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S. K.MISHRA (G.S.SCORE) ETHICS INTEGRITY | & APTITUDE 2014 . _ (ues Cot rr ‘ MNES tatecda Hssinenoor - Faq ASSAEO > A? ed Person, WOKE to rresgot Goad Urirnccun, Holes aa “Shy a FED ty non becng A percen Caen aie shelng Uf the paaacanes Pievaluer Chevy, | EMAY Speen has nath H 6 Dy bub up yvisdw. then he ag Geet Human being. [7 Vater are Nermatty Aatiinary ter they Henk! hanye I caiea Lee $4: of ROE Boarted spenen, sith alco { fematn $0. yy We ee Chomge hut J cee @ othin” us a de Change vin sttteechiens \ 4 Cerca mateun ces 8: A hind Vrearten paeman mary appar ke he DH -Kend cishen, the Leu ¢@ Order kt Marion, | dk wut F Control, - - . ls Vadis “uh Mein Cory Roblem Beverdtiion Vs Preble dling + : ae eek fye nc “Tewentiia es SRE ate external me tnindh anh Rebmiuer opptied Le ; “Paper Gesen choke this Con Ue aquired &Uppradedt. (a Tradeeng SE tno. * gyncad” A ethey welected ote Cott uecbuol [occely] i [ | i tpn “A the cincliurctuate Cuuks Uestd the -toccety | | tha “yslem, rocedures, Lows, ele. Bab dt happens tbe be # feuiture the cheauwer § nore Numerous boeames ov hau & agendas de egenerateng ers te mae olen, vthe system becomes ancl chance tuhite System mearurer ramndt ibe ruled aut vin mmariayting Secieky ok sit be faty ste Spore chap primily abe the Somse “Che the indiurctuct). ‘e.g raat te ee ‘the indoutdual te. noe by “epgradiing nly the fells hat ey enbanatng 4 oriferetng human values. Sher Wis @ permanent sotutton fos ee probleme. notesclues.cem TRIGA sanaray He “ Hog. se nsnowk : Wises ree yy : BS Hand aut |Zotes HUMAN VALUES AND ETHICS (HVE): ery) . . andi EXPLAINED AND DEFINED one wushe spraicids vapon the geting brings ~~ ‘Human Values (HV, nay be usefully understood as those values,| Rbexct Change. which nurture Goad Human Beings (GHB) from within. (ED Meow a teen are atioaye * Hf good human beings become scarce, then family, society, cae organization, country, the world - all dwindle in respect of herent. goodness * To the common man, if not to scholars, the notion of goodness (and its opposite) is adequately familiar. Hs should be distinguished from other categories of values, 8. etonomic values, political values, tes The lence ae u pursued while ignoring human values ‘4 Values! should be distinguished from ‘valuables ‘The latter are external objects of want and desire, The former are stable inner| dispositions. Whot is valued, at » given tage ee ee development, may or may not be treated as such +6 one matnies| <= ., MABe—rerperience The tit of nner dpestens nope for good on bet penne ¢ ‘f “Values! influence both selection of. goals or objectives, and thelay: election gf the goat i choice of means” (0 achieve them, s 4g a “© Nala 26 inner endencios can be eit sty o njrious we get inte Ceisat Serwien Me Bice eke Corbin, Valu lolly or mean, helpful or harmful, Here healthy, lofty, preferable inherent vi He Yaltes are called ‘Human Values (J1Vs). The oppose category ” ie of values in specifically termed as "Dis-values" (Dvs). ‘Bath 11s and DVs prowl tian individual tthe cum on dome Ry | doctely HVs (HVs) is greater than the sum of DVs (@DVs), then that Gonatting Uindivulduate individual is re "i garded 6 a GHB, But ifthe 2DVs exceeds ?HVs, then the person declines on the scale of GHB What is true of {he individual is also tee of the family, society ete Based on the above, ‘values’ may be defined thus: kth Ht is the undiuidtials thot make wip the dou big rea values “pstems Hetory wa jete A aloes are an enduring set of emotion or fecting-tevel | YF exampler 9p ‘ndbiuetuale dispositions in a person, which (a) underpin the choice vuthe del 1p dlanda rls of his/her goals; and (b) determine the kind of means by tena veliun. ene Galo eee 4, satu Gye geen es Tat sample 1 I. Paes : i Seth persons ee Love for the country or patriotism was a deep, lofty emotion/ feeling during Tndia's independence movement Many brilliant ESSCORE 1 people then had adopted ‘achievement of india's freedom’ as their Motes cnty goal This was common fr all Bu the metho employed by|+ he eredcb- gor dlilfeFent individuals or groups varied widely. Some used journalisi Ibrdepondence eannst- seme Ineature and ant, some direct fighting, some peaceful non-[y" hana me ‘gle cooperation, some boycotting, some political lobbying, and so on.) J The dominant proportion of people among al such varying wena €ec.cltr nor eatogyy was, however, highly dedicated and self-sacrificing, Thus, for both. goals were efor {@) goals and (b) means CHVs were greater than EDVs, nakzonal wypuinferest- Example 2 & SLY retpect- Several pioneering industrial houses were bor in India before her| man, action uel | political independence in 1947, e.g, Tata, Godrej, Bengal Chemical,| &< gee ex bacl Si Ram Group, Nalehond Hirchond nthe ING The goal @pScbing uipan, othe [ was to prove that India, though suppressed by the ‘rulers, could| Wines “behead Sub | match them or equal terms in the field of economic activities. The| 2LLO". . motive was not market value, rank order, entrepreneutial awards, oy Ct { of deep national self-respect, Accordingly, the means employed|the 2 ken Qf che also enerally tended to be fair and square [Pome osin. “tau On the other fond, many of lodays ties ents or hia] Pranihing tha #2. have chosen goals like rising to the top as fast as possible, etc. The} Qf the Land” db senotion of pusenl vanity or inordinate greed usually underpins! uatfed wh any le the choice of such goals: This is also seen to be associated! sith the Gjandngje thay ucelated | abandonment of scruples as they use any means to succeed at all cost. fhe hal Qauy cLeereng Ethics! may he treated as the expression without of ‘values'| CPM O30, had immedi within, Values are the cause, Ethies the effects” sturrendera himself 0 alues are the cause, Ethics the effect, 7 tfone operates, ina given instance, from an HV emotion within] “he Laur the outward action will tend! to be ethiea? If one is stimulated bby a DV emotion within, the éxternal act will tend to bel « carey \ A Hence hs ition of Fa (nse hough unetaly r ‘It is unethilcality when One entity intentionally tries to gain at the expense of another, or just to cause loss to another without any gait, while the other entity is unaware of such intention or is Powerless to defend itself against it. i Example 1 | Motivated by the emotion of impatience and academic greed, a { profescor intentionally plagiarises. The reader of the book ie | powerless to defend himself against this academic! | misrepresentation, Also, the victim (the original author) may remain| unaware of such unethicality against him/her ; Deve oa the cose bore 4 the aebibn a | the auttor uh tenethecal Example 2 ia Aw literate, poor villager comes toa retical centre inthe nearby town for an emergency treatment. The concerned doctor dodges, this man to several specialists who have a lucrative news among themselves, The innocent ailing villager thus gets caught in a spiral Of calculated fleecing by these unscrupulous professionals: The, Professionals are inwardly impelled by the DV of greed for money. This leads them outwardly to operate a network of unethicality DY is the cause, unetheality is the effect. SAE Cause, unetheality is the ef Example 3 Professionally qualified! founders of the NGO quickly hire enough furniture, utensils, mats, etc, for famishing the roome in building Which was donated earlier by a kind-hearted local man. A foc femporary woman workers are employed from the neighbouring localities. Some basic medicines and other accessories are arranged, | A couple of small blackboards, swings, are put in place. On the designated morning when the teamcomes, they see » noisy, bustling child-care centre full of the little ones and their female career} ‘The employee register is shown with fictitious payment entice ay four months against non-existent names. Tho texrn fe impressed with the lunch, the polished behavior of the people and the happy children, Eally next month nearly everything Vanishes Only the Rio NGO promoters come now anu then. A” few children are there, and there are just two attendants for the whole oui Tea ‘Ponts later 75 per cent of the grant atrives.-All the pieces in the clrama of unethicality aze present here-except that the victin, (the Gonors) if they come to know ofthe iraud, might be able to sock due redressal An sacred lierature HV emotion are called ‘pure emotions! or ‘Pure feelings, while Whe DV ones are ‘impure emotions of feelings’. Words like Virtues and vices have also been employed.) A> The practical provess of improving one's Values Profile can be. [ePresentel below. Te requires the raising up of HVs a | the lowering of DVs. ahus, spinitual waplifiment af hun} 7 By engaging in this dynamics or proces, ethicality should tise, and unetheality decline, * Representative lists of HVs and DVs are given below * Petails of the process/ dynamics of improving one's proportion of EHIVs relative to EDVs will gradually follow. By "| Tatea Con be attacned @@scoRE Fe Oe noReSCIUAS. CAMs, Sate, wearin) ao) wh aur htiman. “relO RORESE! cipin't & out. Values Dynamics | Ly tis sometimes asked how may one judge whether J particular judg emotion or feeling in oneseif is a FIV of a DV, Heré-is the best way to do so: any emotion or feeling that impaits a sense of warmth, ease, expansion of spirit within is’ HV emotion, al virtue. It also contributes to steady, harmonious breathing. On the other hand, it is a DV emotion or vice if it causes inner constriction, burning, agitation, etc) and shorter and faster breathing Sometimes itis said that valtes are neither beliefs nor judgments, neither feelings nor emotions, neither deeds nor actions, yet thel former are implied inall these. But really says nothing, and one! is left in a vacuum: Nothing affirmative is available. Controlled andconstructive: use of a few DVs, eg. anger of fear or Tault-finding is sensible in specific situations or relationships. Thus, a teacher or mother using anger as a means to correct repeated indiscipline or neglect of studies is a valid way of character building. Of wvuise, tis 15 the last option when other softer means have not worked. The invent er Tl with implied forgiveness. Vindictiveness or sadism has no} wutnels harmon sewsng. itv lee Totes place here, Die-vatues | (causes of unethicatity) | Greed Vindictiveness Duplicity Backbiting, etc ——1__ Itis important to note that sacred liter always reminded humanity about DVs them, e-g., shada ripus (six enemies) and baits) in Gita psychology, seven’ cardi Seventeen mental defilements in Buddhis in all such lists are emotio Ethets ux Obauk sre than rable sb ing Reverence Forbearance Courage Tolerance Honesty _ Unset Compassion, ete. mal/feeling fa Human Values (causes of ethic: Conte ntment shness ature the world over hag] and the task of tamj asuri sampat (demrenic| linal sins inthe Bible, t psychology, etc. Items! actors of the heart blem sprevention rather BSSCORE gyal tescluega¢om cst alas no : o Vase Ir ference 8 & fi nee OO vali ae cere Undliuceticad , GM Change dus ite. Cor ceemé ton cox, hy the Vatuny Gang : SO Ohat tue 2 it) What tBhoutd be? We exten 2, “impels ws te Leok Of usta uit denser seen ae ea tha Peete bt Hs dipendent fotaty en aur whe, te Balance, tai, ’ Omch “What ik coe sg hehitually CA ak Untrifagct "ang ve Bakiy makita (dani A) these hax stn he thedaneén aoe) Coperity he. Antow mustcta MAE RR ndincuat Me Sntlged ate cantata Bb he ae of Comber MULE RE 9 goo Hexen Auaren, PAO th cart cedars, Sie ee & hahaun ccd Gay Ha che manifestation OMS Phenomene. “the More Une Become Concer poget, he Greate “becomes Mawar emptiness ! Chette and Decision. making — Ser — \ Choice ib deeiision ~toten asing nacnd, Cons eriner heat. 2 q > Reference th imputyive te You pry aukat es foud to yas’ ¢ icucton, Conscious iy nak used ¥ ux a chabetuat any Dhen there Cure wander Caeerter qf Gellan Auactable, & CS Was te hake Aretseing by Chote” ‘ GX spersan “efust af DUE Oem Une Chare cthat re makeg Ds vals) unoutd he compere /en-etnecat o Decusion