Técnica Deadlift Acsm

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The Deadlift
EXERCISE TYPE protocols using the deadlift and its variations have produced sig-
he deadlift is a multijoint lower-body strength exercise nificant increases in vertical jump height and lower-body power

T and also is one of three lifts performed in the sport of

competitive powerlifting (1–3). It entails lifting a barbell
from the floor to a mid-thigh height by extending the ankles,
knees, and hips and by maintaining a neutral to slightly extended
(7,12). Two styles of performing the deadlift with a barbell in-
clude the standard and sumo styles (1,2,5–8). The sumo style
deadlift uses an extrawide stance with feet turned outward and
a relatively narrower grip width than the conventional deadlift.
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spine with the elbows fully extended. The stroke or upright range The sumo style deadlift enables lifters to maintain a more up-
of the deadlift is depicted in Figure 1 and consists of the liftoff, pull right spine, to keep the bar closer to the body, to reduce the re-
through the knee, and lockout phases (1,2,4–6). When performed sistance arm, and to reduce the distance required to complete
with loads equivalent to a 5-repetition maximum (5RM) or the lift (5,6,8). The standard and the sumo style deadlifts appear
heavier, it is considered a good test of overall strength (2). The in Figures 1 and 2, respectively. The standard deadlift depicted
deadlift and a number of its variations require and involve dy- in Figure 1 will be the focus of this column article.
namic force generation in the muscles around the ankle, knee, To perform the conventional deadlift, sumo style deadlift, or
and hip joints and significant static and stabilizing actions around variations like the Romanian deadlift (RDL), vertical raising of a
the spine and shoulder girdle (1,2,6–8). weighted bar is accomplished by forceful extension of the ankles,
knees, and hips and stabilization of the trunk and shoulder girdle
in an upright or vertical position (1,2,4–7,10,11). Extension of
the ankles, knees, and hips is essential for actions that include
The deadlift and its variations are often performed as a means but are not limited to jumping, running, hopping, lifting objects
of enhancing lower-body and full-body strength of strongman from the floor, and rising from a seated position. For demonstra-
competitors (9), competitive powerlifters (1,3–7), athletes (1,5, tions of the deadlift with a pronated grip and an alternating hook
10), power (7,10–12), and individuals learning and perform- grip, please refer to Supplemental Digital Content 1 (http://links.
ing the weightlifting snatch, clean, and jerk and their deriva- lww.com/FIT/A134).
tives (4,10).
INTRODUCTION Gluteus maximus, hamstrings, quadriceps, erector spinae, soleus,
The deadlift is typically taught to individuals interested in and gastrocnemius provide dynamic actions, whereas the trape-
enhancing their lifting and carrying strength as well as their zius, rhomboids, latissimus dorsi, teres major, deltoids, biceps
jumping and sprinting abilities during initial or general prepara- brachi, brachialis, brachioradialis, and the hand and wrist flexor
tion stages of power enhancement training (1,2,5,7,9). Training and extensor muscles provide stability through primarily static

Figure 1. The deadlift.

Photos courtesy of Peter Ronai, M.S., FACSM, ACSM-CEP, ACSM-EP.

