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A study on Creative Digital Marketing Strategies of Platinum

Evara, Piaggio Aprilia, Piaggio Vespa and Reliance Smart.


Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM)

2017 – 2019


IES Management College and Research Centre
Bandra (W), Mumbai

Students Declaration

I hereby declare that this report, submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the
award for the Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM) , to IES Management College
and Research Centre is my original work and not used anywhere for award of any degree
or diploma or fellowship or for similar titles or prizes.

I further certify that without any objection or condition, subject to the permission of the
company where I did my summer project, I grant the rights to IES Management College
and Research Centre to publish any part of the project, if they deem fit in
journals/Magazines and newspapers etc without my permission.

Place: Mumbai _______________________

Date: 08/10/2018 Signature


Class : (PGDM - SEM IV)

Roll No. : (PGDM -17 - 114)

Certificate from the Company

Certificate from the Faculty Guide

This is to certify that the dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment for the award of
of IES Management College and Research Centre is a result of the bonafide
project work carried out by Mr. / Ms. Roshni Suvarna under my supervision and
guidance. No part of this report has been submitted for award of any other degree,
diploma, fellowship or other similar titles or prizes. The work has also not been
published in any journals/Magazines.

Place: Mumbai

Signature of the Faculty Guide: ______________________

Name of the Faculty Guide: Dr. Suhas Pai

IES Management College and Research Centre


As a part of curriculum at IES MCRC, the Summer Internship Program aims at

overall development of the students by providing them an opportunity to gain
corporate exposure and space to apply their theoretical knowledge in practice. No
summer internship can be successful without the support of the people who keep
themselves closely involved with the student undergoing the program

First and foremost, I would like to thank my mentor and guide Mr. Yash Kulshresth,
for giving me an opportunity to do my internship with Dentsu Webchutney.

Through this report, I take the opportunity to express my sincere gratitude and
thankfulness to all those who have helped me in making my training at Dentsu
Webchutney a success. Being my guide and mentor at Dentsu Webchutney he took
time out of his busy schedule and helped me in every possible way, to proceed with
my work. He has been a constant source of inspiration throughout the project. Along
with my mentor I would also like to acknowledge my other seniors at Dentsu
Webchutney who constantly guided me with my work.

I would also like to thank my faculty Guide Dr.Suhas Pai for guiding us in every
possible manner.

Last but not the least I would like to express my gratitude to all those who have in
one way or the other interacted with me and have worked towards making my stay at
Dentsu Webchutney as comfortable and exciting as possible.

Thank You,

Roshni Suvarna.

Table of Contents
Executive Summary_______________________________________________________1
1. Chapter 1____________________________________________________________3
1.1. Introduction to DIGITAL ADVERTISING_________________________________3
1.2. Introduction to the Company_____________________________________________9
1.3. Job Description________________________________________________________21
2. Chapter 2___________________________________________________________24
2.1. Objectives____________________________________________________________24
3. Chapter 3___________________________________________________________29
3.1. Research Methodology__________________________________________________29
3.2. Review of related literature______________________________________________30
3.3. Scope and Limitations__________________________________________________33
4. Chapter 4___________________________________________________________36
4.1. Analysis and Findings:__________________________________________________36
5. Chapter 5___________________________________________________________54
5.1. Conclusions___________________________________________________________54
5.2. Recommendations_____________________________________________________57
6. References and Bibliography___________________________________________60

Executive Summary

As per the guidelines and requisites of the PGDM course at IES MCRC, we were
required to do a compulsory summer internship for the months of May through June.
The intern got an opportunity to work at Dentsu Webchutney, a Digital Marketing
Agency. Under the digital marketing umbrella agency the intern was appointed as a
Copy intern responsible for varied tasks. During the internship period the intern was
assigned tasks of Social Media Execution, Brand Monitoring, Content Writing,
Brand Campaigns, Brand Nomenclature, Competitive Analysis, Social Media Audit,
and Strategizing. To elaborate on the work done under the tasks assigned was to
timely update content on the social media pages for the brands assigned, to monitor
and keep and check on the updates, writing content for curation on social media
pages, planning campaigns to be run on the social media platforms according to the
personality of the brand. Competitive analysis to obtain insights for internal project,
social media audit for pitch presentation and understand the working of the
competitors on social media and planning strategies for social media activities for
brands has been a part of my work in the course of two months. The brands that the
intern worked on during the internship period were Platinum Evara, Piagiio Aprilla,
Piagiio Vespa, Reliance Smart, Multiply App by Aditya Birla Capital and OPPI. My
focus while working on the brands was to fulfil the objectives relevant for the
respective brands. The objectives for each brand were different right from increasing
awareness about an event held by the brand to increasing awareness and promotion
of the products offering by the brands.

Detailed information of the objectives relevant for each brand are explained in the
report further. The theoretical aspects that we covered in the coursework of the first
year were used and applied in practical terms. During the period of the internship the
intern first started with understanding how the social media pages for each brand
work. How is the communication put forward for each brand, the kind of posts, the
tonality, the campaigns run in a month and so on. The practical and real time work
experience of two moths was backed with some findings through which the intern
was able to draw some conclusions. The most important part of the work period was

the experience backed with learning’s that would help me at the beginning of my
professional career and pave a long way further.  

1. Chapter 1

1.1. Introduction to DIGITAL ADVERTISING

The word advertising is derived from the Latin word “advetere” which means to
turn towards. Therefore in a nutshell the entire objective of advertising is to
inform the consumer of the wide variety of goods he has and can choose from.
The focus of advertising is solely on the task of communicating what a brand
stands for, although communication is not as simple as it once was. In the good
old days an act of communication was extremely simple all that had to be done
was to make a person aware of the existence of a certain product. But the
evolution of the modes of communication was inevitable especially after the
flood of a host of products into the market place. Similar or me too products were
created and the scenario of exploiting new markets turned to resemble an arms
race with each and every company pining for the best. With the jump in the
number of products there had to be a leap in the modes of communication. It had
to be done to keep up with the booming markets and that is when the role of
advertising was appreciated and given due as something which plays a crucial
part in the success of a product. Pioneers such as Edward Bernays understood
that this rational approach to advertising a product will no longer be successful
and thus decided that what was required was an emotional approach. An
approach that would make people feel and not think that was the idea. This
ushered us into the world of advertising as we know it today. Products were
included in a part of a narrative within a specific context. These messages were
designed to tug the heart strings of the consumer and link those feelings he felt
while viewing the advertisement with the product itself.

