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Sr Date of Station

No Observation

25.02.2021 LAB

27.02.2021 Pre Visual


6 Coil UT

02.03.2021 Store


03.03.2021 Auto UT



12 03.03.2021 Digital X-Ray


Old work instruction WMEP/SPM/QC/WI/01 REV.12 is display at coil storage

area near Spiral-1 mill. While current revision 13 is shown during surveillance
audit by lab team.

1. Digital PDF signatures for Prepared/Reviewed by are maintained by

preparing authority itself on Coil/Plate Inspection report QC/F/001 Rev.02
dated 20.02.2021 A . However there is no direct review/control from
reviewing authority.
2. Coil no 213100667 have coil width of 1875mm & SAP entry done in out of
tolerance mode. But no remark is stated on coil inspection report for
acceptance under deviation.

1. As per clause 7.5 of W.I, In SPM 2, 3&4 flow chart shows first step for
control tensile testing & after sample pass then coil’s release for production.
2. As per General Receiving Inspection flow diagram stated in W.I clause 9.0
after control tensile testing coil entry will be done in SAP.

Observation: Both flow chart/Diagram are not shows current practice in

which one coil is released for production & control tensile will be cut later on

SAP format no: QC/F/003 is maintain in SAP by Pre-visual inspector but

controls in terms of reviewed authority is missing for all dates. While in actual
practice manual format no: QC/F/058 is controlled for daily Pre-visual
inspection record.

All Pre-visual Inspector’s for line 2-3& 4 are not aware of Dent criteria as per
current order process chart (PPC/SPM-2-3-4/56” X15.88/X-70M Rev.00 Dated
24.01.2021) clause 10.1.

As per W.I (WMEP/SPM/QC/WI/SA/MG/39) Rev 02, clause 8.5 (Automatic

Recording device).
Coil UT calibration graph & Coil graphs are verified for operator name &
found that operator name is not mention in specified graphs

Welding consumable storage area beside project workshop has flux storage in
mass quantity but there is no control for temperature & relative humidity.
Also there is no record/recommendation as per flux manufacturer for

Accepted / Rejected identification mark for welding consumables is not

identifying at store permanent location.
As per W.I (WMEP/SPM/QC/WI/SA/MG/08) Rev 02, clause 1.0 (Scope) :
Requirements :
Untested weld seam (500mm) from both ends.

While AUT test report (QC/F/014 Rev.02) dated 03.03.2021 A shift for pipe
size 56”OD X 15.88mm WT mention extent of coverage 100% weld seam
(except 550mm from Both ends). The scope of client approved work
instruction & AUT SAP report doesn’t match for untested length.

As per W.I (WMEP/SPM/QC/WI/SA/MG/08) Rev 02, clause 15.0 :

In Annexure-IV format no QC/F/014 Rev.01 is mention for AUT report but at

current QC/F/014 Rev.02 is in place. Also Content of both formats is different.

1. During Calibration & running production, Scanning speed for AUT is

12m/min as witness while AUT SAP test Report on dated 03.03.2021 shows
Scanning speed of 10m/min.

2. Average Gain for AUT as per DB record is 47.1 db while in SAP AUT report
it is mention as 46.3 db.

Digital Radiography test report (QC/F/019 Rev.03) dated 02.03.2021 A shift

mention sensitivity 1.5%. But in actual 1.5% sensitivity belong to Pipe ends
while sensitivity is different at RSO/RSI & CW location i.e. near to 1.8% which
is not mention in test report.











Action Taken Date of Observation
Remarks Status

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