mating tie nat an. Ohpechin Pk Buena, i UA ‘ y Purely O tabie ting “Prenomena eh Ul cepencly on Whe Chatte,! t ' Votes, Bs Mnvenctien 2 4 r dren gy Ro eg oe tee a a voy was, Nak “patentenl 5 . . I ao *pretuss clepends en Valuer 8 ‘the tindinedtral who maker = BI hate based on the Valeeer, ' = Mo Bbiechine Cheiee OF Qeevsions ought to Be free , rom Wier ar parcti tty Or Qecesion Con the Aasei feed as i) Wise Deeesion 7 4) Pen ce Win 1) Cater De ceaen Sp Bests / A ctutl devant har to Sink, q “balance Betureen “Ase 6 heuer Atestan. C5 Shautd be inolined Lernardy ‘hina DM, — Deisciptine 2 O° Fetes stona Cone wushe Controle shamacty [her tery 2 ~tisler Mivekitha: sand That are whe Unoutd be free Test te Leann oly Gerern ane 4ety. She Haye Uthat Uh uy Un Contrelled cis any Rha tbut “free Me uske moter reat tue mage Pofeuk tin Ohedionce heecton LCD are tine hits GF deme can. Eqs a Kathe Upancahad t Waehikete, father Kad Sentenced him . ne Lord Mama $eise hn Boon Nacniteta ako him re Yreedlon & otis erpline dite “casoardy et tin curd thy supreme Goat y Auman exictance ; detenseng MEASGIES Brak sue get aut J thin? te discrinenate hettincon COnuentronal Lesire cae SY “pup ome gem tine opti of Mopar buck Machiketa . mets Youd “pled afer wwhélisome |eya ne. ie soar BOE what it da’ bat he Ge opted she the Lofty Purpose to learn the Metence @f eternal fete ¢ rhor babity. 7) Oiseiptene Of patience. yMetin cnaiict pakenty der Yama ierespeski se cecmtaneey wi) Descepeene a Anger Control. ey: hegh his father had enbenued. hin f heceth, Nach the unisdom 4 love Jo ast Yama Aer hratonn of hin tannin had ost ‘ i ' : Oeisctpeine 4f forgiveness po Pig his other 9 Qusceptene 4 Courage 5g, Cotwage tle Negleck © Qwocentlh, - > Nachiketo uses a. Chates Lut he had the > Freedom fom (free man ive freedom 1 mate hig oun, Aeplioe to make chatter which. had. Aefly Cheats, & ffecclom de, Naanketia epee xfer Greeclom te”, thus Aaergficed hit yreeclom 5 feamhoe Aye s We Ube peste Y Indio swank te eure Toa IA te Froetom from? Freon om tojushis, bedageret ~~ Free chow te? Tee 8s eat fednn scolie ae Ucdiwdual : . woo: CReanbles send spat), Freedom ue’ ees “Grom vnlemal i, Zfrom wi then ones Self. eh “heedom 4 Ate plene cin he Alar Luho sshedy sforabtons, vino. = an : 4 sytney, ‘seaphiined manner even Ghaugh ik ds not erctudy ve fh e é iJe Fag suerte iy vata $ of or first er ana FO We uuerk fo warn aur Leveleheccl " Work Mr Mena for gurng eeiat ‘Prebtige , thus 4 aucthonety . eulak ‘preneige tn An duan | bhicce bedlitien > Maxuat uiork har cheen deen a Min fevtor te Un tellectuad ork. = oe Eady Prokestant etnies, ae Gees cus reeegnetion. to manal sor for Aeti.abe ng Gur petenctiak Troupe ‘v) Work oe aay, oor thees howe fr ek an uuork i % Mean for ey Aeclpment - ; YY Sy tin "et Et value. tip tion exntte shee cusork cana net be clans. only he SAE trauth but Br Fraud be chang ‘dor Cet being Gf dovcety bo Work ar o Moral 4 choiat Ob Legation ston Nepher ch énking 4 uuok uk hab ut ehauta be een aby lu “ Yo hese athe hae atthing he (geen roe he dene fer ar dcly maintenance 4 Cee, Go Shi ce Cored Sprvi boat 2Hitiide to uvark. This tuork cig ene foe 24 - prcrtfcaticon.” has feud that Mahe ciork Your Means de inner fphibias mebirth, G6 ux ate cares ee ee Gherng ke God £4 way A deruing. his Creatvan #0 Reermang your Auty waite ede Yes Cl bre, intepnty empathy vis Caled PA hho ely hen form a Utvorship ~ Sto: A Heng had aedtrad for Canstacetiion temple: Ue uconted de thn ou Uke stbtbidestd ucorters passion Workar 8: Lay ny cheldren, foucly , feline Frreralbions Pe the 4 soorker har made a ehatee to uuerte heared on values which hae mol § fecal attéaetio., . - ! > Oar : Quality, tin 00k Life 2 How do being batt eueeRlene 7a Adnwrishatibe ? foe t Lo fer seu : Mp Ahak tthe aeerkern Ukuork Unik fly Keep HOY interest eles org interect,) bo Ne OFAN. Gednisnat ae OC, . Leecorken, i we, é She Moral ebUigatin an Uke A MRey mut usc Becrdeng le ti os Eu ar ‘ ne mabe; + mated oo frbion Luk haus tome Uoritten ¢ unuritten . A& Valu, Coe) og ore & Vales Comet a Uworer ty uals arity GY! Ccltectors MAD bared on Un-vortten sk : nelfhta, Cows, net wvitten huts book). (FE eset fu pte ep heeded . : fo he Berk doce ave mgs (Oe ane SuWfable mechanism dev irew ec ANe "eclressa We cctse it ee O true vittte ~ Pt cssorthenesg PMMA LE 4 But wa Ge Matta ci Siethaty _oregone Sf pou Hhld be ae) te un (peter ¢ authority. WU eae Cun Communsurade “erpensibe ae MENA there Os cad » Govt- oy ae Rae eee J re Tread ay prblee bust Poneaty 4 iMleguity - Wark i SiN OLL0 Un chun sebtenind “rom cuptiing Sepeclally Lett peuple vrauacng ofrcrae {7 Ales. . | - SOG etsnak Yaurer theuld rhe ercerecied. ON Objective g Unbrased i renter te oe monn. 4€ tincltrctes \ “ting Mepottem Ls . 1 Pepism Yegicnalismn, eke 1 Minor Nirttuts ane ; MOK g tualesten, Oe WP cauerk place te and Prion cane eee vin sucking 4 Organisation fining Fak cl din Mey Prcbisad sete ¢ arte oteing the 3 Po ptenat tata TS | uoay tne 019. eb chs | “etiwten dierent Same te oe the Gif us 7 Members — § 89 entity eis dines from. COUectiity Of it | he y ek, WAMU Ore vetlectod i Un the getabs L | Ome yee I, 7 Merely focenal Atruclurer, Y Gre Obie TOLL 5 : ss 6 hme val, yi Ln n Seulal 4 human, . - | oth at ‘ng a wy 8 Aas & means but alte ar Now nea, » he Pesoregt ctatneng trecclt Ue unniters an the OS Weel as end > Woden 2 Od€L, tutes 4 ane members 4 arg sthautd tbe streated usin a eg ae eee as ressurces gor Furfettorant 4 gant pedionae eats tS en tncls tha omrohus je, # vuth God de teahd cy nascent Ne Ahoutd ube treatid ay twpertank as hat f Whe arg. ¥ : i his Could be mehvenet shy ty, fuaslite ys _ a a “tes “Shey Gre essen Lal values Un promot 0K Cubbie of Cosaperation inn ake. Crechingi evalton ¢ Creatisaity uv VAL at fons i ars Op getin Watt promote value mrongak cls employ eres 4 Ube amp Lovers COnS Chiourness un ‘ Lun BULL Cutlivate a votes Uotied athitide A a their Oppmoach on. a de unerk 4 their hehawou- vin Ue are, deg Bo values Joba ecg of dndiwdual unorkes anf vthe erganin