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The IL2 Sturmovick/Hyperlobby Masters List

May Edition 2009

Pauca sed Matura

The Immortals (names listed as to how their callsigns appear on Hyperlobby):

The Legend



- Currently Vacant -


Closed Pit No Externals Closed Pit with Externals Open Cockpit

*DZR_Chimanov [^]BengalTiger CRO_Johnny
[OAC]Kosh Flying.Finn CRO_Star
=AFJ_Maverick= IL/JG7_Alive HH_Hamster
=FI_Gadje= MercGYA2
=FI_Mikester +WARLOCK+
=PFT=Rax Ojisan_Tuck
357th_Ulti SKY9T_Moon9t

Master Trainers


InActive Masters

=AFJ=Goodknight, =AFJ=Daiichidoku, HD_Sarah, Ironman69

Update April 10th, 2009 – It took us a while but we have finally had a chance to evaluate many of
the guys who have been racking up kills on several popular servers. While part of this had been
underway for almost three months we would also like to thank TS_Sancho for his helpful advice.

What is this document ? - This is a list of people who are very deadly in the online component of
a computer game called IL2 Sturmovick, which is a fairly realistic World War II flight simulation
game. These players compete against each other through an online client called Hyperlobby.

How did these guys get on this list ? - They were voted on to the list by the Advisory Board, a
group of nine Master level fliers (seven voting members and two alternates) through evaluations. To be
placed on the list requires a vote of 5 out of the 7 voting members for Master rank and seven out of
seven voting members for Grandmaster rank Masters can come from either closed or open cockpit
environments but Grandmasters must display their abilities across all environments with emphasis on
closed cockpits and Full REAL servers as well. Grandmaster candidates also are more closely reviewed
and must be able to demonstrate their skills across a wide diversity of airframes, from props to jets and
from biplanes to late war.

What are the criteria for Grandmaster and Master status ? - Masters are fliers who are
in the top 2% of all Hyperlobby combatants and Grandmasters are fliers who are in the top 0.1% of all
Hyperlobby combatants (one per 1000 fliers). Since there are somewhere around 3000 fliers worldwide
logging onto HL servers during any given week, this would mean that there are up to ~60 guys who
qualify as Masters and around ~3 Grandmasters. Obviously, this list only names around 25 of them, so
very roughly speaking there are about 35 more Masters out there that the Advisory Board has not had a
chance to run into yet, or are slowly considering. All the (active) Masters listed are also fairly
accessible and currently active during almost any given week.

So, does this list have a cap then ? - Yes, the list is currently capped at 60 Masters and 3
Grandmasters. We do not expect this cap to be raised in the near future (2009).

Why are the Masters arranged into three categories ? - The Masters are arranged by the
type of server you are most likely to find them on and Hyperlobby offers three major IL2 server types;
open cockpit with external views, closed cockpit with external views and closed cockpit with no
external views. This does not mean that an open cockpit Master is weaker or lower than a closed
cockpit Master. It is just an indication of where you are most likely to find them and many open
cockpit Masters can fly just fine on closed cockpit servers.

One (or some) of the best pilots I know are not on this list, ….. why not ? - First off,
have you submitted their name for possible evaluation ? If not, consider doing so please. We also hear
about many good pilots but unfortunately when we receive their callsign and go looking for them, it
turns out to be a no show. It is hard for the Advisory Board to honestly evaluate someone if that person
is only on Hyperlobby for 20 minutes on every third Tuesday of the month.

Can I get on this list ? - Good question. Can you fly better than 49 other guys on average ? If you
believe so, then submit your name to and the Advisory Board will mull over
your application for a possible evaluation trial. We will look at anyone closely, no matter what
nationality, virtual squadron or how much we may personally dislike you. We consider only one thing,
…. How well can you fly in combat (both with a team and one on one).
Why am I not on this list even though I am a senior member of a long standing
squad ? - The Masters List is not a popularity contest. And it is not a List based on one's seniority or
time in grade with Hyperlobby. It is based only on the top 2% of all Hyperlobby fliers by combat
ability alone .... No exceptions.

Let me repeat that, ….. No exceptions.

If that upsets some folks who did not get the votes, then we understand, but it will not change our
mission or evaluation process. One person recently sent me a email that said,

“Do you know how much some senior members of X, Y and Z squadrons hate your guts ? Your
list is a joke and you are a sham !”

