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Name Position Assigned Tasks Signature

Question No. 1; Checklist

1. Althea Conos Leader
task 1 & 2

2. Anne Jasmine Question No. 2; Checklist

Delos Santos task 3 & 4

3. Kurt Gabriel Question No. 5; Checklist

Mangana task 5 & 6

4. Buenabrix Question No. 4; Checklist

Samsom task 7

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Virtual Lab Report
Vectors and Scalars
This lab report is for you to reflect on what you completed and learned in this simulation,
and to practice your written scientific communication skills.


1. Describe the overall objective and make a hypothesis

2. Introduce relevant background knowledge on this topic
3. Summarize the steps taken in the simulation
4. Explain any obtained results
5. Discuss the conclusions and implications

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1. Describe the overall objective and make a hypothesis.
What is the overall purpose of the experiments or activities? Make a hypothesis if applicable.

Hint: The purpose is often stated in the welcome message of the simulation.

The overall goal or purpose of the virtual simulation’s activities and experiments is to
gain a deeper and better grasp of vectors and scalars. The fundamental physical quantities
of distance, speed, displacement, and velocity were presented to us in the vector and scalars
simulation. We were able to understand and discern the differences between vector and
scalar variables, as well as identify the magnitude and direction of a vector, thanks to the
simulation’s extensive explanation, experiments, and activities. The goal of the experiment
is to send a mission to the astronauts who are currently on Mars’ surface.

After conducting the simulation, the students will be able to:
o distinguish the components of vector and scalar quantities;
o be familiar with coordinate systems such as the Cartesian coordinate system;
o distinguish distance from displacement and speed from velocity;
o be able to add vectors and understand the Pythagorean theorem;
o define vector components;
o be familiar with the fundamental physical quantities;

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o Identify the magnitude and direction of vector quantities, and;
o solve basic engineering problems

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2. Introduce relevant background knowledge on this topic.
What have you learned in class or researched on your own that would help prepare for this

Hint: You can review the “THEORY” section in the simulation or at
if you need help.

We learnt new things through the vector and scalar simulation, but we already have
a background in this topic because we discussed it in physics class and did some preliminary
study before the simulation. This has taught me new things about coordinate systems, the
cartesian coordinate plane, vectors and scalars, distance and displacement, speed and
velocity, vector addition, the Pythagorean theorem, and other vector components, all of
which are important topics in physics for engineers. To establish the position of any elements
or points in a topological space, a coordinate system is used. This is used by engineers,
mathematicians, and physicists to solve or translate problems requiring geometry and
numbers, as well as by students for their studies.

The Cartesian coordinate plane is an example of a coordinate system that determines

points using numbers and coordinates. The x-axis (horizontal direction) and the y-axis
(vertical direction) are two dimensional lines in the cartesian plane, and these perpendicular
lines establish the scale of axes. To use the cartesian plane, we must begin at a given position
and follow the horizontal x-axis (left or right) and vertical y-axis (up or down) lines, which

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both intersect at the (0,0) point or the origin.

The motion of an object, which encompasses speed, velocity, distance, and

displacement, is also a crucial topic. These quantities are classified as scalar or vector. A
vector is a quantity with both magnitude and direction, whereas a scalar is a quantity with
only magnitude.

Distance and speed are examples of scalar quantities; distance refers to the amount
of space that an object has covered in its motion, whereas speed is the rate at which an
object covers a space or a distance during motion. Displacement and velocity are examples
of vector quantities; displacement refers to the length of position covered from the object's
initial position to its final position after the motion and the object's overall change in position
covered, whereas velocity is the rate at which the object changes its position with magnitude
and direction in its motion.

Two vectors can be added together using the Pythagorean theorem, which is a method
for determining the result of adding two vectors that are 90 degrees apart and form a right
triangle. This is a geometry formula that involves and relates the lengths of the sides and
hypotenuse of a right triangle. Vectors are added graphically by using the head-to-tail
method, which involves drawing two vectors with the head of the first vector as the starting
point for the tail of the second vector, and then drawing the resultant from the tail of the
first vector and the head of the second vector. The components of a vector are used in
coordinate axes, which are commonly used in the engineering field to solve problems.

