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Martha Jane Buell

and Tara M. Sutton and the activities they generated interest but put the topic on hold until
expanded the learning opportunities they could plan a pet unit.
We liked the brainstorm-
for children.   The two-fold consequence of this
  Other times, we generated webs theme-based approach became clear. ing aspect of webbing,
based on areas of the curriculum, The children interested in pets might
Weaving a Web with  Children  at the Center such as manipulatives, art, outdoor
time, and dramatic play. With this
not be as engaged in the fire truck
exploration as those who had shown
but something was still
missing—the child.
approach, we took the core idea, in interest in the topic and might not
this case fire trucks, and generated benefit as much from the planned
A New Approach to Emergent Curriculum activities for each curriculum area
that would support learning around
activities. Additionally, due to the lag
time between the children’s demon-

Planning for Young Preschoolers the theme. strated interest in pets and the imple-
mentation of the pet unit, the initial
enthusiasm for the topic might wane.
Goals and the child focus
Problems that arose
  Another obstacle we faced involved   In student teachers’ curriculum
  At our univer- plans, we require an
In the toddlers, 2s, and 3s class-
room in our University of Delaware
her, the eighteenth-century philoso-
pher Jean-Jacques Rousseau and oth-
Next, using thematic and sity laboratory
preschool we
established develop-
mental outcome in
laboratory preschool, we initiated a ers advocated awareness of the child.
curricular webbing teach pre- and the rationale for each
successful curriculum development   At our university preschool, in-service early activity. For instance,
  Webbing enables teachers to brain-
approach—using child-centered web- we embraced this child-centered childhood educa- toddlers and 2s like to
storm and record ideas in an orga-
bing. This approach helps us keep the approach to curriculum. We eagerly tors how to plan blow and chase bubbles,
nized way. It is an aspect of the emer-
child as the center of our emergent read and applied Jones and Nimmo’s curriculum. When and they think this is
gent curriculum/project approach we
curriculum and in turn helps preser- (1994) ideas on the emergent using the web- fun. But this activity also
wanted to embrace as we planned
vice students in the classroom keep approach to curriculum along with bing approaches develops gross motor
our lab preschool curriculum (Katz &
children’s interests and needs as the the works of other educators using described above, skills (chasing) and fine
Chard 2000).
focus of their planning. emergent curriculum in their work we found that motor skills (dipping and
  In thematic webbing, teachers
with young children. We were inspired student teach- holding the wand, catch-
research and record topic areas; in
by projects mirroring the approaches ers often got ing the bubbles); builds
curriculum webbing, they use the
First, our survey of used in the preschools in Reggio thematic web as a reference when
too caught up in
the content and
vocabulary (using words
like blow, float, pop, up,
curriculum planning Emilia, Italy, like those described by developing activities related to a
Wien and colleagues (2002), for exam- theme of the web down); and encourages
theme. In the past, our teaching staff

© Karen Phillips
  Considering the child’s interests ple. Likewise, the project approach and lost some of development of peer-
constructed thematic webs by select-
and needs in planning curriculum is a detailed by Katz and Chard (2000) the focus on chil- to-peer awareness and
ing a topic of interest to children as
mainstay of early care and education. strongly influenced our direction. dren. For exam- interaction skills (“It’s
the center of the web. For example,
Early on last century, Maria Montessori   Emergent curriculum builds on ple, after noting time to let Wei have a
for two days we had observed the
articulated this idea in her approach to the interests of children, is often the children’s turn with the wand” or
children talking about and pretending
curriculum development. Even before spontaneous and responsive to the interest in fire trucks, the students teaching the students to develop a “That bubble is on Yelena’s arm. She
to drive fire trucks on the playground.
immediate interests of a group of spent considerable time wrestling learning standards-based goal for wants to pop it”).
From this topic—fire trucks­­—we
children, and is driven by children’s with details, such as where to find fire- each activity listed on their web.   As important as it is to help stu-
generated related ideas, grouped them
Martha Jane Buell, PhD, is a professor ideas, excitement, information, and fighter clothing or how children could Incorporating learning standards into dents identify developmental goals
in the Department of Human Develop- around the core topic, and then used
questions. The project approach is a handle the hoses. These were not bad their planning was an important but for an activity, we still found that
ment and Family Studies at the University them to plan and organize
of Delaware in Newark. Her research structured but flexible framework that plans or ideas, but they may not have difficult step for many preservice and in all this planning, we were losing
activities. We felt that
addresses factors that influence the qual- includes a set of teaching strategies targeted what initially interested the new teachers. At first, student teach- the focus on the child. The children
these ancillary ideas
ity of early care and education of all chil- for guiding children through in-depth children and sparked their discussion. ers tended to plan an activity because had provided the impetus for the
dren, especially for infants and toddlers studies of real-world topics.   In addition, when some of the chil- “it’s fun” or “the children will like it.” core topic at the center of the web,
and children at educational risk. dren showed interest in another topic,
  After implementing an emergent Although pleasure and engagement but the webbing process and ideas
Tara M. Sutton, MS, is a kindergarten
teacher in Wilmington, Delaware. Previ-
curriculum approach in our program, Webbing enables the students tended to ignore it. Ideas are important, they are not sufficient for planned activities were teacher-
we observed that learning oppor- that did not “go with the theme” were reasons to offer an activity. An appro- driven. Our emergent approach was
ously, as a master teacher at the University teachers to brainstorm
of Delaware Laboratory Preschool, Tara tunities were indeed richer. They not considered. For example, while priate activity is one that children find producing the same pitfall we encoun-
developed a curriculum for children to best exceeded previous enrichment levels, and record ideas in an several children were interested in fire engaging and that also builds skills in tered with a planned thematic unit.
match each child’s needs and interests. when our programming had followed trucks, one or two children showed important domains, such as language We liked the brainstorming aspect
a teacher-planned and -directed the-
organized way. considerable interest in household and literacy, social-emotional, cogni- of webbing, but something was still
2, 3, 4 matic approach. pets. The student teachers noted this tive, and motor skills. missing—the child.