The whole idea of this was to create a sense of personality for the product which
in turn boosted loyalty. Although this change also came with its share of
detractors, many critics felt that it was a shoddy use of drama to manipulate the
audience into believing lies but this form of advertising has continued all these
years till now. One problem that advertising has faced since time immemorial is

battling the perception of being an imposter. The logic behind this claim is that
whenever a person sees an advertisement it is not out of choice but because it is
forced on to him, it is like a nagging voice that is around therefore advertisers
used to toil day and night in order to make the advertisements entertaining. This
solution is extremely relevant today. Today one of the fundamental changes that
have occurred in media is the birth of the digital age. This change has led to the
democratization of the way content is consumed. Today a person has the ability
to skip an ad or has the choice whether to click on the ad or no. therefore it is
absolutely imperative to engage him otherwise you may lose out on a customer
for life. Therefore the content that is being put online is far more immersive and
engaging than the stuff found on traditional platforms such as print and
television. In this new platform products and services are projected towards a
consumer using digital technologies. The internet is one of the most fundamental
tools used. It also includes mobile phones, display advertising, kiosks, etc.

Digital advertising has led to the integration of platforms and customers

experience through a digital channel. It gives the marketer the opportunity to
build a long lasting relationship with the consumer by increasing the quality of
these interactions for example with the inventive use of popular social media
sites and various new mobile applications and other such tools.

Digital Advertising is a new marketing tool that is used in order to persuade the
consumer to maintain his relationship or in some cases foster it with a particular
brand. This new form or new medium of communication is extremely interactive
and engaging and has the ability to capture the imagination of the people at large
and is therefore an extremely potent tool in the right hands.

One of the most important facets of the digital sector is that it is one of the fastest
growing sectors. At the beginning all that was associated with this sector was
Web development but today with tools such as insights and Search engine
optimization the digital sector is being touted as the next big thing. A defining
feature of this media is that it is everywhere. Gone are the days when the amount
of occasions where you could reach an audience was limited. Another factor that
plays an important role in this equation is not only what you say about your

company or product but also what others are saying about them. With the
explosion of information online the average consumer is exposed to a host of
websites and blogs that are dedicated to providing an honest review of products
available. It has also become apparent that the audience has evolved over the
years and does not fall for antics like fancy packaging or a good ad shot with a
famous film star. What is required today is reliability and also a person with
whom you can relate. This has led to the birth of influencer marketing.

The pace at which the technologies are evolving is remarkable and what is even
more amazing is that all these technologies are within the grasp of marketers. The
tools allow a company not only to compete but also to compute their position in the
market and this is extremely valuable as it allows the company to base all its
strategies on sound information that can result in tangible benefits. The structure of a
digital advertising agency does not differ much from a traditional advertising agency.
There is the Client Servicing department that is tasked with handling the client and
its affairs, they receive the creative brief from the clients and understand it. They
then pass the brief to the Creative department and explain to them exactly what is
needed to be done.

The creative team comes up with the advertisements and then they give them to the
client servicing team which goes and presents it to the client. Once the ad is
approved the media department takes on the task of scheduling the media plan and
buying media slots. The Advertising agency also has to look out for a production
house that will shoot the ad for them however that is not such a big concern with a
digital advertising agency. In a digital advertising agency there may be an additional
department that is concerned with Web development but there are also agencies that
outsource this part to other agencies.

Structure of an Advertising Agency

The reason why the digital sphere is catching on so quickly is because of a tectonic
shift in the status quo. The way people consume content has undergone a significant
change and also the amount of content that is created and consumed is massive.
Therefore it is extremely lucrative idea for brands to promote themselves on the
digital platform.

The benefits that the digital platform offers brands are:

 The old method of advertising is expensive and also the effect of the
advertisement cannot be measured whereas on the digital platform it can be
computed accurately and it is also a far more economical option.
 Traditional Advertising may take a lot of time to give any tangible form of
feedback. Digital has the ability of giving instant feedback.

 The democratization of the internet has led to the increase in consumption
of online content. This has allowed marketers an opportunity which they
did not previously have and that is the ability to reach anyone anywhere.
 With the advent of social media brands have been given the tool of insights
that allow them to understand the amount of people who have viewed a post
and understand its performance.
 The digital platform gives the advertiser the opportunity of targeting exactly
who he wants to. It is amazing in its precision.

Therefore it is clear that the digital world has a lot to offer. Not so long ago
television was the most popular form of media as it was audio-visual in nature and
thus offered a far more immersive experience. But with the increase in smart phones
in the world the average consumer is able to view all forms of content especially
audio-visual forms on his phone with just a press of a button.

Thus in the digital sphere there are many advantages that a brand may gain. Two of
the defining factors on the digital platform are:

Credibility of Media:

On the digital platform there is another division of media. It is predominantly

divided into Owned media and Earned media. Owned media is the posts which a
company pays for and Earned media is what people speak about the brand online. It
can be seen as an online word of mouth. The strength of this is that it is unbiased and
the consumer is likely to believe someone who has no motive for praising the brand.
This lends a kind of fan following and creates a group of loyalist who rush to the
defense of the brand whenever required. Such behavior is what every brand desires
from its consumers.

The Rise of Influencers:

The beginning of earned media led to its eventual culmination with the dawn of
influencer marketer. Psychology says that and individuals peer group has a
considerable amount of influence on him or her. Influencer marketing borrows from
this concept. An Agency identifies who the influencer of a particular product is

depending on the target group chosen for that product. The influencer is then given
the product to promote on social media. The advantage of this method is that it is far
more personal and realistic and the consumer is far more likely to believe this as it
seems far more genuine than watching a typical advertisement with a popular actor.
Such ads create a distance between the brand and the consumer whereas influencer
marketing is able to shorten the gap by relating to the consumer.

