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(Observations of Teaching-Learning in Actual

School Environment)

(Towards Teacher Quality: Developing a

Global Teacher of the 21st Century)

Submitted by:

Submitted to:
A Day in the School Life of a Quality Teacher

Resource Teacher: Mrs. Judith Espenilla Teacher’s Signature: ____________

School: Talave Elementary School Grade/Year Level: Grade 6
Subject Area: Filipino & English Date: November 11, 2021

Note: Observe and record observations on the following aspects as key guide to
Teacher’s Major Responsibility Key Guide for Observation (Carefully look for the
indicators/behaviors of the teacher along the key
points. Write your observations and description in
your notebook. This will be one of your artifacts.)
A. Actual Teaching This teacher
1. Is learner-centered
o The teacher practiced this method
where students are the main focus of the
2. Acts as a facilitator of learning
o The teacher encourages her students to
participate during class discussion as
well as while having their activity.
3. Has mastery of subject matter
o The teacher is always prepared to
deliver her lesson. She knows what she's
doing as she is having her discussion.
4. Sees to it that learning outcomes are achieved
o The assessments made by the teacher
are constructively aligned with the
learning outcomes.
5. Is pleasant and fair in dealing with the learners
o The teacher treats her students fair and
right regardless of their differences.
B. Management of Learning This teacher
1. Allows all learners to participate in the lesson
o The teacher encourages all the students
to participate and work collaborately in
the class.
2. Considers the needs of the learners in the
seating arrangement
o The teacher uses projector during class
discussion in order for everyone to see
the text especially those who are seated
at the back.
3. Uses instructional support materials to help
learners understand the lesson
o The teacher provides instructional
support material to make the learning
more effective and meaningful.
4. Sees to it that learning is achieved within the
period of time
o There are times that the teacher is
exceeds her time limit especially if the
subject is quite engaging.
5. Dismisses the class on time
o There are times that it exceeds.
C. Administrative Work This teacher
1. Keeps records of learner’s attendance
o The teacher monitors the attendance of
her student’s every day.
2. Keeps record of formative and summative tests
o The teacher recorded the summative
tests but not the formative of the
3. Submits reports and other documents on time
o There are times that there is a delay of
passing the reports or other
documentations due to students fail to
pass their works on time.
4. Does other tasks as requested by superiors
o The teacher can't say no to her superiors
because she wants to help for the
betterment of the school.
5. Cooperates with peers and staff in the
cleanliness and safety of the school
o The teacher cooperates with peers in
the cleanliness of the school by teaching
her students to throw their garbage in
the trash bin.
Refer to the results of your observation to answer the questions that follow.
1. Which of the three responsibilities shows majority of the indicators being
A. Actual Teaching?
B. Management of Learning?
C. Administrative Work?

Among the three, actual teaching shows the majority of indicators being practiced.
Because as I observed, almost of the routines are generalize and located at this
responsibility. This is the actual procedure of teaching and learning process as it
indicates demonstration, assessment personality towards students’ needs and
interests, the alignment of the objectives and an instruction that is learner-centered.

2. Which demonstrated behavior, do you find in the teacher that is worthy of

emulation when you become a teacher? Describe.

Based on my observation, the demonstrated behavior of the teacher that is worthy of

emulation when I become a teacher is the way she approach her students as well as her
colleagues. As a future teacher, this is the kind of behavior I want to practice and improve
because it will make my teaching more effective and also, I have a strong relationship with my
students through addressing all their needs.

3. Which of the major responsibilities does this teacher find difficult to comply
with? What are the reasons?

I think it is the administrative work because she said that there are times that students
fail to pass their works on time so it is resulted in a delay of teacher's student report
about student's performances.

4. From your perspective, would you consider this teacher as quality teacher?

Yes, I would still consider this teacher as quality teacher because she is intelligent
enough to impart knowledge and use varied instructional materials to address the
needs of her students. She has also mastery of her subject matter. Although there are
some difficulties happening inside the classroom but it is not a hindrance for her to
continue imparting knowledge to her students.
Reflect on this question.

1. Are you inspired to become a teacher after your observation?

If yes, why? If no, why not?

After the observation, I am more inspired to become a teacher. Through when I was a kid I
thought I couldn’t fit to be a teacher because my cousins are telling me that they seemed
stress, over worked, flexible for short. But to cut the long story short, I can fit into the roles
of building myself to become a future teacher. As what I observed, I loved seeing students
succeed especially to their academic performance. The way my resource teacher showed
up to her students like how she love her field and her passionate in teaching makes me
eager to thrive hard to become like her someday.