100 Young Children • July 2008 Young Children • July 2008 101

Finally, applying a new Individualized Children’s Webs offers many of the same benefits as do
kind of webbing Note: The child is at the center, with individual developmental needs on the left other emergent approaches.
and interests to the right.   A strength of the project approach
  In response to our concern about is providing opportunities for deeper
losing the focus on the child, Tara learning, understanding, and applica-
developed a new approach to webbing tion as children conduct an in-depth
in the toddler, 2s, and 3s classroom. painting music study of a topic over time. In child-
This approach uses traditional map- initiate play play with
centered webbing, because we base
ping but places the child at the center verbally dress-ups peers reading our plans on the interests of children,
of the web rather than a thematic they can explore the same topic over
topic. Each child’s web focuses on the course of several weeks but in dif-
that child’s interests and opportuni- parallel ferent ways that build on their evolv-
ties for growth. We review the indi- initiating
play Abner play with Cairo house play ing interests. For example, the fire
vidualized webs, note overlapping play truck exploration carried on for more
interests and needs, and, where it teachers
than a month as the children learned
makes sense, weave them together to about the various kinds of trucks and
develop activities to offer all the chil- as firefighting equipment and clothing
dren in the class. The steps in Tara’s verbalizing sensory play
house play verbalizing grew and overtook the dramatic play
approach, child-centered webbing, needs and wants area. During that time, the triangles
include the following: dancing, needs and wants cutting sparked an interest in learning about
1.  Write the child’s name in the web’s singing other musical instruments. Although
center. the triangles remained available for
2.  Record the child’s current interests the children’s use, after a few weeks,
in outer circles on the right. drums and a keyboard attracted more
of their attention.
3.  Note in additional outer circles on throwing reading   While implementing an activity,
the left the child’s needs—the develop- turn taking turn taking books teachers can observe the children to
mental areas in which the child needs
trucks, cars determine if the activity is leading to
support and encouragement. fire trucks,
the anticipated goals for growth and
4.  Work in teacher teams to develop trucks, cars engagement. Seeing that an activity
activities that support the child’s following parallel
does not meet expectations or fails
interests and needs. limits play to capture children’s interest can
  Four examples (see “Individualized Esma music and Jin be as informative as observing one
Children’s Webs”) show how this pro- instruments that meets all anticipated goals. By
cess works for different children. Ideas sensory water play adding these observations to the
in circles to the right of the center playing with play web, teachers gain greater insight
indicate the child’s current interests, peers into each child’s needs and interests,
and those to the left indicate areas of
sensory pretend using words to
subsequently discovering new ways to
potential growth needs. As the webs counting modify activities and materials or to
play play resolve problems
indicate, Abner shows an interest in develop new ones.
dramatic play, particularly pretend-   Our lab school teaching staff
ing to prepare lunch, and he also likes review the children’s individualized
dancing and singing and other dress-up webs daily and update and expand
activities. Abner needs support in par- Children’s Webs to Plan Activities for paint for truck painting to the list of ers to plan activities to encourage plan classroom activities. The plan- them as needed—which makes
ticipating in parallel play (he frequently the Group” (p. 104) details this pro- new materials. For Cairo, the teacher children’s developing skills and to ning is iterative—that is, ideas can the process less time consuming.
plays alone) and in initiating play with cess. The teacher thinks placing fire offers musical triangles, which could specifically target their interests. change as new ideas emerge. It is Evidence for the updates and sug-
his peers. Jin shows an interest in fire trucks in the block area and hats and be used in the music area and as an not until examining the webs for the gested new interests and areas of
trucks, cars, trucks, and pretend play hoses in the dramatic play area will alarm in fire truck dramatic play. fourth or fifth child that it becomes need come from teachers’ daily obser-
Using child-centered webbing
and needs teacher help to learn to take entice Jin to play with other children   The process continues as the teach- clear where there are shared interests vations and anecdotal notes.
to plan activities
turns and use words to solve problems. and to use language to resolve con- ers add activities and materials based and needs. Using this approach leads   Teachers update classroom activi-
  After completing an individual web flicts. Based on Esma’s interest in cars, on each child’s web. Not every inter-   Although teachers create an indi- to variety and expands children’s ties and materials once a week, usually
for each child, teachers use them trucks, and sensory activities and her est is included in each case, nor does vidualized web for each child, they opportunities to engage in activities adding six or seven new activities at
to generate ideas for activities and need to practice following limits and every activity address each need. review all webs as a team and note and explore concepts. As a result, our a time. Some activities and materials
materials. “Reviewing Individualized playing with peers, her teacher adds However, this process allows teach- overlaps in needs and interests to approach to webbing and planning meet the needs of several children at

