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Title of the Master: Processing and Analysis of Images and Speech

Semester : S1
Unit title: UEF1
Subject title: Discrete representations and mathematical morphology
Credits: 4
Coefficients: 2

Teaching objectives: This course deals in a first part with the questions
linked to the discrete nature of the images (discrete representations of the images, tilings and
meshes, discrete topology for images, discrete geometry elements, distances
discrete). In a second part, he presents the theory of morphology
mathematics and its main transformations (mathematical foundations of
mathematical morphology, erosion, dilation, opening, closing, filtering
morphological, skeleton and all-or-nothing transformation, watershed line).

Recommended prior knowledge:

Material content:

1. Discrete representations: topology, geometry, distances, transformations.

2. Discrete representations (continuation and end).
3. Mathematical morphology: the 4 operations and their immediate applications.
4. Mathematical morphology: the mathematical bases (topological, algebraic, EFA) - Filtering theory.

5. Geodesy, reconstruction, connected filters - Skeleton, thinning and

binary and digital thickenings.
6. Morphological segmentation - Algorithms and applications.

Assessment mode: Continuous and exam

References :

"Image Analysis and Mathematical Morphology", J. Serra, Accademic Press Edition, 1982.

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Title of the Master: Processing and Analysis of Images and Speech

Semester : S1
Unit title: UEF1
Subject title: Introduction to pattern recognition
Credits: 6
Coefficients: 3

Teaching objectives: The objective of this module is to provide students with

basic techniques for classifying data according to the type of
representation. Structural and statistical approaches will be discussed.

Recommended prior knowledge:

Material content:

1. Basic principles, statistical methods and structural methods.

2. The advantages and limits of a pattern recognition system.
3. Evaluation of an RdF system.
4. Notion of decision function.
5. The notions of distances and similarities.
6. Linear and SVM methods.
7. Bayesian approaches, parametric and non-parametric methods.
8. Neural networks.
9. Structural methods: string comparison.

Assessment method: Exam

References :

• "Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning", Christopher M. Bishop, Springer, Edition


• "Digital Image Processing", Rafael C. Gonzalez & Richard E. Woods, Second Edition,
Prentice Hall.
• "Pattern Recognition", Sergios Theodoridis, Konstantinos Koutroumbas, Fourth Edition,
Academic Press Edition, 2008.

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Title of the Master: Processing and Analysis of Images and Speech

Semester : S1
Unit title: UEF1
Title of the subject: Representation of knowledge
Credits: 4
Coefficients: 2

Teaching objectives: This course aims to introduce students to a set

representative of techniques used to represent knowledge and model the
reasoning of an intelligent agent.

Recommended prior knowledge:

Material content:

1. Characteristics of a knowledge representation language,

procedural and declarative knowledge.
2. Propositional logic and predicate logic as languages of representation
knowledge ; inference mechanisms.
3. Introduction to planning and the STRIPS language to represent actions and
an agent's plans.
4. Introduction to argumentation and non-monotonic reasoning.
5. Presentation of an argumentation framework based on logic programming to model
reasoning mechanisms based on an agent's preferences.

Assessment method: Exam

References :

"Knowledge representation and metaphor", Eileen Cornell Way, Intellect books, 1994.

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Title of the Master: Processing and Analysis of Images and Speech

Semester : S1
Unit title: UEF1
Subject title: Algorithmic optimization
Credits: 4
Coefficients: 2

Teaching objectives: Introduce the fundamental methods of minimization

without constraints on regular functions depending on many variables. We
will endeavor to study and compare the mathematical results of convergence, as well as the
complexity of algorithms. The practical work will allow you to practice
the implementation of algorithms and to better understand the theoretical results.

Recommended prior knowledge:

Material content:

1. Reminders and complements of numerical linear algebra:

- LU and Cholesky factorization for linear systems;
- decomposition into singular values;
- solving systems in the sense of least squares;
2. Unconstrained minimization algorithms:
- descent methods, convergence speed, minimization in 1D;
- special cases :
gradient descent method,
Newton and quasi-Newton method,
conjugate gradient method,
Gauss-Newton method,
Levenberg-Marquardt method,

Assessment mode: Continuous and exam

References :

• "Combinatorial optimization: algorithms and complexity", Christos H. Papadimitriou,

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Kenneth Steiglitz.

Title of the Master: Processing and Analysis of Images and Speech

Semester : S1
Title of the EU: UEM1
Subject title: Advanced Object Oriented Programming
Credits: 4
Coefficients: 2

Teaching objectives:
If so-called procedural programming consists of unrelated procedures and functions
individuals acting on dissociated data that can quickly lead to
difficulties in case of modification of the structure of the data, programming oriented
object (OOP), for its part, revolves around a single entity: the object, offering new
perspectives, to discover.
The objective of this subject is to master the use of OOP languages for the creation and
reuse of algorithms and the development of large-scale applications.
pruning in the form of practical work.

