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Improving engine performance with

distillated water-methanol
Cite as: AIP Conference Proceedings 1778, 030003 (2016);
Published Online: 26 October 2016

Basori and Nyenyep Sriwardani


Impact of methanol-gasoline fuel blend on the fuel consumption and exhaust emission of a SI
AIP Conference Proceedings 1725, 020070 (2016);

Effect of compression ratio on the performance, combustion and emission from a diesel
engine using palm biodiesel
AIP Conference Proceedings 1754, 050005 (2016);

The analysis of the flow with water injection in a centrifugal compressor stage using CFD
AIP Conference Proceedings 1889, 020044 (2017);

AIP Conference Proceedings 1778, 030003 (2016); 1778, 030003

© 2016 Author(s).
Improving Engine Performance with Distillated Water-
Basori1, a) and Nyenyep Sriwardani1, b)
Department of Mechanical Engineering Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education
Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta, Indonesia.
Jl. Ahmad Yani 200, Pabelan surakarta, 57162

Corresponding author:

Abstract. The effect of detonation is the reduction of engine performance, increasing specific fuel consumption and
increasing the quality of exhaust gas emissions. This experimental research aims to get solved with applied water
injection system at gasoline engine. This study uses experimental research. The testing of engine performance is
done by giving the treatment of Honda mega pro 2009. WaI (Water Injection) system is mounted on the motorcycle
with the fluid composition:(1) aquadest 100% and methanol 0%, (2) aquadest 90% and methanol 10%, (3) aquadest
80% and methanol 20, (4) aquadest 70% and methanol 30, (5) aquadest 60% and methanol 40%, (6) aquadest 50%
and methanol 50%.The result shows, by adjusting the percentage of methanol and aquadest could decrease the
specific fuel consumption, increase the power of engine and reduce Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emission.

Experiment of water injection (WaI) means a system for issuing water or compound of water and methanol
as droplets form throughout the intake manifold simultaneously and mixed with fuel and air. Consider to the
previous researches which prove that water injection increase charge efficiency, reduce the tendency of knock
and control temperature of gases for turbine [1], this research developed the main apparatus with applied
microcontroller-based. The uses of electrical automatic water injection system expected to enhance the
performance and emission quality [2].
However, some research result shows that water injection in the intake manifold may not affect the peak
temperature [3], and the thermal efficiency decreased at the low load. The injection of water with methanol to be
solved the temperature drop in the combustion chamber. The high combustion temperature lead the complete
combustion and give an effect on decreasing specific fuel consumption and reducing the emission of Carbon
Dioxide (CO2) with keep in high engine efficiency.

This experimental research was conducted with a microcontroller to adjust water injection automatically.
Microcontroller gets the input signal from the proximity sensor to inject distilled water and methanol into the
combustion chamber. Figure 1 explains the working principle of experimental apparatus. At the first begin with
switch on the contact (1). When the engine is on, the electric current flows from the battery (2) to the diaphragm
pump (3). Furthermore, the pump will work to push the water or water and methanol from reservoir (4) in stable
pressure. A pressure gauge (5) used to adjust the pressure that occurs during the pumping process. Working
pressure sets at the allowable reach pressure. In this experiment the stabilize pressure adjusts manually by

Proceedings of the International Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Education Conferences (IMEEEC 2016)
AIP Conf. Proc. 1778, 030003-1–030003-4; doi: 10.1063/1.4965737
Published by AIP Publishing. 978-0-7354-1440-2/$30.00

turning the tuner in a pressure regulator (6). The water and methanol or water only is sprayed into the intake
manifold, through the injector (7). Water or water and methanol goes into the combustion chamber as a mixture.
The frequency of spraying water or water and methanol adjusted by the opening of suction valve and identify by
a proximity sensor (8). Then, the signal from a proximity sensor send to the microcontroller (9) for generating
the output voltage into an electrical system injector. A resistor (10) is used to limit the current such safe value.

FIGURE 1. The Circuit of water injection (WAI) with microcontroller


Fig. 2 depicts the dependencies of specific fuel consumption to the engine speed. The data taken in two
type condition. At the first condition, data taken without anything addition. The second data taken with addition
only distillated water. The next data taken with addition premixed distillated water and methanol. The result
shows that specific fuel consumption tends to decline with increasing engine speed up to 8.000 RPM. At higher
engine speed will increase combustion temperature, get perfect fuel-air mixture and conduct nearly complete
combustion. Addition 100% aquadest to the combustion chamber leads low combustion temperature and also
leads not complete combustion. The influence was higher specific fuel consumption. With premixed aquadest
and methanol could improve the combustion temperature. From data analysis show that the percentage of
methanol lead a lower specific fuel consumption. The lowest specific fuel consumption got at addition premixed
aquadest 60% and methanol 40%.

FIGURE 2. The dependencies of specific fuel consumption to the engine speed

Fig. 2 shows the result of power dependence to the engine speed. The power increase with increasing engine
speed. Generally, for the overall engine speed the highest power at condition premixed aquadest 60% and
methanol 40%, due to the bubble spread at higher temperature was more effective.

FIGURE 3. The dependencies of power to the engine speed

From Fig.2 and F i g . 3 we could get a relationship that the specific fuel consumption decreases
when the engine speed increases. Nevertheless, the power increase with increasing engine speed. The conclude
was an optimum power release with low specific fuel consumption at the engine speed around 8.000 RPM.
Meanwhile, the efficiency of the engine is the relationship between total energy contained in the fuel. The
experimental result show that the maximum power with low specific fuel consumption appear when addition
aquadest 60% and methanol 40% to the combustion chamber.

FIGURE 4. The influence of percentage aquadest and methanol to CO2 emission

The horizontal axis of Fig. 4 shows the percentage of aquadest 0% means nothing water used in the
experiment. 40% aquadest means the experimental condition is 60% methanol and 40% aquadest. 60% aquadest
means the experimental condition is 40% methanol and 60% aquadest. 80% methanol means the experimental
condition is 20% methanol and 80% aquadest, and 100% aquadest means without methanol. The data analysis
proves that the best condition was addition 60% aquadest and 40% methanol with lowest CO2 emission than
other condition.
The condition with addition aquadest 40% and methanol 60% was nearly same as the condition with
addition aquadest 60% and methanol 40%, but CO2 emission higher due to the heat of combustion was higher.
This condition was likely to result in higher engines efficiency, but we disregard because the higher of

Distilled water and methanol injection (WaI) to the combustion chamber until 8.000 RPM reduce specific
fuel consumption by 14% and increase the power of engine until 35%. The water injection also gives a positive
effect on the emission of Carbon Dioxide (CO2). The best condition could be obtained on the composition of
aquadest 40% and methanol 60%.

Gratefully thank you to Chairman of Department Mechanical Engineering Education Sebelas Maret
University that provides the facilities of research at the Laboratory.


1. Boretti, A., Water injection in directly injected turbocharged spark ignitions engines, J. Applied Thermal
Engineering 52, 62-68(2013).
2. R. Adnan, H . H . Masjuki, T . M . I. Mahlia, P e r fo r ma n c e a n d e mi s s i o n a n a l ys i s o f h y d r o g e n
fu e l e d compression ignition engine with variable water injection timing, J. Energy 43, 416-426 (2012).
3. B. Tesfa, R. Mishra, F.Gu, A.D. Ball, Water injection effects on the performance and emission
characteristics of a CI engine operating with biodiesel, J. Renewable Energy 37, 333-344 (2012).


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