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Figure 2. The sumo style deadlift. the clean and snatch, and each of their respective variations
and derivative exercises. To prevent injuries to lifters and to per-
sonal trainers, the deadlift is best coached either from the side or
from a 45° angle facing the lifter. Clients should be screened for
and free of musculoskeletal injuries and should learn how to
perform a hip hinge exercise with a polyvinyl chloride pipe,
broomstick, or body bar before performing the exercises
discussed in this column article. When in an upright standing
position, the spine should be held in an upright and neutral
position, which supports the natural lumbar lordosis (concave
curve). This position should be used during all lifting tasks
and can reduce the compressive and shearing stresses on the
lumbar spine compared with those imposed on a rounded, flexed,
and/or flattened lumbar spine (5–8,13). The bar or broomstick
should maintain three points of contact at the back of the head,
between the scapulae on the thoracic spine, and against the
sacrum (between both posterior superior iliac crests). The feet
should be flat and turned out slightly and kept at or slightly wider
or isometric muscle actions (1,2,4–8). Figure 3 depicts the mus- than the shoulders. The head, neck, shoulders, and spine should
cles activated during the deadlift. be directly aligned with the hips throughout the hip hinge. The
knees should be slightly bent and remain at approximately 10°
TEACHING AND SAFETY POINTS to 15°, and the arms should secure the bar along the mid axis
The conventional deadlift and variations like the RDL require of the torso. While looking diagonally in front of the feet, the hips
that the lifter maintains an upright and rigid torso aligned with are pushed backward beyond the heels until the torso assumes an
the head and neck with the bar kept close to the body through- angle of between 30° and 40° with the floor, the weight is shifted
out all phases of the lift (1,2,4–7,10,13). The use of unloaded back over the heels or just before the lumbar spine, and knees
Olympic weightlifting-type bars, large light weight (teaching) beginning to flex. At this point, the torso returns to the starting
plates, fastening collars, and a rubberized floor or a lifting plat- vertical position by active hip extension while the knees remain
form can all facilitate safe and effective learning of the deadlift, motionless (1,10). The lumbar spine remains motionless in an

Figure 3. Anterior and posterior muscles activated.

32 ACSM’s Health & Fitness Journal ® March/April 2020

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Figure 4. The hip hinge exercise.

upright position throughout all phases of the exercise (1,4,5,10). Elbows are fully extended, and an alternating pronated and
Proper hip hinge mechanics is an important component of the supinated handgrip is typically used when attempting to maxi-
RDL, which is in turn a fundamental part of the clean, snatch, mize lifting loads (2). With the scapulae retracted and depressed
and deadlift exercises (1,5,10,13). Clients should demonstrate and with the shoulders directly above the bar, keep the head and
proper movement technique during each learning stage of the neck parallel with the trunk. Maintain a rigid torso and flat back
deadlift and its variations before progressing the level of exercise at an angle approximately 30° to 45° to the floor (1,2,4–6).
complexity or the amount of weight lifted. Figure 4 depicts the Alternatively, the hands can be placed in either a pronated
hip hinge exercise. or a wide width pronated position when performing deadlifts
as prerequisites to the clean or the snatch lifts, respectively (1).
STARTING POSITION The bar is kept just in front of the shin at mid-shin height and
Proper alignment in the starting position is fundamental to per- just above the balls of the feet (1,2,4–6). Figure 5 depicts the
forming all lifting tasks from the floor and should be taught to alternate hook grip with the right and left hands in pronation
novices engaging in all forms of resistance training. With feet be- and supination, pronated, and wide snatch grips, respectively.
tween hip and shoulder width and pointing outward slightly, Figure 6 depicts proper starting position.
squat down with hips lower than shoulders and grasp the bar with Verbal teaching cues for this stage of the exercise include the
approximately a slightly wider than shoulder width spacing. following: “keep back flat or slightly arched,” “hold the chest up

Figure 5. The alternate hook grip.

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Figure 6. The starting position of the deadlift. one phase during this article (2,4,6). Proper alignment and tech-
nique during the deadlift are fundamental to performing all
lifting tasks from the floor and should be taught to novices en-
gaging in all forms of resistance training. Lifters should maintain
a rigid spine with a constant torso angle to the floor; keep the
scapulae retracted; keep the head, neck, spine, and hips aligned;
and keep the elbows straight with the shoulders directly above or
slightly in front of the bar (2,4–6). The bar should remain close
to the body as it is lifted by “pressing the feet into the floor” and
forcefully extending the hips and knees. The shoulders and hips
should rise together at the same time as the torso and bar return
to the upright and starting positions, respectively (2,4–6). Exha-
lation should occur as the bar passes the knees. Verbal teaching
cues include the following: “keep the bar close to the shins,” “keep
the chest up and out and the back slightly arched,” “keep the
shoulders above the hips,” “press the feet into the ground and
stand up” and “exhale through the sticking point.” Common errors
include pulling the bar off the floor too fast, rounding the upper
and lower back, flexing the torso forward, letting the hips rise
ahead of or faster than the shoulders, letting the bar travel too
far in front of the body, and straightening or extending the knees
before the hips, breath holding, and bending the elbows (1,2,
4–6,10). Figure 7 depicts the proper performance of the upward
pulling phase.