Recommended prior knowledge:

The concepts of procedural programming.

Material content:

1. Introduction to OOP
2. Basic concepts of OOP
3. Object Oriented concepts in Java
4. Encapsulation and Overloading
5. Legacy
6. Polymorphism
7. Abstract classes and interfaces
8. Exceptions

Assessment mode: Continuous and exam

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The resume

The motivation letter

Formal letters of professional type.

Assessment mode: Examination and continuous

Title of the Master: Processing and Analysis of Images and Speech

Semester : S2
Unit title: UEF3
Subject Title: Advanced Signal Processing
Credits: 6
Coefficients: 3

Teaching objectives:

The purpose of this course is to present an introduction to the application of the methods of
signal processing, and in particular of those which call upon the probabilities, with the study, of
in general, of all measuring systems, active or not.

Recommended prior knowledge:

Material content:

1. Logical theory of probability.

2. Decision theory.

3. Parameter estimation.
4. Kalman filtering.
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Assessment mode: Continuous and exam

References :

1. "Signal analysis and processing - methods and applications to sound and image", Étienne
Tisserand - Jean-François Pautex & Patrick Schweitzer, 2nd edition,
DUNOD Edition, 2008.

Title of the Master: Processing and Analysis of Images and Speech

Semester : S2
Unit title: UEF3
Subject title: In-depth image analysis
Credits: 6
Coefficients: 3

Teaching objectives: Interpretation of still or video images.

Recommended prerequisites: Image analysis: introduction

Material content:

1. Scene segmentation: multiresolution approach for object extraction,

active contours and level sets.
2. Mathematical morphology in grayscale.
3. Indexing and search by content. Compression Techniques

Assessment mode : Continuous and exam

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References :

• "Two-dimensional Signal and Image Processing", Jae S. Lim, Massachusetts Institute

of Technology, PRENTICE HALL PTR Edition, 1990.
• "Digital Image Processing", Rafael C. Gonzalez & Richard E. Woods, Second Edition,
Prentice Hall.
• "Digital Image Processing with Application to Digital Cinema", KS Thyagarajan,
Focal Press Edition, 2006.

Title of the Master: Processing and Analysis of Images and Speech

Semester : S2
Unit title: UEF4
Subject title: Image analysis and vision
Credits: 4
Coefficients: 2

Teaching objectives: This teaching unit has two parts: one on the vision by
computer, in particular the 3D aspects, and the other on reasoning in images
(structural representations, uncertain, fusion...).

Recommended prerequisite knowledge: Representation of knowledge.

Material content:

1. Introduction - Representation of knowledge and uncertainty

2. Merger
3. Stereovision and 3D reconstruction
4. Graphs
5. Geometric modeling

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6. Acquisition and processing of 3D point clouds

7. Symbolic approaches

Assessment mode: Continuous and exam

References :

• "Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing", Anil K. Jain, PRENTICE HALL PTR

Publishing, 1989.

• "Fundamentals of Three-Dimensional Digital Image Processing", JunichiroToriwaki &

Hiroyuki Yoshida, Springer Edition, 2009.

Title of the Master: Processing and Analysis of Images and Speech

Semester : S2
Unit title: UEF4
Subject title: Basics for data analysis and mining
Credits: 2
Coefficients: 1

Teaching objectives: Overview of the techniques used in learning

automatic, supervised or not, agent-oriented or not. The purpose of this course is to initiate
students in the basics of data mining. This course covers the methods

classics of visualization, unsupervised and supervised learning.

Recommended prior knowledge:

Material content:

1. Different types of data.

2. Univariate exploratory statistics.
3. Bivariate analysis.
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4. Association rules.
5. Statistical supervised learning (Regression, Discrimination, neural networks,
decision trees, ...).
6. Evaluation of workbooks.
7. Visualization and dimension reduction.
8. Unsupervised learning (k-means, CAH, k-modes, SOM).
9. Case study.

Assessment method: Exam

References :

• "Statistical learning", G. Dreyfus et al., EYROLLES Edition, 2008.

• "Introduction to Multivariate Static Analysis in Chemometrics", Kurt Varmuza & Peter
Filzmoser, CRC Press LLC Edition, 2008.

Title of the Master: Processing and Analysis of Images and Speech

Semester : S2
Title of the EU: UEM3
Subject title: Machine Learning
Credits: 4
Coefficients: 2

Teaching objectives: Overview of the techniques used in learning

automatic, supervised or not, agent-oriented or not.

