2018 2019 da sua GIỚI THIỆU VÒNG 2

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(Đề gồm 09 trang)
Thời gian làm bài: 150 phút
Ngày thi: 17 tháng 10 năm 2018

Part 1: Questions 1 – 5 (5 points)
There are five questions in this part. For each question, there are three pictures and a short
recording. Listen and choose the correct picture.
1. What time will the taxi arrive at the woman’s house?

2. What will they give George?

3. Where will they sit?

4. What size does the woman buy?

5. Which ice cream will they have?

Part 2: You will hear a telephone conversation about a show at a theatre. Listen and complete
question 6- 10. (5 points)
Play: Cinderella
There are tickets for: (6).....................................April
A child’s ticket costs: (7) £.................................
Name of main actor: (8) Sophie..............................................
Show begins at: (9).............................p.m
For information about
Children’s club, phone: (10)....................................

Part 3: You will hear a radio program about some historic places to visit. For each question,
fill in the missing information in the number space. (5 points):
Black Rock Caves:
* Over 2 million years old
* For half a million years, people and animals, especially
(11)................................lived there.
* Special evening tours during the month of August
Salter House
* Built in the year (12).................................
* Made famous by the television series called Aunt Dorothy
* All visitors want to see Dorothy’s (13)........................................
The Old Port
* Have a ride on an old tam to the (14)................................village
* In the factory, find out how people used to make (15)...................

Part 4: You will hear a new reporter called Angela Bond talking on the radio about her job.
Listen and choose the best answer to each question. (5 points)
16. Where is Angela working at the moment?
A. Britain
B. The USA
C. Asia
17. Angela likes her job because she:
A. loves being in dangerous situation
B. never knows where she’ll go next
C. enjoys watching important events happen
18. What did Angela bring home from Hong Kong?
A. pictures
B. carpets
C. furniture
19. Where did Angela meet her boyfriend?
A. at her sister’s house
B. at university
C. in Hong Kong
20. What does Angela do to relax?
A. She cooks a meal
B. She goes sailing
C. She goes shopping
Part 1: Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. (10 points)
21. Kathy was as pleased as ________ when she heard she had passed the exam .
A. punch B. a poppy C. a sunflower D. pound notes
22. I haven’t had an accident yet but I’ve had a number of ________ shaves .
A. narrow B. near C. close D. tiny .
23. All the ________ of the dances went to charity .
A. results B. proceeds C. rewards D. finances
24. Enough money has been raised to ________ the hospital’s survival .
A. ensure B. enlarge C. enable D. empower
25. Many students do ________ jobs in hostel over the summer to earn money .
A. low B. poor C. menial D. inferior
26. They could find no _______ of the missing car despite an extensive search.
A. clue B. remnant C. indication D. trace
27. When they retired they bought a tiny ________ in the country .
A. mansion B. bungalow C. shack D. barn
28. It is too early in the ________ to expect many visitors to the town .
A. term B. season C. time D. calendar
29. Is promoting public health ________ as state concern ?
A. necessary B. necessary being C. necessarily D. of necessary
30. There are different kinds of music to ________ your taste.
A. miss B. fit C. tight D. suit
31. _________ to the national park before, Sue was amazed to see the geyser.
A. Being not  B. Not having been  C. Have not been D. Having not been
32. Herbs _________ in soups and sauces.
A. are used to be  B. are often used  C. often use  D. get used to being
33. _________ finds the treasure is entitled to twenty five percent of it.
A. Who  B. The person who  C. Whoever  D. Man who
34. The passage _________ that the first settlers were Spanish.
A. refers  B. instills  C. implies  D. infers
35. There are not many interesting _________ of news in the ‘Evening’.
A. parts  B. articles  C. loads  D. items
36. Jane likes watching films, but she is not _________ keen on any kind.
A. specially  B. certainly  C. largely  D. particularly
37. If you come to the theatre late, you have to wait until the _________ to get in.
A. break  B. interval  C. refreshment  D. half time
38. From now on, you have to _________ responsibility for the sales figures.
A. get  B. acquire  C. assume  D. accept
39. _________, the reports are not good enough to be printed.
A. Out of the ordinary  B. On my own  C. If you ask me  D. Telling the truth
40. During the war, we _________ many relatives.

