Running Head: Humanities Ethics

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Running head:


Humanities Ethics

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Humanities Ethics

Q1. Two substantial Wall Street companies, which trade money and investments in the

U.S, collapsed. The United States economy got into another “great recession.” That implied that

the U.S economy was weak, and many individuals lost their finances. Down the line since the

1930s, this marked to be the worst financial downtown. Therefore, from the film “The Big Shot”

that explains the economic recession; I perceive and believe that Wall Street is one of the worsts

forms of Capitalism represented in its purest forms. It serves as a platform where the affluent

individuals work to become more affluent, and while in their efforts to do that, it jeopardizes the

jobs, careers, and families of the needy or poor and remorse people. In my view, Big Shot Film

illustrates and demonstrates to the public the profound unethical and illegal actions that are

conducted in the United States in every passing day of the “high roller venture capitalists” in the

United States.

The film presents and covers the importance of what any capitalist community can end up

with if it is left unchecked. In the United States alone, from 2008 to 2012, over eight million

individuals lost their occupations, six million more individuals lost their homes, and trillions of

dollars in the United States’ consumer wealth was lost. I perceive that capitalism breed greed

among people, and the purer the capitalism, the more cutthroat the individuals will become. Are

most of the citizens loyal to capitalist morals? That is an essential question. As American

citizens, we cherish democracy and the regulations that are much required to inhibit or bar

monopolies and big companies' takeovers. However, I cherish America’s dream, which, in my

opinion, is based on a capitalist perspective with the big house, fancy car, and white picket fence,

and finances pay for all that.


Q2. Down the line since 2008 until today, people may anticipate and expect for

pushbacks against the Film of the “Where do these affluent Hollywood get off to criticize

income inequality,” but that will not imply that the Film is wrong in what it explains and presents

to the public. This downturn significantly impacted my family and my close allies, and many

individuals I know lost their career occupations and their savings as well. After engaging in

extensive research of what took place, I perceive and believe that the Film’s director Ferguson

did a substantial task interviewing individuals from multiple backgrounds to obtain their views

about the 2008 crisis that hit the country. I perceive that Ferguson need not have said more than

what he did to get his points across.

It is definite that the well-placed experts he interacted with and interviewed were simply

working the system in place of or for the sake of the public. Whereas most American citizens

were left with practically no jobs, home, and no money, what took place or befall the CEOs who

assisted in causing the downturn? These CEOs were bailed out of custody, and they walked away

from the depression wealthy than they were before it happened. Instead of them being charged

with engaging in criminal activities, they were employed as officials of the government, offering

them more powers to amend and make laws for their benefit. After I saw what my family and

friends went through during the great depression of 2008, I learned that it is essential to save

money and live within an individual's means. In doing so, one will not give the financial

institutions little or no control over their lives.

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