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Welcome To Email Startup Incubator

Anik Singal: Welcome to Lurn Nation. Man, now listen, by the time you have joined
Email Startup Incubator, I don't know maybe you've already been a part
of our amazing family, worldwide entrepreneurial family at Lurn. Or
maybe you're new to Lurn and so I want to tell you a little bit about us,
our story, our mission, just a couple of minutes, and I want to welcome
you to our amazing family. And then we'll move into the introduction
video for Email Startup Incubator, and get you on your way. Listen I built
Lurn, I'll tell you the whole story in a future video here in the introduction
module, but I built Lurn because when I was in college, I wanted to be an
entrepreneur. And in college, there was this community that I was able to
join. We lived and worked together, other entrepreneurs, we had
guidance, leadership. We had incubators. We had not an incubator, but
we had, you know, people, mentors we could go to and ask questions.

It was awesome. It was so much fun just to be able to be around other

entrepreneurs and share ideas and know that other people are just as
crazy as us. And then I graduated and I was doing pretty well and they
kicked me out of school, right? Because I got to go now and all of a
sudden I'm alone. You know, I find entrepreneurship is one of the most
lonely things you can do. Think about it. If you're a doctor, engineer,
lawyer, you're always surrounded by your peers. But as an entrepreneur,
you're not. And as entrepreneurs, we have we're so busy. We're so busy
building our dreams. We never have time to commune with one another
to help each other support each other. So seven years ago I sat down and
I realized that that was the challenge I would devote my life to resolving.

I wanted to build the transformational home for entrepreneurs and we

have. I wanted to build a physical representation of it and a virtual
representation of it. So you are officially a member of this family,
whether you like it or not. We use our hashtag #LurnNation. You're a part
of it and you're one of the founding members. We're getting close to
about half a million members now. And we are marching our way to 10
million. That is my goal. We are, our clock is going to start soon where I,
we do the reverse countdown to 10 million members in this amazing
community. And you know what we're going to do. It's not just
education. We don't want to just teach you. We want to bring you
entrepreneurs from all over the world, by the way, the best education.
It's not just about Anik Singal, although this course is about me.

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I'm the one who created the course, but you'll see that we have a ton of
coaches here at Lurn that it will be helping you, but we have topic experts
from all over the world about all different kinds of topics. My goal, my
mission is to facilitate an education for you. I want you to be able to
connect soon. The, from the time I'm filming this soon, Lurn is going to
have connection features that will allow you to connect with
entrepreneurs all over the world. Can you imagine what we can do to this
world when 10 million entrepreneurs sit in one place together? I am
telling you my mission and dream in life has been to change the world. I
know that when I die, I want the world to be a different place. I want it to
have changed the access to have changed.

And I was like, man, that's too hard. I'm not going. I don't want to, I don't
want to be the guy that invents the next iPhone. The chances of me doing
that are very small. So I thought, how do I cheat the system? How can I
change the world but make it easier on myself? And I thought you know
what? I'll help build and facilitate the success of an army of
entrepreneurs who all go out individually and do their impact. And if I can
get 10 million entrepreneurs out there in the world, that's fundamentally,
the world will have changed. And that's what we're doing here at Lurn.
That's our mission. That's our passion. That's our vision. That's my vision
and you're part of it now. And I really invite you to be a leader in this
community. I invite you to invite other people into the community. You
know, getting a membership at is free.

There's a lot of stuff we offer at Lurn that is free, but you are a part of our
most, one of our most elite and successful programs called Email Startup
Incubator, which we're going to spend the rest of this introductory
module talking about. But I just wanted to first say we are well on our
way to 10 million members in this community. You're going to see a lot of
features being released at And hey, we have a physical 26,000
square foot beautiful facility here in Rockwell, Maryland lecture, halls,
classrooms, video studios, audio studios, nap room, game room, ping
pong table, co-work space. You name it. We have it all here. It's a lot of
fun. So one day when we are doing an event here, we'll let you know, you
should please fly down and be part of our physical community. You're
already part of our virtual one. So welcome to the family here at Lurn.
We love having you, cannot wait to work with you, help you, support you,
and see all your success. And can't wait to get that support back from
you, too. Welcome to the family. This is Anik Singal reminding you. When
life pushes you stand straight, smile, and push it the heck back. Let's
move on to the next video.

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