afi . ne a ee vith Lead to Surcors of Cigenijatin * Quatttatiue asia, . - ( Quty 2 Raph. + i > oO (SY Hk Condiek Lee ke tupertors ¢ parenka te da lio dened as stra ey Pkiyyation, | tee Corhaeg vod. | Feye say, “Supt 6 ctreant eee 2 Vivek. ay : | Shanda ‘ ; ys that © duty ae fiy action that , Males ues { | scty & GA woard . $6 us 0 goad Shion 4 Ua Cue apeform™. Duty ig nest teritec Ye was dusty, J uae 4 nan Boyt tone susten, Mdene Berernt’ perform hin a. wey S$ mont Gre cin tertinked [SO MIMR Ga ca a dour g ys ; Me ‘ he GL cig fustiwahte 4 thus ud [PR as certo Rens. Gp , Gt te uwek’ he can ppoach the const Hard Haneint ako 5 Frech « PRA or Work 9 WREP-s REP. Taswohay Rangae CMON “Betcor cts nyhte thased joe Citizens Oe . Appreach. (RT, HGuregn Foy Susners ae { ornkatag nt “ (eon stat te ie wekg lk clucteés lone Che Cause, mighis ches; Hike, Wighcta Aatisfeed ttuere he feck m Me Tes noe Aeschagiag As ebbiychisns | tecty cout on , ‘ ue 4 ¢ he velwane! gh = / te (Ae be anisting cage fm of catigens G UPON the Luctcee f Auch feu les Mi ' ; chrckionasien wore, MOTESE Mang -Persins oath cham a’ rch — whetler hanes 4] Afillment. $n ‘prmetple, assertion AL mpbcte ay & Feaction Ofaink noo perfermnce F ctucty Hens g heating value- led Rthical Souiedy £ Fok Should fous ‘Prmarcly On Patios ein ao Shere lor ewnsteng thier 4 Nabues nate prevention, TPP btens. she Porm HUAion is che Ylacus a Che buch, : ¥ Wncleurdual, rate, than eae Ramervius MHL any Ca he on, Bie goat Novo, v “oe ee Mhe Gove Gcboptech Regt basek appraay,? Gaes hs Leen pee oA aslpting a a i TOE Cette Of the Yredtem oa you. 7 unde we che ue ee oe a ty . WAL, biting herneatly, nly tat? al een Dates eS paiar ee ty Fy: Ao cher ite th Mune the fleods.C thie ve justices “tin 1 Corea thet Cite the, slay ff the Mmeral charait of VOUANY whonon Geko te nucentain’ usbathen the Bulting Ore. EIR [ rong. St tie ko endivand morality Goon the Hand pein ae erat Kenrcquencs $¢ ectudtsn the ak influent Co} . Comes He into ‘ POY uke the chetien Lo not inherently tewe feratlenstios ashleg are he offer “particule coun Of Behion oe best one. thin by sete} Dount/ preseribe JB awn cece’ of morality Stas & phetosophrea 1 Seuiry nts the nates. right rans, /wrorgneas : ~ ETHICS AND HUMAN ny Mores ~ Morality i INTERFACE | shouted “tin steruns of Human Actions 7 The main focus of ethics is on human actions. This also happens! to be the starting point for most legal system, ‘” Ethics focuses only on people's deliberate human actions and not on undeliberate actions done out of ignorance. The: dlistinction here is between deliberate human actions and undeliberate action, There are tine essential requirements for any action to be human. cea adbion depends wipont 1. There must be some knowledge involved. 2. There must be an element of voluntariness. Zeahhe Stign must be freely done, ne chacke thoutd se cto Ee lication + We cannot do anything unless we know it. Hence knowledge! is essential to make any action ethical, ~ Voluntariness means that the actions must proceed from the will. The will controls the performance of external| dictions. The will is the cause of our actions. ~ It means capacity to act or not to act, Free will means that human beings have choices Impediments to Human Actions 1. Ignorance - tis the absen. vledge in a subject capable of having knowledge. An animal cannot be ignorant hecause of] its inability to have human knowledge. But a civil servant can be ignorant if he lacks Knowledge of administration or governance, 2. Passion - Passions ‘trfluence:human action. Passions include human appetites, such as anger, grief, love, hatred or greed Passion desttoys the voluntariness of the action, 5. Fear - {1 isa) mental or emotional reaction, arising from an| impending danger. It is of two category - - we fear which woul erson courage. $€ Grave fear which would affect a perso we: J dhe ~ Light fear which would not affect a person's courage. In case of grave fear, it cestroy's a person's freedom of choice and hence voluntariness of action. Whereas the light fear does| not destroy’s the person's freedom but only diminishes it. - action | the freedom ¢ Bote 4 porson SCORE ‘i 4 Violence - It is extemal physical force exerted on a person. [" Dotes Men a person oles all the resistance he ean actions dove tl ——. these circumstances are unfree and therefore not human actions. | , Gran abeohoter/ may \ 5: Habit - its » quality acquired through frequent repetition that hes rables the person to at easily and promplly. Good habits wel "SC Q& gor Fe © Hfhis and bod habits are vies (evil ut immoral behets, ROE Conair” abeetive Voluntariness and choices do not remain in these cases | enitervon, ger DN WM Temperament - tt may ishuence vokusnines, Temperament #17 isthe sum of a person's natura propensities as opposed to| Ss character which is the collection of @ person's acquired) Propensities, such as habits. Both may sometime lessen the| voluntariness of actions, but never destroy it i 7, Pathologic states - There ave any ptolgica sats Ua may interfere with voluntariness, In crtinl cases levers poy srt attention to these mental states & Other conditions that impact on the voluntariness of human! Fe, elute rugs and alcohol, These substances can impat human reasoning and knowledge | Essence of Ethics | Theevies | gtandarda t [eperdan towreen 4] A Bahics examines and evaluates moral life Brosdly following! ebkes are weligeeu themes are considered as essence. Idtcuumenbs, pie Lorephies ete UF Standard of Conduct derived from Philosophy and religion | *€-1) Vivlue ehoat “ay . The theory of right and wrong is the essential part of SVEIVIEROUIKE C Peago 4 Arinlotle “ethical systent. Some of the theories are ~ eiplicned. iceas, of eerater) ~The will of God ie eed Gaon FD Ubitel abanteny Divine command in place of laws, rules/fegitation enacted i by respective states { Making af tas and | puncahé: the ddizeng - dg amt tne tytn nae a sell preservation isthe frst law of existence Darwin theory ° J t fone er existence and survival