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Motion Perception


Institutional Affiliation




Motion Perception

Image one description

Staring this image produces a visual perception resulting from the autokineetic effect.
The words in the image apear to be moving away from each other and back, with an increase in
the distances between them. The words also appear to be moving closer as if they are beeing
zoomed in the image. Also the dark background in the image apears like its expnanding or
growing larger in size.

Image two description

In this picture, the image of the woman on the television appears to be moving from side
to side. The television frames similarly appear to be expanding or growing bigger, which makes
the image inside smaller. The angle of the background of the lady's image seems to be tilting
from one side to another and back.

Explanation of the two phenomenons

The phenomenon in this image is due to the auto-kinetic effect and induced motion.

When viewed for a long time, the perception of the stationary letters appears to be moving

because they are close to each other and in a dark background, which in the context of auto-

kinetic effect resembles darkness. When viewed for a long time, the images appear to be moving

away from each other and also appear to be moving closer like they are being zoomed. This is

because the visual cortex, a part of the eye, fills the missing parts of the motion, and therefore,

the letters are perceived to be moving. The dark background of the image also appears to be

growing bigger. This is because of the Phi-phenomenon, where the image is perceived as a

sensation of motion that results from the appearance and disappearance of the letters that are near

each other.

The second image is another interesting phenomenon. The image of the lady appears to

be diminishing or reducing in size, for that matter. Interestingly, the surrounding background

appears to be growing bigger together with the frames. This can be explained the same way as

the first image. The visual cortex, a part of the eye, fills the missing parts of the motion, and

therefore, the lady's image appears to be diminishing. The frame and the background grow bigger

because of intrinsic factors like the distance between the image and the frames as well as the

properties of the images in the screen such as their colors and their orientation.

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