Lesson 4-Personality and Values

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Consider the following quote….“Regarding behavior – forget about personality – it’s the
situation that determines how someone will behave!”

Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Why? Why not?

What is personality?

The sum total of ways in which an individual reacts and interacts with others,
measurable traits a person exhibits.

Personality Traits

Enduring characteristics that describe an individual’s behavior.

Personality Determinants

§         Heredity – so we’re born to be “just the way we are”?

§         Environment – oh, so it’s the environment instead?

§         Situation – or is it the situation that determines our personality??

So – what determines your personality???

The Big Five Personality Traits:

1.    Extroversion (sociable, gregarious, assertive)

2.    Agreeableness (good-natured, cooperative, trusting)

3.    Conscientiousness (responsible, dependable, persistent, organized)

4.    Neuroticism (moody, feelings of anxiety, worry, fear, anger, frustration, envy,

Depressed mood,and loneliness.)
5.    Openness to Experience (curious, imaginative, artistic, sensitive)

Can you be both an introvert and an extrovert?

These people (a.k.a., the vast majority of us) are called ambiverts, who have both
introverted and extroverted tendencies. The direction ambiverts lean toward varies
greatly, depending on the situation.

Major personality attributes influencing OB

·       Core Self-Evaluation (self-esteem, locus of control)
·       Machiavellianism
·       Narcissism
·       Self- Monitoring
·       Risk-Taking
·       Type A vs. Type B Personality
·       Proactive Personality


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