ofthe fies" comes| Mt FE authority af from this principle only. * ~ Moral standard appropriate to the occasion, | - | But Lark miter gs | ~ Another ethical standard is utilitarianism, because i, ation. ‘hay tecommond those actions which could produce good seit SOE \ for greatest number of people. | de Guide in dome lac ie is ~ Another View is that of ‘duty’ which recommends pees 8 \ based upon moral duty only. C Kant) Censedence yohtth cds ~~? Principle Through which ethical problems could be solved Jee et wn ath Eractment of laws, rales, soyslotions for ure wompltance of fons. soe bkaa Seay gferers 25 by that de | ence a8 source a ethical guidance, | ed 8 louvety created | ee ior wt people ty 20 Slate 2st “war dreaded ete © dae ena whe gun dutty rok: Jaws te veyutate the cibigens. On Whe basin 4 dfwrre $ naterat Rous, Beate enact fosrr.y Rates 5 Roglatronn geve or | vpraweds Clar'ty’ en Jouse ‘ “ ce . riety Pauw, + thug = COU TU a rele of paw, 2 daw eannatkesclues Gat ote conection, 3. Ethics that shape the Swciely and the Nation [te ~ Becomes a part of preamble of constitution. . | ~ Constitutional values anc ethos of a country. 7 © IVI the passage of time new values are added to make it . vsievane 2)" Cont fabtonal Mocha ee te make whe ipe of 4 Pespte better. 4. Moral aspects of relations between human beings —» thet un Rovate Rela tronhdps ~ 1m personal teaions people experience feelings of hw injustice, grievance, neglect, betlyel ~ Human interactions are very significant. Social and amily Pleasures are rooted in human relations, ~ Moral standards anc coves need to be made to determine! these relations, Ethics of individual character (virtue ethics) cour! ~ There are four important vistues ~ prutence, 1 femperance and justice, there is one more virtue which the thinkers suggest is benevolence, Etudence — Sensible and careful while making judgméit : 7 val Nerotam ta ~ Courage > The ability: to face pain or opposition without Mo showing fear, essen dad Yor Car Eatage| an cbucbtty torte iy ential “fe ormed. forctasapart Jom Os 35s : ~ Temperance — The practice of contolling beh . . Mery | ompectaunt- er CS a ~ lustice The fair teatment especially based! of law. “Kede i erfere tis, ek not > Benevolence — Especially used fof People in power or] MAKE “Reo Laue. + Kind, helpful and generous, You -Lecame ewiphthe tie S Compasat anatte, 6 Tihics applicable in various aspects oe YO Lnenatence Oe ton Anactiin hose abpetile in had suite -) Circumstances of action. always Yemnain de > Purpose of action, ~ Consequences @f human actions, 1. Object of action, 2 ~ Every action has an object which defines it and sets it off from other action, ~The object can be good, bad or indifferent can be neither good nor bad ~The three principles which apply to any action are as follows, {@)An action whose object is bat! will always remain so S SCORE |> Vitis Goa quality of human charaster. aaa eee rere Segutreal ce yan tary wires They are Guabihits Of human Siapeitee eee dipese @ sparticudar pp ren te Yan out a Manner that a | eenidaned ges fet hey or Corblderadl exieltenern OF oy dort jMree ik te Pape the right Hoda Of Bisives ctoroards the Type [ie do the Ugh degree. - - ‘a {O)An action which is good can become. bad because of circumstances of intention, (6) An action that is indifferent (Neither good nor bad) can bacome! ool or bad depending upon cizcumstance or purpose 2. Circumstance of action - oH The tightness or werongness ofan action depends not on physical but moral circumstances, Example - Theft of Rs. 10. 000-00 from the pocket of a Millonaire is better than thell of Rs. 10, 000=0 from a poor man's house who has ‘arranged the money for his daughter marriage, *, Some thinkers comment that circumstance are sulficient to evaluate actions, because they feel citcumstances to be sole criteria of evaluating an action + This brings a debate whether an reference to general criteria, action is justified without! 3. Purpose of Action - ‘The purpose impact the ethics of an action in following manner. * An different act becomes purpose Example - one may acquire computer skills to play games: This action is morally neutral. One may learn computer sill te help an old age home. This is a moral action. One may lear computer skills with a view to hacking bank’aceounts. This is immoral * An action that has good object can-bécome more good because of its purpose x Fonsequences of Human Action = There are some actions.twhich have both good and bad consequences, We call this'as acts of double effects * Its difficult to decide whether such effects are good or bad.| ‘There are various parameters to decide such effects 1. The actions. which through good or indifferent means 2 I the action was bad it can never have a good effect. (bad means) 3. The good offact chould be a bad effect. aed 4. The intention or purpose of the action-should be goo good or bad depending upon itt or less! produces double effects must be either dict it should not happen via | Qeontolencal t detion | iteelt toy to be eget depandent on Conse enter “Feleoleyecal © Comeauncnees | have. ‘* be goed "Meant" thant nat be “bad i - \ | . ) e \ oo jéq: Thaw Art Hees ithccde, eae tate density | ey gent a Stediut 5. Mere mast be a vali reason for performing the 8. The good effect sh “ the bad effect Example - A police officer came to know that planed bomb with a timer ata busy market p a ould be proportionally much more than ace. He ¥sing temporary mike shouts at the immediately and goes for detonating it b niques and in the process, the bomb e ind v0 other people andl injuring 10 ot have much time and to leave the place indigenous techn killing himself ai People| by using| xplodes| hers. Hon of the Police Officer is ethical because he} S. There was some collateral damage, but it is | efits of the action of the police officer. * Thevinlention of the action of police officer is also fair. v lives ich less than thie |+- there was also valid seasons for the action | | Phage ack aetion produced whe solu safe Cop stedng | nee bo other 4 asuing many lee ie un an ethitat Aton ar hin intention Cre meant) fucas gaad . I 4 Conetage te uphath Moby ond nee thinking obo ut ary -pusanal stew fg PRute of Loss|? . : THA com atsg be cated ar Chul ] Qe Varga. shalt’ Nagpal Sera actives. GscoRE _ ~~ pao I Ruma Vals . UUrrwototy stohat 4 Ma NOE merely. aN an becky ~but- \ Foun dadeing A Himon, Values >) Freedom © Creotiwety 3) Love, 4) Wisdom Shere Males are Rtdenstiat gor 4p rag 2 Msnsan Rend conc alin ind besetting EOE h an ne Bie Fecdom ay Corbet din human bewngs te. ae benchiia, wesbrelisn “Priricte. History $f Chat ahin Pestle he aaa Freedom, ‘Man i bom sig batt Sn ~ ra poh ‘ Componeta ay Fredon ¢ 5 Andlewediiah 0 trtettectuat 9 Freedom som ag Feedom fo @) Freedom mit : SCA aud Cconemie preechim.. Temonat frcedtian cx the : a operant 5 it nplech Uke wey One Uwant, to Lue an Mead a suey person has diffe Z TE pation fuk foctgretund, society pele SE Ls earertin no Peet ees ip Scrap Bo © Of ns yi Ondinistualecom us sheng pursed Utheoh ig had. souety ae Coe erganfon 4 thea A Fo dewidisc te say homper, tecietat Cohexon Phe hak eg MGM Clo praskive « Peifeas anes ausn cfeueth, Yet thould not Aungrete the forth Y Shes, Attia cect Us the “freedom f mend & Snecence SE cis te Pmagere what cia Unimagenadde St ue ‘freedom, M8 purse. Messushed ge ; Warton AA pti of deltar 4 the Create eur Ones - aoa ! Togere Says "Where Ure mind ua unithout qos ae head ug heel Mii, tickers Hreama Of * weoxen ore nek hoat tin ithe dreary disor Sank Fetote teorronle te dead Nobo. in ebhat light my ceuntey anoakes, ” Mile “goa Freaker importance ule ntelleckuat freedom Tether than incliucebiial reedlen. hendamentate ti # terror helene un ‘Statin ques 4 thus tonget Un eke ctial 2 Cunt wucitien 2 A natin Com 7 Pregras as bueth —UnteMee trad Spe press & thus Cot Ujattion. PP 4reanon 7 Selettectuiak honeity 4 henai tity Ou tthe Coporstant ebibuctes FL 7 Srtebte cburat honesty means Shak inbitttctuals Sheard aber Sonik ky Untellectaas Serubing te. Anyone can quertion him, hes > Hope ™ Pxelosephy eke. r sont Like Aelita, need ole Rew Ctra whe ecudts AA of the Visionarter clicamen 4 “eaten of Uerrough Uke theuag hth, axons, Can thy Beet, preinens, Dhoy aus cto Anticipate + MBnboue Problems 2 Caution Ue toutety Shas they Yequuve Ata be Protection. > Frechom af ie? a be cheox betuucn alter natives , Vespensey SE Pek Bf ee cg hes | aun woay. He atys Includes MYirena, Owes! gant, cnetudes inctrabive te indi utdual action BE how, Otway, been Under threat clue de e- > i } Dron I * Rodterat theary oy. that cewery thing Us Pearcy oy. +h : he Retire Jor gee Ie toy rat oman ua a pat 4 Notte 4 thay is Ohins | chore, behauitanr Ove att “ned! by moture. 2 Sheony. gf Fale S$ Ge atne Ce) future, ackions ere. tt ee aude as Gotz hot Atevtes yous Quehiony Lhe obctwine of : Whery ting vig pre-determined. Theory 4 pds Euerg thang Us Pre detarmeaed by God & Suergtheng, ute DARPA Recoveling de ha unilt. hey ato Wealtin Your reed om of auite ~. ) Snclcan vats Cansekion net oe fein. “petpaundac Kanto re Thsry of 1» Karmuad Los NOL Fier Hinn ‘free with, Freedom thauth ‘te Goin lo umans cy hemann hae de ctturdte chasse rece & Tier tumans OFC Aniweraie 4 accountake ee > fi setiom “trom a vin matiniat chem. &: Feedam ofom aaley 2 Peper acim, Paliction gender ‘ 2 ~&F Ww y ee Crea eee acm of defo. , Wietananca Jays "Freecom bo’ viz ingfencte g Jreecton Yrom i oftrltc He Sap that t0e shone move fron finite te inefinite. : Freectism, to Gs pesibve content cto freedem to aetna lige Pree Pattntigl te Le. Lvl © fully human, Ye Grover te “be Creative, tp ole eed, de ub oud, & Be Mica the rod fe bear, vareem, ete, > teh a ! aie Erich Fromm faye that Sfreedlom cto” hax eur been Teatijed un athe ke tory ae Oe ambyase © cae : Creativity requires qheedion thu bath Ore clay ie Thus freedom us a. Receasary Cenchichion. pe Creatiwily > Anke taat Creahity Artistic i) Mirfak erataty Aotettectiat, thenk, bring rao Celtas, phe Lasephies Kypetheris Artiste 1 Poetay Arama the ’ Pointing, #lpture , kecorative arth te. Peep rho acute mut ‘hewe ome Lencttes bending $f ae SAtiste Ceatu'ty be Ceative Onagination “ep creativity z h Wrentrint far he, cout Le rection ye cotay fe fot A ttle A people Convent ent £ Cam fortorble OF Anemats Henuentian Gf ofire , theot, eke Meers haus Baten the vole 4 useful Ueabers, CK ME parse, 4 Petre Pesens are they her ontce’pals Ue problon co a ttl oY ody te meek the hattenp inv me OS: Chiled dy Prevent the dinarter FT Dowutrcation Modern, ngs Good s. . 2 Creatine “process 2) Robtem Sonsing & Pitblem wdinlifeeadion. Pe. reacting “PRE ple Sense the Yrblem tin aduance 4 thus rare AtHeied Dine & Mesouces. te Monage the poblem ey : oe Hloration ¢ Re ation + Ones they Brie the prosten “1 dor research & Prepare. wi) Gestation g Urcubatiog . A they awe ceeumtatea Moatortad, fact ,epintans ete hey pect Che pro bum ue Aub COMA ecu, mind Cqeslation) & ap Other unerka also, Bat oe. _ & thery take (Tes mend in eeororking on the Pre-blewn © Feast Y Mayhe § FU? nediog . Aa the Problem ds pute ms ee Salition ka Boddr, 24: Archimedes SY mind, & dalton Lavuns ably ”» Neipca kien, 4 pplication, = Sits Ff 2 Ueativ Poren > Pov Ceertontly 4 fertile Lmaginadtion, OMe aust hau See Curderity Crea Divcontent vig 9 Cotrege + We must: be Weally ty oucpe gfatltare « obo uM the. Netpensitedity pr Sastduere 4 tween © Pestbive lilade ; Chey ove nat tured in the pretens 4 oo, Mp ease tek ty Sappy Space ween ig times of distress #4! 