After jumping on the digital bandwagon, many brands bore the fruits of being on this
platform. Some of those improvements are:

• Improved recognition for the brand

• Increased customer loyalty

• A host of Opportunities to Convert

• Increased Inbound Traffic

• Drives Cost of Advertising down

• Search Engine Optimization

• Immersive and Intimate Customer Experiences

The entire discipline of branding is obsessed with only one single aim to create a
brand that is unforgettable and a one which people can relate to. In order to create
such a personality the onus is placed on advertising as it is the one that is concerned
with the communications aspect. But by just adding more and more Medias nothing
much will be achieved. What is required is to create an amalgamation of all other
Medias with digital. This change is now seen where we have traditional advertising
agencies creating longer format videos specifically tailored to suit a digital platform.
Everyone’s Smartphone is considered a natural extension of themselves; it contains
everything from their profiles on social media right to the image they want to project
to the world. Therefore reaching them over there with an integrated campaign creates
an atmosphere of intimacy which is unheard of on traditional media nowadays.
Hence it has become extremely clear to all marketers that if they have to even think

of competing in the market, going digital is no longer an option but an absolute

1.2. Introduction to the Company

Webchutney is India’s first digital advertising agency. It was started in 1999 by

Siddharth Rao and Sudesh Samaria who now serve as its Chief Executive Officer
and Chief Creative Officer respectively. Since its inception, as a creative shop,
Webchutney is known to render a wide range of digital solutions to a number of
internationally recognized brands. In the year 2013 Tokyo media giant Dentsu
acquired 80% stake in Webchutney, which by then has occupied the spot of India’s
number one digital agency. The agency is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Dentsu
Aegis Network but operates independently under its original management leadership.
Webchutney has been recognized for creating award winning digital campaigns for
some of the biggest brands in the country, including Shoppers Stop, Airtel, Unilever,
MasterCard, Coca-Cola, Bacardi Martini, Budweiser, ITC, Marico, Red Bull, Titan,
Bajaj, Reliance Retail and Piaggio Vespa.

The company currently employs over 200 people across their offices which are
situated across Mumbai, Delhi and Bengaluru. Webchutney has the right mix of
people that is required with providing the client with the creative leap required in
order to fulfill their client’s goals. The advertising solution given for the clients

marketing problem enables the client to create clutter breaking communication that
captures the imagination of the consumers and differentiates the brand in their mind.

“A good advertisement is one which sells the product without drawing

attention to itself.”
- David Ogilvy

One of the key differences in the company hierarchy in Dentsu Webchutney is the
addition of a new department which is the Brand strategy department. The function
of this department is to be the bridge between the client servicing and creative
department. The brand strategy department takes the client brief from the lient
servicing department and analyses and interprets it. They then go about forming a
sound strategy that would suit the client’s particular problem. Once the direction in
which we have to proceed is decided the team brings in the creative department
which then goes on to craft the communication.

In this fashion this agency functions seamlessly as one synchronized unit where the
sums of the parts are more important than individual prowess. Clients find it
extremely joyous working with this agency in particular as they are able to
understand the client in a far more informative yet intimate manner and make the
clients problems their own. Together the company and the client embark on a
journey where in the process of crafting mind bending communication they have
created a new path and create solutions that were never thought of before. Piyush
Pandey once said that it’s not only bold and inventive agencies that create good work
but also bold and inventive clients who have what it takes to go the distance and that
is exactly the kind of partnership that is encouraged at Webchutney.

Committed with leading and setting the bar for the digital industry Dentsu
Webchutney creates work that is different in such a way that it creates an
unforgettable experience for the brands and its customers so that they are able to
engage and connect with each other at a level of comfort and security. The agency
plays the role of an enabler and facilitator that imbibes the spirit of a catalyst that
organically creates an environment that is conducive for this.

Some of the services provided at Webchutney are:

Online Advertising

This is one of the most important of the digital platform. Online advertising or also
advertising on the internet is growing at a considerable pace. A pace, so rapid, that it
has become a force to reckon with. It covers a range of advertising tools such as
marketing through email, search engine optimization, going on social media
platforms like Facebook and Instagram, it also covers display advertising like
Contextual Banners and Gutter Banners. Another facet is content creation. With the
amount of content being consumed the creation of content is a task that no brand is
shying away from. Creative copy is written in order to integrate a campaign into the
digital sphere with special emphasis give to playing around with the physics of the

Online advertising is widely used across virtually all industry sectors. Despite its
popularity, there is a lot of difference in online advertising and mainline advertising
the first being the amount of revenue generated from the online platform is not much
as compared to its mainline counterparts. Decreasing advertising revenue has led to
the withdrawal and discontent of many brands. Many common online advertising
practices are controversial and increasingly subject to regulation. The online domain
is mostly considered as an area filled with noise makers who are just creating noise
just so that they are not left out.

At Webchutney there is a constant effort put in order to not be perceived as a noise

maker. Every aspect of the brand is understood so as to create higher differentiation

and in the long run credibility. The company pools all its resources and its collective
and exhaustive knowledge to create something that will give its clients a leap in
value. The insights and thought put into creating targeted, path breaking and in due
course, ingenious communication for your brand.

Online Reputation Management

A brand needs to be the epitome of class and respectability. If these attributes are
not present in a brand it won’t have the impact necessary to pull consumers to it and
to make them take the brand seriously. Every brand makes a series of promises and
invests a considerable amount of money into building its image and personality
consistently over a period of time. And all this is for nothing if the brand cannot back
it up with consistency. But what is more important than consistency is the relation
the brand has with the consumer, its reputation in the public domain that is what has
the power to make or break a brand. A brand is only as good as its reputation. What
The client customers think about the client and how the client respond to it on the
digital space is how future customers gauge their inclination to believe in the client
brand. There is more than one reason why Online Reputation Management should be
the client’s categorical imperative when it boils down to its marketing priority.

• Local business reviews are the driving force of the client business. According to a
Nielsen's study, 70% of consumers indicate that trust online reviews from strangers.

• Almost all of the consumers today want to base their buying decision on sound

• More than the quantity of the content posted it is the quality of the content posted
online that will make the difference. It is such content that will ensure the success of
the client Online Reputation Management efforts.

• Excellent Online Reputation Management leads to excellent word of mouth which

is the best form of advertising known to man.


There is an old advertising adage that states that it is better to “show it” than “say it”.
This philosophy is taken seriously at Webchutney where there is a design team that
combines knowledge from different schools of thought in. They say that a picture is
worth a thousand words and it is that fact that we try to drive home to appeal to the
heart of the consumer. Give him the opportunity to experience the communication of
the brand in the best light possible. Art is an important part of advertising as it is
extremely important in creating an impression that the brand wants to convey. From
logos to app icons every key visual is given the required aesthetic it needs to break
the clutter and make its mark in the minds of the consumer. There are a variety of
skills and disciplines that go into the successful creation and maintenance of a
website. Design is one of those factors. User experience design, authoring, specific
code and search engine optimization all come under the umbrella of designing.