102 Young Children • July 2008 Young Children • July 2008 103

Reviewing Individualized Children’s Webs to Plan Activities for the Group Now, instead of researching activity
ideas to fit emergent themes, students
devote more attention to the children.
interests activities needs   At first, families reacted to our cur-
riculum approach with mixed feelings
small fire trucks and firefighters because for many it was different
in the block area from that which they were used to or
using words to
fire trucks expected. For example, with the child-
Jin pretend play
hats and hoses for dramatic play resolve problems
centered web approach, we no longer
fire safety brochures from engaging in parallel play provide a “What’s Coming Next in Our
the firehouse Classroom” segment in the parent
newsletter. Over time, however, fami-
lies reported how much more their
fire trucks, cars, and people children were talking about the activi-
in the manipulatives area ties they were doing in school. In addi-
cars and trucks following limits
Esma painting
next to the doll house
playing with peers
tion, the teacher-parent conferences
truck painting using were much richer and more detailed,
red and yellow paint and they used the individualized webs
as a focal point of discussion. By the

© Karen Phillips
end of the school year, the parents
playing with peers
musical triangles were universally pleased with the
music initiating play
Cairo movement
Stop, Drop, and Roll
child-centered approach to planning
verbalizing needs and with their children’s learning
dance and song
and wants progress. Families appreciated the
focus on their child. are using the child-centered web- for young preschoolers. The approach
  Our program is inclusive, and this bing approach in achieving IEP/IFSP builds on the expertise of those who
firefighter vests and boots approach to planning works very well goals. They embrace the approach as have shown that webbing is a power-
for dramatic play engaging in parallel play
dress-up in meeting Individualized Education a means of authentic assessment of ful tool supporting curriculum devel-
Abner animals
phone and message pad for verbalizing needs Plan (IEP) and Individualized Family children’s performance ability. opment. Our child-centered approach
writing emergency messages and wants Services Plan (IFSP) goals. With to webbing brings planning back to
stuffed Dalmatian dogs children who have an IEP/IFSP, we the individual child. In so doing, we
include their goals as part of their Conclusion find children are not lost in the webs
individualized web, making clear how teachers weave, but instead are at the
the goals and a child’s interests can   Child-centered webbing is grounded center!
once; however, we are committed to helps early childhood education support each child’s development.
be matched. Therapists see real value in the emergent curriculum approach
making sure every child has at least students focus on both the devel- Their written reflections on the chil-
in teaming with the teachers who that we believe supports rich learning
two or three activities or materials that opmental needs and the interests of dren and their development are much
respond to his or her individual web. the child. Through teacher observa- richer and more detailed now than References
tions of the children’s reactions to they were when we used our previ- Jones, E., & J. Nimmo. 1994. Emergent curricu-

The benefits of this child- and use of materials, this approach ous planning approaches. Because Emergent Child-Centered Webbing lum. Washington, DC: NAEYC.
Katz, L.G., & S.C. Chard. 2000. Engaging chil-
supports authentic assessment. The the planned activities resulting from
centered approach dren’s minds: The project approach. 2nd ed.
children find the materials and activi- this approach are authentic learn- To begin Stamford, CT: Ablex.
  We have found that the child- ties planned with them in mind highly ing opportunities, we no longer offer Wien, C.A., S. Stacey, B.-L. Hubley-Keating,
• Write each child’s name in the center of a separate sheet of paper. J.D. Rowlings, & H. Cameron. 2002. The doll
centered webbing compelling. Because the activities and activities or materials just because
• Circle each child’s name. project: Handmade dolls as a framework for
approach to planning materials are appealing and engag- “they go with a theme.” emergent curriculum. Young Children 57 (1):
and documentation ing, the children work at tasks longer   Child-centered webbing also helps • Observe each child during play. 33–38.
and try harder than they might with student teachers make better use of • Record interests observed on the right side of each child’s web.
materials or activities they find less planning time. In the past they spent • Record developmental needs observed on the left side of each child’s web.

The children find the mate- interesting. We believe this approach much time and energy developing
To plan Children
provides a highly accurate picture of activities based on the thematic or
rials and activities planned the children’s developing and emerg- curricular webs they had produced. • Review each child’s web and select a need/goal to focus on.
with them in mind highly ing skills. This method posed potential prob- • Review the interests of each child.
  Our student teachers see great lems. If the children didn’t embrace the • Create activities for the children that focus on the identified needs/goals,
compelling. value in child-centered webbing planned activities, the student teachers keeping in mind children’s interests
Copyright © 2008 by the National Association for the Education
of Young Children. See Permissions and Reprints online at
because it provides a concise way to had no time to prepare something new.

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