To which I and the Advisory Board respond from the Atharva Veda,

“Our beliefs do not require that you believe them”

For us, the list is just like Adobe Flash or Mozilla Firefox. If you need Firefox, then you download it
and use it, and if not, then you dont. If you want to download and read the List, then do so. And if it
helps you find a good teacher or observe a good flier, then great. And if it does not or you think it is
completely wrong, then print it out and use it for toilet paper. Who knows, it might even make your
next bathroom visit go more smoothly.

How often will this list be updated ? - There will be an updated edition released around the first
of every month, so it will be updated at least 12 times per year (and maybe more often as circumstances

If I get selected to be evaluated by the Advisory Board, what will they look for ? -
They will be looking at ten principal criteria:

1 - First and foremost, you must prove your reputations by flying in combat against other good
adversaries on HL servers where others can go against you (regularly), at least in a team environment.
This includes going up against other Masters occasionally. Particular attention is also paid to your one
on one skills

2 - Your kill to death (being downed by someone else) ratio must be very high. Usually somewhere
around 4:1 or much higher (lower if flying primarily Full Real servers and much higher if flying open
cockpit). Most of the Masters listed below can log onto a server and fly for 2 hours or more without
ever being shot down or being shot down only once (unless another Grandmaster or Master is present).
That does not include accidental rams.

3 - Be very adept at tactics in both the horizontal and vertical planes and possess a true 3D awareness
of flight. And likewise be able to bring this to bear in fruition in both turn and burn attacks and boom
and zoom attempts.

4 - Although you may not be a formally trained civilian or military pilot (in fact most are not), most
Masters know what an Immelman, Barrel Roll, Rolling Scissors, etc is... and how to use them in

5 – Understand and know how to use in combat all the effects of complex engine management (CEM).
Most masters are very conscious of flying within the 'power band' of correct engine RPM, prop pitch
and throttle settings at all times (especially those Masters that usually fly closed cockpit).

6 – Be particularly good at energy conservation and being able to conserve energy better than most of
your opponents in vertical flight.

7 – Discretion about entering enemy furballs and having the patience to strike only when justified.
Masters do not have qualms about flying at the periphery of a conflict and returning to base without a
kill if the opportunity does not present in their favor.

8 - Use head on shooting and deflection shooting at only the correct times and during the correct
situations (unfortunately this rules out many upper level Veteran flyers who just spray you in head on
passes when possible). I can easily think of ten Veteran flyers who rack up many kills but
unfortunately they do much of this by spraying lesser pilots in head on passes with superior weaponry
(like FW 190 or Spit 25 lbs cannons).

9 – Be able to do more than just flying the La7 3xB20 and the Spitfire 25lbs at very high levels.
Masters display a well roundedness that allows them to easily translate upper level skills from say a
I153 to a P51 Mustang to a ME 262.

10 – When other guys say, “Uh oh, so and so badass is here. Maybe I should switch to their side so I
dont have to face them”, Masters often say, “Hey, so and so badass is here; glad I finally get a chance to
go up against them!” Masters are often defined by their offensive minded nature and are usually found
pressing the attack.

If I am being evaluated, will I be notified ? - Yes, I (the author) or an Advisory Board

member using a fake callsign will tell you in advance. Generally the Advisory Board will complete an
evaluation within 30 days but may take up to 90 days, especially if the flier is in a distant time zone.

If I was evaluated and did not make the list, can I try again ? - Yes. Any good pilot who
is close to Master status may be evaluated again after six months or more have passed.

Even if I can get on the list, do I want to be ? - To be frank, many Masters do not lead
healthy lives, mentally of physically in the real world. In Hyperlobby they may be a god of the sky, but
in real life, the story is often vastly different. Lets face it, a grown man of 35 years of age who
dedicates five hours every day to a computer flight sim game is missing out on some the beautiful
moments real life has to offer. For some Masters, IL2 has become their life. Their whole world and self
worth as a person is tied up in a computer game and this comes thru in the seriousness with which they
play. In short, if you can reach the Master level through one to two hours a day, four or five days out of
the week, then the Advisory Board is happy to evaluate you. If not, consider easing off the computer
for other more healthy pursuits until your experience builds. Never give up a date with a beautiful
woman, a walk with your child, a fine glass of wine or a trip to Mt Kilimanjaro for a silly computer

Is this list perfect? - No it is not. It has missed some of the top guys (especially in the Asian time
zones perhaps) but this list is a young project and the Advisory Board is working to evaluate all good
candidates whose nominations we receive. We have deficiencies but we are working to correct them.