Its Design work includes:

• Embarking Brand
• Brand Identity Creation
• Brand Consultancy
• OOH Campaigns
• UI Designing
• Product Introductory Videos
• Digital Video Commercials

Website & UI/UX

The first thing of particulars that any brand will require even before it decides to
enter the market is a web site. The website is the face of the company. It’s the first

point of contact. It is an absolute necessity especially in these times where the first
thing that a consumer will want to look at while searching for a brand is its website.
If the website is not up to the mark it may cost the brand severely. How many times
has it happened to you? You hear about a brand and go onto its website for more
information and you have a below average experience while surfing the site. It may
cost the brand a consumer. Thus website design is one of the most important services
that a digital advertising agency provides to its clients. No digital media house worth
its salt will sacrifice having this department

Some of the work webchutney does is:

• Website designing
• Website Development
• E-commerce Portal Development
• Content Management Systems (CMS)
• The company Maintenance & Support
• Micro-sites
• The company Applications
• UI Designing

Social Media

The benefit of using social media is that it makes the brand far more accessible to the
consumer. It forms a relationship between the brand and consumer which is far more
intimate than anything that was ever on traditional advertising. It allows the brand to
reach out and engage in meaningful conversations with your target audience. Social
media takes on the proverbial roe as the voice of the brand and with the increase of
consumption of content on all forms of social media such a voice is absolutely
necessary to be heart amongst all the noise prevailing. The efforts are all focused on
with and one thing only, the creation of communication that will provide a leap
creatively to our clients.

It is the people that make the place and not the other way round. Therefore there has
been an extremely important shift in the status quo as everybody is on social media.
With this change any communication that a brand makes has a far better chance of
being noticed than anything on television. Social media provides the intimacy that
brands have being dying for. Traditional advertising had one major drawback and
that was the fact that you could never truly measure the effect that the advertisement
has had on the viewer. But with advertising on social media that problem has been

Platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram constitute of all the
major players in the social media domain. These players allow brands to reach
consumers far more effectively that traditional medium like television, print or radio.
They are able to reach an audience which is far wider and much more dispersed. The
cost that it takes to accomplish this feat is far lower than the cost of traditional media
thus it is an extremely lucrative option for brands. This has changed the ways that
companies approach interact with customers, as a substantial percentage of consumer
interactions are now being carried out over online platforms with much higher
visibility. Customers can now post reviews of products and services, rate customer
service and ask questions or voice concerns directly to companies through social
media platforms. Thus social media marketing is also used by businesses in order to
build relationships of trust with consumers. To this aim, companies may also hire
personnel to specifically handle these social media interactions, who usually report
under the title of online community managers. Handling these interactions in a
satisfactory manner can result in an increase of consumer trust. Every interaction
that a consumer has with the brand on a social media platform is an opportunity for
the brand to drive home its uniqueness thus every little detail has to be taken care of.

Mobile Marketing

With the shift in the platforms and devices that people of the world today are
consuming content it may come as no surprise if someone is reading this work on a
smartphone! With more people using their thumbs to browse through everything that
the internet has to offer, it is essential to adapt to this platform more than ever. The
whole idea behind getting onto this platform is to ensure that your brand can appear
at the client’s beck and call. The company sculpt apps and create mobile strategies
that stop thumbs and turns heads towards the client business. This ensures that your
brand has the potential to be present right with the consumer where he is all by
himself it gives way for a far more personal touch which is the cornerstone of any
form of good brand communication. It all begins with one smart, strategic
notification after all!

Its Mobile Services include:

• Mobile Strategy
• User Experience Design
• Mobile App Development
• Mobile App Marketing
• Mobile Marketing

For 2017 the number of mobile phone users is forecast to reach 4.77 billion. In this
light, mobile marketing is not just an add-on to The client marketing communication
but a necessity. Following are some reasons as why Mobile Marketing has become

• Mobile usage will very soon outdo desktop usage

• Brands that optimize their communication for mobiles are more likely to
attract customers online

• Studies state that mobile offers get ten times the redemption rate of
traditional offers

But there is also a lot of competition on this platform. This is usually what happens
when a particular medium clicks and all the brands decide to join the bandwagon and
come onto that platform. However there are certain tools that if used well can grab
the interest of the consumer such as the successful development of interactive games.
The world of mobile gaming can be broken down into two major components the
first is interactive gaming and the second category is casual gaming. In the first
instance the onus is placed on the development of the game the idea being to make it
as sophisticated as possible. This kind of game play results in an extremely
heightened and immersive form of engagement. The second type of games is for
light entertainment. A lot of effort is not required for creating this but the
possibilities are endless as if you have noticed people travelling in the train or the
buses play such games to pass the time. With the accessibility to smartphones by the
general public this trend is seen to have grown. The keen marketer can use this to his

SEO & Analytics

How many times has it that you have searched for something on the internet and just
as you hit search you find that the first link is the one you were searching for. Please
note that this is not pure coincidence somewhere there is a person who has used the
tool of search engine optimization to ensure that his brand matched the key words
that the target audience typed in.

The point of this tool is to make your brand be the first option that the consumer is
shown. It is extremely important for a brand to use the right words and leverage this
tool as it is a well-known fact that no one goes pass the second search page. If your
brand fails to come within the first 7 options it is highly possible that the brand will
be lost in oblivion.

With integrated competencies in Google Analytics, we let you track and analyze the
behavior of every user that happens upon your website with background stories of
where they came from, and where they'll be going after they've heard what you've
got to say.

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of affecting the visibility of a

website or a web page in a search engine's "organic" search results. In general, the
earlier (or higher ranked on the search results page), and more frequently a site
appears in the search results list, the more visitors it will receive from the search
engine's users. SEO may target different kinds of search, including image search,
local search, video search, academic search, news search and industry-specific
vertical search engines.

As an Internet marketing strategy, SEO considers how search engines work, what
people search for, the actual search terms or keywords typed into search engines and
which search engines are preferred by their targeted audience. Optimizing a website
may involve editing its content, HTML and associated coding to both increase its
relevance to specific keywords and to remove barriers to the indexing activities of
search engines. Promoting a site to increase the number of backlinks, or inbound
links, is another SEO tactic.