A. set an example for B. take for granted  C. lost touch with  D. made a mention of 
Part 2: Choose the underlined part which needs correction in each of the following sentences.
41/ The number of homeless people in Nepal have increased sharply due to the recent 
severe earthquake.
42/ Since poaching is becoming more seriously, the government has imposed stricter laws to
prevent it.
43/ It is common knowledge that solar heating for a large office building is technical different from
a single-family home.
44/ All the candidates for the scholarship will be equally treated regarding of their age, sex,
or nationality.
45/ Reminding not to miss the 15:20 train, the manager set out for the station in a hurry.
Part 3: Provide the correct form of the given words. (5 points)
46. He examined the parcel ________, as he had no idea what it could be. (SUSPECT)
47. How do you ________ the real painting from the fake one ? (DIFFERENT)
48. Most people who work feel that they are ________. (PAY)
49. Do you think these children are............................? They look very thin. (NOURISH)
50. The church is the site of a number of......................manifestation. (NATURE)
51. How will you(BEAUTIFUL) -------------- the Christmas tree, Jane?
52. Professor Smith has joined the company in an (advise) …………………….. capacity.
53. Heavy rain and excessive use have (POOR) ……………………the soil.
54. (MIRACLE) ……………………, he survived the crash without injury.
55. Novelists are among the most (IMAGINE) people in the world. ……………………

Part 1. Read the text in each question. What does each say? Choose A, B or C. (5 points)

. A. This shop will sell customers’ watches within
twelve months.
B. This shop will keep customers’ watches for up
to twelve months.
C. This shop will look after customers’ watches
for more than twelve months.

. A. Philippe and Stefano missed each other at the
B. Stefano had to leave without Philippe to get to
C. Stefano has given up waiting for Philippe to

53 A. Parents must return forms this week if their

. child is going on Friday’s trip.
B. Parents cannot go on next month’s trip unless
they return their forms by Friday.
C. The last day for returning completed forms for
the trip is Friday.

. Gabi wants Jo to:
A. change an arrangement.
B. cancel a regular event.
C. come to a business meeting.

55 A. It is not possible to use the lift above the
. ground floor today.
B. The lift will not be going to the basement
C. The stairs between the basement and the
ground floor are closed today.

Part 2. Read the passage and choose the best option for each space. (10 points)
Recent research has (56)________ that a third of people in Britain have not met their (57)
_______ neighbors, and those who know each other (58)_______ speak. Neighbors gossiping over
garden fences and in the street was a common (59)________in the 1950s, says Dr Carl Chinn, an
expert on local communities. Now, however, longer hours spent working at the office, together
with the Internet and satellite television, are eroding neighborhood (60)_________. "Poor
neighborhoods once had strong kinship, but now prosperity buys privacy," said Chinn.
        Professor John Locke, a social scientist at Cambridge University, has analyzed a large
(61)________ of surveys. He found that in America and Britain the amount of time spent in social
activity is decreasing. A third of people said they never spoke to their neighbors at (62)________.
Andrew Mayer, 25, a strategy consultant, rents a large apartment in West London, with two flat
mates, who work in e – commerce. "We have a family of teachers upstairs and lawyers below, but
our contact comes via letters (63)________ to the communal facilities or complaints that we've not
put out our bin bags properly," said Mayer.
 The (64)________ of communities can have serious effects. Concerned at the rise in
burglaries and (65)_______ of vandalism, the police have relaunched crime prevention schemes
such as Neighborhood Watch, call on people who live in the same are to keep an eye on each
others' houses and report everything they see which is unusual.
56.A. exhibited B. conducted C. displayed D. revealed
57.A. side-on B. next-door C. close-up D. nearside
58.A. barely B. roughly C. nearby D. virtually
59.A. outlook B. view C. vision D. sight
60.A. ties B. joins C. strings D. laces
61.A. deal B. amount C. number D. measure
62.A. least B. once C. all D. most
63.A. concerning B. regarding C. applying D. relating
64.A. breakout B. breakup C. breakdown D. breakaway
65.A. acts B. shows C. counts D. works
Part 3: Read the passage and choose the best answer to each question from 66 to 75. (10
Plants and animals will find it difficult to escape from or adjust to the effects of global
warming. Scientists have already observed shifts in the lifecycles of many plants and animals, such
as flowers blooming earlier and birds hatching earlier in the spring. Many species have begun
shifting where they live or their annual migration patterns due to warmer temperatures.
With further warming, animals will tend to migrate toward the poles and up mountainsides
toward higher elevations. Plants will also attempt to shift their ranges, seeking new areas as old

