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Code No: RT32016D R13 SET - 1

III B. Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations, October/November -2020

(Civil Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B)
2. Answering the question in Part-A is compulsory
3. Answer any THREE Questions from Part-B
PART –A (22 Marks)
1. a) Describe the characteristics of Indus Valley Civilization. [3M]
b) Explain the role of surface texture in Architectural Composition. [4M]
c) What is Sustainable Architecture and explain its approaches? [4M]
d) Describe briefly plans of ancient towns: i) Mecca and ii) Varanasi. [4M]
e) What are the applications of Global Positioning System(GPS) in town planning? [3M]
f) What are the objectives of landscaping? [4M]
PART –B (48 Marks)
2. a) Explain the temples at Madurai and Mahabalipuram. [8M]
b) List out the important types of buildings in each style, the orders, and bringing out the [8M]
3. a) i) Explain the types and theory of Architectural Design. [8M]
ii) Explain in detail elements and four principles of Architectural Composition.
b) Explain the following Principles of Architectural Composition with conceptual [8M]
sketches and examples: i) Balance ii) Proportion.

4. a) i) Elaborate infrastructural planning as per Urban Development Plans Formulation and [6M]
Implementation(UDPFI) ii) State the differences between structure plan and
development plan.
b) What do you understand by user friendly Architecture? Explain how an Architect [10M]
exhibits the same by using different principles?
5. a) What are the town plans of mythological Manasa? Explain. [12M]
b) What are the main characteristics of town planning in the West? Explain with an [4M]

6. a) i) Explain clearly the differences between the working strategies of an urban planner [10M]
and architect. ii) Explain various surveys and data collection in preparation of a
master plan for any city.
b) i) Describe the role of Remote Sensing(RS) and Geographic Information System(GIS) [6M]
in town planning. ii) Briefly explain the evolution in town planning acts and

7. a) What is the difference between satellite town and garden city? Explain. [8M]
b) Why Soft landscape elements are effective tools for control of pollution in urban [8M]
areas? Explain.


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