2. When you become a teacher in the future, how else would you
do better as a professional teacher?

As a future teacher, to become a better professional is really a challenge. It is a

constant for a teacher to be knowledgeable and determined but I want to be better
more than just a teacher. I want to pay attention in believing in my students'
potential because the success of a teacher begins with the success of students. I will
encourage them to go beyond their capabilities. Motivation will make them try
harder and better. As a teacher, it doesn’t always mean that you know everything.
You also need to learn more about your field and other concepts. Being humble that
accepts one idea and opinions because even the most successful teacher doesn’t
know everything. Learning never stops.

3. When you become a teacher in the future, how else would you
do better as a professional teacher?

The concerns that I for see in the future as a quality teacher are discipline and
classroom management. We all know that learners nowadays are very disrespectful
and we cannot deny that. Being ready is a must, so I will set rules and reinforce
behavior if possible in order to discipline them in a right manner. I also want to set a
classroom setting which they are comfortable with as they listening and engaging
during my class discussion because I believe that, classroom management is
essential in teachingg as it sets the mood for good instruction.

4. When you become a teacher in the future, how else would you
do better as a professional teacher?

I want to take that as an opportunity to thank her for supporting, believing and
enlightening my way. I will congratulate her for being an effective teacher to me as well as
to her students that molds beyond not just my skills and personality but also her students. I
will acknowledge her for allowing me to soar high with her as my guide. No words can
deeply express how grateful am I to know her as a friend, mentor and light on the darkest
times. She invested efforts and knowledge that I will eventually treasure in my whole life
especially to my chosen field of specialization.
ACTIVITY 15.2 The Creation and Management of the New Learning
Environment as a Skill of the 21st Century Quality
Resource Teacher: Mrs. Antonnete Palabrica Teacher’s Signature: ____________
School: Talave Elementary School Grade/Year Level: Grade 5
Subject Area: English & MAPEH Date: November 11, 2021

A. Current Classroom I am Observing
Grade Level: Grade 5



B. My Classroom for the 21st Century



Make a comparison of your drawings A and B. Describe the similarities and
differences. Explain why.
Features of the Present My Vision of the future Why the similarity?
Classroom Components classroom Why the difference?
A typical traditional My vision for my future There are similarities posted
classroom where it classroom will be one that between the present and
surrounded with traditional welcomes everyone. I want future classroom. The
resources such as blackboard, my classroom to be open to similarities are the chairs,
chairs, teacher's table, board all cultures, beliefs, and ideas. tables, blackboard, and the
display, hanging shelves, I want every person who like because I believe this still
charts, picture and a walks in my room to feel helps in playing the role of a
computer. It is a learning comfortable and safe, so that conducive classroom and for
space in which the teacher they can learn best. It is my the teacher and students to
provides face-to-face goal to discover ways to be comfortable. There are
instruction to her students. make learning innovative, also differences. This
These spaces are designed as enjoyable, creative, and enhances more skills by
an arrangement of similar rewarding. I want my room students through the
desks placed in rows which to be well-ventilated or air- integration of technology. It
are often difficult to conditioned. There would be literally makes the classroom
rearrange and move about a smartboard, and all of the more conducive and effective
the room. notes and lessons I would with regards to teaching and
teach would be done so learning process.
digitally. There would be a
bookshelf that covers an
entire wall of the classroom,
with books for every reading
level and interest. I will use
technology to enhance my
teaching. I would love to
incorporate technology into
my classroom because it
makes learning more
efficient, increases student
creativity, and creates
endless learning possibilities
by giving every student a
customizable learning
Make a short paragraph on how you will manage teaching-learning in the 21 st century

A 21st century classroom includes flexible, student-centered,

technology-based education, a collaborative and child-friendly
environment. Teachers are not only tasks to disseminate information to
young minds. Part of teachers’ job is to provide a conducive and
friendly learning environment that foster learning. It is really a
challenge to teach in the 21st century as it contains students that are
expected to be multiple intelligent.

Part of my job is to create a classroom that does not limit expectations.

