Unit X The Department of Interior and Local Government

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This is the ultimate unit of this self-learning material. It delves on the
role of the Department of Interior and Local Government and its relation with
local government units.

Objectives of the
At the end of this unit, the student should be able to:

 Understand the role of the Department of Interior and Local

Government in local governance; and
 Explain clearly the structure of the Department of Interior and
Local Government and enumerate its powers and functions.

Suggested Timeframe:
5 hours

Lesson 1. Role of the Department of Interior

and Local
Government in Local Governance

Lesson 1
At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:
1. Describe the role of the Department of Interior and Local
Government in local governance; and
2. Enumerate the powers and functions of the Department of Interior
and Local Government.

Powers and Functions of the DILG

The DILG is the national agency primarily tasked to assist the President
in the exercise of general supervision over local government units.

The President of the Philippines exercises only general supervision

over local governments (Sec. 25, LGC). This is in consonance with the
declared basic policy of the State to allow the territorial and political
subdivisions autonomy (Sec. 2, Art. X, Constitution).

The President exercises supervisory authority directly over provinces,

highly urbanized cities, and independent component cities through the
province with respect to component cities and municipalities; and through the
city and municipality in relation to barangays.

The Department is mandated to perform the following powers and

 Advise the President on the promulgation of policies, rules,
regulations and other issuances relative to the general
supervision of local government units;

 Establish and prescribe rules, regulations and other issuances

and implementing laws on the general supervision of local
government units;

 Provide assistance in the preparation of national legislation

affecting local government units;

 Establish and prescribe plans, policies, programs and projects to

strengthen the administrative, technical and fiscal capabilities of
local government offices and personnel;

 Formulate and implement policies, plans, programs and projects

to meet national and local emergencies arising from natural and
man-made disasters; and

 Perform such other functions as may be provided by law (Sec.

2, Chapter I, Title XII, Administrative Code).

The Department of Local Government, created under Title XII of

Executive Order No. 292, otherwise known as the Administrative Code of
1987, was reorganized into a Department of Interior and Local Government by
R.A. No. 6975, also known as the Department of Interior and Local
Government Act of 1990.

Participation of Local Executives

in the Administration of the PNP

Powers of Local Government Officials

over the PNP Units
Governors are deputized by the Code as representatives of the
Commission in their respective territorial jurisdictions. Relative to this and as
such, the local government executives are required under Sec. 51 of the DILG
Act of 1990 to perform or discharge certain functions which are enumerated

1. Provincial Governor:
1.1 The power to choose the Provincial Director from a list of three
(3) eligibles recommended by the PNP regional director.

1.2 As chairman of the provincial peace and order council, the

governor shall oversee the implementation of the provincial

public safety plan, which is prepared taking into consideration

the integrated community safety plans.

2. City and Municipal Mayors

2.1 The city and municipality mayors exercise operational
supervision and control over PNP units in their respective
jurisdictions except during the thirty-day period and thirty (30)
days following or after any national, local or barangay election.
During these periods, the local police forces are placed under
the supervision and control of the Commission on Elections.
The power of operational supervision and control includes the
power to employ and deploy units or elements of the PNP,
through the station commander, to ensure public safety and
effective maintenance of peace and order within the locality.

Definition of Terms
Supervision means overseeing or the power or authority of an office,
in this case the President, to see that subordinate officers perform their duties.
If the latter fail to or neglect to fulfill them, then the former may take such
action or steps as prescribed by law to make them perform their duties
(Mondaño v. Silvosa, 97 Phil. 43).

Operational Supervision and Control shall mean the power to direct,

superintend, oversee and inspect the police units or forces.

Employ refers to the utilization of units or elements of the PNP for

purposes of protection of lives and properties, enforcement of laws,
maintenance of peace and order, prevention of crimes, arrest of criminal
offenders and bringing the offenders to justice, and ensuring public safety,
particularly in the suppression of disorders, riots, lawless violence, rebellions
or sedition, conspiracy, insurgency, subversion other related activities.

Deploy means the orderly and organized physical movement of

elements or units of the PNP within the province, city and municipality for
purposes of employment as hereinabove.

Lesson 2. Organizational Structure of the


Lesson 2
This lesson aims to attain the general objective of describing the
various offices comprising the organizational structure of the Department of
Interior and Local Government. It seeks to achieve the following specific
objectives, namely:
1. Enumerate and describe offices constituting the department proper
including their powers and functions and other matters; and
2. Explain the set-up of the various bureaus that comprise the
Department of Interior and Local Government and its association with the
regional offices as well as discuss the powers and functions of the same.

Set-Up of the DILG

The Department is composed of the Department Proper and the bureaus
and offices of the Department of Local Government, the National Police
Commission, the Philippine Public Safety College, and the following bureaus:
the Philippine National Police, the Bureau of Fire Protection, and the Bureau
of Jail Management and Penology (Sec. 6, R.A. No. 6975).