Can a Master be removed from this list ? - Yes, if five out of the seven voting Advisory Board
members feel that a particular Master is no longer active or does not practice any longer and vote for
removal, then that Master's callsign will be removed. Grandmasters and Masters can also be upgraded
or downgraded as circumstances warrant. Inactivity for 90 days or more can also trigger a move to the
In-Active List. However, anyone who is removed from the list will be moved to the Inactive Masters
column in recognition of their achievements. Any Master can also be permanently banned for cheating
or using illicit mods (and this does not mean the UI 1.1 mod pack or 6DOF). The nine members of the
Advisory Board represent almost 41 years (combined) of IL2 playing time and do undertake Ntrk
review of evaluations very seriously.

Is this list affiliated with any particular squadron ? - No. The author of this list does not
fly for any squadron and members of the Advisory Board are not allowed to vote on or evaluate
members of their own or friendly squads (that is why there are two alternates).

Can I contact the Advisory Board or an Advisory Board member ? - No. The names
and Hyperlobby callsigns of the Advisory Board members are kept confidential and this is done to keep
others and their own squad mates from pressuring them to include them in this list. They also need to
be able to cast honest votes without the fear of retribution over their opinions.

Are the members of the Advisory Board fixed ? - No. Voting members of the Advisory
Board must be Masters themselves and serve for six month terms. They usually have three years of
Hyperlobby experience or more. After they serve six months they can continue for one more term (for
a total of one year) and then must step down for at least six months before being appointed again (if
applicable), or they can step down after only six months of duty.

Is the author (JayHall0315) a member of the Advisory Board ? - No. I do not vote or
have voting powers. I am also not involved in the evaluation process.

How should I look at this list ? - Hopefully, the list will be used by new guys and Intermediate
level fliers who wish to seek out Masters who may help to train them. Undoubtedly, many will try to
use this document as a dick measuring contest and try to challenge many of the Masters to one on one
duels. Do not be surprised if you are A: Laughed at …. or ….. B: Blow out of the sky very quickly,
should you choose to try this route.

Why do you use the titles Grandmaster and Master ? - These titles are used because the
author grew up playing chess with his uncle and learning about the world of professional chess where
expert players are given the titles of Master and Grandmaster. This sounded more dignified than using
titles such as Ace, High Ace, Super Ace, Ace of Aces, Master Ace, etc....

Why was this list written ? - When I started out as a brand new flier with IL2, one of my first
questions was, “Why do I keep getting shot down and how did some of these guys get this damn
good?” I started asking around to see if folks could recommend some high level flier to help me out.
What I really wanted was to meet up with a Master flier or trainer who could train me like Yoda. The
problem was, if I asked flier X, he would say that flier Y was great. But the next week, I would meet
flier Z, who would say that Y flew like trash, and actually the flier I needed to speak to was flier A.
And so on, ad nauseam. I also received much bad information during this time and found out that
many guys didnt actually know what they were talking about. In short, there was no good reference of
current high level fliers in IL2 that a new guy could look to, so that he might be able to find a good
teacher or at least watch a really good pilot. Therefore I decided to begin this project.

Are there other important considerations to be aware of ? - Yes, most Masters have been
playing a long time and are adept at using Mods. Some Masters take full advantage of every major
mod out there and to go up against them in an 'unmodded' game is suicide. Of course this is something
that they will never let YOU know about it. It is not cheating per se, but rather them using their
experience to work with mods that you as a new guy are probably totally unaware of. All the Masters
on this list are those that the Advisory Board considers to be honest and upstanding. There are one or
two individuals that fly like Masters but who have used some underhanded modifications to achieve
this ( ie. they are flat out cheating). Obviously, cheaters will not be allowed on this list.
Also, asking Masters about their record versus other Masters will rarely illicit an honest answer.
Most Masters have a high degree of bravado/cockiness about themselves and most Masters will tell you
that they can or have defeated almost everyone else on this list. That is why it has been difficult at
times to add members to the list because it is tough to separate the bullshitters who happen to fly well
from the real deal.
Many of the Masters on this list also use multiple callsigns. This is done for many reasons, one of
which is the desire to sometimes remain anonymous and not feel the need to protect their main callsign
at all times. Many Masters also like to go incognito at times, to test out, up and coming talent. This
allows them to go against someone that might even be better than they are without losing face
obviously. Regardless of the reason, some Masters have styles that are very distinctive and you will still
recognize them, no matter what their callsign is.
Many (but once again, not all) have the Track IR. This is a piece of retail hardware that maps the
motion of your head outside the game to in-game motions allowing you to look around inside the game
from the cockpit. Obviously, you can gain part of the same function by mapping different looks to a
hat switch on your joystick, but the Track IR allows you to pan your view slowly in the game and
allows you to see planes directly above you and behind you, and therefore, I think most would agree
that it greatly improves SA (especially in servers that only allow closed cockpits). The Track IR is a
true upgrade in situational awareness and there are some Masters who will say they do not have the
Track IR, when privately they will admit they do.
Let me also state that all of the fliers listed here are not invulnerable. They all can, and have been
killed multiple times and your best chance for catching them is when they enter furballs, because this is
when they are most easily attacked and are most vulnerable (particularly at the apex of a climb). So
please do not think that these guys are gods or that they cannot die. They can be killed; it just takes a
lot of work and careful observation of their flying to catch them.

