Test LB Engleza Cls A 9a

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I. Circle the correct form:

1. Vicky looked / was looking for a new flat at this time yesterday.
2. She wants / is wanting to decorate the kitchen this week.
3. I’m sorry I am late. How long have you waited / have you been waiting for me?
4. I go / am going to the gym this afternoon.
5. Tim smells / is smelling a flower at the moment.
6. The coffee tastes / is tasting very sweet.
7. They lived / have lived in London for 2 years and then they moved to Bristol.
8. The match started / has started at 5 o’clock.
9. They are tired. They have worked / have been working all day.
10. Peter stayed / was staying with us last week.

II. Complete the sentences:

1. I am still writing that report.
FINISHED I ____________________________________ writing the report yet.
2. She moved to Chicago three years ago.
LIVING She ___________________________ in Chicago for three years.
3. Thanks, but I had something to eat earlier.
ALREADY Thanks, but I’ve ______________________ to eat.
4. There is a party at Mary’s house tomorrow.
HAVING Mary _______________________ party at her house tomorrow.
5. He is interested in history and knows the answer to all the teacher’s questions.
AT He __________________________history

III. Fill in the correct word derived from the word in bold:
1. If you want to be _______________ against burglars, call our company.
2. After the _________________ of the new washing machine, we all felt happy.
3. She published a book _____________________________ .
4. We were ______________ to unlock the door as we forgot the keys in the car.
5. His advice was very _________________________
IV. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the phrasal verbs. The objects of the verbs are
given in brackets. Put them in the correct place: look after, stay in, get back, go out, laugh at.
1. Pete is too tired to_____ tonight, he would prefer to ______ and read a book.
2. When Paul ______ from his trip wearing that hat, everybody _______ him. He looked so ridiculous.
3. Kelly was in a hurry because she was going to ________(the little boy next door) while his parents
were out.

V. Write about an unusual thing that happened to you. (50 words)


I. (2px10=20p) 1. was looking

2. wants
3. have you been waiting
4. am going to
5. is smelling
6. tastes
7. have lived
8. has started
9. have worked
10. stayed

II. (5px5=25p) 1. I haven’t finished

2. she has been living
3. already had something
4. Mary is having a
5. is very good at

III. (4px5=20p) 1. protected

2. installation
3. annually
4. unable
5. valuable
IV. (2px5=10p)

V. (15p)writing – content
- grammar used
- coherence of ideas
- vocabulary used

10 points granted

Obiective urmarite in cadrul testarii:

- identificarea si folosirea timpului verbal adecvat in context (Present Simple, Present

Progressive, Past Tense Simple/Progressive, Present Perfect);
- reformularea de propozitii folosind cuvinte date in vederea obtinerii unui sens similar;
- folosirea corecta in context prestabilit a cuvintelor derivate cu sufixe si prefixe;
- identificarea si folosirea in context a constructiilor de tip “phrasal verbs” la timpul verbal
- exprimarea in scris pe o anumita tema.

In urma testarii s-au obtinut urmatoarele rezultate:

Clasa Note sub 5 5-6,99 7-8,99 9-10

a IX-a D 4=16% 9=36% 10=40% 2=8% Promovabilitate=84%

Puncte tari
- Majoritatea elevilor au inţeles sarcinile de lucru
- Elevii au lucrat individual
- Elaborarea în ritm propriu a răpunsurilor de catre elevi
- Majoritatea elevilor cunosc cuvinte din vocabularul de baza
- Intelegerea logica a intrebarilor din limba engleza

Puncte slabe
- Unii elevi nu stapanesc notiunile de gramatica (verb, timp verbal, articol)
- Abateri de la normele de exprimare corectă şi cele impuse de ordinea cuvintelor in propozitie.
- Sporadic, apar interpretari gresite ale intrebarilor, ceea ce conduce la raspunsuri gresite
- Nu toti elevii abordeaza toate subiectele
- Raspunsuri lacunare


- Orientare atentă spre alegerea strategiilor menite să ducă la cresterea eficienţei procesului
- Existenta materialelor suplimentare pentru studiul limbii engleze pe percursul clasei a IX-a
- Posibilitatea de a valorifica cunostintele deja existente, care vor fi prezentate si pe parcusrul anului
scolar, conform programei scolare.


- Lipsa unui bagaj anterior solid de cunostinte

- Lipsa competitivitatii intre elevi
- Sentiment de nesiguranta din cauza lacunelor pe care le au elevii in studiul limbii engleze
- Lipsa motivatiei elevilor

Media clasei: 6,77

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