
computer integrated manufacturing 7
Cyber Physical System 10
Data and Text Mining 18
digital technology 5
digital twin 15
Digitalization 3
driverless transportation systems 28
drone 27
eProcurement 17
Factory of Future 4
flying robot 28
Industry 4.0 4, 7
Internet of Things 9
omnichannel 14
Operational excellence 2
robotic processes automation 20
Robotics 25
SCOM Excellence 3
Smart Factory 5
smart manufacturing 9
smart product 10
supplier collaboration portal 18
tracking and tracing 13
Virtual Reality 24
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