habitats grow too warm. In many places, however, human development will prevent these shifts.
Spices that find cities or farmland blocking their way north or south may become extinct. Spices
living in unique ecosystems, such as those found in polar and mountaintop regions, are especially
at risk because migration to new habitats is not possible. For example, polar bears and marine
mammals in the Arctic are already threatened by dwindling sea ice but have now where farther
north to go.
Projecting species extinction due to global warming is extremely difficult. Some scientists
have estimated that 20 to 50 percent of spices could be committed to extinction with 2 or 3 Celsius
degrees of further warming. The rate of warming, not just the magnitude, is extremely important
for plants and animals. Some species and even entire ecosystems, such as certain types of forest,
may not be able to adjust quickly enough and may disappear.
Ocean ecosystems, especially fragile ones like coral reefs, will also be affected by global
warming. Warmer ocean temperatures can cause coral to “bleach”, a state which if prolonged will
lead to the death of the coral. Scientists estimate that even 1 Celsius degree of addition warming
could lead to widespread bleaching and death of coral reefs around the world. Also, increasing
carbon dioxide in the atmosphere enters the ocean and increases the acidity of ocean waters. This
acidification further stresses ocean ecosystems.

66/Scientists have observed that warmer temperatures in the spring cause flowers to ______.
A. bloom earlier             B. lose color                                      C. die instantly       D. become lighter
67/ According to paragraph 2, when their habitats grow warmer, animals tend to move ______.
 A. south-eastwards and down mountainsides toward lower elevations
B. north-westwards and up mountainsides toward higher elevations
C. toward the North Pole and down mountainsides toward lower elevations
D. toward the poles and up mountainsides toward higher elevations
68/ The pronoun “those” in paragraph 2 refers to ______.
A. species                B. ecosystems              C. habitats                       D. areas
69/The phrase “dwindling sea ice” in paragraph 2 refers to ______.
A. the frozen water in the Arctic
B. the cold ice in the Arctic
C. the violent Arctic Ocean
D. the melting ice in the Arctic
70/It is mentioned in the passage that if the global temperature rose by 2 or 3 Celsius degrees,
A. water supply would decrease by 50 percent
B. the sea level would rise by 20 centimeters
C. 20 to 50 percent of species could become extinct
D. half of the earth’s surface would be flooded
71/ According to the passage, if some species are not able to adjust quickly to warmer
temperatures, ______.
A. they may be endangered
B. they move to tropical forests
C. they will certainly need water
D. they can begin to develop
72/The word “fragile” in paragraph 4 most probably means ______.
A. very large             B. pretty hard                    C. easily damaged       D. rather strong
73/The bleaching of coral reefs as mentioned in paragraph 4 indicates ______.
A. the slow death of coral reefs
B. the quick growth of marine mammals
C. the blooming phase of sea weeds
D. the water absorption of coral reefs
74/The level of acidity in the ocean is increased by ______.
A. the rising amount of carbon dioxide entering the ocean
B. the extinction of species in coastal areas
C. the loss of acidity in the atmosphere around the earth
D. the decrease of acidity of the pole waters
75/What does the passage mainly discuss?
A. Effects of global warming on animals and plants
B. Global warming and species migration
C. Global warming and possible solutions
D. Influence of climate changes on human lifestyles
Part 4: Read the text and mark True/ False next to each of the following sentences. (5 points)
The Albuquerque Balloon Festival
Every autumn, the sky above the desert city of Albuquerque in the south-western United States
turns into a mass of bright colours. This is the Albuquerque Balloon Festival, an annual nine-day
The first festival was held in 1972 to celebrate the 50th birthday of the local radio station. There
were about a dozen hot-air balloons and they took off from the car park in the middle of
Albuquerque. From these small beginnings, the festival has grown steadily. This year at least a
thousand balloons from over one third of the countries of the world are expected at its current out-
of-town site.
What to see
The pilots are in radio contact with each other and all light up the burners of their balloons at the
same time. These are known as 'balloon glows' and are an opportunity to take fantastic
photographs. However, you must arrive just after night has fallen or before 5.30 am to see these
'glows' as the balloons rise into the dark sky.
During the day, you can walk around among the balloons and chat to the pilots as they prepare for
take-off. The balloons come in all sizes and colours, some in the shapes of animals or cartoon
characters - and, of course, well-known products such as varieties of soft drinks and fast food. Kids
will love it.

