Python For Non-Programmers Final

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How do

hello Olá


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I am Sam Am Sam I

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How do we
speak with

Java Python


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Syntax for Computer Language

import pandas as pd

pandas import pd as

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Why do we need Programming?

What is 2*2?

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Why do we need Programming?

What is 20*20?

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Why do we need Programming?

What is

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Applications of Programming Languages

Gaming Banking Machine Learning

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What is Data?

My Name is Sam

(a+b)2 0 1

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How to Store Data?

How do I
store data?




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Need of Variables

Data/Values can be stored in temporary storage spaces called variables




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Example of Variable


10 a

Multiple operations on the variables

20 b a*b


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Decision Making Statements

It’s raining:
Go out and Play Football
Sit inside

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Decision Making Statements

Marks > 70:
Give Practice Test
Get Ice-cream

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if…else Pseudo Code

Statements to be executed….

Statements to be executed….

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Looping Statements

Looping statements are used to repeat a task multiple times

Keep filling this

bucket with a
mug of water
while it is not full

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Looping Statements

Keep repeating
the song until
you close the

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Looping Statements

Get your salary

credited at the
end of each

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While Loop Pseudo Code

Keep executing statements….

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Functions in Real Life

Eating Running Cycling

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Functions in Programming World

Function is a block of code which performs a specific task

Deposit Function to deposit money

Withdraw Function to withdraw money

Balance Function to check balance

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Object Oriented Programming

You are
with Objects!!

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Class is a template/blue-print for real-world entities

Properties Behavior

• Color • Make Calls

• Cost • Watch Videos
• Battery Life • Play Games

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Objects are specific instances of a class

Apple Motorola Samsung

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How do you solve a problem?

How do you
make lemon

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Step by Step Approach

1 Check if you have all the ingredients

2 Take lemon and cut into two halves

3 Squeeze lemon into a glass of water

4 Add sugar and stir it well

5 Serve it cold with ice cubes

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What is an Algorithm?

Step by step approach to solve a problem is known as algorithm

Input Steps to be followed Output

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Algorithm to find if number is even/odd


Take Number

If number
Even Number Odd Number
% 2 == 0


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Introduction to Python


Free & Open Source Large Standard Library

Object Oriented

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Installing Python

This is the site to install Python ->

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Installing PyCharm

This is the site to install PyCharm ->

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Installing Anaconda

This is the site to install Anaconda ->

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Intro to Jupyter Notebook

Jupyter Notebook is a browser-based interpreter that allows us to interactively

work with Python

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Variables in Python

How do I
store data?




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Variables in Python

Data/Values can be stored in temporary storage spaces called variables




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Variables in Python

Data/Values can be stored in temporary storage spaces called variables

“John” “Sam” “Matt”

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DataTypes in Python

Every variable is associated with a data-type

10, 500 3.14, 15.97 TRUE, FALSE “Sam”, “Matt”

int float Boolean String

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Operators in Python

Arithmetic Operators

Relational Operators Logical Operators

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Python Tokens

Smallest meaningful Component in a Program





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Python Keywords

Keywords are special reserved words

False class Finally Is Return

None continue For Lambda Try

True def From Nonlocal While

and del Global Not With

as elif If Or Yield

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Python Identifiers

Identifiers are names used for variables, functions or objects


No special character expect _(underscore)

Identifiers are case sensitive

First Letter cannot be a digit

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Python Literals

Literals are constants in Python

I’m a constant.
I don’t change

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Python Strings

Strings are sequence of characters enclosed within single quotes(‘ ’), double
quotes(“ “) or triple quotes(‘’’ ‘’’)

‘’’ I am going to
‘Hello World’ “This is Sparta”
France tomorrow’’’

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Extracting Individual Characters

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String Functions

Finding length of string Converting String to lower case Converting String to upper case

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String Functions

Replacing a substring

Number of occurrences of substring

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String Functions

Finding the index of substring

Splitting a String

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Data-Structures in Python

Tuple List

Dictionary Set

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Tuple in Python

Tuple is an ordered collection of elements enclosed within ()

Tuples are


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Extracting Individual Elements

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Modifying a Tuple

You cannot modify a tuple because it is immutable

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Tuple Basic Operations

Finding Length of Tuple

Concatenating Tuples

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Tuple Basic Operations

Repeating Tuple Elements

Repeating and Concatenating

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Tuple Functions

Minimum Value

Maximum Value

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List in Python

List is an ordered collection of elements enclosed within []

Lists are


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Extracting Individual Elements

