Elements of An Epic

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Elements of an Epic

Plot centers around a Hero of Unbelievable Stature

King Indarapatra – is brave, wise, a warrior, and a great king who possesses
outstanding leadership qualities. He can fly with great speed.
Although Sulayman returned to Mantapuli after he came to life again, King Indarapatra
continued his journey to Mt. Gurayan. There he met the last monster, the dreadful bird
that had seven heads, and killed it with his sword, Juru Pakal.
Sulayman – is the brother of King Indarapatra. He is brave, a warrior, obedient to his
brother, and he can also fly.
Sulayman left Mantapuli and came over to Mindanao in the air. He neither walked nor
used a boat. The first place he reached was Mt. Kabalalan. He drew his sword and cut
Kurita, a terrible creature with many limbs to pieces. Then he went to Mt. Matutum and
fought Tarabusaw, an ugly creature in the form of a man but was very much larger. The
monster fell exhausted to the ground, then Sulayman struck it with his sword and killed
it. The next place he visited was Mt. Bita. He looked up to the sky and beheld a huge
bird descending from the sky upon him. As quick as he could draw his sword, struck
the bird and cut off its wing, and the bird fell dead.

Involves deeds of superhuman strength and valor

The epic revolves around the bravery and courage of King Indarapatra and his brother,
Sulayman. They have superpowers. Sulayman fought and killed the three monsters,
Kurita, Tarabusaw, and Pah using King Indarapatra’s sword, Juru Pakal. Unfortunately,
when the bird, Pah fell dead, its wing fell on Sulayman and killed him. King Indarapatra
came over to Mindanao to search for his brother. He traveled in the air with great speed.
He saw the bones of Sulayman at Mt. Bita. He recognized them through the sword that
was lying by his side. As he looked at the sword, and the bones, he was overwhelmed
with grief and wept with tears. While raising his head, he turned around and beheld a
small jar of water near him. He knew that the jar was sent down from heaven, so he
took it and poured its water on the bones of his brother, and Sulayman came to life

Vast Setting

The setting of the epic is in Maguindanao, on the island of Mindanao

Involves supernatural and-or otherworldly forces

Sulayman died when the bird Pah, fell dead, but its wing fell on him. King Indarapatra
found the bones of his brother at Mt. Bita. While raising his head he turned around and
beheld a jar of water near him. He knew that the jar was sent down from heaven, so he
took it and poured its water on the bones of his brother, and his brother came to life

Sustained elevation of style

And when King Indarapatra arrived at Mt. Bita, there he saw the dead bird lying on the
ground, and as he lifted the severed wing, he saw the bones of Sulayman and
recognized them through the sword that was lying by their side.

Poet remains objective and omniscient

After the four monsters had been destroyed and having restored peace and safety to
the land, King Indarapatra set himself searching for the people that might have escaped
destruction. One day during his search, he saw a beautiful woman at some distance but
she disappeared quickly through a hole in the ground where she was standing. Then he
saw an old woman nearby looking at him and wondering how he could cook his rice on
fire between his legs. He inquired of her about her escape and the inhabitants of the
land. She answered that most of them had been killed and devoured by the pernicious
animals, but that few were still alive. He urged her to lead him to the cave and show him
the people, and she did so. There he saw again the beautiful girl whom he had
observed at the opening of the cave. She was the daughter of the datu, and the datu
gave her to him in marriage in appreciation of the good he had done for them and the
salvation he had brought to the land. The people came out of the cave and returned to
their homes, where they lived in peace and prosperity again. At this time the sea had
withdrawn and the lowland had appeared.

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