In the afternoon, why not take to the sky yourself by arranging a balloon flight over the desert with
one of the many companies offering balloon rides? Another possibility is to take the cable car from
the desert floor to the top of the nearby mountains, the longest such ride anywhere, and enjoy a
bird's-eye view of the festival. There are plenty of other attractions for visitors of all ages, including
balloon races and firework displays on the opening evening and the last three evenings of the
The Albuquerque Box
This is a local wind pattern that creates perfect conditions for balloonists. The Sandia Mountains
protect the balloons from strong winds, and at the same time create gentler currents of wind at
different heights. This means that by rising or descending, skilful pilots can control the direction of
their balloons.
Practical advice

Buy your tickets in advance (they are available online) and save yourself a long wait to get into the
festival site. Wear several layers of thin clothing. At night and in the early morning it can be quite
cool, but during the day sunglasses and suncream are essential. Bring a flashlight for night-time
events and, of course, bring your camera. If you're not a digital photographer, you'll need high-
speed film for evening and night-time pictures.

76. The first festival took place at the opening of the local radio station.
77. The “balloon glow” happens before sunrise and after sunset.
78. Some advertising balloons join in the festival.
79. You can watch a firework show every evening of the festival.
80. Visitors should be prepared for a range of temperatures.

D. WRITING (30 points)

Part 1: Finish each sentence so that it means exactly the same as the one printed before it.
(5 points)
81. That historian is famous for his vast knowledge of primitive life. (AUTHORITY)
=> That historian is.....................................................................................................................
82. You should not lock this door for any reason when the building is open to the public.
=> Under no...............................................................................................................................
83. It is likely that they forgot about the extra class.
=> They.........................................................................................................................................
84. A bee sting is more likely to cause death these days than a snake bite.
=> Death........................................................................................................................................
85. Michael only took over the family business because his father decided to retire early.
=> But for his................................................................................................................................
1. It was wrong of you to allow a four-year-old child to walk home alone.
- You should ........................................................................................................
2. I could realize how important the family is only after I left home.
- Not until ...........................................................................................................
3. Mrs. Green is proud of her son’s contribution to the play.
- Mrs. Green is proud of what ................................................................................
4. They recruited very few young engineers.
- Hardly ......................................................................................................................
5. Only two out of the five rooms we have booked have air conditioning.
- We have booked five rooms, only .................................................................

II. You are Phuong, you are interested in studying in the UK. Read the advertisement
(below) which you saw in an international magazine and some notes you have made in
italic. Write an email to Mr.Jane Black using all the notes. You should write
approximately 80 words. (10pts)

Starting with:
From: BBB@gmail.com
Part 3. In about 150 words, write about the advantages of taking an online learning course

---THE END---

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Giám thị 1: ...................................................... Giám thị 2: .......................................................


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