100 farted expe fF Ede son FI Shoy Machi go: vanaus bynes 4 Persecebion, YPRUn eke dering, he orien A Creation => Thule ink ellipence Us mak ¥ (owen franat type dee emp asin, Momorg, tegicat 4 Omaty Prtens Gumkeng, Create pes mare Genarathy uintorerted vin pheloropheak Peis, ehh maine & ituerty, f tafe They eho Atatent aumner 4 haus high “fersanak HondaraQO¥pselygs fom i a 3) hy ° th ® © 8 She Sprupese ie te Coment- ef aries Persondlitia, Absensee J Lous cartes feokengs Yolen , alroratiion RUS tints : on “es eristence Freeclom us a weey aap. Component aco “sponsibility 4 veep are essentint empanents 4 lowe Ge leaden Of Mechionat Howl > Ruddha ctuned back fem he path af decking hee Heenat datathion sbecne af hin eucrg tore -f bounty 6 is tome of Tpensibilliy ce umacte fev removal JeHferings rom. human, wife. Dimens dane Of Love ¢ Poxentat lone hase gf mashed gor Une ChLd ss obadty Lente cat 4 thu in coma ascrslleat Seiad g Jou the deeper othe Segree of fit,’ he happrer th the ented. he tthe isk leccher g matlder of the persenally of re theld, 5 Fathers lous ie ant destect dn terms of authanty 5 Ais expline Senin becaure 4 responsibility. ) Cone betutee Mang WtrOman Happy Kfantdly cs the breusi's fa ha ‘i. / py Aouely feet ety Nequtates mw velabion ¥ ough, 4ouall » Auarctl a rele geass a Moavvinge ig a vefllecbion tha uaion aie ~ le ) bow aug: Meera, hur as, Chaitanta, te: Shey shock Sato. Auction, Complete. Surrendtic hephest reutrvance ty Ged. i Nau among eauats 6 eraenbind to watablsh oh un ea Hekpsta Cenperatuin 4 Laue Ouweng font, I ieee Mean wakes, hata ete Il tis atic requaved 5g ie aig nelattenships asprenity tase ld Hen relay, ns laste, Serial, eeonomce identibres D Love vA Spiribuak Reale, a te theut. Yeu are Present cin ser bly 4 wurrgbady da "ene uly Yyeee gg { a Je uit not sted staat Cosy heat a 7 “otely JE Os esention te eneners Y anex Aife theeause a Spivtluay Yporsan chews all vin hidmas ely & Aimed) un ate Shay home the nadiral clisive ute Glo gang rack te 4 & he uot Loetng of ate 7 abe ae BAe one cig he hephe ak twality % beac sos indo ay Nghe pealcty af murnol Cutkuation WN daatittis te etaenting for humo iu bln. cs Wife a Uthat sketch ua cbupired by hous 4 Fuad py HEEB Bm" BL Ressol Sufesn Sey ome thautd be Guidich by heart eer ofrtteord piroced by amind. 2a . j AAfrachien p Knows ge 4 dss > Krculidge th the 04 sasha? Ktady teh tn aan YJ related can tye A Bape ten Aiefferent seypes - Ore » te, pak stop ether & Onaly ped. Sp nw gk ly det op , sa Ottunutaten ; by Ong ercpertence. 4 eae een py B Share hay te i hat heron are cinine nat Lan *praipartien eee en ‘ir “apacly te experenee “hon Knausle Loe 4 Copacily dee i Ube Wang Prepertron , * my ov ~ i - Wray oy "educees Foner: but OF hires er’ 2 Xpervence More than raiiectge PO SB Comes, oe ww ‘closer he expere Le etpertene a tuiscte eek Onan oe ene eae Bald Tpe Sb Ge ae) pace 4 natebl, 7 Y PES Ie expecenee . = Didom Ky i sty oat rte Pisuiminate bebiuen hus, 4 fate "Olle helps your ote dircrtnuinate. « dere pen ag Aon a Wade. ay, Compasaton kindness Ve Duty of Central @ protesting Gawd, auf Mbictom "eMeeves Priori Fock Prowitation of Aur vaturs 4 sockyful randlen “ Z JY detecate tteactions so that Gur (neice 4 Lanclurel- aduan, es the greater Gocel the aveind Ay Tear goed the people Me A doch Ye reeds, & harmeniouy 4 balarmed ; \ . » Teodepechion= of cUX tthe obifferent vatues te Chowncten'stie, 4 OQ Wie Rrson 3 D dice. Pespte Ove Comp elting- hut itkeig Compeltner tis nok Uiniled gy Ktchuccat 4 Aenebenar Sb tig dn AHH ALL ura Competence cuahiv Cun Chuctes fens Cuil S Committe de Jip ivok tin Atcovddnee LULieh Ruan Abies r ; . ’ Wrine percens Unease emotional tacctuorty hey howe, mak gr, che CLL atiaey fay OL Sues and miserable dejection ot fthaves 3 Thuy dentep % te 4 BLD h mink os woett as reterwing empathy ) hoy axe ew gal gifiondlty tercardy athex they Be Patty ~fiordly AME Cote eerith cthumaelues Shee madieniky gies then Yer to chandile haus problema Mn Ocknerse AiR obions . Comtrat, Ore Ore hemaelia are eG » Chenese. Proverb ~ Share guhp Coun “Pema fuk trore usher” Con Control ‘Move Poworfce ® Aduincetvatons bike Aeoka, chanokya, Akbar 6GMawya Fakernatice lee depots Peeples wolfare vis Hlateh tfte a kaya Fammohan boy, Mother Theresa - % Beedbaran + Restoring een, Valuer” e aa ajay, Role ofamedy sinaeteet ct lecicly # educational ambtisins “| > Volus Uke, ; Sextraers, rele EOE lassen, Hneerty , Eharing iS v Pencince, veSponsibe . | Yude are pon. si, Ian tity ewok peck to She oh RULE in hy thet | : Enstve y . te, Value educotion uted to be trankultled uo che dutd! re er oa Bint cd i I \ Mealy pati “petting things a vay eedirly eraser, ftbtowsing < Bewiek Hine Eebestite , Seebarna : y Be chit an Lesson (Weeling te tds Oretd she. = T. I f Kenesty shane ight Uy parents, Sey ithe a ete Se tought — Parents theutd net! ete Mindat ee admiration 4 event, Rents shoud a. MH SY diheneate deedy, nian tego Buth rte cour wp Choir mirtak, vee J Meciat yfutise *Pacenty heutd stay Achiatn, theology Ua Rare an Uke dwcknine Of vecalxon & : efron Where Lt, Concept af dervice” hax begun © Concept, of admin testopy [ ohh, “Ebsccordate ia oa, OE Of Eekang Care fe means chat NOS ake Ove wertratrd uukth ube esponsibility have SES np Henge te Je '1) dpeciat’ hivgadion, bo canaiter (OS @8 @ vocation it) Retidty i Fiducsery vetation. [i wa Taken ghep Dosed on trent Cop? howyers- trent) ] uuith the “pobuc iy Remain vin Go: mpl ment ee od (aes “ects of te mate Anoiked” AB Bacharge Ute vale of trusts > Adm, *heategy Mophaaizes ty, fence onlentitin uy . ee cere ne 7 Pee acs. the ses HY Ou pea a un he LANE deechisg’ of Lhe Aronpest @sark Un homan ie that un the Xp lecture 4 ferving OSC be carese yeu hewe entered tints a Stucco neha bion ity, public.) oc) Pre~ requisite Y a Morag Govt : Cthecal Uehantiour us & OS Un tudes a hlend 4 Moral quabctio, 4 Mentat Mttritudes tL { eee - Th 40 Hc FEO Cutline Ko herve [ Competordty, ee crere SE ar ey > Aust rh stole tou ukat ceueryy bealy ho Ore un peitvens ly fee MY Pauser hase ct Prsceas 4 Carduinal Virber 3— Ore dehaucares, [ektitudos Chat thir high | Kardards or moral Values » Prue ture | doers EMPL spubtce SMe ches te wuarete the ith proetecae is Loon D Tastien : j ee Ufikeousness! [fair dabeng, AL abe tintludes | enlegalty 4 TectsdeClprightngas SD Forts ; rete ie ay Mength & eoucage Gn andusrance | rs Mr aclwercity. Se tly feasted for satire” 4 alae Tage ck he Oy do retrain, Oe “pe ok | dere as CS heue Cees dbo & Ore Cutodians Y huge resources C Prudence ~ Taste are CorEainky very