The staff and line offices of the DLG referred to above consist of the

 Bureau of Local Government Supervision;

 Bureau of Local Government Development;
 National Barangay Operations Office;
 Project Development Services;
 Department Services;
 Office of Public Affairs; and
 Regional and Field Offices

The Department Proper

The department proper consists of the existing staff services as
provided for by E.O. 292 and Office of the Secretary, which consists of the
Secretary and his immediate staff, and the Offices of the Undersecretaries and
Assistant Secretaries. The Secretary is assisted by two (2) Undersecretaries,
one (1) for local government and the other for peace and order and three (3)
career Assistant Secretaries. At least one of the undersecretaries belongs to the
career executive service (Sec. 7, R.A. 6975).

The Secretary
The secretary is the head of the department and acts as ex-officio
chairman of the National Police Commission. The secretary is appointed by the
President of the Philippines, which appointment to be valid and effective, must
be confirmed by the Commission on Appointments 1. R.A. No. 6975 prohibits
the appointment of a retired or resigned military officer or police official as
Secretary within one year from the date of his retirement or resignation. (Sec.

Powers, Term of Office and Compensation

In the Secretary is vested the authority and responsibility for the
exercise of the powers and functions of the Department. The secretary holds
office at the pleasure of the President of the Philippines. He is entitled to
receive the compensation, all the allowances and other emoluments to which
heads of departments are entitled (Sec. 9, R.A. 6975).

In addition to the powers and functions exercised by the Secretary

enumerated in sec. 3 of E.O. 292, the Secretary as head of the Department:

 Periodically prepares and submits reports, which include a Quarterly

Anti-Crime Operations Report and such other reports as the President
and Congress may require;
 Chairs and presides over the National Police Commission

 Delegates authority to exercise any substantive or administrative

function to the members of the NAPOLCOM or other officers of rank
within the Department (Sec. 10, R.A. 6975).
Department Services
The Department maintains five (5) services, namely:
 Planning Service;
 Financial and Management Service;
 Legal Service;
 Administrative Service; and
 Electronic Data Processing Service.

Planning Service
The Planning Service’s responsibility is to provide the Department with
efficient and effective services relating to planning, programming, research and
statistics (Sec. 7, E.O. No. 292).

Financial and Management Service

The Financial and Management Service is responsible in providing the
Department with efficient and effective staff advice and assistance on
budgetary, financial and management improvement services (Sec. 8, E.O. No.

Legal Service
The Legal Service provides the Department with efficient and effective
legal counseling services, assistance to the Secretary in the review or
determination of subordinate bodies or agencies, collaboration with the
solicitor general in handling cases affecting the Department, and investigation
of administrative cases involving Department personnel and local officials
(Sec. 9, E.O. No. 292).

Administrative Service
The Administrative Service provides the Department with efficient and
effective services related to personnel, information, records, supplies,

equipment, collection, disbursement, security and custodial work, and other

kinds of services not related to other services mentioned above (Sec. 10, E.O.
No. 292).

Electronic Data Processing Service

The Electronic Data Processing Service’s responsibility is to provide
adequate and up-to-date data and management information inputs, including
monitoring of all field operations, to serve as basis foe effective planning,
management and control, policy formulation and decision-making (Sec. 11,
E.O. No. 292).

Bureaus and Offices

As stated earlier in this module, the Department consists of the bureaus
and offices of the Department of Local Government as provided in Sec. 4 of
E.O. No. 292 and those provided in R.A. No. 6975. The bureaus and offices of
the Department of Local Government were the Bureau of Local Government
Supervision, the Bureau of Local Government Development, Office of Public
Affairs, Local Government Academy, National Barangay Operations Office
and Office of Project Development Services. Under R.A. 6975, the DILG has
two bureaus, namely: the Bureau of Fire Protection and the Bureau of Jail
Management and Penology. The Philippine National Police is considered and
is in the status of a bureau.

The Bureau of Local Government

Sec. 12, Chapter 4 of Title XII, E.O. No. 292 provides that the Bureau
of Local Government Supervision, headed by a Bureau director who is
appointed by the President of the Philippines upon the recommendation of the
Secretary, undertakes the following functions:

 Advise and assist the Secretary in the exercise of the power of

supervision of the President over local government units, particularly in
the formulation and implementation of national laws, policies and
standards concerning local government operations and their personnel;

 Establish and prescribes guidelines for the administration of the

Katarungang Pambarangay Laws;
 Monitor compliance with national laws and policies by local
government units;

 Provide assistance in the preparation of national legislation affecting

local government units and in the promotion of local autonomy;

 Extend consultation services and advice to local government units

involved in promoting local autonomy;

 Provide assistance to local governments in the promotion of citizens’

participation on local government activities; and

 Provide financial and technical assistance, as well as secretarial

services to the Leagues of Provinces, Cities, and Municipalities.

Bureau of Local Government Development

The Bureau of Local Government Development is headed by a Bureau
Director who is appointed by the President of the Philippines upon the strength
of the recommendation of the Secretary.