The components of a vector are utilized in coordinate axes, which are widely used in
the engineering profession to solve problems involving forces. The force parallel to the x-
axis is called the X-component, whereas the force parallel to the y-axis is called the Y-
component. A vector that is perpendicular to the standard coordinate axes can be split into
two components. Each portion is oriented along its own coordinate axes, and these pieces
are perpendicular to one another.

These topics are necessary for a deeper or better grasp of vectors and scalars, and

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they serve as a basis for more advanced engineering disciplines and careers in the field.
These themes serve as a foundation for the topics that will be studied and learnt in physics
in the future.

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3. Summarize the steps taken in the simulation.
Explain each step you completed including the equipment and techniques you used.

Hint: You can use the “MISSION” tab in the LabPad as inspiration.

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Two monitors are enabled at workstation 1 for the unique role of assisting Astronauts
A and B in locating the LERS-M and returning to the spaceship. We were told to turn on the
displays at the workstation, with the left monitor showing the recorded video of the surface
of Mars from the closest satellite, and the right monitor showing the coordinate plane which
will be used to locate the spacecraft, both astronauts A and B, and LERS-M.

1. The Cartesian Coordinate System

On the surface of Mars, the Cartesian coordinate system was introduced at the right
monitor, where it serves as a locator for the crew, spacecraft, and space rover. Our task is
to lead the astronauts by assigning places or locating them using the cartesian coordinate

2. Define the Coordinates

We were requested to locate or assign the positions of the objects on Mars' surface
in order to specify the coordinates. The spaceship is located at (0,0), astronaut A is located
at (-300,0), astronaut B is located at (100, -200), and the space rover or LERS-M is located
at (0,0). (300,400). Following the assignment of positions, we were given questions to answer
as part of the quiz, including how astronaut A will return to the spacecraft and which object
or astronauts were stationed at (100, -200) coordinates.

3. Direction of Vectors
Located at workbench 2 was an assigned task about the direction of vectors for us
to be able to carefully align the arrows from point A to point B Instead of a random position
in the center, the papers are placed with the corresponding vectors from left to right or from
point A to B. The head-to-tail method is also utilized in this task to connect two points
graphically and to add more than two vectors.

4. Difference between Distance and Displacement

Given the coordinates on the cartesian plane, we were tasked to find the distance
and displacement through the Pythagorean theorem.

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5. Difference between Speed and Velocity
There was this one question wherein we were asked to answer whether it is speed or
velocity. Based on our discussions, we were able to answer the question by remembering
that speed is a scalar quantity and has no direction while velocity travels in a given direction
per unit time.

6. Vector Components
In this step, we were given tasks at Workbench 3 that required us to fix the mix of
force vectors in order to enable the rover escape the mud hole. Knowing that the total of
force vectors influences both magnitude and direction, the method here is to find the correct
directions where the components of the force will release the rover. To conclude the
simulation, a question about vector components was posed after the task.

7. Outro Scene
After all that we’ve done to help the astronauts, we were asked if we gained
knowledge during the whole process of playing the vectors and scalars simulation, which we
agreed on. Then our all over progress was saved, aligned with our total score.

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4. Describe any obtained results.
Explain any obtained results. Were these results expected or unexpected?

Hint: You can use the “MEDIA” tab in the Lab Pad to find relevant images from the simulation.
You can also take screenshots while you are playing the simulation.

Figure 4.1

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In the diagram above, the challenge was to use the Cartesian Coordinate System or
Cartesian plane to identify the coordinates of astronauts A and B, the spacecraft, and the
LERS-M or the rover. The spaceship is at (0,0) or the origin, astronaut A is at (-300,0),
astronaut B is at (100, -200), and the space rover, or LERS-M, is at (100, -200). (300,400).
Because of the fundamental knowledge of coordinates and the cartesian plane, the result
displayed in Figure 4.1 was derived. The findings were predicted because all we had to do
was focus on the left monitor while assigning the positions of the items on Mars' surface in
the cartesian coordinate system to the right display.

Because of the fundamental knowledge of coordinates and the cartesian plane, the
result displayed in Figure 4.1 was derived. The findings were predicted because all we had to
do was focus on the left monitor while assigning the positions of the items on Mars’ surface
in the cartesian coordinate system to the right display.