Can I learn more about the Masters listed on page 1 ? – Sure. Listed below is brief
biographical sketch for each of them. Beside each name is an indication of whether their skills pertain
to mainly closed cockpit servers (closed), open cockpit servers (open) or both open and closed cockpit
servers (both). The next number beside each name is a score from one to three indicating how
aggressive they tend to be. One indicates a low level of aggressiveness (the individual usually does not
provoke others and only responds when attacked) and three indicates a high level (the individual
actively seeks out fights and enjoys duels). Beside each name is also a notation of how long they have
been flying (if known) and also a note on whether they host their own server. Names are listed below
according to rank and as to how they would appear on the Hyperlobby player lists.
The Legend:

RBJ – The man, the myth, …. the legend. Like Dracula, Bigfoot and the Roswell Incident, you must
decide for yourself if he really existed. Was supposedly active in the early years of IL2 and was a
master of using trim on his slider to out turn anyone. Became upset with Oleg (the developer) when he
reset some parameters in one of the IL2 patches around 2003, and then quit the game. Could
supposedly down enemies at will and was a fighter pilot supreme, especially in German and American
airframes. Noted for ability to escape multiple enemies and his huge uni-brow. Some say he was the
only one whose cockiness could live up to his flying. Sadly no longer seen on Hyperlobby.


- Currently Vacant – Since the Masters List began we have had only two fliers fill this top position
(who are currently active). One was removed simply because he started to work more and his time
flying online fell off (hey, we cant blame the guy, he does after all have a life). The other Grandmaster
asked to be removed due to his own modesty, although we still believe him to be worthy of GM status.
That leaves this title open and discussions are currently underway as to who might fill it and best
uphold all that is good about online flying at the highest level.

Masters of Closed Cockpit with No External Views:

*DZR_Chimanov (closed) / 2 /5 years experience – Argentinian flyer who prefers closed cockpit
and often found on full real servers. Fairly friendly but does not suffer fools lightly and does not like to
teach or talk much (prefers Teamspeak). Wide body of skills and fluent with many aircraft. Track IR
user and unknown if he will accept one on one duels. Sometimes uses other callsigns such as
666_Chimanov and other similar names which include the Chimanov tag.

[OAC]-Kosh (closed) / 2 / almost 5 years exp / Hosts thru Balance of Power Server – Canadian flier
who prefers Full Real servers and closed cockpits. Often found on his team server or at Spits versus
109s. Track IR user and will accept challenges. High level Master who is very close to Grandmaster
status and excels in almost all forms of aerial combat. Definitely follows Hartmann's motto that,
“dogfighting is for idiots”, as he simply swoops down, takes off a wing and pulls up, so you rarely ever
have a chance to 'dogfight' him. Extremely crafty and is usually able to spot you and sneak up on your
six on Full Real servers before you see the rounds rip into your fuselage. Very good at all aspects of
aerial combat and a has a refined scissors technique. Perhaps his only weakness ironically is that you
dont see him for very long and he rarely plays on closed cockpit servers with external views that would
allow a more detailed look at his flying skills. Under observation for possible elevation to Grandmaster

=AFJ=Maverik (both but mainly closed) / 3 / 5 years / Hosts – Israeli flyer and one of the best
Masters when it comes to energy conservation and management. A flyer who uses excellent CEM to
'float' just a little higher than you can climb and as you begin to stall out, he will swivel down and take
off your wing. Prefers closed cockpit and fluent in multiple aircraft and techniques. High level Master
and Track IR user. Does not suffer fools lightly and prickly personality. Does not like to talk or teach
and excels in one on one conflicts. Does not fly as often currently and is not as dangerous in a furball
environment. He is very concerned with “who is the best”. Most often found waiting in a co-op
mission in Hyperlobby for a one on one challenge.