This strategy is an absolutely appropriate one which can be and is used for almost
every other website one can find on the World Wide Web. The company, if it deems
necessary, may also employ the use of various other internet tools such as PPC or
pay per click as it is formally called by the industry people. A successful Internet
marketing campaign may also depend upon building high quality web pages to
engage and persuade, setting up analytics programs to enable site owners to measure
results, and improving a site's conversion rate.

SEO may generate an adequate return on investment. However, search engines are
not paid for organic search traffic, their algorithms change, and there are no
guarantees of continued referrals. Due to this lack of guarantees and certainty, a
business that relies heavily on search engine traffic can suffer major losses if the

search engines stop sending visitors. Search engines can change their algorithms,
impacting a website's placement, possibly resulting in a serious loss of traffic.

Its SEO services include:

 Search Engine Optimization on page

 SEM strategy with keyword selection
 Google Ad Words campaign management
 Contextual Advertising

Trending Campaigns

Campaigns which trend have the opportunity of gaining greater visibility. Amongst
all social media platforms Twitter has become one of the most coveted platforms by
marketers across industries. Thus making it an integral part of the new digital age
and Webchutney can help the client dive into the proverbial pool, irrespective of
whether the client is just entering the market or the client has already been in it.
‘Trending’ on twitter is the Holy Grail in this context. The company specializes in
organic trending campaigns without sponsored ads. Getting a certain piece to trend
requires a methodical process which the company is an expert in. Its network of
associates and influencers on call will guarantee the client trend nationally. In fact,
the company is so confident of its abilities, the company only expects the client to
honor its contract after the client trend nationally.

Why should the client care about trending on twitter?

 It makes the client brand the most talked about topic for the day.
 It helps people to engage in conversation with the client brand.
 It helps the client directly cut through the cluster of information on social
 Moreover, this is the best way for potential customers to discover the client

Webchutney has been credited with developing award winning digital campaigns
for some of the biggest brands in the country.

 Dentsu Aegis Network (DAN), was named the ‘Digital and Mobile Specialist
of the Year’ at the Abby Awards at Goafest 2018.

 Dentsu Webchutney wins Best Digital Marketing Agency at


 Dentsu Webchchutney won the Gold Award at the Olive Crown Awards –

 Dentsu Webchutney won the Bronze Promo Lotus Award at ADFEST- 2016

 Dentsu Webchutney won 13 ABBY Awards at the GOAFEST 2016

 Dentsu Webchutney won the Gold at the Communicator Awards- 2016

 Dentsu Webchutney won the Creative ABBY Awards – 2015 at Goafest

2015, a Gold award for their campaign ‘Happy Hours Rewind’ for Turquoise

 Creative ABBY Awards at Goafest 2014, a Gold award, Ambient Media

Digital outdoor, for its brand Only Much Louder.

1.3. Job Description

The Creative department is the department that is tasked with coming up with the
creative execution of the advertisement. This department decides the message, the
tone that needs to be adopted and all such decisions. The creative department is
predominantly concerned with the process of crafting the message in such a manner
that breaks the clutter and captures the mind of the client. The whole game is to
charm the consumer by controlling the way the message can impact him. The
Creative department is headed by the creative director who has the art department
and the copy department under his command. The art team develops the key visuals
and designs the look of the advertisement. The copy team writes the content and is
responsible for the words.

The typical tasks in the creative department are developing the creative execution in
tandem with the brief given by the client. After a lot of ideation the final ideas are

given to the client for his approval. If we get the green light from there the campaign
is all set to roll.

• Brief: The Brief is given by the client to the client servicing team after
getting the key consumer insights from the client.

• Ideation: After analyzing the brand image and the tonality of the brand brain
storming is done in order to build an umbrella idea for the online promotions.

• Detailed Description: The ideas derived after the brainstorming sessions were
written down in a detailed format so that the objective and the main idea were well
understood by the client servicing team and thereafter the clients.

• Review: Reviewing of the proposal by client servicing team and clients is

done and approved. Many a times the ideas are revised as well.

• Creative: Executing the idea or plans of campaigns in to final formats like

banner, social media content plans, websites, etc.

• Run Campaign: Starting the campaign by placing ads banners, videos,

Facebook contest, Facebook page, twitter, managing, etc. Under this response
management was also taken care of.

During the course of the internship I was given insight into the day to day functions
of the creative department. The group head of content at Webchutney was my guide
and I had to report to him regarding the various brands that were under my
responsibility. A typical plan of action for a creative team member was to create a

bucket list for various brands, make content plans, ideation for contests and
campaigns, response management and lots of brainstorming for the various brands.

It was a new experience altogether since the team I was working with was a blend of
creative content writing, ideation and management.

Here are some of the projects successfully contributed to organization:

Creation of content plans for

• Piaggio Aprilia

• Piaggio Vespa

• Platinum Evara

• Reliance Smart

Taking brief from the client servicing department and undertake ideation process for


• Piaggio Aprilia

• Tata Consultancy Services

• Platinum Evara

Content for YouTube and brand websites

• Piaggio Vespa

• Tata Consultancy Services

Pre buzz tweets and posts for campaigns and contests

• Platinum Evara

• Multiply Wellness App

2. Chapter 2
2.1. Objectives

1- Piaggio Aprilia:

 To promote the campaign of the month

 To curate content for the Father’s Day campaign and incorporate the
‘Fun Twin’ element

 To make a Monthly plan for Instagram, Twitter and Facebook

 To write PR articles for Alex Asparagus and Scott Redding

 To select the UGC and write copies for it

 To create a quiz for Contests that are to be held

2-Piaggio Vespa

 To maintain the quirky yet classy tonality of the brand in all

 To create content bucket for Vespa Connectivity App
 To create a posts for World Environment Day, Father’s Day, Selfie
Day etc.
 To write copy for various Facebook posts.

3-Platinum Evara

o To create copy for Evara for its Facebook page.

o To maintain the tonality of the brand in all communication.

o To re-design the 3 months campaign of “Bold women with

minimalistic jewellery”

o To ideate for blogs and Influencer marketing.

4- Reliance Smart

 To create content bucket for daily hacks used by mothers.

