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37 ATIC ECOSYSTEM ‘An aquatic ecosystem is an ecosystem located ina body of water. Biotic and abiotic components (which are self-regulating and self-sufficient) constitute an aquatic ecosystem. About 70% of the carth's total surface is under the aquatic ecosystem. Broadly, an aquatic ccosystem is of the following three types: | Freshwater ecosystem, marine ecosystem and estuarine ‘ecosystem. 3-7-1 Pond Ecosystem (or Freshwater Ecosystem) The different components of a pond ecosystem are as follows: (Abiotic Components Oxygen, carbon dioxide, water, nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium, amino acids, etc., are abiotic components of a pond ecosystem. (ii) Biotic Components They consist of the following: (4) Producers Some photosynthetic bacteria and the autotrophic green plants fix the solar energy with the help of nutrients obtained from the mud of the pond. (b) Consumers Primary Consumers They feed on the producers. Examples Herbivores like 200 plankton and small invertebrates like copepod. Secondary Consumers They feed on primary consumers. Examples Small carnivores like small fishes. Tertiary Consumers ‘They feed on secondary consumers. Examples Large fishes. () Decomposers They help in the release and recycling of nutrients. They decompose the organisms and are present at the base of the pond. Examples Bacteria, fungi, etc. Fig. 3.15 How food chain and food web are interconnected in an aquatic ecosystem Functions An aquatic ccosystem performs the following environmental func The law of conservation of this law , ad energy govems both the energy and ecosystem. According to nergy can neither be created nor destroyed. Resources drawn from nature in the form of materials and energy must inevitably retum to nature This takes Place im the form of waste disposal Environment in tum has the capacity to assimilate and regenerate these waste back into useful inputs thereby maintaining the ecological balance. The tragedy is that this balancing capacity of the environment is destroyed by ‘human being actions in the process of consumption and production in large scale all over ‘the world. Consequences of Ecological Imbalance: ‘The water we drink, the air we breathe and places where we live and work is getting polluted everywhere. Human being everyday uses the resources available to make more comfortable life to him and his generations. In addition to his activities the nature has also made some form of pollution in the natural environment. The two main sources of pollution are: 1. Natural sources of pollution 2. Man made or Anthropogenic sources of pollution 1, Natural sources of pollution: Some of the natural sources of pollution ace— * Explosive volcanic Forest fire produces more smoke and trace gases into the atmosphere. cae matter and race gases inject more SO , smoke: , particulate Natural contaminants present in the air like bacteria, tate dangerous when inhaled. pom {In marsh lands, the decaying of Organic matter, releases lammable methane Bas into the atmosphere. More amount of methane gas will affect the composition of gases in the atmosphere. ‘CO will be produced from the breakdown of methane gas in the marsh lands. ‘Spraying of salts from Oceans Electrical storms produce oxides of nitrogen in the atmosphere which leads for depletion of ozone layer. 2. Man- made sources of pollution: ‘Some of the Man-made sources of pollution are--—-—- Industrial development Rapid growth of Automobiles Uncontrolled population growth Deforestation Over exploitation of natural resources Use of fertilizers, pesticides etc in agricultural activities ‘Nuclear explosions Impacts on atmosphere; - * Most of the industri : i al activities particulate NES produce more ad Matter or pollutants into the amounts of gases and Nose : ‘atmosphere, Polluted air irritates the human being, tnt onstricts our throat and makes respirory deci * The dust and Carbon parti and deprive us of plewae ‘make our city dirty, spoil our material goods - Coal smog reduces visibility and is * Inhalation of asbestos fibres Problem which leads to cancer and even death, . TDs exhaust 8 of automobile contains mae amount of whut fe with ° The 0. CO reduces the 0; carrying capacity of blood. mission from industries contains $0; and NOx (NO,), these gases Causes acid rain, Release of CFC in the atmosphere causes depletion of Os layer . ‘The release of air pollutants causes global warming. Impacts on Water: * Change in colour will affect the usage of water and growth of plants and aquatic animals, © The DO is reduced by Organic Substances. * The water becomes unfit for drinking and other purposes because of the presence of Inorganic substances. © Growth of aquatic life and fishes are affected by the presence of acids, alkalies and other toxic substances. © Sewage disposed into the water body resulting many water bore discases to human beings ‘Major cause of traffic accidents, Sauses a serious occupational and heath Impacts on Land: © Disposal of Industrial effluents and domestic wastes on land causes loss of its fertility. © Soil organisms are affected by the presence of liquid as well as solid pollutants discharge on land. ‘© The crop produced in polluted land will be of inferior quality. © Removal of the top soil of land causes low fertility of crop production © Deforestation, the process of changing land use from forestry to a non-foest use is threatening not only the existence of many species but can also influence climate,

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