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MgT LI LM t[\

ts ^k\r/v\
cDt Ktr w 0K\,D
l-{owre, C,uarc3 Ga3lQ. C. Ge--l,oc^D

0 . Sol.r- *he. Sotlptp ing g,obt€rh{-r t-ornpreretT
6r *he ne"\ [o ttbvrclc,cr' rru:rnb,ezrrr.
Fr\\ tn tha bt-r^r<r
1,\,t-,3, c, (, \3, 7\, 39, eC, 8O, \tq/ % 3,311,
ela.33Z \,c31 , ?SK\-, ''l,lst _td-!4E
1" Cq\culote Jhe fi-\towing;
. Fzs =
L-, * lzs_, . T,, = F,t-r t F,,-,
Fr*l = F,-+ F^ F,, -- f,o + F"^
= Lg ,G(1 f,r -- 9q

'F,.= F,u-' t \,,-,

r,*= futo t lll
F," = qt7
) - l+ Fq = 3,J ornd tsro = \f \f, urhq-t is -the. <ltrenl fi'uonac<.iZ
F,r= \f\f+3q
i F,, 133
The s6ren*h h\,rq)\ alccj is \? q.
3. lS fu=Zegq qnr-t Frr=leql ,who.iis F,u?
Ft* = Et*- F,,
f ,.r= ?.f89-[,.rq7
F," = qg7\
Tr'e F,., its q8f
q . Ftrnd- +h€- inde,a nutn!rc,*S n r^rh<r.e- Frr t( e^Jeh.
UJrt{e. doun the ya'*+ern

+". :_yhe4<, Fn fs -C.tue-n
The. pct+j€rn tn *jhrc-]n qn e\r er1
nur'bcr qPfear\s, occur1E.
br\ a.tT
*[t.'61- nurnbe,r tn -*hg (<guen
ce -
L fi;un cL t hccre lnu5l F\o n4=r wilh Ff"onacCi
nr.)rnlaef-C tr> va 9u\-

The [€avev o{ -}t^'e I-he [e o Uev o+ -flr-ic

f (orrr1 oke ts- p to^"2^t1- \'\c I

Tni.r .s$ccu her'1 t&u v''-l

o n -the rnclrkej w h'i\e
rn J rr'Y\ov-n, bv J'r P t :'-'**
i to.rr a Fi cNv^e- a'ei +r'*
!u i'ff-\uut ( nou.l t t'V
C-pr'.,* o.i ne .i- ti t=o nac Cr'
,,1u v-n!2f-r - tlnt .C rcrCCv\tnt
g4-ffiq-i p1q 3q (cca ufv.

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