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Ahmed Khan, DeVry University-Addison

Ahmed S. Khan, Ph.D. is a senior Professor in the EET dept. at DeVry University, Addison,
Illinois. He received his M.Sc (applied physics) from University of Karachi, an MSEE from
Michigan Technological University, and an MBA from Keller Graduate School of Management.
He received his Ph.D. from Colorado State University. His research interests are in the areas of
Fiber Optics Communications, faculty development, and outcomes assessment, and, Internet and
distance education. He is author of “The Telecommunications Fact Book” and co-author of
“Technology and Society: Crossroads to the 21st Century” and “Technology and Society: A
Bridge to the 21st Century.” He is a member of IEEE, ASEE, ASQ, and LIA.

Barbara Eichler, DeVry University

Dr. Barbara Eichler is a senior professor in the General Education department at DeVry
University, Addison, Illinois. Dr. Eichler earned her Ed.D. from National Louis University in
adult education. She has co-authored three books on Technology and Society.

John Morello, DeVry University

Dr. John Morello is a professor of history at DeVry University, Addison, Illinois. He holds a B.A
and M.A in International Affairs from George Washington University, and a Ph.D. in American
History from University of Illinois at Chicago. He has co-authored three books on Technology
and Society.

Page 11.608.1

© American Society for Engineering Education, 2006

Examining the Impact of Nanotechnologies for Science, Technology and
Society (STS) Students


This paper presents an overview of new and emerging nanotechnologies and their societal
and ethical implications to address 21st Century challenges and issues. The discussion
includes a range of different types of nanotechnologies and their effects and potential
effects on markets, cultures, resources, and ethics on local and global levels.
The paper highlights the approaches of a Science, Technology and Society (STS) course
which is taught in a baccalaureate program at DeVry University entitled Technology,
Society and Culture.

The focus of the paper is to examine major types of nanotechnologies and how they
develop ramifications in other arenas such as economics, values and ethical decisions. It
is vital that our students understand the importance of the effects of these powerful new
technologies and provide ethical strategies for using the many new dimensions and
capabilities that such new technologies reveal. The paper also presents the results of a
survey that was conducted to determine the student perceptions about the impact of
nanatechnology on society.

In spite of the invisible or sub-microscopic nature of nanotechnology products, their

power and impact will be ubiquitous and must be addressed for sustainability, economic
and cultural equity, and green and ethical engineering. Applying the foundations of
ethics to new technological challenges brings to engineering reality the importance and
relevance of the inclusion of such sustainability and ethical principles.

The STS course at DeVry is a required capstone course to all of our students in all of our
curricula with special emphasis in all fields on the appropriate design and implications of
technologies so that responsible technological insight is achieved. Using nanotechnology
as an urgent example for responsible decision making, a number of teaching and learning
tools are used including: cultural field studies, case studies, modeling, and flow charts.
Such approaches promote not only concept and practical awareness but also lead to
constructivist understanding of macro and micro problems of present and future
technologies and issues.
Page 11.608.2
I. Introduction

The accomplishments of the 20th century are revolutionizing science and technology in
the 21st century. Researchers have gained ability to measure, manipulate and organize
matter on nanoscale --- 1 to 100 billionths of a meter. At the nanoscale, physics,
chemistry, material science, biology and engineering converge towards common
principles, mechanisms and tools. This convergence of multiple-disciplines will lead to a
significant impact on science, technology and society.1

Historically every new technological advance and innovation remakes the world. The
time to remake the world has become shorter with every new technological revolution.
The industrial revolution took almost two centuries to reshape the world, the electronics
revolution around seventy years, the information revolution two decades, and innovations
in biotechnology and nanotechnology to reshape the world could be just matter of less
than a decade. Historically the world was divided into the first world and the third world,
but the information revolution revealed the “digital-divide,” and advances in the
nanotechnology will divide the world into the nano-have and nono-havenots.