=FI=Gadje (closed) / 2 / 4.5 years / Hosts– Scottish flier who loves full cockpit and excels at all
forms of aerial combat, particularly BnZ from high altitude. Was previously listed as a Grandmaster on
this list and asked to be removed from the top spot due to his own modesty. And so we have complied
with his wishes but still believe him to be a Grandmaster. Very refined flying skills and he excels in
energy management and conservation. Extremely proficient with both American and German BnZ type
airframes and can use these planes in extremely tight situations. Perhaps the single best Bf 109 pilot
currently flying on Hyperlobby. I believe he is the squadron trainer for =FI= and is also the teacher of
=FI=Mikester (who is also on this list). Fairly friendly but does not suffer fools lightly and will accept
challenges if he has time. Track IR user and found on servers that cater to Full Real settings like Spits
versus 109s.

=FI=Mikester (both but mainly closed) / 2 / 4 years / Hosts – Very experienced Scottish flier who
has damn good boom and zoom abilities. Very good at energy fighting within closed cockpit servers
that allow external views. Is extremely proficient in most models of the Bf 109. Prefers closed cockpit
and fluent in many aircraft and flight techniques. Track IR user and will accept challenges. Fairly
friendly as well.

=PFT=Rax (closed) / 2 / 5 years – Very experienced Polish flier who flies many airframes that range
from the Pacific theater to the Western Front. Proficient in German, American and Japanese aircraft
and displays high levels of both BnZ and TnB tactics. Usually found flying full real servers and is a
Track IR user. Rarely accepts one on one challenges but is fairly nice (in broken English) and has
excellent sneak tactics on full real.

335th_GROrion (closed) / 2 / 6 years – Greek flyer who is very adept with most German airframes
and excels in using the FW 190 Antons in BnZ energy dives. Great person to observe correct BnZ
tactics from. Much like [OAC]Kosh though, as you rarely see him until your wing is gone. Abilites
further enhanced by great teamwork with squad mates. Unknown if he teaches but is a Track IR user.
Most often found on Spits vs 109s. Does not appear to accept one on one duels.

357th_Ulti (closed) / 2 / 8 years / Hosts – Very experienced Swedish flier who often hosts a private
server where you can fight him one on one. One of the very best P51 pilots currently flying in HL.
Also has a great deal of experience in many American airframes and is excellent at energy fighting.
Often lowers prop pitch and rides on 60% power while still out flying those at full throttle. Often
appears to float higher and higher as you chase him, and when you decide to head after other prey, he
drops like a knife. Good person to learn BnZ from but does not teach much. Track IR user and will
accept one on one duels.

IFA.116_Xcom (closed) / 2 / 6 years – Israeli flier who tends to full real and upper level servers.
High level Master and expert in energy fighting. Combines both great BnZ skills with down low TnB
skills. Fairly friendly guy who maintains a high level of knowledge about all things IL2. Track IR user
and will accept one on one duels. Was a trainer for = AFJ_Maverick=, another Master on this list.

TX_Thunderbolt (closed) / 2 / 8 years – American flier who, as his name indicates is a high level
master of the most American airframes. Also fits in seamlessly with his squad mates to very deadly
effect. Even this aside, extremely competent in one on one encounters. Some reports that he is an
experienced pilot in real life as well. If this is true, it would not be surprising. Fairly friendly but not a
big chatter. Track IR user and does not appear to accept personal challenges.

WhistlinggDeath (both but mainly closed) / 3 / 11 months / Hosts Naval Aviation Server –
American academic in real life and tries to apply this to most encounters to not out fly, but to 'out think'
the opponent. Often fond of trying unusual energy tactics and very deadly in the F4U Corsair and FW
190. Loves one on one challenges and runs a naval aviation server where anyone can fight him.
Absolutely hates mods and feels that the Track IR imparts an unfair advantage over those who cannot
afford it. One of only two other guys on this list who is not a member of any squadron and one of the
few aside from [^]X32Wright (below) that will take time to seriously work with new guys. Removed
name from this list due to conflict of interest but was re-voted back on. There are three other fliers in
Hyperlobby with variants of the name Whistling Death (a Japanese nickname for the F4U Corsair) who
are not this guy. Most often found on his own server, Spits vs 109s and Zekes vs Wildcats.