 To use Search Engine Optimization words to write copy.

 To write Copy for the Facebook page, Twitter and Instagram.

5- Multiply App by Aditya Birla Capital

 To create a campaign for Multiply App.

 To come up with Headlines and Body Copy.

 To write resignation letters to things that makes us lazy.


 To write articles for the content bucket

 To curate contents for the website

 To share relevant articles inorder to create awareness

3. Chapter 3

3.1. Research Methodology

The data collected to accomplish this internship and the report was via secondary
sources. Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Websites
and various blogs related to the brands were used. Information was collected by
reading various blogs and articles while ideating and brainstorming.

The two month period of internship was on the job training. The first week of the
internship period included studying the social media pages of brands on various
social media platforms and exploring the websites of the brands as well.

The brief given by the client was taken by the creative team and dissected in
order to understand what the current situation of the brand was and what had to
be done in order to create clutter breaking communication

3.2. Review of related literature

Over the past few years there has been a tectonic shift in the status quo. We have
completely changed the manner in which we communicate. And as a natural
extension of that phenomenon the way we interact with each other has been altered
irreversibly. This change is due to the advent of Social media.

Social media has gained a lot of popularity over the past few years and as a result of
this popularity, other traditional Media have experienced decline in both business
and popularity. The main stream media channels have faced many challenges in
recent times that have led to closure with TV facing down turn in their profits levels.
In today’s technology driven world, social networking sites have become an avenue
where retailers can extend their marketing campaigns to a wider range of consumers.
The tools and approaches for communicating with customers have changed greatly
with the emergence of social media; therefore, businesses must learn how to use
social media in a way that is consistent with their business plan. This is especially
true for companies striving to gain a competitive advantage.

Defining Social Media

In the past the internet was only used to gather information. But nowadays with the
inclusion of social media there has been a change in which the internet is being used.
Now rather than just information gathering the internet has become a tool that allows
collaboration. It fosters the spread of different ideas across cultures and boundaries.
Social media has advanced from simply providing a platform for individuals to stay
in touch with their family and friends. Now it is a place where consumers can learn
more about their favorite companies and the products they sell. Marketers and
retailers are utilizing these sites as another way to reach consumers and provide a
new way to shop.

In 2016, Merriam-Webster defined social media as "Forms of electronic

communication (such as Web sites) through which people create online communities
to share information, ideas, personal messages, etc."

Content Marketing

In a world where traditional advertising gets a decreasing share of marketing

budgets, companies seek new ways to engage their target audiences. In the
intersection between paid, owned and earned media, content marketing has quickly
become an industry buzzword. However, as a rising phenomenon, content marketing
is a relatively unexplored area for academic research and the term itself lacks proper

Whereas the economic decline of traditional media has attracted substantial

academic attention, there are paralleling, largely neglected, processes of constructing
tomorrow’s content industries. One example is the silent rise of corporate-funded
media as demonstrated by the phenomenon called “content marketing”. Funded by
companies or brands, content marketing has been generating increasing amount of
content online, some of which is on par quality-wise with that of traditional media. A
once partner and sponsor of media outlets, the corporate world, is reducing spending
on traditional media and instead start to take over the latter’s job.

Content marketing has become a buzzword for corporate marketers as more and
more companies or brands are planning to be the publisher of their own content,
delivered through a variety of new media channels such as Facebook, Twitter, and
Youtube. Companies like Red Bull, American Express and Burger King are
considering turning themselves into a “media company” by setting up content
creation operations inhouse. Instead of advertising, the shift is towards publishing.
Companies of all types and sizes flood the market with articles, white papers, videos,
podcasts, Facebook posts, and tweets. Reshaped to look like digital newsrooms,
corporate communications teams begin to prioritize and produce high-quality brand
content at scale to power owned media sites, social media, and real-time
communications efforts.

This phenomenon of content marketing is due to the increase in the consumption of

content. When you travel in the trains and busses you see people glued to their
mobiles watching shows or listening to music or watching comedy sketches. This all
just shows how much content is being consumed. This increase in the levels of

consumption is all due to the democratization of technology. Today there is a smart
phone in the hands of everyone. There is better connectivity and everyone is able to
access the internet. It would not be long before the marketers jumped on the
bandwagon and joined the digital platform in order to reach its prospective

Today shows and movies that are available online are sponsored by some brand or
the other. This is how brands are getting in touch with their consumers.

Definitions of Content Marketing

 Pulizzi (2013) gives a less formal definition: “Content marketing is owning

media as opposed to renting it. It is a marketing process to attract and retain
customers by consistently creating and curating content in order to change or
enhance a consumer’s behavior”

 Lieb (2011) states that content marketing “is not push marketing” and it is a
pull strategy where content is there when consumers need it and seek it out
“with relevant, educational, helpful, compelling, engaging, and sometime
entertaining information”. Content marketing focuses on communicating with
customers and prospects rather than selling.
 The U.S.-headquartered Content Marketing Institute defines content
marketing as “the art of communicating with your customers and prospects
without selling”

3.3. Scope and Limitations

Scope of Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing is attached to new forms of technologies. Therefore, wherever the

technology is going, marketers always find the best way to apply their strategies on
it. However, Technology is becoming more personal and mobile than ever before
such as Smartphones, tablets and smart watches, therefore I believe Digital
Marketing will be more personal and specific for customers. Also, Social Media as
an example allows customer to interact with brands in many ways such as their
personal experience and stating their opinion about the brand's point of view of a
controversial topic, which makes the relationship between them deeper, personal and

In short, new Technology is becoming smaller, smarter and more engaging in our
lives which force brands to keep building deeper relationships and interact more with
customers. Brands will be look at as personalities rather than companies. Under the
digital marketing umbrella social media plays a very big role sustaining the top
position and also content marketing to go with it.

Some benefits out of the many which digital marketing provides are mentioned
below as follows:

Measurable results

There is no effective way to measure home many people looked at your billboard or
how many people looked at your flyer instead of recycling it. With digital marketing,
you are provided with solid, reliable reports that show you the exact results of how
many people opened your email or clicked a specific link, for example.


Consumers today are looking for a more custom and personalized customer journey
that simply is not possible with traditional marketing, which is generic by nature.
Digital marketing allows you to use an individual’s interests and preferences to tailor
the marketing message they receive. Personalization may just be the biggest asset of
digital and online marketing.