The nanoscale is not just another jump towards miniaturization, but a qualitatively new
scale. The new behavior is dominated by quantum mechanics, material confinement in
small structures, large interfacial volume fraction, and other unique properties,
phenomena and processes. Many current theories of matter at the microscale have critical
lengths of nanometer dimensions. These theories will be inadequate to describe the new
phenomena at the nanoscale (p.1).2

As the global economy continues to be transformed by new technology, an intense

competition will grow for intellectual capital and intellectual property. Technology will
continue to drive the global and domestic GDP. Advances in nanoscience will enable
researchers to manipulate the behavior of a “single cell,” reverse disease, repair and grow
human tissues. Nanotechnology could supply improved services for a small fraction of
current energy in lightening, computing, printing, water filtration. Nanotechnology
innovations such as quantum dots, semi-conductor nanoparticles, carbon nanotubes, and
nanoshells (see Table 1) will enable the fabrication of electronics hardware devices using
the “bottom-up,” approach in contrast to present “top-down,” approach. Table 2 lists a
summary of present and future impacts of nanotechnology, and Tables 3 lists the benefits
and risks of nanotechnology.

Table 1. Potential Applications of Nanotechnology Innovations

Nanotechnology example Potential applications
Buckyball: A soccer-ball shaped molecule - Composite reinforcement
made of sixty carbon atoms - Drug delivery
Carbon nanotube: A sheet of graphite - Fuel cells
rolled into a tube - High resolution displays
- Composite reinforcement
Page 11.608.3

Quantum dot: A semiconductor nanocrystal - Energy-efficient light bulbs
whose electrons show discrete energy - Medical imaging
levels like an atom
Nanoshell: A nanoparticle composed of - Medical imaging
silica surrounded by a gold coating - Cancer therapy

Table 2. Present and Future Impact of Nanotechnology Area

Nanotechnology area Present Impact Future Impact
Dispersions and Coatings - Thermal barriers - Target drug delivery/gene
- Optical barriers therapy multifunctional
- Image enhancement nanocoatings
- Ink-jet materials
- Coated abrasive
- Information-recording
High Surface Area - Molecular sieves - Molecule specific
Materials - Drug delivery sensors
- Tailored catalysts - Large hydrocarbon
- Absorption/desorption or bacterial filters
materials - Energy storage
- Gratzel-type solar
Consolidated Materials -Low-loss soft magnetic - Superplastic forming of
materials ceramics
- High hardness, tough - Ultrahigh-strength, tough
WC/Co cutting tools structural materials
-Nanocomposite cements - Magnetic refringements
-Nanofilled polymer
- Ductile cements
Nanodevices - GMR read heads - Terabit memory and
-Single molecule DNA
sizing and sequencing
-Biomedical sensors
- Low noise, low threshold
Nanotubes for high
brightness displays
Biological - Biocatalysis - Bioelectronics
- Bioinspired prostheses
- Single-molecule-sensitive
-Designer molecules
Page 11.608.4

Source: Technological Impact : Present and Potential, Richard W. Siegel.3

Table 3. Nanotechnology: Benefits and Risks

Nanotechnology Application Area Potential Benefits

Ecology Nanoparticles have extremely high surface
areas compared to their volume; this
characteristic makes them ideal for the
fabrication of:
- New catalysts
- Heat reflection layers
- Aerogels for transparent damping
layers in solar architectures
- Super thermal insulators
- Transparent layers showing
resistance against wear and abrasion
or anti-damping properties

Energy Nanodevices will allow cleaner energy

production and improved storage.
- Small, compressed particles enable
new photo-voltaic cells, with
simpler structure than conventional
- Plastics to be used as the electrode
Dematerialization - Nanocrystalline particles, with a
mono disperse size distribution, to
be formed into macroscopic parts
with higher strength and resistance
against mechanical and thermal
load, despite the smaller amounts of
material required. These parts can
be hard and flexible in a unit and
can replace scarce materials.
- New processing techniques using
remarkably lower temperatures,
offer possibilities for minimizing
energy consumption during
component fabrication.
Health - More effective pharmaceuticals
with reduced secondary effects due
to improved basic understanding of
the efficacy of natural human
substances like insulin or hormones.
Page 11.608.5