What functions are performed or are to be performed by the Bureau of

Local Government Development (BLGD)? Sec. 13, Chapter 4 of title XII of
E.O. No. 292, enumerates seven (7) major functions of the BLGD, namely:

 Establish and prescribe plans, programs, and projects to strengthen the

administrative and technical capabilities of local government offices
and personnel;

 Provide technical assistance to enhance the administrative, fiscal and

technical capabilities of local government officers and personnel;

 Formulate, prescribe and periodically evaluate local development

policies, plans, programs and projects designed to enhance the
participation of local government units in planning and

 Establish a system of incentives and grants to local governments and

prescribes policies, procedures and guidelines in the implementation of
self-help assistance projects;

 Formulate and develop models, standards and technical materials on

local government development;

 Extend consultation service and advice to local government units

involved in development programs; and

 Establish a viable system of strategies and approaches for local

governments anchored on citizens’ participation within a holistic and
integrated framework for the development of communities.

Office of Public Affairs

The Office of Public Affairs is mandated to:
 Provide technical assistance in the modernization and maintenance of a
Department-wide micro-telecommunications systems;

 Provide mechanisms for the operationalization of the intent of the

provisions of public information, coverages and documentation of the
activities of the Department;

 Perform functional supervision over regional information centers in

providing the citizenry with relevant information on the programs of
the Department and the Government’s thrust towards the participation
of the citizens in the democratic processes;

 Formulate plans and programs to implement the administrative and

technical capabilities of public officers and personnel both on the
central and regional levels;

 Extend consultation services and advice in the implementation of

Regional Information Services;

 Assess information needs of the people through opinion polls and


 Provide assistance on various public programs of the Department;

 Establish and implement policies, plans, programs and projects to meet

local emergencies arising from natural and man-made disasters; and

 Undertake projects assigned by the Secretary in the effective delivery

of public services (Sec. 14, Chapter 3, Title XII, E.O. No. 292).
Local Government Academy
The Academy is under the direct supervision of a Board of Trustees
composed of the Secretary of the Interior and Local Government as Chairman
and four (4) other members appointed by the President of the Philippines upon
the recommendation of the Secretary. The Academy is responsible for human
resource development and training of local government officials and
Department personnel (Sec. 15, Chapter 3, Title XII, E.O. 292).

National Barangay Operations Office

A Director, appointed by the President of the Philippines upon the
recommendation of the Secretary, heads the National Barangay Operations
Office. The Office is mandated by Sec. 16, Chapter 3, Title XII, E.O. 292, to
perform the following functions, as follows:

 Formulate policies, plans and programs that will promote

community and citizen participation in the political
development of the barangay through the mobilization and
participation of barangay assemblies;

 Initiate projects on innovative barangay development strategies

and approaches in close coordination with the Bureau of Local
Government Development;

 Provide secretariat services to the Association of Barangay

Councils and serve as a clearing house on matters affecting
barangay officials’ insurance, hospitalization, educational and
other benefits as provided by law;

 Provide continuing information dissemination to barangay units

on national development efforts and issues in order for barangay
assembly members to participate meaningfully in national

 Establish and maintain master lists of barangay, barangay

officials and barangay socio-economic profiles; and

 Provide situational and political analysis for the Secretary on

barangay affairs.

Office of Project Development Services

The Office is tasked to perform the following functions, to wit:
1. Formulate innovative approaches and strategies designed to
promote technical capabilities of local government; and
2. Assist in the development of program components for the
implementation of tested and appropriate systems and processes at
the local level (Sec. 17, Chap. 3, Title XXII, E.O. No. 292).

In addition to the major functions hereinabove stated, foregoing

bureaus and offices may be required to perform other functions as may be
delegated by the Secretary or as required by law.

Regional Offices
To implement the policies and programs of the department in different
regions of the country are its regional and field offices. For this reason, there is
in each of the administrative regions of Philippines established, operated and
maintained regional offices (Sec. 11, R.A. 6975; Sec. 18, E.O. No. 292).

Each regional office is headed by a regional director who is assisted by

two (2) assistant regional directors: one (1) for jail management and another
for fire protection (Ibid).

Within its administrative region, the regional office performs the

following functions:

 Implement law, rules, and regulations, other issuances, policies plans,

programs and projects of the Department;
 Provide efficient and effective service to local government;
 Coordinate with regional offices of other departments, offices and
agencies matters affecting local administration and development;
 Assist local government units in developing their capabilities for local
government administration and development; and
 Perform such other functions as may be delegated by the Secretary or
as provided by law (Sec. 18, E.O. 292).

One of the major issues confronting local government executives
nowadays is the control of local police units and forces.

Find out the pros and cons of subjecting to the control of

municipal and city mayors local PNP units and forces by interviewing
local chief executives and PNP officials and men.

Report your findings in the class.

Unit Summary
Unit X presented the role of the Department of Interior and Local
Government in local governance particularly in regard to the exercise by the
President of the power of general supervision over local government units.

This unit likewise explained the organizational structure of the DILG

including the various department services and the bureaus and offices that
constitute it.

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