Masters of Closed Cockpit with External Views Enabled:

[^]Bengal Tiger (both but mainly closed) / 2 / 3 1/2 years / Hosts – Canadian (although of
Bangladeshi origin I believe) flier and was formerly a Grandmaster on this list, but was downgraded
because he only flies on weekends now and his kill/death ratio seems to have dropped. Will do both
one on one and team flying (especially with his own Delta Chevron squadron). Hard to entice into one
on one flying unless provoked. Can fly many types of planes well (including jets) and excels at energy
conservation and CEM. Very fast reflexes and almost never allows a fight to progress into a turning
contest. The very best I have seen at using external views while in closed cockpit (and hence does not
play a great deal on Full REAL servers). Has a very unusual maneuver that can best described as a
vertical (nose down) scissors where he circles around you and then slows up with flaps just slightly and
lets you pass by and below, and then when you are lower, he takes off a wing. Uses multiple callsigns
and names and often appears in other games under a different name. Displays the most variance of
routine in flying and hard to predict what will come next. Conflicting reports about whether he does or
does not use a Track IR. Sometimes flies with a distinctive paint job (skin) that features the stripes of a
bengal tiger across the plane's wings. Does not suffer fools lightly and most often found on the Chevron
or Tihi servers.

Flying.Finn (closed) / 2 / 4 years – Finnish flier who has a wide body of expertise in many airframes
and fighting styles. Usually engages with BnZ tactics and remains out of range for retaliation attempts.
Flies many American airframes at high levels and seems particularly good at BnZ attempts. Often
found on the UK Dedicated 2 server. Track IR user and will accept one on one challenges. Easy going
manner belies a personality that does not suffer fools lightly. Great person to watch and learn from
while using external views.

II./JG7_Alive (both but usually open) / 2 / 4 years – Very similar in skill set to Maverik above but
does not climb as high and 'float' on his flaps. Very good at extending and re-engaging. He will make
quick swoops and go for excellent deflection shots and then suddenly break off and extend. Unknown
if he accepts challenges and can be found flying on multiple servers. Has a TrackIR but uses it in closed
cockpit only. Unknown if he accepts challenges and does not suffer fools lightly, but can still be

Masters of Open Cockpit with External Views Enabled:

CRO_Johnny (both but usually open) / 2 / 4 ½ years / Hosts thru Team Server – Croatian flier who
is one of the very best at using Russian (La's or I185s) planes at low altitude. Does not usually work
much with BnZ but very high proficiency with energy management. Always able to get just a little bit
more out of his aircraft than you can in tight situations. Perhaps the single best La-7 pilot currently
flying in HL. Fairly friendly and maybe the deadliest member of the already proficient CRO squadron.
Will accept challenges if he has time and claims not to be a Track IR user. Usually found at the
CRO_Dogyard server and sometimes flies with a distinctive bright red skin for the La-7 or Spit 25 lbs.
Another great flier who may be elevated to Grandmaster soon.

CRO_Star (usually open) / 3 / 4 years online (6 years for IL2) – Croatian flyer who often flies the
Spit 25 lbs model or Ki-84. Less familiar with energy fighters and some American planes. Very good
at rapid change of direction to make you lose him if you have the advantage. Very good turn and burn
skills but less familiar with high level vertical skills and energy tactics. Tends to favor TnB over BnZ
but still adept at both. Fairly friendly and will accept challenges. Claims not to use the Track IR, and
often found on the CRO Dogyard or SKY9T servers. Does not use some of the bright red skins that
many other CRO members fly with and will accept one on one challenges.

HH_Hamster (open) / 2 / 3 years– British flier and the fastest turner of all Masters listed here. Has
a knack for out-turning you at even very high speeds without losing the energy that even another
Master would. While not a true boom and zoom guy, he none the less always floats right above the
action, out of harms way, and then swoops down in a quick burst and takes off your wing. Utilizes the
best aspects of low level boom and zoom and close quarters turning in one flyer. Says that he does not
use Track IR. Very friendly and will accept challenges from anyone or help to show you how he
conducts specific maneuvers. Formally flew under the name of HH_Bowie and most often found on the
HH 4.08 server.

MercGYA2 (open) / 1 / 7 ½ years – American pilot that is usually found on the Merc team server and
rarely flies on other open cockpit servers. Is a certified private pilot in real life and knows how to bring
that knowledge into the game. Has an excellent barrel roll technique and is also good at very slow
speed slips and rolling scissors. Usually flies the Spit 25lbs airframe when available. Nice guy who
displays a high level of intelligence and will take time to teach occasionally if you join team Merc.
Track IR user and does not suffer fools lightly. Will not usually accept challenges from others for one
on one.