essential Yor CS 4g Oy YF We 4 vivtizes Ore Agucveck by a penan ther Other 2 ued Potton. ee --- notesclues.cem | 7? Pebmcnictadbia Vireues : Détepron & Betty Theory ¢ He “suggested Bessenitriat. cuthite tes Utfethar with 3 moral gualtirrs, © Shere Areata nek che mort Ombe, wy Undiuidual buhawiour 4 sphbie Yale pe, They Uae ole be Consistent pPabee Poles thet bo uny etka D Hotoso uty SPARES “POLES are norte , bom bines Hey Uraue Mure Ahan One dn ter pretation. D One Be Arts alk comnot chotel Geek 4 hance CS ntedd che Onaliye Concrete Chcumstancn, before, applying General mules. a Foadiures. are ‘paradoxical 4 ome Binzg AAf defeating. a Pheu be le muastifed & then the gouemanee Cat come) con, Horak G watibiens © Optimism # henener ele OMA san Ute hd innovative hanger there uit by AG tom Uuithiy becatise hureaucstic Ceo OG AN ee A Atatin quote a Fo Ainactions Os. uheuld be op tinstie D Carrage 2 6s hae oy ang wp gee thew prinerps g untthtond Maumoral PAiGak Pressure, ESM IE tence tbe eee Bebantod — uudeh good intentcon 4 Bitrong Unaracter -= eS @ ai / ney Leper cavecuees eA at Panparent Objectis _- ney OS Bate te , eo EES Grey 110) sot ed Unith fome des vation a has utp be Uwe ger charcty fo OS Shae mat ups be Objective 4 ule bound, > y, ws gf Catherine denhardl 7 Virtoes, oyna Cs Du ; oe Ine hanesty 4& broad~ mutoded reas enevelens nes stint ty tn df an PSaskee sg apy Aenea lo dere. ia aa tity 4 Aeleeucieg tin hv gnety A indiurelusd. => ° » Renee Rerng be Coopers + pram He passe Public goed * es “ “ Bitoni Apprnpials Procssts ¢ procedures bebe ~ he the Aectety, people 4 te thi nation Gostion (alleues to. Senton ¢ tub ordinaty abe Vivek anand day, that 4 seunt rave OECONK ine enpey tin’ there chap; ‘ peness Othe, oer a penn Bit fk Chak aur cub erdinde in vin preblenss S sible hau pablenee ty lgnere their petty, ru ok Daniels K-Hart | “ > Bxsport & a ne hes tuuth ¢ re udence 1 C$ gy, us way auth etple e Require . a-+- $ { ® Moral Heroism de D low g Heamancty 4) Tusk vin Compa, ee : Combines tot evar Mona improvement. } a1) | Ampertank Attntbutes f Cot orante e “ey hee UNH nly Getter, Code 9 Comduck 1 DMs cae gable a 4 nt the eit of by MA Nene A moretily fated Be Meek the upectationy oY peaple | © Gout. site prriey fanipraniae nov totes ane Supporting BAe ‘person . ft ate | or city 4 Nmbarsed: - 4 tpersits we fmt a ae Me ten bink chong Cs. Becatene moat 4f eu Lives | aa wre Me Bet an Go hutiat gudge gta ay te act | MOR a, Opprar cto she nurtrel |tmpartral. | ° - : 5 WON- -Partiione Pp Partisan chip ta 7 vba nich | axl: thew Aanpot for one person, Group er Udo especially ‘i (Cre Uk ane icleck CHE! tnd shehaue ee Dbyectinity 5 iy lonions by Ne Mn fiuaneed doy spersanat eeteoays Jopenin inca fact the Goch kat Cin be rae & thee can te establithed, Fach +Valusy ' i Decrsions xheautd be ‘Made as fer am forse tred oa, { feds, to that 65 word nat be quos. benatfe in fabeare « Cateed ay iin Consicherng lars Crs - oe nan ~ ‘pay tikan Manner, — 8 i i \ j Megah repmailg ge comes deme aiectiity , Meret Feepewtty ef C& omen frome Value Desearions Y Oe are Aubjected oly csirtiny, debate, bo appoak t Phar are nab obsstute Veccuing Yes Coun. the werttined th a Court forums, media, Before Your enioes Records smarntatnerd by OS thowtd cdpeak on thal tehody 4 thus — eeerti , oe cy the bared on Obpeetivetyy but nek -tiUted, Ageod arder’ tis ‘ane uthéeh, in A nplacnaeny Ohpec tie why “] tad che tranparency lopennesy un dttiion he hard ouuerk & Sort Uno pus At a 0 eh Shoes Cocoruite Ob a spath # vecotion. | om EH Sf AY he nas tn Ue connitted and daetteatee SE ye caning iets, were Ohihebren, rome ‘ Pfoctot sy SO Raa spenpe @ lke people Tlokerane ci, Jepencch an othe — alitlggess = % vitereots Opinions | auteur that nak APE ith oe thea emma Pepe Mushe ove nok ike you. iy . ote wrekices Obebiky te Aeepl ewshat sther _ feet fayf to eum Uy a bya Ant! atree usisth Compassion Ux a citron, eels dy Speopte Whe are shor q 4 rpg fe etch, “Y eee Stsire ho *peeple. Empacthy | > Ne bralety waned tha vies Aas 'oadout > Lessons from Life of Five Administrators 1, John Beames (1858-1893) - Ethics during 19th century Administrators * Much is known about John Beames though his memoites entitled 'Memoires of a Bengal civilian, which was published after hie death by his grandson. * He was not only a good administrator but also a good writer and scholar. : * He knew a number of languages including Persian, Sanskrit, Urdu, Bengali, Punjabi and Hindi, He knew German, French and Italian also. + Beames worked most of his life in Bihar, Orissa and Bengal. Hel Was a man of strong opinions and was often in trouble with hie} senior because of his out spokenness, 1 In champaran, when he supported indigo cultivators, he was Suspended and then transferred to Balasore, Subsequcrily he ‘was again transferred to Chittagong. He was again transferred, to Ambala and then to Ludhiana, * Beames was always prepared to fight exploilive Zamindars, abusive planters anct pompous officials, When famine came, he erganized famine relief with considerable success. At Balasore, he protested against the fines imposed on peasants who lived closer to the areas of salt production. “When confronted at champaran by an exploitative indigo- Planter, Beames wrote "It\was not, as some of my detractors alleged, from mere lustof power that I insisted on being master of my district and having my own way in all things but because the district was a sacred trust delivered to me by the govemnment and I was bound. 6 bo faithful to that trust” 2. N. B Bonarjee ICS (1925-56). Ethics during early transitional phase * Bonarjee's autobiography was published in 1970 with the title “Under the two Masters" indicating the British and government| of independent India He writes "the disappearance of British Administrative Ethics and its replacement by Indian has produced a general feeling of satisfaction and even contentment in the upper strata of the| society" HiGeSH Stent, GFIOIES TSO ERSCORE

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