Roles and Responsibilities

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Roles and Responsibilities of a Board of Trustees

One of the board of trustees' primary responsibilities is to uphold the fiduciary duty to protect all of the
organization's assets and funds in trust. The overarching fiduciary duty includes the duties of care,
obedience, and loyalty, which means that a trustee must place the organization's interests above their own
when making decisions on behalf of the organization.
How a Board of Trustees Works
The board of trustees typically includes key individuals involved with the management of an
organization. Other individuals may be appointed or elected based on their expertise and experience in
areas pertaining to the management of the organization. The board will often have a mix of internal and
external trustees.

The president
Ensures the Board acts consistently with Board policies. The president is authorized to use any reasonable
interpretation of the provisions in the Board Process and Board-Management Relationship policies. The
president will chair and set the agenda for Board meetings.

Vice President
Perform such duties as directed by the by laws and the board. The vice president is the operations officer
of the organization and in this capacity shall: ... Record and retain the minutes of all board and executive
committee meetings and shall be a director of the Corporation and will preside at meetings of the Board
of Directors in the absence of, or request of the President. The Vice-President shall perform other duties
as requested and assigned by the President, subject to the control of the Board of Directors.

The Secretary 
The secretary is a position that ensures all rules and bylaws of the organization are adhered to by the
board during meetings and the implementation of board decisions. The secretary is also in charge of all
the records and documentation for the organization. They are responsible for documenting the Board's
meetings and preparing minutes therefore, which shall include discussions and deliberations carried out
during such meetings and recording the resolutions of the Board and voting results and retaining them in a
special and organized register.
A board treasurer
May simply be highly trustworthy since they'll be responsible for producing financial statements and
handling the organization's funds. In larger organizations, the board treasurer may oversee staff who will
directly manage the organization's finances.

The principal is the head administrator at a school. The principal is responsible for overseeing all the
teachers and other school staff in the school building. The principal is the leader of the teachers. The
principal does not teach students. Instead, the principal helps the teachers, helps with discipline, and leads
the school. 

Finance office Head

The term chief financial officer (CFO) refers to a senior executive responsible for managing the financial
actions of a company. The CFO's duties include tracking cash flow and financial planning as well as
analyzing the company's financial strengths and weaknesses and proposing corrective actions.

Human resource Head

The responsibilities of these managers are planning, recruiting, selection, induction, training, developing,
ensuring safety, determining compensation packages, and smoothing career path of personals working in
the organization

The Head of Library 

Supervises an Associate Librarian and is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the library including
the management and maintenance of OSF's suite of library resources. ... The Head of Library Services
may also supervise Interns, temporary staff, and any future new hires in the library.

Academic Head
Assist the Dean in the enforcement of admission, retention, and graduation requirements for students;
Assist the Dean in the assignment of teaching loads and preparation of class programs; Perform other
functions as may be deemed necessary by the Dean of Higher office.

Guidance office Head

Guidance counselors are certified professionals employed by schools or academic institutions to assist
and advise students about academic and personal decisions. They provide private counseling to students,
assess the ability and potential in students, and coordinate with fellow professionals on student matters.
School heads/ Student activity Head
have various areas of responsibilities including human resources, financial resources, educational
activities of students and teachers, external relations, well-being of students and teachers, and teaching

Medical Personel

School health services staff can help all students with preventive care such as flu shots and vision and
hearing screening, as well as acute and emergency care. Qualified professionals such as school nurses,
nurse practitioners, dentists, health educators, physicians, physician assistants, and allied health
personnel provide these services.

Registrar Office head

Is responsible for providing clerical and administrative support to the Office of the Registrar,
implementation and monitoring of and resource person for policies and procedures related to admissions
and validating examinations, ...

Discipline Head
The responsibilities of Heads of Discipline will include Providing academic leadership in the discipline,
including advising junior colleagues in the context of promotion and promoting colleagues' research

English Coordinator
The job of Coordinator - English Language Development Services was established for the purpose/s of
coordinating district wide activities, disseminating and receiving information related to English Language
Development; planning and implementing activities and/or special events; addressing operational issues
related to their role as a coordinator of English Language Development activities at each school site;
providing recommendations of expenditures for activities, equipment, and supplies that enhance the
school programs; and serving as a resource to respective school staff, providing support and guidance
based on their subject area knowledge and experience.
Science Coordinator
Science coordinators design and write educational materials for their students and monitor new scientific
developments to make sure everything is up to date. You also prepare and oversee the science
department's budget for the school, in addition to keeping an eye on test scores and educational goals and

Mathematics Coordinator
Monitor both children's learning and the teaching of Math’s, through lesson observation, demonstration
lessons and other appropriate methods. Monitor planning and work across primary and ensure consistency
across all phases. Ensure continuity and progression in Math’s, through an effective system of

Non-teaching staff
is a category defined as anyone employed by a school system who doesn't serve as a classroom teacher.
This can include administrative staff, guidance counselors, librarians, custodians, food service personnel,
and even transportation workers.

Head Teacher means a teacher who is appointed as such in a high school, distance education centre or
central school, and is responsible to the principal for the program of work in a designated subject or
learning area and the coordination of the work of classes in that area. The head teacher also exercises
supervision over and gives advice and direction, when necessary, to other teachers in the subject or
learning area in addition to their teaching duties. Provided that head teachers may be appointed with
specific designated responsibilities.

The superintendent leads many principals and schools. Superintendents make decisions on policy,
curriculum (what the students learn in classrooms), and district rules. Because superintendents work for
many schools, they might not be in the same school building as your child.

The school secretary helps the principal and often works in the front office of the school building.
Sometimes secretaries are called front office staff. When you come to your child’s school, you may need
to sign a paper to check in. This helps keep students safe. The secretary will help you sign in. The
secretary can show you where to go. If you need help signing up for school, the secretary helps. Some
schools require you to sign a paper to take your child home from school early. The secretary will help you
sign your child out. This is to keep your child safe. They can only go home with a trusted adult.

Nurses work in schools to keep students safe and healthy.  If a student is feeling sick, the teacher might
send them to the nurse. If the student is sick, the nurse decides to send them home until they feel better. In
the US, taking care of students’ mental health is an important part of going to school.

School counselors help students’ academic, personal, social, and career development needs. They lead
programs that help students succeed in school. Counselors can be very helpful for refugee families. They
can help your student adjust to their new school. They might know about special programs for refugee
students. Counselors sometimes also help with mental and physical healthcare. A counselor is a good
person to talk to at the school if you think your student might need extra help.

The principal is the head administrator at a school. The principal is responsible for overseeing all the
teachers and other school staff in the school building. The principal is the leader of the teachers. The
principal does not teach students. Instead, the principal helps the teachers, helps with discipline, and leads
the school. 

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