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Architecture Diagram:


Camunda business process management is an open-source platform that allows users to create and
deploy workflows and automate decisions. Camunda comes with several user-friendly interfaces to
develop workflows and deploy those. The workflow engine and complaint decision engine can be
embedded in Java applications as well as other applications using REST API provided by camunda.

A workflow diagram provides a visual representation of a business process. It has standardized

symbols to describe the steps of the process. You can design your business process from the very
beginning to the end step by step. It can contain user roles and responsibilities for each step.
Workflows are useful to help people who committed in the process to understand their roles and the
order in which work is executed.

Use Cases:

We leverage Camunda BPM as a process engine to build process-aware solutions for our clients.

Typically this is to replace traditional monolithic applications that have not kept up with changes in
the business and market, with applications that are designed around the workflows of the team
members, and the processes that the business needs to compete. These solutions range from
reservation systems, to construction management, to marketing automation plans.

Used as a part of a solution mainly to deal with business processes and rules need to be adhered to
in a particular system.
Camunda Platform is a process automation tech stack with execution engines for BPMN workflows
and DMN decisions paired with applications for modeling, operations, and analytics.


1. The Camunda Tasklist is a ready-to-use web application that allows end users to work on the tasks
assigned to them. It provides additional visibility when using the Camunda Workflow Engine for
human task management.

2. Camunda BPM also provides a REST API which allows you to build applications connecting to a
remote process engine. Camunda BPM can be used both as a standalone process engine server or
embedded inside custom Java applications.

3. Camunda supports microservices and you can do multiple things. The most important thing is that
you can reuse components that you have within the product. For example, let's say that I developed
a workflow for a quality review; that is a workflow that can be reused in any new process. I can just
ship it, plug-and-play, copy it, and reuse all of the features and components that are there. It means
that I won't be spending too much time in terms of development to put it in place.

4. sharable and rethat can be shared across projects and teams, with real-time syncing between
web-based and desktop modeling tools.

5. Audit logs that provide information which operation was performed and when? What changes
were made.

6. Update processes quickly and easily by migrating running instances to new process definitions
without downtime and with a complete audit trail.

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