Hydraulic Machine

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Model Relationship for Turbine  Specific speed classification of pumps

Name Type Type of
Ns (MKS) Head Discharge Direction of
Pelton wheel Impulse Kinetic 10-35 High Low(Q<1000 LPM) Tangential
Parameter Parameter SPECIFIC SPEED
turbine (250 to 1000m)
(Single jet) Radial Low 10-30
Peloton wheel Impulse Kinetic 35-60 High Low Tangential  Medium 30-50
(multiple jet)
(250 to 1000 m) flow runner N P 
1. NS = 1. Ns = High 50-80
Francis Reaction Kinetic + 60-300 Medium Medium Inward Radial (H)5 / 4  gH)5/4
Turbine Pressure (60 to 150 m) (1000-10000) LPM Mixed flow Mixed Flow 80-160
(Modern Francis)
Q Q Axial Flow 160-450
Kaplan & Reaction Kinetic + 300-1000 Low High(Q>10000LPM) Axial flow 2. CQ = 2. CQ =
Pressure (< 30 m) ND3 D3 Types of Pump Range of Head
Classificationaccording to energy available at input
H gh Low head pump upto 15m head
3. CH = 3. CH = Medium head pump 15 m to 40 m
Impulse turbine Reaction Turbine N 2 D2 2 D 2 High head pump above 40 m
1. Input energy is only 1. Input energy is kinetic energy + pressure energy P P
kinetic energy 4. CP = 4. CP = N Q T 1 (L3T 1 )1/ 2
2. Pressure remains constant 2. pressure drop takes place. N D5
3 D5  Specific speed (Ns) = 3/ 4   L3 / 4T 3 / 2
throughout the working
(H m ) L3 / 4
& which is equal to atmospheric. Here, N S = Specific speed, CQ = Discharge coefficient
3. Useful for high head & low discharge 3. Useful for low head & high discharge
C H = Head coefficient, CP = Power coefficient ir or
4. Degree of reaction is zero. 4. Degree of reaction not zero.
5. No draft tube 5. Draft tube is present. es
R pon
6. Example Pelton wheel 6. Example (i) Francis Turbine 2
(ii) kaplan & propeller Turbine. w – Angular speed = , N – No. of revolution/minute Dam
 Surge chamber
Gross power Net power Power Power H – Head (m), P – Power
from from developed obtained Penstock Motor Generator
reservoir reservoir by from
(Water power) runner shaft (BHP) Turbine
Draft Tube
Entrance of Turbine
Reservoir spiral casing runner Shaft

Tail Water
Cross section through a pumped storage plant Pond
Head loss in Mechanical
(a) Hydraulic losses
penstock losses
(i) Eddy formation Fluid Path
(i) Blade friction
(iii) Friction in draft (a) Pelton (Impulse): Head race (Dam)  Penstock  Nozzle  Bucket
tube Generator
(iv) Energy contained losses (Blades)  Runner  Tail race
by water leaving Property Centrifugal pump Reciprocating pump (b) Reaction turbine (Kaplan & francis): Head race  Penstock  Casing
draft tube  Guide vanes  Moving vanes  Runner  Draft tube  Tail
Flow Continuous and smooth Fluctuating and pulsating
(b) Leakage losses
Maintenance cost Less More race.
Generator Running Speed Can run at high speed Cann’t run at high speed  For turbine : water power > Runner power > shaft power
Starting torque More Less  For pump : Shaft power > Impeller power > Water power
For Reaction Turbine Wear and Tear Less More
 Pumps in series: Q = Constant, Increase Head, Total Hm = n Hm
Efficiency Less More
Turbine Speed ratio Flow ratio No. of vanes  Pumps in parallel: Hm = Constant, Increase discharge, Total Q = n Q
Floor area Smaller Large
 Indicator diagram is the graph between the pressure head in the cylinder
m Suction and delivery valve Not necessary Necessary
Pelton 0.4–0.5 0 15  Cost Less Four times of C.P.
& the distance travelled by the piston flow inner dead centre for one com-
2 plete revolution of the crank, work done by pump is proportional to the
Mechanism Impeller Piston
Francis 0.6–0.9 0.15–0.3 25 to 30 Discharge High Low area of indicator diagram.
Kaplan & 1.8–2.5 0.6–0.9 3 to 8 Priming Required Not required  Hydraulic RAM (It work on the principle of water hammer) is a device
Propeller Problem Cavitation Water seperation used to lift small quantity of water to a larger height when a large quan-
tity is available at smaller height. It does not need any external power
 Head Vs discharge and Power Vs discharge realtionship like electricity.

curve vane
d va


Radial vane ia l

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Backward vane
curve vane Back
Discharge Discharge

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