To manage teaching and learning in the 21st century is also a need for
me to recognize classroom instructions. I will provide rules and policies
because it makes the instruction run smoothly and probably encourage
students to actively engage in the process. I would be more flexible and
serves as a facilitator because it is not necessary that a teacher always
provide the information. I need to give place for the students to take
over their learning as well as assessing them. I will teach them how to
adapt because 21st century learners contain many skills that you will
nourished. As the number one in-charge of this aspect, I will be more a
listener, good communicator, patient, a facilitator and a motivation
because we stand as the model of the classroom.
SHOW Your Learning Artifacts
1. Activity 15.1 Report the observation including evidence that go with it.
Teacher’s Major Responsibility Key Guide for Observation (Carefully look for the
indicators/behaviors of the teacher along the key
points. Write your observations and description in
your notebook. This will be one of your artifacts.)
D. Actual Teaching This teacher
6. Is learner-centered
o The teacher practiced this method
where students are the main focus of the
7. Acts as a facilitator of learning
o The teacher encourages her students to
participate during class discussion as
well as while having their activity.
8. Has mastery of subject matter
o The teacher is always prepared to
deliver her lesson. She knows what she's
doing as she is having her discussion.
9. Sees to it that learning outcomes are achieved
o The assessments made by the teacher
are constructively aligned with the
learning outcomes.
10. Is pleasant and fair in dealing with the learners
o The teacher treats her students fair and
right regardless of their differences.
E. Management of Learning This teacher
6. Allows all learners to participate in the lesson
o The teacher encourages all the students
to participate and work collaborately in
the class.
7. Considers the needs of the learners in the
seating arrangement
o The teacher uses projector during class
discussion in order for everyone to see
the text especially those who are seated
at the back.
8. Uses instructional support materials to help
learners understand the lesson
o The teacher provides instructional
support material to make the learning
more effective and meaningful.
9. Sees to it that learning is achieved within the
period of time
o There are times that the teacher is
exceeds her time limit especially if the
subject is quite engaging.
10. Dismisses the class on time
o There are times that it exceeds.
F. Administrative Work This teacher
6. Keeps records of learner’s attendance
o The teacher monitors the attendance of
her student’s every day.
7. Keeps record of formative and summative tests
o The teacher recorded the summative
tests but not the formative of the
8. Submits reports and other documents on time
o There are times that there is a delay of
passing the reports or other
documentations due to students fail to
pass their works on time.
9. Does other tasks as requested by superiors
o The teacher can't say no to her superiors
because she wants to help for the
betterment of the school.
10. Cooperates with peers and staff in the
cleanliness and safety of the school
o The teacher cooperates with peers in
the cleanliness of the school by teaching
her students to throw their garbage in
the trash bin.

Activity 15.1 Narrative on the Day in the School Life of the Quality Teacher
It is known that teachers mold minds and create future professionals. Without them,
no one will guide young minds towards their destined path. They play the biggest role in
human growth physically, mentally, socially, and emotionally. Even before the sun rises,
teachers get ready all the materials needed for the class they prepared last night that made
them have less sleep. Yes, you are right. Teachers' jobs don't stop in school. As they reach
home, works continue for their learners' development. They plan everything for
tomorrow's class. Some of them barely sleep at all.
Now, as the teacher enters the room, this is their time to put into action all the
preparations and dedications they saved. As there are different types of students, teachers
are expected to unite these diversities. So, we can imagine how wide the obligations and
role of the teacher are. From all planning and physical preparations, they should also
become the second parent inside the four corners of the classroom. There are some
students who are hard to handle, of course. Teachers find ways to tame them. Passionate
and dedicated teachers make all things inside the room as interesting as possible, for this is
one of the ways to catch the learner’s interest and suppress rebellious character.
A day for a teacher is truly hectic, yet fulfilling duty in the end. To see the learners
motivated and enthusiastic to live out their dreams is the greatest reward a teacher can
2. Activity 15.2 Drawing of the present classroom and a drawing of your Vision of the
Classroom for the 21st century

3. Activity 15.2 Narrative on how you will manage teaching-learning in the 21st
century classroom

A 21st century classroom includes flexible, student-centered, technology-based

education, a collaborative and child-friendly environment. Teachers are not only tasks to
disseminate information to young minds. Part of teachers’ job is to provide a conducive and
friendly learning environment that foster learning. It is really a challenge to teach in the
21st century as it contains students that are expected to be multiple intelligent.
Part of my job is to create a classroom that does not limit expectations. To manage
teaching and learning in the 21st century is also a need for me to recognize classroom
instructions. I will provide rules and policies because it makes the instruction run smoothly
and probably encourage students to actively engage in the process. I would be more
flexible and serves as a facilitator because it is not necessary that a teacher always provide
the information. I need to give place for the students to take over their learning as well as
assessing them. I will teach them how to adapt because 21st century learners contain many
skills that you will nourished. As the number one in-charge of this aspect, I will be more a
listener, good communicator, patient, a facilitator and a motivation because we stand as the
model of the classroom.
LINK Theory to Practice
1. A
2. C
3. C
4. A
5. B

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