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I think that the cause of that making Richard speck is simply because he is
desired to do crimes and violent, sexual desires that can make him feel
pleased with himself. I think the reason behind it comes from the background
of Richard. After the death of his father, I think that Richard's behavior was
changed through this time and also the abuse of his stepfather that led him
into heavy drinking and committing crimes.

2. Yes, when Specked grew older, the same self-esteem issues that made
him humble as a child, his traumatic childhood behavior changed him into a
violent young adult. He changed into an angry young man who wanted to fight
back against a world that despised him. Speck fills in with a tough, similar to
his stepfather, who were petty criminals.

3. Frustration can lead to a variety of behaviors, including regression towards

others and more indifferent behavior, which is why Speck felt "nothing" for his
abused wife. In this subject (Theories of Crime Causation), I learned that
displacement is a sort of violence that is directed at something or someone
else who is not the source of the original frustration. This frustration could be
attributed to Speck's hostility toward his mother for remarrying someone who
was a heavy drinker with an arrest record.
4. Richard Speck is a very interesting case. I feel like he falls under both
categories of biological and sociological theory. The argument could work for
either theory because Richard Speck is such an interesting person with an
interesting background. I’m aware that you could be born underdeveloped or
with the type of mental disability that allows you to commit crimes without
thinking there is something wrong. I feel that the environment is one of the
biggest aspects that lead to crime. Richard Speck is truly an example of both
theories towards crime causation. 

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