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wife’s brother, who was the hereditary teacher of the Kurus.

As a boy Drona had studied

in an ashrama where the prince of Drupada was also studying. Years later, when the
prince had become king, Drona went to his court, claiming boyhood friendship. Drupada
spurned him, saying that friendship could be only between equals and a poor Brahmin
could never claim friendship but only patronage. Drona, in his turn, rejected patronage
and left Drupada’s court vowing vengeance. He found employment at the Hastinapura
Under Drona, all the princes became adept at arms but Pandu’s sons, especially Arjuna
and Bhima, proved themselves better than the others. Arjuna excelled in archery, Bhima
in wielding the mace.
When the boys’ education was finished Drona asked his pupils to march on Drupada.
Drupada was defeated and Arjuna brought him bound to Drona. Drona took away half
Drupada’s kingdom and released him, saying “Now we are equals.” Drupada in turn
performed a great sacrifice and got from the god of fire a girl, Krishna — Draupadi, and a
boy Dhrishtadyumna, born to kill Drona
To show off the skill of his pupils Drona arranged a tournament. Dhritarashtra,
Bhishma, Vidura, Gandhari, Kunti and the whole court were present. All were surprised
and satisfied at the skills of the princes. At this time, Karna suddenly came uninvited,
showed his skill before the assembled company, and challenged Arjuna to a fight. This
fight did not take place as Karna was discovered to be base born, being the son of
Adhiratha, the suta. Duryodhana, eager to secure a strong ally against the Pandavas,
vowed eternal friendship to Karna. On this occasion for the first time Kunti saw and re-
cognised the son she had abandoned.
After this exhibition, the Pandavas’ name was on everybody’s lips, and there was a
talk of Dharma’s being crowned king. Duryodhana was alarmed at this and in
consultation with his father, contrived to send the Pandavas to Varanavata, a distant town
on the border of the kingdom. He had Purochana build a combustible palace at the city,
where the Pandavas were to live for one year. The Pandavas got wise to the plot and
turned the tables by escaping through a tunnel and burning the house with Purochana and
six other people in it. Everybody thought that Pandavas with their mother had been
burned to death and there was much mourning at the Kaurava court. In the meanwhile
Pandavas escaped, kept themselves incognito for fear of the Kauravas, and reached
Drupada’s capital on the day when he was holding a svayamvara for princess Draupadi.
Among the kings invited for the svayamvara were Duryodhana, with his brothers and
Karna, also Krishna, his elder brother Balarama and other Yadavas who belonged to
Kunti’s father’s house. The Pandavas, disguised as Brahmins, sat among the Brahmins.
The condition of marriage was a difficult feat of archery. Nobody could accomplish it.
Then Arjuna rose, performed it and obtained Draupadi. Draupadi was married to all the
five Pandava princes. The powerful Yadavas came in large numbers with rich gifts to
attend the marriage. The Pandavas had returned from death, and had gained strong allies.
Bhishma advised Dhritarashtra to invite the Pandavas to Hastinapura to give them half
the kingdom. Dhritarashtra agreed to give them a half share of the kingdom, the distant
town of Indraprastha with the land around it, while he kept Hastinapura, the hereditary
capital, for himself and his sons.

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