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EPREUVE DE : Anglais


Section I: Reading

Read the text carefully and then answer the related questions.


Cigarettes do not just harm the people who smoke. They also harm the
people who are near cigarettes and breathe the smoke. This includes fetuses and
small children. The breathe second hand smoke. Second hand smoke is the smoke
that comes out of the end of a cigarette and that a smoker exhales (breathes out).
Second hand smoke is also called passive smoke.

About 53, 222 people die from hand smoke hand every year. When we
breathe second hand smoke, we breathe the same 4, 000 chemicals a cigarette
smoker breather. 21 of those chemicals cause cancer.

In 1986, the surgeon General of the US wrote the dangers of second hand
smoke. It cause diseases, like lung cancer in healthy nonsmokers, and the children of
parents who smoke compared to children of nonsmoking parent have an increased
frequency of respiratory infections, increased respiratory of smokers within the same
airspace may reduce, but does not eliminate exposure of smokers to environmental
tobacco smoke.

The second hand smoke is more dangerous than the smoke that is inhaled in a
cigarette because it is filtered. The filter on the end of a cigarette removes some
harmful chemicals. The second hand smoke is the largest source of indoor air
pollution. Restaurants that allow smoking can have six times the pollution of busy

When people breathe the second hand smoke on a regular basis in the
workplace, their lungs are affected. Their lungs look as if the people smoked one to
10 cigarettes a day. That means nonsmoking workers in a smoking office have same
lung damage as a mild smoker. They have a 34% higher risk of getting lung cancer
than workers who do not smoker or breathe second hand smoke on the job.

From, the ways to Death, page 6

A/ write True or False after each statement:

1) Cigarette only active smokers.

EXAMEN D’ETAT CONGO BRAZZAVILLE : Baccalauréat, Anglais, Série ‘’D/C’’ 2018 PDF
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Page 2 sur 3

2) Second hand smoke can also cause diseases.

3) Foetuses are exposed to effects of cigarettes.

4) Cigarettes are harmful to active and passive smokers.

B/ Answer the following questions:

1) What is second hand smoke?

2) Why is second hand smoke more dangerous than the one straight from a

3) Is the active smoker the only victim of cigarette? Justify your answer.

4) Name at least two diseases caused by smoking.

Section II: Linguistic competence

A/ vocabulary: Choose the correct answer

1 To harm means:

a) to kill; b) to; c) to resist; d) to fight.

2 Symptoms means:

a) chemicals; b) drugs; c) signs; d) treatments.

3 To allow means:

a) to permit; b) – to blow; c) – to prevent; d) – to forbid.

4 foetuses means

a) killed baby; b) unborn baby; c) female baby; d) male baby.

B/ Grammar:

a) Put the verbs between parentheses into the simple present tense

1) Water (boil) at 100%C.

2) She (not/drive) very well.

3) They often (open) the gate 8:00?

b) These sentences contain one mistake. Find it and then suggest a correction

EXAMEN D’ETAT CONGO BRAZZAVILLE : Baccalauréat, Anglais, Série ‘’D/C’’ 2018 PDF
Gracieusement mis à disposition.
AMID CONGO // Site internet : // E-mail :
Page 3 sur 3

1) I go not to school on Sundays.

2) The sun is rising in the East.

3) The Congo gets its independence in 1960.

3) If I was you, I wouldn’t accept the offer.


Complete the following conversation with the missing parts

A: Hello john!

B: Hi jack!

A: 1 ?

B: Our meeting lasted two days.

A: 2 ?

B: We talked about the peace process in Syria.

A: 3

B: There were there delegations.

A: 4 ?

B: No, we did not sign an agreement.


Here are some scrambled sentences. Organize them so as to get a

coherent process on Ncwala dance

- After that, Swazi nation can the first fruits.

- Then, he enters a special hut.

- Finally, the king’s bedding and household items are burned to clean
everything for the New Year

- Next, he the fruits of news season.

- Then, he enters a special hut.

EXAMEN D’ETAT CONGO BRAZZAVILLE : Baccalauréat, Anglais, Série ‘’D/C’’ 2018 PDF
Gracieusement mis à disposition.
AMID CONGO // Site internet : // E-mail :

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