Figure 4.2
Arrange the papers so that they go from point A to point B; this is all about vector
direction. Starting from point A to point B, the position of the arrows must be correct. The

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first vector is directed south-east, the second vector is horizontally directed, the third vector
is pointed north-east, and the fourth vector is directing south-east.

As a result, we may state that Point B is located to the south-east of Point A, and
that the two points were linked by four vectors. We adopted the head-to-tail method, which
means we started from the right side (point A) and worked our way to the left side (point B),
rather than starting at a random spot in the middle.

Figure 4.3

The goal of the job depicted in Figure 4.3 was to assist the astronauts and the rover
in escaping the pit in which they were trapped. To help the rover escape the mud hole, the
right combination of forces and vectors must be chosen at Workbench 3. To accomplish this
job, you’ll need to know about vector components and the sum of force vectors. The right
combination of vectors/arrows to release the rover and finish this mission is 100N direction
of movement for Astronaut B and 70N direction of movement for Astronaut A.

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The arrows containing 100N from Astronaut B and 70N from Astronaut A add up to a
vector sum of 170N, which is the vector force combination needed to complete this mission.
We had a hard time understanding the outcome at first, but after reading the theory section
and recalling the material, we were able to complete the task.

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5. Discuss the conclusions and implications.
How do your results relate back to the original purpose and your hypothesis? Were there any
systematic sources of error that could have affected the results? What did you learn? What is
the importance of these findings and how can you apply them to other real world situations?

The laboratory simulation's goal or purpose is to gain a better grasp of the topic
vectors and scalars. Because we had already covered vectors and scalars before the
simulation, We were able to get a good overview of the issue and refresh my memory. Being
introduced to the fundamental physical quantities of distance, speed, displacement, and
velocity provided me with fresh insights and information that we may apply in the field of
engineering in the future.

The students will be able to distinguish the components of vector and scalar
quantities, be familiar with coordinate systems such as the Cartesian coordinate system,
differentiate distance from displacement and speed from velocity, add vectors, be familiar
with the Pythagorean theorem, define vector components, be familiar with the fundamental
physical quantities, and identify the magnitude of the experiments and tasks of finding the
astronauts' and rover's coordinates, arranging the papers to go from point A to point B, and
removing the rover from the pit all yield successful results, which meet the overall target
or original purpose and are related back to the original purpose.

We conclude that there are no systematic sources of inaccuracy after experiencing

the experiments, tasks, activities, and questions because everything we needed to know
about vectors and scalars was readily available. The simulation was user-friendly enough
that doing experiments while learning was simple. The results of the trials and questions
were error-free, and they solely served to keep us students engaged in the simulation while
also teaching us something.

The experiments, tasks, activities, and quiz questions gave me a better

understanding of the topic and gave me new ideas to be able to distinguish the differences
between vector and scalar quantities and to identify the magnitude and direction of a
vector through the thorough representation of the objective, which is to direct a mission

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to the astronauts who are on the surface of Mars. After playing the laboratory simulation,
we were able to learn new things and refresh my knowledge of vectors and scalars, as this
simulation supplied not only information but also representations of experiments and
tasks, which piqued our curiosity and enthusiasm for learning about physics.

The simulation's lecture and experimentation, along with its short quiz has helped us
gain a firm grasp of understanding of the physical quantities, differentiating between
distance, speed, displacement, and velocity. It also helped us visualize vectors by utilizing
the cartesian plane and the pythagorean theorem. By plotting the coordinates of the
astronauts and their equipment on the plane, we were able to define their positions relative
to each other and calculate far the astronauts would have to move in order to fulfill the
mission, mirroring the real world, vectors and coordinate systems such as the cartesian plane
are used in different fields in order to plot locations that will let them accurately pinpoint
various locations and points of interests, for example, the GPS trackers that we use utilize
geographic coordinates that allows us to navigate our way around the world, these give
accurate vectors that will gives an idea how far something might be, and what direction to
take, which will then let us estimate the travel time. Another example is the ATC, or the Air
Traffic Controllers, which utilize geometry and calculus in order to accurately define the
positions and trajectories of planes in order to keep them from colliding with each other up
in the skies. By identifying the components of each plane's vectors, they can visualize their
paths and adapt flight paths accordingly.


“I accept responsibility for my role in ensuring the integrity of the work submitted by the
group in which I participated.”

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