- New form of localized drug

delivery systems based on the
potential of water soluble,
pharmacologically active
substances when attached to
nanometer size particles
- External control and incorporation
of target information by
incorporating magnetic particles or
antibodies into the drug delivery
Electronics/Telecommunications - Logical building blocks, for digital
electronics, based on particles or
- Nano-sized electronic data storage
and processing systems
Nanotechnology Application Area Potential Risks/Detrimental Effects
Genetics/medicine/healthcare - Artifacts based on nanotechnology
incorporate genetic material or have
genetic modification or repair as an
- If the artifact incorporates some
kind of computing and sensing
element, say for the controlled
delivery of a drug, additional risks
arise for the patient if these
elements should malfunction.
- Invasion of privacy and of human
body through the planting and
implanting of computing cum
communication devices without the
knowledge of those affected
knowing this has been done.
- Security and safety of the person,
since it will be very difficult
initially to detect the presence of
nano-sized artifacts that are capable
of breaching security and harming
the individual.
- In warfare, controlled distribution
of biological and nerve agents may
become feasible.
Materials/composites - The general problem with
composite materials is that they are
more difficult to recycle and
consume more energy during
Page 11.608.6

recycling than pure materials.

- Wide-scale introduction of
composite materials can increase
environmental problems

Self-assembling and self-replicating nature In manufacturing area, many processes will

of nanotechnological processes need to be redesigned embodying new
principles, particularly relating to
containment of active or waste products.
Source: Meyer, M. (2001). Socio-Economic Research and Nanoscale Science and
Technology, Societal Implications of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, National
Science Foundation. pp. 224-225, Available online:

II. Society, Nanotechnology and Education

The projected impact of nanotechnology has been touted as a second industrial revolution
– not the third, fourth, or fifth, because despite similar predictions for technologies such
as computers and robotics, nothing has yet eclipsed the first. 5

Nanotechnology could transform the domains of science, technology and society.

Nanotechnology could have a significant impact on industrial manufacturing, healthcare
delivery, and sustainable environmental development.

Society is at the threshold of a revolution that will transform the ways in which materials
and products are created. How will this revolution develop? The opportunities that will
develop in the future will depend significantly upon the ways in which a number of
challenges are met. As we design systems on a nanoscale, we develop the capability to
redesign the structure of all materials – natural and synthetic along with rethinking the
new possibilities of the reconstruction of any and all materials. Such a change in our
design power represents tremendous social and ethical questions. In order to enable our
future leadership to make decisions for sustainable ethical, economic nanotechnological
development, it is imperative that we educate our students about the short-term and long-
term benefits, limitations and risks of nanotechnology. The social implications of
nanotechnology encompass so many fundamental areas such as ethics, privacy,
environment, and security.6

Development of nanotechnology requires multidisciplinary teams of highly trained

researchers with backgrounds in biology, medicine, mathematics, physics, chemistry,
material science, electrical engineering, and mechanical engineering. For innovative
advances in nanotechnology, the key is researchers with expertise in multiple subsets of
these disciplines since so many implications and fields are linked to a nano “micro-
Page 11.608.7
Education and training in nanotechnology require special laboratory facilities that can be
quite expensive. The cost of creating and maintaining nanotechnology facilities is a major
challenge for educational institutions. But by using innovative approaches such as inter-
university collaboration, academia-industry partnerships, and web-based remote access to
nano-fabrication facilities, educational institutions can overcome the cost-related
challenge and thus help students and faculty to become innovative nanotechnology