Recommended prior knowledge:

Material content:

1. Bayesian networks.
2. Gradient descent, polynomial approximation.
3. Neural networks.

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developed than those initiated in MTU (reports, minutes, summaries, etc.) and
prepare their integration into working life (CV, cover letters, meeting minutes, etc.).

Recommended prior knowledge:

Material content:

1. Techniques to prepare for and succeed in an interview:

Activities to get students to identify:
maintenance forms and techniques
the profile of the recruiter
- the stages of the interview: Before, During, After
2. Techniques to prepare and succeed in a meeting:
Activities to bring the student to:
- be able to work in a group
- recognize the different types of meetings
- organize and conduct effective meetings.
- writing meeting minutes

Assessment method: Exam

References :

• "Techniques of expression and communication: evolution, foundations,

practice", Renée Simonet.

Title of the Master: Processing and Analysis of Images and Speech

Semester: S3
Unit title: UEF5
Title of the subject: Synthesis and recognition of the Word
Credits: 6
Coefficients: 3

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Teaching objectives: This teaching presents the paradigms of

recognition of speech and the individual characteristics of the speaker and the
associated algorithms.

Recommended prior knowledge:

Material content:

Part A

1. Recognition of vocal forms (tasks and objectives in recognition, principle of applications,

space of representation of forms, concept of class, learning of classes, recognition/
2. Vocal pattern recognition techniques (recognition strategies,
fusion of classifiers, adaptation by maximum a posteriori).
3. Recognition tasks (speech signal complexity factors,
complexity of the recognition task).
4. Voice recognition (recognition of acoustic continuums, dynamic programming, dynamic
comparison, application to the recognition of isolated voice entities).

5. Hidden Markov models (information theory, Markov process, modeling of the acoustic
channel, learning methods, application to recognition in isolated words and in
continuous speech),
6. Reconnaissance platforms (HTK, Sphinx).

Part B

1. Synthesis from the text (grapheme-phoneme conversion and syntax interface

2. Linear prediction (linear source/filter model, autocorrelation method,
3. Speech coding, analysis-synthesis and acoustic synthesis (synthesis by formants,
synthesis by diphones).
4. Synthesis algorithms by corpus.
5. Speech quality (NAQ, jitter, shimmer).
6. Pathological voices (dysphonia, dysarthria, dysprosody).
7. Emotions and emotional speech (typology of emotions, prosody of emotion).
8. Stress and stressed speech (analysis of stressed voice).
9. Detection of emotional state and stress (indicators of stress and fatigue).
10.Physical biometrics and individual characteristics (auditory authentication and
11.Speaker recognition (identification, verification, tracking, detection of

Institution : Ziane Achour University of Djelfa Title of the master: Processing and Analysis Page 37
Academic year: 2016-2017 Image and Word
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Assessment mode: Continuous and exam

References :


Kluwer Academic Publishers Edition, 2004.

• "Verbmobil: Foundations of speach-to-speach translation", Wolfgang Wahlster,

Springer Edition, 2000.

Title of the Master: Processing and Analysis of Images and Speech

Semester: S3
Unit title: UEF5
Title of subject: Analysis of video sequences

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Credits: 6
Coefficients: 3

Teaching objectives: Application of still image processing methods

moving images and use of additional information.

Recommended prior knowledge:

Material content:

1. Temporal segmentation of video sequences into shots.

2. Background segmentation and analysis, scene structuring.
3. Motion detection and compensation.
4. Object tracking, special case of small objects.
5. Volume detection from motion.

Assessment method: Continuous and examination.

References :

"Machine Learning for audio, image and video analysis: theory and applications",

Francesco Camastra, Alessandro Vinciarelli, Springer Edition, 2008.

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Title of the Master: Processing and Analysis of Images and Speech

Semester: S3
Unit title: UEF5
Subject title: Sound processing
Credits: 6
Coefficients: 3

Teaching objectives: To know several aspects of sound processing;

master the signal processing tools specific to sound processing; to know

program a process in simulation language.

Recommended prior knowledge:

Material content:

1. Voice: production, analysis, AR modeling, parametric coding.

2. Perception: functioning of the ear, audible field, critical bands, loudness, pitch, timbre, frequency
masking, temporal masking.
3. Audio coding: quantization, entropy coding, filter banks, models
psychoacoustics, perceptual coders (MPEG).
4. Audio watermarking: history, applications, constraints, techniques.
5. Audio quality : principles of subjective evaluation, some methods (intelligibility, pleasantness,
broadband audio quality), use of test results, objective quality measurements.

Assessment mode: Continuous and exam

References :


Academic Publishers Edition, 2004.

Institution : Ziane Achour University of Djelfa Title of the master: Processing and Analysis Page 40
Academic year: 2016-2017 Image and Word

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