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Modifying a List

Changing the element at 0th index Popping the last element

Appending a new element

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Modifying a List

Reversing elements of a list Sorting a list

Inserting element at a specified index

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List Basic Operations

Concatenating Lists

Repeating elements

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Dictionary in Python

Dictionary is an unordered collection of key-value pairs enclosed with {}

Dictionary is


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Extracting Keys and Values

Extracting Keys

Extracting Values

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Modifying a Dictionary

Adding a new element

Changing an existing element

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Dictionary Functions

Update one dictionary’s elements with another

Popping an element

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Set in Python

Set is an unordered and unindexed collection of elements enclosed with {}

are not
allowed in


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Set Operations

Update one dictionary’s elements with another Removing an element

Updating multiple elements

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Set Functions

Union of two sets

Intersection of two sets

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If Statement

It’s raining:
Go out and Play Football
Sit inside

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If Statement

Marks > 70:
Give Practice Test
Get Ice-cream

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if…else Pseudo Code

Statements to be executed….

Statements to be executed….

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Looping Statements

Looping statements are used to repeat a task multiple times

Keep filling this

bucket with a
mug of water
while it is not full

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Looping Statements

Keep repeating
the song until
you close the

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Looping Statements

Get your salary

credited at the
end of each

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While Loop

Enter While loop

while condition:
Test Execute Statements

Exit While loop


Body of While

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For Loop

For Loop is used to iterate over a sequence(tuple, list, dictionary..)

This is the
syntax of for

for val in sequence:

Body of for

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Functions in Real Life

Eating Running Cycling

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Python Functions

Function is a block of code which performs a specific task

Deposit Function to deposit money

Withdraw Function to withdraw money

Balance Function to check balance

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Python Object Oriented Programming

You are
with Objects!!

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Class is a template/blue-print for real-world entities

Properties Behavior

• Color • Make Calls

• Cost • Watch Videos
• Battery Life • Play Games

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Class in Python

Class is a user-defined data-type

I am a
d data type
int float

bool str


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Attributes and Methods


Play Game
Make Call

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Objects are specific instances of a class

Apple Motorola Samsung

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Objects in Python

Specific instances of Mobile data type

Apple Motorola Samsung

a = 10 b = 20 c = 30

Specific instances of integer data type

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Creating the first Class

Creating the ‘Phone’ class

Instantiating the ‘p1’ object

Invoking methods through object

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Adding parameters to the class

Setting and Returning the

attribute values

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Creating a class with Constructor

init method acts as the constructor

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Instantiating Object

Instantiating the ‘e1’ object

Invoking the

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Inheritance in Python

With inheritance one class can derive the properties of another class

Man inheriting
features from his

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Inheritance Example

Creating the base class

Instantiating the object for base class

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Inheritance Example

Creating the child class

Instantiating the object for child class

Invoking the child class method

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Over-riding init method

Over-riding init method

Invoking show_details()
method from parent class Invoking show_car_details()
method from child class

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Types of Inheritance

Single Inheritance

These are the types

of inheritance in
Python…. Multiple Inheritance

Multi-level Inheritance

Hybrid Inheritance

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Multiple Inheritance

In multiple inheritance, the child inherits from more than 1 parent class

Parent 1 Parent 2


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Multiple Inheritance in Python

Parent Class One Child Class

Parent Class Two

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Multiple Inheritance in Python

Invoking methods

Instantiating object of child class

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Multi-Level Inheritance

In multi-level Inheritance, we have Parent, child, grand-child relationship




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Multi-Level Inheritance in Python

Grand-Child Class
Parent Class

Child Class

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Multi-Level Inheritance in Python

Invoking class methods

Instantiating object of GrandChild class

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Libraries in Python

Python library is a collection of functions and methods that allows you to perform many actions without writing your code


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Python NumPy

NumPy stands for Numerical python and is the core library for numeric and
scientific computing

It consists of
array objects and a
collection of routines
for processing those

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Creating NumPy Array

Single-dimensional Multi-dimensional
Array Array

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Initializing NumPy Array

Initializing NumPy array with zeros

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Initializing NumPy Array

Initializing NumPy array with same number

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Initializing NumPy Array

Initializing NumPy array within a range

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Initializing NumPy Array

Initializing NumPy array with random numbers

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Checking the shape of NumPy arrays

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Joining NumPy Arrays

vstack() hstack() column_stack()

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Numpy Intersection & Difference

