Us About Deloitte Burnout Survey Infographic

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Burnout Survey

Deloitte conducted an external marketplace survey of 1,000 full-time, U.S. employed corporate
professionals to understand the causes and impact of employee burnout, as well as the programs
employees value most, and how organizations can do a better job of providing them.

of professionals say they frequently feel

stressed or frustrated at their current job

of professionals say they have

YET... 64% 18% 32% 15%
passion for their current job everyday few times once a week
a week

of professionals have experienced
more than once
among those not passionate
about their job
burnout at their current job

The biggest drivers of employee burnout

lack of support or
unrealistic deadlines or
consistently working
recognition from leadership results expectations long hours or on weekends

Burnout impacts professional and personal life

91% 83% 66%

of professionals say having of professionals say burnout of professionals say they
an unmanageable amount of stress from work can negatively frequently skip at least
or frustration can negatively impact impact their one meal a day because they are
the quality of their work personal relationships too busy or stressed about work

42% worry issues would arise

1 in 4
if away from work
never or rarely take
all of their vacation days

How employees deal with their burnout:

51% 50% 44% 30%

talk to friends sleep or take exercise meditate/pray
or family personal time off

Companies are not offering what employees value most

What employees say help prevent or alleviate burnout….

of professionals feel their employer does flexible health and paid time off
not do enough to minimize burnout work options wellness programs for mental health
or recuperation days

….vs. what companies are offering

32% 30% 28%

of professionals say their company
does not offer any programs or paid flexible employee
family leave work options assistance programs
initiatives to prevent or alleviate burnout

Millennials are the most burned out generation

84% of millennials say they have experienced burnout

at their current job vs. 77% of all professionals

Nearly half of millennials say they have left a job specifically

because they felt burnt out vs. 42% of all respondents

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