+WARLOCK+ (open) / 3 / 21 months – Often found flying the Spit 25 lbs on the HH 4.08, Chardey
or SKY9T servers. Relies more on turn and burn skills than BnZ. Has extremely high situational
awareness in tight combat and usually reacts faster than the other guy and quickly falls on their six
(using the hammerhead). His best skills are found with the Spit 25lbs and in other airframes he is a
little less deadly. Uses Freetrack instead of Track IR and fairly friendly. Will practice one on one with
you, and usually likes to duel with others. A little bit testy if he is shot down. Formerly flew under the
name OC77th_WARLOCK

Ojisan_Tuck (open) / 2 / 7 years / Hosts – Well versed Master who is adept at several aircraft and
techniques. Very good at energy fighting and keen on making the opponent give up their energy
advantage even if they began in a stronger initial position. If at the same altitude, often rides the rudder
to slip around and cause energy loss for the opponent. Track IR use unknown and fairly friendly. Can
be found flying on many servers within Hyperlobby and also holds open sessions where you can fight
him one on one. Very good person to practice with.

SKY9T_IKILL4FUN (both) / 3 / 5 ½ years / Hosts thru Team Server – Read about Moon9T
below, they are almost twins. Very similar skill set and very good at boom and zoom attacks with
extremely precise aim when firing at high speeds from above you. He and Moon9T often fly as a two
man team to deadly effect ! Fairly nice guy but does not suffer fools lightly. Original callsign used to
be SKY9T_HalconBros. Track IR user (when flying on closed cockpit) and will accept challenges if he
has time. Often found on the Skynight server and usually flies with the distinctive SKY paint job that
includes wings on both wings.

SKY9T_Moon9T (open) / 2 / 2 ½ years / Hosts thru Team Server– French flier often found on the
Skynight or HH servers. Very strong skills and excellent energy management. Extremely strong skills
with the Spit 25lbs in open cockpit environments. Strong skills in closed cockpit as well, but not as
deadly as his skills in open pits. Very knowledgeable about different tactics and which ones to use
against a certain plane. Also particularly accurate with side (lead) shooting and can disable you from
multiple odd angles. Can be found on the SkyNight server and will gladly practice one on one with
you if you are decent. Track IR user and will accept challenges from almost anyone if you log onto the
SkyNight server.

Master Trainers:

[^]Wright32 (both) / 1 / 3 ½ years / Hosts thru Team Server – American flier, who although very
hard to place as far as one on one abilities, he none the less excels in teaching high level concepts and
is perhaps one of the more intelligent fliers listed here. Very deadly in using planes like the Zero to
shoot down much faster La-7s. He is the founder of Chevron squadron and is able to provide valuable
insight into high level critiques about maneuvering and energy loss. Of course he spends most of his
time mentoring those newer guys in his own squad, but will also help out complete strangers and is
very honest, fair and forthright (which can be embarrassing if he thinks your abilities are not good).
Encyclopedic knowledge of IL2 and all of its content. Knows more about most aircraft than many
flyers who only fly that plane for hours at a time. Definitely one of the most talkative fliers currently
active in HL (in a good way). Also has multiple names, although most of them have “Wright”
somewhere in the callsign. Can be found on the Chevron or Tihi servers and sometimes flies with skins
that have been made up for the Delta squad.

InActive Grandmasters and Masters:

=AFJ=GoodKnight (both) 2 – Former Grandmaster on this list. Not currently active in Hyperlobby
but none the less a true master of almost all flight characteristics. Last seen actively flying around the
Spring of 2006. Can be seen in YouTube videos downing opponent after opponent with a wide variety
of tactics. Perhaps the best energy conservation ever seen on HL and one of the best, if not the best FW
190 pilot to ever fly. A true master of dogfighting on full real servers. Track IR user and used to accept
challenges for one on one fights.