While maintaining a neutral spine and the same head, neck,
torso, hip, and knee positions and alignment as the upward lifting
phase, the bar is then returned to the floor by triple extension of
and out,” squeeze the shoulder blades together,” “look straight the hips, knees, and ankles and by controlled eccentric actions
ahead or slightly upward,” and “keep the shoulders above or from the same muscles responsible for lifting the bar from the
slightly in front of the bar” (1,2,4–6). Common errors include floor to the vertical, upright torso position (1,2,4,6).
rounding the upper and lower back, looking downward, and As previously mentioned, the deadlift can be performed with a
bending the elbows (1,2,4–6). hexagonal “hex” or trapezius “trap” bar and with dumbbells
as well as a number of other objects (1,7,11). Figures 8 and 9
UPWARD PHASE depict proper performance of the deadlift with a “hex” bar and
The upward phase is often subdivided into the liftoff, pull through with dumbbells, respectively. Please refer to Supplemental
the knees, and lockout phases but can and will be described as Digital Content 2 (http://links.lww.com/FIT/A135) and 3

Figure 7. The upward pulling phase of the deadlift.

34 ACSM’s Health & Fitness Journal ® March/April 2020

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Figure 8. The hex bar deadlift.

Figure 9. The dumbbell deadlift.

(http://links.lww.com/FIT/A141) for demonstrations of aligned. The torso remains rigid with a neutral spine, and the
the deadlift with a “hex” bar and with dumbbells. scapulae remain retracted throughout the exercise. The bar
maintains contact with the thighs as the weight is lowered to
RDL the patellar tendon by flexing the hips while pushing them back
The RDL, which was previously mentioned, is also a variation over the heels. The torso returns to the upright starting position
of the deadlift. Once the bar is lifted off the floor, the body main- by active hip extension with the bar against the thighs, knees
tains the same alignment as in the hip hinge exercise. The knees slightly flexed, and the spine in a neutral position (1,2,4–6,10).
remain slightly bent with the head, shoulders, spine, and hips Figure 10 depicts the proper performance of the RDL. Figure 11

Figure 10. The RDL.

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Figure 11. The dumbbell single leg deadlift.

depicts proper performance of the dumbbell single leg RDL 7. Camara KD, Coburn JW, Dunnick DD, Brown LE, Galpin AJ, Costa PB. An examination
of muscle activation and power characteristics while performing the deadlift
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RDL Dummbell.MOV depict the RDL performed with a stan- Sports Exerc. 2002;34(4):682–8.
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11. Swinton PA, Stewart A, Agouris I, Keogh JW, Lloyd R. A biomechanical analysis of
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flect the training cycle goals and objectives of the client (1,14). Res. 2011;25:2000–9.
12. Thompson BJ, Stock MS, Shields JE, et al. Barbell deadlift training increases the
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The deadlift is performed to enhance lower-body strength,
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can be easily adapted for use with dumbbells, a hexagonal
(Hex) bar, kettlebells, and other objects as needed. Their utility
as a safe and effective strength and/or power development tool
is predicated on sound instruction, repetitive and precise prac-
tice, and effective supervision.
Peter Ronai, M.S., FACSM, ACSM-CEP,
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36 ACSM’s Health & Fitness Journal ® March/April 2020

Copyright © 2020 American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

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