John Erick Florentino Week1 Q1 Read and Understand The Story of Esmeralda As Your Guide in Answering The Case-Based Experience

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Week1 Q1
Read and understand the story of Esmeralda as your guide in answering the Case-Based

Answer: Esmeralda was used to see paddy fields where rice is grown and mountain in their
province. It explain why it’s none to their city and she can only see different structures and
buildings. It is because she used to live simply and her planned to continue her studies by going
to Manila means she doesn’t have any idea of what is looks like and what will be their living.
She was only given some ideas but she’s clueless of how she will live by herself without her
family even friends. She pray for a safe travels which indicate also that something can be wrong
in their travel.

Terminal Activity
Use a graphic organizer that present the 6 questions would you like to ask the Presidential
candidate to answer country’s issues.
1. What is your stand in the issue of the NPA and communist in the Philippines?
2. Which one do you consider as friend of our country, Is it China or United States of America?
3. What solution will you make in addressing the COVID-19?
4. Are you open to change the 1987 Constitution?
5. Will you allow the ICC to make an investigation in extrajudicial killings?
6. What you cannot promise to Filipino people?


Week 2 #Q1
Present your project proposal using app
Which discuss the Five proposal on how to address different issues particularly how to solve
problems stated about Manila.

Problems identified in Manila Bay include:

Deterioration of water quality
Coastal erosion and siltation; overexploitation of fishery resources; degradation of habitats
And loss of biodiversity.

To adapt the Operational Plan for the Manila Bay Coastal Strategy, the Manila Bay Oil Spill
Contingency Plan, the Coastal Use Zoning Plan of Bataan, and the Integrated Environmental
Monitoring Program (IEMP).

Terminal Activity Week2 Q1

Question formulated
1. What is your stand in the issue of the NPA and communist in the Philippines?
2. Which one do you consider as friend of our country, Is it China or United States of America?
3. What solution will you make in addressing the COVID-19?
4. Are you open to change the 1987 Constitution?
5. Will you allow the ICC to make an investigation in extrajudicial killings?
6. What you cannot promise to Filipino people?

Questions under which Discipline

1. Political Science
2. Political Science
3. Political Science
4. Law
5. Law
6. Politics

These social issues should be addressed since people are curious of what will they expect to
one of them after winning the Presidency. Will they be focused on the Health Sector, Civil rights
or to their own Political career?


Week #3 Q1
Case Based Experience
“what is the meaning of this?”


One Answered that it Danger or bad Agreed Because he saw it
is a symbol of for health every time he
equality. watches a court
hearing in
Two Said it is a To be avoided A sign of being Because she's
weighing scale to okay or familiar with the
justice system. agreed. symbol. She also
view it as a fair
and balance
judgement to a
given verdict.
Three A symbol of Drink Okay because for her,
equality and moderately there are two
fairness sides in the scale
and the other
symbols are easy
to interpret
according to her.

Do all your family members give the same meaning to each symbol? Why do you think so?
Explain in five to seven sentences.

Family answered the same meaning of the symbol because they are familiar and they easily
interpret behind the meaning of the symbol. Which means they cannot influence to decide
what change different answer of they saw. These symbol are commonly seen in court and other
justice related. But they answered differently despite they have common meaning. And the
other symbols depend on the first word they utter or getting familiarized.

Terminal Activity
Write a paragraph form for each picture that was common during pandemic.

First, Social distancing where we all know how much important to make a distance to other
people just to avoid close contact and the increasing number of cases.

However, no matter how the government please everyone to make a social distancing, there
are rule breakers who still following what they think is right even if it’s not in accordance to the
rule or law.

A Birthday
During Pandemic, people used to celebrate birthday and make a gathering. The picture shown
there is a balloon at the background and the roses given by the man number 1 to man number


Week 4 Q1

Make an essay 300 words about the question of a young girl “What is happening in the
environment and what can I do?”