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NumPy Array Mathematics

Addition of NumPy Arrays

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NumPy Array Mathematics

Basic Multiplication
Basic Addition

Basic Subtraction Basic Division

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NumPy Math Functions

Mean Standard Deviation


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NumPy Broadcasting

Numpy Array Addition

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NumPy Broadcasting

10 20 30 40 50 + 5

10 20 30 40 50

5 5 5 5 5

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NumPy Broadcasting

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NumPy Broadcasting

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NumPy Matrix

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NumPy Matrix Transpose

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NumPy Matrix Multiplication

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NumPy Save & Load

Saving Numpy Array

Loading Numpy Array

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Python Pandas

Pandas stands for Panel Data and is the core library for data manipulation and data

It consists of single
data-structures for

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Pandas Data-Structures

Single-dimensional Multi-dimensional

Series Object Data-frame

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Pandas Series Object

Series Object is one-dimensional labeled array

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Changing Index

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Series Object from Dictionary

You can also create

a series object from
a dictionary!!

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Changing index position

You can change

the index

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Extracting Individual Elements

Extracting a single element Extracting elements from back

Extracting a sequence of elements

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Basic Math Operations on Series

Adding a scalar value Adding two Series Objects

to Series Elements

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Pandas Dataframe

Dataframe is a 2-dimensional labelled data-structure

A data-frame
comprises of rows
and columns

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Creating a Dataframe

This is how you can

create a data.frame

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Dataframe In-Built Functions


shape() describe()


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Dropping Columns

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Dropping Rows

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Combining Data-Frames

Creating first dataframe

Creating second dataframe

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Data-Frames Concatenation


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Data-Frames Concatenation

Axis=0, Sort = True

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Data-Frames Concatenation


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Data-Frames Merge – Inner Join

Inner Join

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Data-Frames Merge – Left Join

Left Join

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Data-Frames Merge – Right Join

Right Join

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Data-Frames Merge – Outer Join

Outer Join

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More Pandas Functions

Mean Minimum

Median Maximum

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More Pandas Functions

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More Pandas Functions



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Pokemon Analysis

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Understanding Data

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Looking at Null Values

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Imputing Null Values

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Checking Frequency

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Renaming Columns

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Extracting Primary Types

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Extracting Primary & Secondary Types

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Extracting Specific Pokemons

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Python Matplotlib

Matplotlib is a python library used for data visualization

You can create

histograms and a lot
more with matplotlib

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Line Plot

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Line Plot

Adding Title and Labels

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Line Plot

Changing Line Aesthetics

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Line Plot

Adding two lines in the same plot

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Line Plot

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Line Plot

Adding sub-plots

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Bar Plot

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Bar Plot

Adding Title and Labels

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Horizontal Bar Plot

Horizontal Bar Plot

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Scatter Plot

Creating a basic scatter-plot

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Scatter Plot

Changing Mark Aesthetics

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Scatter Plot

Adding two markers

in the same plot

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Scatter Plot

Adding sub-plots

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Creating data

Making Histogram

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Changing Aesthetics

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Working with a dataset

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Creating data

Making Histogram

Making Plot

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Creating data

Making Histogram

Making Plot

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Creating data

Making Plot

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Changing Aesthetics

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Creating Data

Making Plot

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SeaBorn Line Plot

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SeaBorn Line Plot

Grouping data with ‘hue’

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SeaBorn Line Plot

Adding Styles

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SeaBorn Line Plot

Adding Markers

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SeaBorn Bar Plot

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SeaBorn Bar Plot

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SeaBorn Bar Plot

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SeaBorn Bar Plot

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SeaBorn Bar Plot

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SeaBorn Scatterplot

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SeaBorn Scatterplot

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SeaBorn Scatterplot

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SeaBorn Histogram/Distplot

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SeaBorn Histogram/Distplot

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SeaBorn Histogram/Distplot

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SeaBorn Histogram/Distplot

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SeaBorn Histogram/Distplot

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SeaBorn JointPlot

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SeaBorn JointPlot

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SeaBorn JointPlot

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SeaBorn BoxPlot

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SeaBorn BoxPlot

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SeaBorn BoxPlot

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SeaBorn BoxPlot

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SeaBorn BoxPlot

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SeaBorn BoxPlot

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SeaBorn Pair Plot

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Case Study

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Case Study

We will have a case study on this census dataset

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Case Study

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Case Study

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Case Study

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Case Study

Renaming Columns

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Case Study

Extracting Individual Columns

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Case Study

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Case Study

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Case Study

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Case Study

Proprietary content. ©Great Learning. All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized use or distribution prohibited
Case Study

Proprietary content. ©Great Learning. All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized use or distribution prohibited
Case Study

Proprietary content. ©Great Learning. All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized use or distribution prohibited
Case Study

Proprietary content. ©Great Learning. All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized use or distribution prohibited

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