Low barrier to entry

Traditional marketing activities come with a large price tag. Billboards, TV ads, and
radio commercials are certainly not cheap. Digital marketing products come in
scalable sizes so that small, medium, and large businesses can all utilize these
products to reach their audiences.

Reach larger audiences

Since digital marketing takes place online, it is accessible to a larger, global

audience. Whereas with traditional marketing, you’re typically limited to a
geographic area, digital marketing allows you to reach international audiences
through effective means.

Easy to optimize

Since digital marketing comes with reporting, if you see something that is not
performing as well as you’d like, it’s easy to pinpoint it and change it. You can even
try several different things, measure which one worked best, and select that option as
the main tactic moving forward.

Improved conversion rates

Converting a customer online is just a few clicks away. Instead of a customer having
to pick up the phone or get in their car and drive down to a shop, they can click from
your email to your website and make a purchase or learn more about your
organization from the comfort of their home.


The two months internship proved to be very fruitful and will go a long way in the
career in terms of learning and experience. There were some limitations that, as an
intern were identified are mentioned below.

Time Constraint

The internship period being of two months was a little less to understand other
aspects of digital marketing that the company was catering to apart from the allotted

Limited number of brands

The induction period was for about a week or so after which the brands were allotted
to work on. Due to the limited time period, the number of brands explored and
worked on was less.


4. Chapter 4

4.1. Analysis and Findings:

1. Piaggio Aprilia:

The brief was to create a monthly planner for Aprilia on Twitter, Facebook and
Instagram. The objective being, to promote the campaign being held in that month.
The Key Performance Indicator was the engagement rates on the platforms which
was 13.1. The client wanted to focus more on the twin-ride joy content to suit the
Indian consumer. Articles, videos and images all had to be chosen from the Aprilia
content pool which housed all the content collected worldwide. Instagram needed
more videos and articles were predominantly left for Twitter. Facebook had a mix of
both articles and videos. In the case of Aprilia the process began with filling the
excel sheet with the links of the posts selected from the content pool to go up on
Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. The Aprilia Content Pool is one massive area
where content of all forms is available from all the different cities or destinations
across the world.

On instagram the pictures selected had to be such that would capture the imagination
of the person visiting the page. The aim was to represent the brand on this platform
with all the values it holds dear and have the consumer treat it like the profile of a
cool friend.

This picture was posted on Instagram. It promotes the sport of biking with the
inclusion of translating what the fun to SR125. The picture clearly talks about how
twinster enjoys the fun.

It captures the essence of the brand. People seem to think that bikes are for those
who love to travel solo or are individualistic by nature. You always see ads for big
bikes where the guy is cruising in the mountains alone and talking about the joy of

This campaign is built on a recent phenomenon called #TWINNING. Twinning is a
very popular hashtag on Instagram and Facebook that people use when they find
someone dressed like them.

The SR 125 is designed for two people. Hence a concept like twinning is perfect for
it. However, we take twinning to the next level and see it through the lens of FUN.
So now, finding a twin is not just about finding a regular twin. This bike enables you
to find a twin that will help you have fun.

In this video, Aleix Esparagaro tells us how to suit up for your ride. The video
translates his version of hitting the roads with SR 125. It emphasizes on the idea of
being a racer and what fun it brings to one’s life.

Apart from the regular content, the brand focused on the UGC factor. Every week
one UGC was posted by the brand. This encouraged the consumer interaction with
the brand and resulted in more and more entries for UGC.


Out of some of the promotional activities done by Aprilia one of them is contests.
Aprilia uses heir MOTO GP racers Aleix Espargaro and Scott Redding to connect
with the youth. It engages the fans of these domains by creating quizzes on bike
racing. The winner of the quiz will get a significant award.

I had to prepare 100 questions with 4 options for MOTO GP quiz. The client had
given a brief that the quiz questions should be related to Aprilia.

2- Piaggio Vespa

The website of a brand especially like Vespa is like having an online showroom. It
must be created and maintained with extreme care as it is a “Moment of truth” A
moment of truth is any moment when a prospective customer is interacting with the
communication of the brand. Therefore it is imperative that everything must be just

Our communication path brought people to ask themselves: “Am I a Vespa person?”
With the 2018 adv campaign we want people recognize themselves into our
executions and state: “Yes, I am Vespa!” The creative concept is “Live more
Vespa.” Starting from the Vespa storytelling, we pointed out the idea of experience
your life at the very best, in the Vespa way.

The core idea of the brand was Spontaneity is a natural instinct, some people have it
some others not. Vespa helps people to bring it out in a positive way, thanks to the
partnership between Vespa and the rider. Vespa has a joyful and playful tone of
voice, with a spice of mad adventure and positive irreverence. Vespa naturally
provokes without showing it off, as it doesn’t need to amaze.

Vespa is a way of being and a state of mind, not just a mean of transportation.  It
captures the unprompted and young at heart approach to life typical of Vespa, the
one that makes you do whatever springs to mind in a Vespa way: with elegance, joy,
style and healthy fun. Because you have a Vespa, you can act spontaneously without
a second thought. You can hop on and go wherever you like, whenever you like. As
soon as the feeling takes you, you’re off.

3- Platinum Evara

This brand does not follow the traditional mould by centering it communication on
love between spouses. Platinum Evara speaks about the love that is shared between a
mother and daughter. It tries to highlight the purity of that bond and the value of
those blessings that one receives from elders.

Maintaining the tonality of the brand across all the creative executions is of
paramount importance to the client. Certain words like “blessings”, “Platinum
Bond”, “Sophistication” need to be used at the client’s insistence. It maintains the
tonality and thus cements the position of the brand in the consumer.

In the month of June the brand carried out a promotional activity. The term Season
of Love was used. The whole point was to incentivize people to try the brand and
choose it for their special day as a symbol that will signify the depth of their love for
each other and much more importantly the blessings that are passed on from
generation to generation. This brand is seen as the epitome of finesse and refinement.
It’s those emotions that people want to equate with the purity of the bond that they
share with their loved ones especially the elders of the family who bless the couple
in all their future endeavors. The same tradition will be carried out when this couple
will have to bless their own children. Therefore it is not just about buying jewellery
rather it is a rite of passage when a child is ready to leave the nest and embark on
their own journey through the vicissitudes of life.

