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Earth: 3000 AD

Do you remember the movie Wall-E, where in the future humans, unable to
live in Earth’s bad conditions, left it in its decaying state? That might actually happen
to Earth in a thousand years...... or sooner.

Just imagine. The lush green plains we see today may end up as brown dirt in
the future. The deep blue sea may dry up to become more brown dirt. Remember
those tigers and rhinos you saw at the zoo when you were a little kid? Well your
future generation might not get see them at all!

How could such thing happen? Well, with the world’s birth rate increasing year
after year, it’s no wonder more housing areas are required to cope with the
increasing amount of people. If it’s not a development of a housing area then it’s
either an office block or a shopping mall. In Malaysia, a large chunk of our forest has
been destroyed for construction of highways and buildings. With the destruction of
the forest, the flora and fauna would not have a habitat to live in.

Apart from construction, weaponry has played a part in Earth’s destruction.

Many countries have been developing more and more powerful weapons with the
latest technologies such as bombs and missiles. When the weapons are tested, its
explosive aftermath can heavily damage the Earth’s ecosystem, as explosives tend
to release toxic gas that would pollute the air. For example, the energy released from
the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki during the Second World War
heavily polluted the air and the earth there. Plastic rubbish would only decay in a
thousand years, hence the rubbish would accumulate and its chemicals would
pollute the earth.

Even though developments and weaponry are to blame, the people are to
blame too. Many people have the habit of throwing their trash everywhere. Rubbish
thrown into the sea is bad too, as it can pollute the sea and affect the sea creatures
there. Factories also release black smoke and toxic liquid that can damage Earth’s
These facts may sound scary, but fret not, as many countries around the
world are doing their part to save the planet. Campaigns have been launched over
the years to remind the people on the consequences of throwing rubbish
everywhere. Volunteers have helped in cleaning up public places and getting rid of
rubbish from the sea. The government have also imposed fines on people who litter
and factories which do not follow the environmental guidelines. “No Plastic Bag Day”
is used by supermarkets to reduce the use of plastic bags.

As for the flora and fauna, actions have been taken to protect them and
preventing them from going extinct. The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) has
contributed a lot in conserving and protecting the environment. Severe punishment
is imposed on those who hunt endangered species.

So, before you throw that piece of rubbish on the ground, think about it. What
would happen if everyone else did the same thing? The Earth wouldn’t be such a
pleasant (not to mention fragrant) place to live in, would it? Think about our Earth in
3000 AD. We don’t want it to become a wasteland like in Wall-E, would we? And
lastly, think about your future generation. They wouldn’t be able to enjoy nature as
we are right now. We don’t want all those to happen, right? So from today onwards,
we should all play a part in saving our Earth from further destruction.

“Save Our Planet, Save Our Future”

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