III. Technology, Society and Culture Objectives and Methodologies

Students at DeVry University are given the challenge and opportunity to guide and direct
their technological knowledge into responsible awareness and choices for local/global
solutions of problems and 21st Century urgent issues. All DeVry students must pass a
senior-level inter-disciplinary capstone Humanities course entitled “Technology, Society
and Culture.” This course challenges students to realistically assess technological
implications within the world stage and to bridge the gap between the developed world
and the developing worlds. The course falls into the inter-disciplinary STS classification
(a field known as Science, Technology and Society whose main focus is to explore the
influences of technologies on society and the relationships between societies and
technologies). The course emphasizes an integration of all their previous studies at
DeVry in addition to professional group work, research, research presentations and
technical reports, communication, critical thinking and analysis, solutions and
applications of the moral and ethical dilemmas the use of technology sometimes presents.
The course also identifies conditions that have promoted technological development and
assesses the social, political, historic, environmental, ethical, cultural and economic
effects of current technology and what technology might hold for the future on the local,
national and international fronts. The challenges of this course include the
interdisciplinary dimensions as well as the multi-cultural perspectives that are needed
along with the dynamic of constantly changing current and relevant issues associated in
the news which revolve around the ethical and responsible use of technology.

There are essentially four objectives of “Technology, Society and Culture”: (1)
developing a strong understanding of local and global forces and issues which affect
people and societies, (2) guiding local/global societies to appropriate use of technology,
(3) alerting societies to technological risks and failures, and (4) developing informed and
ethical personal decision-making and leadership and providing ways to solve problems in
a technological world through such leadership. This course is very relevant in not only
the interdisciplinary knowledge it encourages, but especially for our students who as
future engineers cannot be blind to social issues and the implications of the technologies
that they promote and use. Our future engineers must guide society to the appropriate
uses of technology, alert society to technological failures, and provide a vision to society
in helping to solve societal problems that are related to technology. In the future, our
engineers will be relied upon for knowledge with computer networks, all sorts of
information technologies, no waste design engineering, medical applications, nano-
technologies, genetics, knowledge of cultures, and ethical decision making, just to name a
Page 11.608.8
few. With such urgencies of knowledge integration to fulfill the promises and needs of
the engineering discipline, both technology and great social understanding are needed.7

IV. Nanotechnology Student Survey

To gauge the students’ understanding of nanotechnology and their perceptions about its
impact on society, a survey was conducted using a questionnaire (see Appendix A).


Question 1. Do you have a clear understanding of what nanotechnology refers to?

Out of 121 respondents, 60% said yes and 40% answered no. (See Figure 1).
Respondents who answered “yes” were asked to answer questions 2 through 8.

Figure 1: Do you have a clear

understanding of what
Nanotechnology refers to?

Yes No

Question 2. How will nanotechnology impact society? Select the level of following
nanotechnologies on society?

There was a high level of agreement (91%-96%) among respondents that nanotubes,
nanomaterials, nanoelectronics, nanomanipulations, nanomedicine and nanorobots will
have a high level of impact on society. The level of disagreement was low (4%-10%)
[See Figure 2].
Page 11.608.9
Figure 2: How will nanotechnology impact
society? Select the level of impact for the
following nanotechnologies on society.

80 High
40 Low

es ls s s ns ne ts
t ub eria onic onic tio ic i o bo
t r t l a d r
no a ct ho u e o
Na nom ele op nip nom Nan
o n a
Na n Na m Na
Na a no

Question 3.Do you think that the advantages offered by the nanotechnologies will
outweigh their drawbacks? 63% respondents agree, and 37% disagree (see Figure 3).

Figure 3. Do you think that the

advantages offered by the
nanotechnology will outweigh their

Yes No

Question 4. Do you think that nanotechnology will enable humans to live longer and
88% respondents agree and 12% disagree (see Figure 4).
Page 11.608.10
Figure 4. Do you think that nanotechnologywill
enable humans to live longer and healthier?

Yes No

Question 5. How will nanotechnology increase or decrease the stress level of humans?

60% of respondents believe that nanotechnology will increase stress level of humans
while 30% think that it will decrease stress level, and 10% consider that it will have no
effect [see Figure 5].

