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Krizzel Andrea D. Lee Performance Output No.

Grade 5 – MIS Science 5


As you can see in the photo, we have a pet dog named Ozzy. Ozzy is a cross breed of shih tzu
and a poodle. Ozzy has a fluffy and smooth fur. He loves to play and is very energetic. He
enjoys going for walks and we often accompany him wherever we go. Also, what I love best
about Ozzy is that he's really sweet and adorable.
Dogs are sexually reproducing animals. This necessitates the involvement of both a male and
female canine. There is sperm in the male dog. The female dog is carrying eggs. When it's time
to breed, the male dog approaches the female dog and injects sperm into her body. The eggs
are fertilized by the sperm. Once fertilized, the eggs begin to grow inside the female dog's
body. Inside the female dog's body, the fertilized eggs develop into puppies, which are small
dogs. The mother dog gives everything the growing puppies require to grow inside her body
until they are ready to be born.

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