4- Reliance Smart

Even when you move onto the digital platform some things do not change. The name
Reliance Smart is a new age supermarket serving the needs of today’s smart and
value seeking customers. Reliance Smart offers a one-stop shopping experience by
offering fresh produce, bakery, dairy products, home and personal care products,
general merchandise and in many cases are co-located with our fashion & electronics
store Reliance Trends and Reliance Digital, making it a complete shopping
destination. has made grocery shopping even simpler and convenient by

bringing it to customers door step. No more hassles of sweating in crowded markets
or grocery shops, offers over 6,000+ products at comfort of your

home, office or on the move. Their new campaign of #SmartGiri has created a great
impact and leads the brand to create quirky and interactive posts.

5- Multiply Wellness App

Multiply wellness app is a program that inspires you to reach your health goals by
rewarding your progress. With easy access to gyms and fitness centres around you,
every step you take towards living a healthier life is rewarded through offers and
discounts on a variety of products and services.

Multiply will follow certain hashtags that directly corelate to their features and
product offerings. By following a strong ORM practice, Multiply could establish a
conversation with their direct target audience. In this manner, people are exposed to
Multiply and how it can benefit their life.

End your association with your badly timed lazy bouts. It’s time to kickstart a
healthy lifestyle. It’s time to #StayHealthyGetRewarded Whether it’s staying up till
midnight glued to your screen to be the first one who enters the flash sale, or
camping outside a store all night long, Indians will always go that extra mile to get a
good deal.


A holistic approach is needed to expand healthcare in India and OPPI believes the
pharmaceutical industry can form part of the solution. OPPI's stringent Code of
Pharmaceuticals Practices binds all our member companies. My main objective was to create
microsite content for the website of OPPI as advised by the client.

The content developed for the website was difficult to create with reference to the
scientific terms used to describe an illness. This brand help me understand the
intricate details in order to get the correct terminology while writing the correct
content for the brand.

5. Chapter 5


It is absolutely imperative to understand one simple rule when you decide to market
a brand on a digital platform. The rule is that one should never be categorized as
someone who just makes noise on social media. Look at most of the brands online
that is all they do. Adding to the collective shouting while hoping for a miracle. The
main aim should be to capture the imagination of the audience. The Digital
marketing industry is the highest blooming industry as facts say which was observed
during the internship period because brands offering intangible services to brands
offering tangible products all are going digital. Before looking out for information
about certain products from the peers, people scroll through the screens looking for
information online. On this basis a conclusion that can be drawn is, in this era it is
extremely important for brands to have a good online presence or else however great
the offering the brand may go unheard of.

1. Piaggio Aprilia

 Posting Videos on pages like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram lead to higher
engagement rates ad compared to using just pictures.

 Instagram stories prove to create an interest in an event far more than just an
article can.

 Contests and quizzes keep people hooked on especially if it is the domain

which they are interested in.

 Customers respond positively towards the brand when the curated content is
engaging and does not get monotonous.

2. Piaggio Vespa

 It gives you true insight into what the customer thinks of your brand.

 It allows one to understand the gap that lies between brand promise and

 The UGC helps interaction with the brand.

3. Platinum Evara

 The tonality of the message is absolutely imperative in differentiating it in the

mind of the consumer.

 Certain words play an important role in maintaining synergy across all the
brands communication.

4. Reliance Smart

 On Instagram, Twitter and Facebook the brand should use the new
features that the app has developed to interact with the brand.

 SEO words are important in copy development.

 Being an authority in your domain is an advantage in communication.

5. Multiply Wellness App

 The brands website is its showroom online and reflects the brand beliefs.

 It is the first point of contact that the consumer has with the brand.


 Online Reputation Management is not taken and thus may appear to be fake.

 Website gives you true insight into what the customer thinks of your brand.

 It allows one to understand the between brand promise and execution.

The digital platform is the best platform to undertake the transition of a product into
a lasting brand. This platform has something that other platforms do not have and
that factor is nothing but intimacy. There is a certain level of comfort in which the
consumer interacts with your communication. This coupled with the fact that the
consumer can choose what communication he wants to see makes this platform far
more powerful.

Every day through every content update the brand is trying to communicate
something to the audience be it just information, promotion of a product, promotion
of an event or so on. A very important thing in this activity is that the key ingredient
is respect. Respect your consumer and he will stick with you even when the chips are
down and on this platform you are able to show your customer what he means to


1. Piaggio Aprilia

 While curating content, the brands must be sensitive to the consumer and put
content about things he is interested in and not just anything to propagate the
image that the brand has about itself.

 Online Reputation Management has to be done with some concern for the
consumer. The standard one solution applies for all cannot be used. After a
point of time the customer will see through it and the brand will look phony.

 While curating content for brands like Aprilia it is important to understand

what kind of content your average consumer is interested in. Does this give
him something he was missing before? All these questions must be answered.
Otherwise there will be no impact just noise and that is a dangerous
proposition for any brand.

 The usage of Videos and GIF’s must be increased as it increases the

engagement rate and captures the interest of the consumer.

 Using the principles of gamification brands must create contests or develop

games and offer the winners certain perks. This will result in a lot of word of
mouth and also will significantly increase the level of engagement that the
average consumer has with the brand.

2. Piaggio Vespa

 The website must not be jumbled with information as it now is.

 More focus must be put on the way the copy is presented.

 The consumer must find it easy to navigate the website.

3. Platinum Evara

 The tonality of the brand is very monotonous and is getting very repetitive
therefore it must be changed.

 The brands focus on the mother daughter dynamic is getting old now and
thus must be reinvigorated.

 New blogs with fresh content must be developed.

4. Reliance Smart

 Short stories are far more effective for such a brand than just normal ads.

 The copy must not focus too much on facts and must weave in some contests

 They should come up with more fun campaigns to interact with the

5. Multiply Wellness App

 There needs to be more synergy between the client and the account manager
in the agency.

 More focus must be put on the way the copy is presented.

 The consumer must find it easy to redeem the awards.


 Novelty of content across platforms just for the sake of novelty is highly
unlikely to yield any positive results. The key here is integration across
platforms. Now that does not mean to keep the same thing everywhere there
should be differentiation but there must also be synergy. There is a thin line
of difference that needs to be maintained.

 The content on the website is too much and should be reduced.

6. References and Bibliography!/home


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