=AFJ=Daiichidoku (both) / 1 / 4 years – Former Master on this list. Canadian flyer who is a master
of energy conservation, especially at low speed turn and burn maneuvers. One of the best flyers for
luring you into what appears to be a low level turning contest only to suddenly swoop up and roll back
down on you. Friendly guy and Track IR user, but unknown if he accepts challenges or not. Rarely
active in HL currently and still does some flying but it appears to be only occasionally.
HD_Sarah (both) / 1 / 4 years / Hosts thru Team Server – American flier and one of the very few
woman fliers using Hyperlobby; definitely the only woman Master level flier that I know of. Is usually
found flying the I-185 in which she has a huge amount of combat time. No special moves to note, but
adapts very quickly to your move and then counter attacks in an offensive minded nature. Hard to tell
for sure, but seems as if she uses the Track IR. She will accept one on one challenges when she has
time and can be found on the {{}} server (the Butterfly server). Her other alias is Sarah_Zoom.

Ironman69 (closed) / 2 / 5 / Hosts - American flier who usually prefers full real closed cockpit
environments. Extremely adept at most models of the Bf 109 and many American airframes. Great SA
on FULL REAL servers and deadly in close quarters. Good person to learn low level energy tactics
from. Track IR user and will accept challenges. Fairly friendly as well.

Can you tell me who is currently undergoing evaluation ? - Sure. Below are fliers of at
least high level Veteran status, who the Advisory Board is evaluating for Master level status. If a
person's name is on this list for a long time, it simply means that either they are hard to catch flying or
their flying experience is very narrow (like flying only Full Real with only the P51, which does not
give us enough of a window to truly judge their full skill set):

*{64s}Otsu I (closed) / 3 / 5 years – Found on Zekes vs Wildcats often

*{64s}Tomio (closed) / 3 / ? - Found on Zekes vs Wildcats

=AFJ=rsm (closed) / 2 / 5 years – Veteran of AFJ

=AFJ=Jinzo (both) / 2 / 2 ½ years – Closed pit AFJ veteran who many say is improving.

=ARTIST= (closed) / 2 / 3 years – Good corsair pilot and often found on Zekes vs Wildcats.

=gRIJ_Saos (closed) / 3 / ? - Another good full real flier and found on the =gRIJ-Dedicado server.

[SAF]Dogface (closed) / 2 / ? - High level full real energy fighter who helps to host the Balance of
Power server

69th_Blizard (usually open) / 3 / 5 years – Many reports of his good flying so re-evaluating

69th_Hunter (open) / 2 / ? - Often works hand in glove with Blizard to deadly effect.

CIA_Elanski (closed) / 2 / ? - Veteran often found on Spits vs 109s

Estor (closed) / 2 / ? - Russian flier that seems to excel in one on one contests.

-=FA_RAVEN (closed) / 3 / 5 years – Good pilot in many German airframes.

FA_Monguse (closed) / 2 / 7 years – Long term veteran who is one of the driving forces behind the
AAA UI 1.1.1 mod pack that many people rate highly.

FUNGUS (closed) / 2 / ? - Potent veteran often found on Spits vs 109s

III/JG11_Kennel (closed) / 3 / 7years – Long term vet who excels with German airframes.

KSQN_Bird (closed) / 2 / 7 years – High level flier that many rate as one of the best.

Mr Cataract (both) / 2 / ? - Usually open pit veteran that has some fantastic moves.

RS_Hittman (open) / 2 / ? - High level flier from Rogue Saints who has great E management.

T]-[OR (closed) / 2 / 7 years – High level fliers of energy fighters and has many instructional videos
out about how to fly difficult planes like the P51 and how to bomb.

Who is in the pipeline for future evaluations ? – The Advisory Board is next looking at
reaching the following fliers in the coming weeks:




What if I have questions or comments not covered here ? - You can reach me primarily
through the ubi.forums by private message at username jayhall0315 or at
Please put something like the 'Masters List' in the title field of the email or I may delete it, thinking that
it is spam.

A Note of Appreciation – Several veterans have gone beyond the call of duty in giving helpful tips
both for evaluating upper level fliers and for helping to make this list better. They include:
[^]X32Wright, MD_Titus, =FI_Gadje=, CRO_Johnny, Nightshifter, and TS_Sancho. We also
appreciate the more than 450 nominations that have come in so far, with help from many squadrons,

[^] Delta, [OAC], [SAF], =gRIJ, 54th, 69.GIAP, 69th , 335th , 357th , , AFJ, AVG, CRO, FA, FI, HH, HD,
ITAF, JG27, JG54, Merc, Ojisan, RAAF, RCAF, Rogue Saints, SKY, TTU, and TX

I would also like to warmly thank the member of Oleg's BOB staff who provided us with the software
and tools to finally catch cheaters once and for all in late March. Your gift is perhaps the best thing that
has happened to this organization since its inception.

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