No one can prevent natural disasters to happen. But we can do something to prevent more
casualties and damages which we can protect not only our lives but our family and home. If I
will this young girl question about what is happening in the environment particularly during
disaster is that I will tell her the importance of making preparation when the natural disasters
strikes. As soon as we started with the process they can used it to keep themselves safe.

First is to teach her how to pack an emergency preparedness kit that may help to keep them
safe and easy to supply food water and medication on hand. A clear outline of a disaster plan
may keep everyone safe which include an evacuation just in case there is a severe weather
alert in the area and find an escape routes for roads that are blocked due to a large scale of
disasters. To teach them also how to shut off gas electric or water lines and where these are.
Listening with local officials may educate the area residents to learn about occurring disasters.

Being prepared is not just to avoid the events from happening but to reduce fear, anxiety and
most importantly losses that disasters brought. Luckily, people in the land are already aware for
what to do compared to these people who are living in mountain and rivers where most likely
their place is no longer safe when the disaster strikes. They should be ready to evacuate from
their homes and take shelter that would also look for their needs. Teaching a disaster plan is
not easy if majority does not apply what they have learned. The preparation and struggle is real
ad disasters disrupt hundreds thousands of lives every year.

Terminal Activity
Choose an environmental issues and make a program how to help mother earth.
A program that can help mother earth, First is to make a communication access where
everyone gathered like Internet where almost people browse. This program objective is to
awaken volunteers and people to use freedom of speech to protect the environment. The
environmental issues that we know and very common is the cutting of trees in different places.

Week #2 Q2
15 sentences Essay about social inequalities that a lower income during online class.

Even today, Filipino parents are the one who value their child’s education and impart to their
children that is one of the most important legacies that no one can steal it from them. They
believe that having a better education opens a lot of opportunities that would ensure their
future and remove them from poverty. This, they are willing to make sacrifices to send their
children to school such as to make loan from a bombai or an Indian money lenders or engage in
5-6. Due to the poor family’s severe status conditions, Education tends to be less prioritized.
Hence, the chances of life improvement is unlikely. Therefore, it is important that the poor be
given equitable access to education. In 2015, the Philippines reported that it has achieved
substantial improvement in terms of access to basic education, but still faces challenges in the
areas of early childhood care and development, internal efficiency, and learning outcomes up
to this day.

Terminal Activity
Make a slogan that should treat each other equally. Make a five sentence to explain it.

" Never let your anger or hate to your humility's disappearances"

Explanation: Because people today are being emotional, once your point of view is different
with them, they will cancel you. In order for you to continue, you may agreed or leave no
comment. One of the best example are the cancel culture and bullying to people the right to
vote. Sometimes it lead to scary one- to threat someone by silencing them. It may not be at the
moment but it can be done through social media like getting them banned and reported.
Week 3 Q2
Create a Venn diagram that differentiate two social thinkers Rizal and Bonifacio

Terminal Activity
Identify a Filipino social thinker why he is considered social thinker. With 300 words.

I am happy for the contribution and what Jose Rizal did to our country. He is a hero, if not
because of him, we might be a slave by the Spaniards and the colonizers for more thousands of
year. As an individual and a citizen of the Philippines, I agree with his perspective. He might be
considered social thinker because he uses his knowledge on to awaken Filipino spirit and fight
without using violence. By his works, he proved that Filipinos have something to be proud of.
He became a famous social thinker and a hero using his pen. He fight against conqueror using
his intelligence not vengeance. It’s hard to attain the freedom without being lawless or standing
with the principle that no war should happen. It’s not only Rizal who fight for us but he’s one of
us who fight at the end even he need to die by all means that including his life will be sacrifice
just to free Philippines against colonizers. Even I am not present during his time, I can feel that I
am just like traveling back at his time to learn new things and believe for what a hero means
dying for believing what is true. His ideal are product of composite teaching and what is known
as Enlightenment. Due to the misrule of the Spaniards and Friars, Jose Rizal’s writings
transformed his stature from a writer and propagandist against social and religious injustices of
Spanish rule in the Philippines that made him into a national hero. His highly intellect, came
from a valued family which is the only sibling who go to Spain for studies.

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