PSLV c52 Eos 04 v4

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PSLV-C52/ E0S-04 PSLV C52/ EOS: MISSION DESCRIPTION PSLV-C52 launches EOS-04 (Earth This is the Séth fight of PSLV-C52 Its of from Observation Satellite -O4)to a Sun — PSLV and 23rd mission using First Launch Pad (FLP), Synchronous orbit ecaries wo PSLV-XL configuration wth DSC, SHAR. satellites as co-passengers, PSOM-XLs Vehicle Characteristics Mission Specifications am SeniNajrAvefin) 07S Li off Mass zit “Atte a 529022 SaaS {wre equator Earth rads) First Stage ‘6PSOM-XL+ S139 Inclination (deg) 97514 SecondStage —PLAO Launch Azimuth es] 0 Thre Stage fess Fourth Stage sim PSLV-C52 Stages at a Glance ETI seer? swoe ES a Psi PSOM XL Length (mj 20 2 28 36 30 Diameter(m) 28 1 28 2 134 Propeliane Solid (HTPG Solid Liquia ‘Sold (HTPB Liquid (MMH based) (HIPB based) (UH25+NsO) _ based) MON3} Propelian’ 139 W22{each) 4 765 25 Mass () PSLV-C52 Flight Sequence ‘Satellite Separation Cut-off of P54 Ignition of PS4 ‘Separation of HPS3 Ignition of HPS ‘Separation of PS2 ‘Separation of Heatshield Ignition of PS2 Separation of PSI Separation of 2air-lit PSOMs Separation of 4 ground-lit PSOMs Ignition of 2 ait-lit PSOMs Ignition of PSI Ignition of & ground:.tit PSOMs Paylead Accommecaton in PSLV-C52 Say SS PSLV-C52 Typical Flight Profile RCTHanition 02a 4519 PSI Ignition ‘0.024 4519 PSOM XL 12 (GL) nition ‘0.024 4519 PSOM XL 3,4 (GL) anion ‘0024 4519 PSOM XL5, 6 (AL} Ignition 272 5707 SOM XI 12 (GL) Separation 26963 TB042 PSOM XI 3,4 (CL) Separation 27103 13087 PSOM X1.5,6 (AL) Separation 97.956 18858 PSI Separation 68.937 2033 PS2 ignition 6974 224 Heat Shield Separation 15s0s CLGinivation 121099 24079 P52 Separation 237087 403384 P53 ignition 238368 40304 P53 Separation 450.692 Se1s! St ignition 457405, 58052 PS& Cutoff 533.967 75920 E0S.04 separation 534707 7596.0 sat- Separation 535.859 75955 INS-27D Separation 536,82 7595.4 541573 5 7% 75962 Ney a ey EOS-04 is a Radar Imaging Satellite designed to provide high quality images under all weather conditions for applications such as Agriculture, Forestry and Plantations, Flood Mapping, Soil Moisture & Hydrology. Collecting earth observation data in C-Band, it complements/supplements the data from Resourcesat, Cartosat series and RISAT-28 series. INS-2TD is a technology demonstrator satellite from ISRO, which is a precursor to the India-Bhutan joint satellite (INS-2B), Having a thermal imaging camera as its payload, the satellite benefits the assessment of- land surface temperature; water surface temperature of wetlands/lakes; delineation of vegetation (crops and forest); and thermal inertia (day/night) INSPIREsat-I is a student satellite developed by Indian Institute of Space Science & Technology (IIST), in association with University of Colorado, USA. Other contributors are NTU, Singapore and NCU, Taiwan. Two scientific payloads improve the understanding of ionosphere dynamics and sun's coronal heating processes. SALIENT FEATURES Wass (ra) nT ren 05-04 “i080 ioyears INs2T0 so é months IseResatt |g] year hte aes Po eee eerie ras /SRO/ @ @is1o @ wwwisrogovin

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