Latin Mosaic Project Description - Final

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Latin Mosaic Project Scope and Rubric

Purpose: To appreciate the art of the Roman Empire and early Christian Church.
Assignment: You will write a two to four page report on the mosaics of the Roman
Empire or early Christian Church and create a mosaic using the
principles you learned about in your research.
Process: You will research mosaics that were made by citizens of the Roman
Empire and compare those with mosaics that were made by the early
Christian Church. Pretend that you were alive during the Roman Empire
or early Christian Church and create a mosaic. For details about what
you should depict, see below under “Depiction.”
Questions: Where do we find mosaics that date back to the Roman Empire? (By this,
I do not mean “in Tunisia or in Tuscany”, but where? as in “houses or
buildings of such and such, on the floors and walls, etc.”) How were these
mosaics used? What method was used to produce them? Did the use of
mosaics change with the advent of the Church? Did the manner of
making them change? Where were the Christian mosaics found? Did the
use of color change from the Roman times to Christian?
Craft: Create a mosaic using aquarium rocks (available at local pet stores). You
will be judged by how closely your mosaic conforms to the kind of mosaic
that would have been produced during the Imperial or Christian era.
Your mosaic must conform to the following characteristics:
Size (1): If round: Minimum of 9 inch circle.
If ellipse (oval): Minimum of 9 inches top to bottom or right
to left.
If square: Minimum of 9 inch sides.
If rectangle: One side minimum of 9 inches.
Size (2): If round: Maximum of 16 inch circle.
If ellipse (oval): Maximum of 16 inches top to bottom or
right to left.
If square: Maximum of 16 inch sides.
If rectangle: Maximum of 16 inches on either side.
Color: Do the colors of your mosaic reflect what a craftsman from
your chosen time period would actually use? Remember
that most mosaics have a border of one or two colors.
Depiction: Does your mosaic represent the standard (signum) of a
Roman citizen, a Roman deity, an historical event (Imperial
or Christian), a Christian symbol, a saint, or Our Lady or
Our Lord?
Work: Is your mosaic neatly put together? Do you have a border
that is proportionate to the size of your mosaic? Have you
used the proper materials? Will your mosaic be around
2000 years from now?

Latin 1
Latin Mosaic Project Scope and Rubric

Timeline: The following milestone dates should be observed:

Research: 25 September – 1 October
Do research on mosaics and their historical characteristics.
Decide on a theme for your mosaic.
Concept: 2 October: Turn in your theme and a concept drawing to
me. The drawing is due on 2 October even if you do not
usually have Latin on that day. I will review the concept
drawing and return it with comments on 3 October.
Report: 8 October: Turn in a two to four page report (not including
the bibliography) about the construction of mosaics and
what your mosaic represents. The report should be typed
following the style sheet on my class website. The report is
due, even if you do not usually have Latin on a Wednesday.
Craft: 10 October: Turn in your finished work of art. The craft is
due on this day even if you do not usually have Latin on
Grade: This project will comprise 15% of your quarterly grade. This is a
significant amount and can bring your grade up quite a bit if you are
behind. One third of the grade for the project will be given to the written
portion, while two-thirds will be on the crafted work of art.

The rubrics attached to this Project Scope will be used for grading your
project. Pay close attention to details and you will do fine.

Notate Bene:
I am happy to review rough drafts of reports at any time during the project. Please
bring them to me printed out or email an electronic copy to me. If you are having
trouble formatting your document, I am happy to provide assistance using MS Word so
that you can learn how to use the program.

Latin 2
Latin Mosaic Project Scope and Rubric

Written Report Rubric

Criteria Points Awarded

Style/Format 8 – 10 points: 5 – 7 points: 3 – 4 points:

Paper is written conforming Paper observes some Paper fails to conform
to style sheet with one or no parts of style sheet to style sheet with
errors with some errors. several errors.

Content 60 – 70 points: 45 – 59 points: 30 – 44 points:

Paper demonstrates scholarly Paper shows some Paper shows little
research principles, cites all understanding of the understanding of the
sources in the correct format, subject but does not subject, fails to
and demonstrates a reflect sound research demonstrate good
comprehensive knowledge of principles and neglects research, and fails to
the subject. to cite sources. provide sources.

Mechanics 15 – 20 points: 10 – 14 points: 5 – 9 points:

Paper demonstrates correct Paper has generally Paper has faulty
grammar and usage decent grammar and grammar and usage,
principles for student’s grade, usage for the grade lacks descriptive
uses lively descriptions, has a level, provides some language, lacks
well-developed sentence descriptive language, transitions, and has
structure, employs effective uses some transitions, numerous spelling
transitions between ideas, and has some spelling errors.
and has no more than two errors.
spelling errors.

Completed Craft Rubric

Criteria Points Awarded

Accuracy 80 – 100 points: 60 – 79 points 50 – 60 points

Mosaic accurately reflects Mosaic reflects, with Mosaic fails to reflect
what may be found in ruins some inaccuracy, what what may be found
and historic buildings from may be found historically.
the era chosen by the historically.

Style 40 – 59 points: 20 – 39 points: 10 – 19 points:

Mosaic has good artistic Mosaic shows decent Mosaic shows minimal
style, proportions, and clearly artistic style and artistic style and poorly
depicts what it intends. depicts what it intends. represents what it

Materials 30 – 39 points: 20 – 29 points: 10 – 19 points:

Mosaic uses appropriate While appropriate Materials do not
materials as defined in the materials are used, conform to the project
project scope document and they are not used to the scope or are used
uses those materials well. best of their ability. improperly.

Latin 3

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