Figure 5. How will nanotechnology increase or

decrease the stress level of humans? How will this
impact their health?

Cause more stress Cause less stress No effect
Page 11.608.11
Question 6.What will be the impact of nanotechnology on privacy? 94%of the
respondents think that nanotechnology would reduce privacy, and only 6% believe that it
would increase privacy. (see Figure 6).

Figure 6. What would be the impact of

nanotechnology on privacy?

Privacy would decrease Privacy would increase

Question 7. How do you think higher education will change with nanotechnologies
developing in our society? What kind of courses will be even more urgent?

Most respondents were very positive about future education and its direction. Most said
that there will be an increase in science, math, nanotechnology courses and its impact and
that there will be more international competition and demand for such courses at a high
knowledge level. There were no negatives and the other respondents did not know.

Question 8. If you were to predict a nanotechnology future for humans in 15 years,

how would you describe it?

Here the visions were different and expansive. Most comments grasped the scope of the
change of power in the nanoscale capability and were generally positive about it except
for the loss of control and privacy. Only one respondent said it would not have much
effect. Comments ranged from:

“Complicated, complex, stressful due to lack of person to person involvement and genetic
modification of products”
“Nano- surgery, medicines, robotics, new types of electronics sabotage, new laws”
“Few diseases, but invasion of privacy”
“Very technological; nanotechnology used in everything and anything”
“Lose privacy; governments have more control”
Page 11.608.12

“Extremely high productivity; hard to imagine and predict

V. Conclusion

The paper presented an overview of new and emerging nanotechnologies and their
societal and ethical implications. It also discussed the results of a survey that was
conducted to determine students’ perceptions about the impact of nanotechnology on
society. The survey results reveal that students are aware of the importance of the impact
of nanotechnology on society, and they believe that there will be an increase in science,
math, and nanotechnology courses as well as more international competition and demand
for such courses at a high knowledge level.


1. Roco, Mihail C. and Bainbridge, William (2001), Editor, Societal Implications of Nanoscience and
Nanotechnology, NSET Workshop Report. National Science Foundation. Available Online:

2. The Societal Implications of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, NSET Workshop Report. National
Science Foundation. Available Online:

3. Technological Impact: Present and Potential, Richard W. Siegel, Available online:

4. Meyer, M. (2001). Socio-Economic Research and Nanoscale Science and Technology, Societal
Implications of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, National Science Foundation. pp. 224-225, Available

5.Nanofuture: What’s next for Nanotechnology, Storrs Hall, Prometheus Book, Amherst, New York, 2005.
p. 9.

6. Privacy implications of nanotechnology, Electronic Privacy Information Center, Available online:

7. Rimmele ,U. A Primer on Emotions and Learning. Available online:,2340,fr_2649_20616271_33813516_1_1_1_1,00.html
Page 11.608.13
Appendix A

Nanotechnology Survey

1. Do you have a clear understanding of what Nanotechnology refers to?

Yes _________ No ______________
If you answered “Yes” please answer questions 2 through 8.
2. How will nanotechnologies impact society? Select the level of impact of the
following nanotechnologies on society.
Level of Impact on Society
Nanotechnology High Low
Nano carbon tubes
Nano medicine
Nano robots

3. Do you think that the advantages offered by the nanotechnologies will outweigh
their drawback/s?
Yes __________ No _____________

4. Do you think that nanotechnologies will enable humans to live longer and
Yes__________ No ______________

5. What will be the impact of nanotechnologies on the stress level of humans?

a. Cause more stress
b. Cause less stress
c. No effect

6. What will be the impact of nanotechnologies on privacy?

a. Privacy would increase
b. Privacy would decrease

7. How do you think higher education will change with nanotechnologies developing in
our society? What kind of courses will be even more urgent?

8. If you were to predict a nanotechnology future for human in 15 years, how would you
describe it?
Page 11.608.14

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