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At the Hotel

When people travel they may stay at hotels, motels [məʊˈtelz], inns [ɪnz], lodges
[lɒdʒiz] or resorts [rɪˈzɔːts]. But no matter where you are going to stay it is necessary
to remember the following: the first thing to do is to book a room in advance either
by e-mail or telephone. Otherwise you may arrive at the hotel and be told that there
are no vacant rooms.
On arrival [əˈraɪvl] at the hotel you should go to the reception [rɪˈsepʃn] desk in
the lobby and confirm [kənˈfɜːm] your reservation [ˌrezəˈveɪʃn]. The clerk will then
give you a registration [ˌredʒ.ɪˈstreɪ.ʃən] form to fill and sign (the form is filled in
block letters). In smaller hotels you simply [ˈsɪmpli] sign the visitor’s book and give
your permanent address. The desk clerk will give you out the keys, then a porter
[ˈpɔː.tər] or a bell-boy will take your luggage and show you up to your room.
It may be an outside room facing a beautiful square [skweə] or you may have a
back-room if you don’t want to be disturbed [dɪˈstɜːbd] by the noise of traffic. It may
be a single room if you travel alone and a twin or a double room if you have a
companion [kəmˈpæn.jən]. Or it may be a suite  [swiːt] if you can afford [əˈfɔːd] it.
Rooms in most hotels have all modern conveniences: air-conditioning, a private
bath-room with all the necessary toiletries [ˈtɔɪ.lə.triz] ( soap, shampoo, toothpaste),
towels [taʊəlz], linen [ˈlɪn.ɪn] and a hairdryer [ˈheəˌdraɪ.ər]. If you are fond of
watching TV, there is usually one with a satellite [ˈsæt.əl.aɪt] aerial [ˈeə.ri.əl] offering
[ˈɒf.ər.ɪŋ] numerous [ˈnjuː.mə.rəs] channels [ˈtʃæn.əlz] to your liking. A telephone is
a must in every room as well as a fridge with so called “mini-bar”, containing
beverages [ˈbev.ər.ɪdʒiz], snacks, alcohol [ˈælkəhɒl] drinks, juices and chocolate. The
charge for using them is added to your bill at check out. The hotels also provide their
guests with the Internet services, although they may come at an additional price.
Usually hotels offer a lot of facilities such as 24-hour room service, a beauty
parlor [ˈpɑː.lə], a barber’s [ˈbɑː.bəz] shop, a swimming pool, a tennis court, a car
rental [ˈren.təl] service, babysitting service and so on. You will also find a restaurant
and a bar on the premises [ˈpremɪsɪz] where one is offered exquisite [ɪkˈskwɪz.ɪt]
cuisine [kwɪˈziːn]. Remember: the more stars the hotel has, the more facilities are
offered and the more money is charged [tʃɑːdʒd]!
At good hotels they usually have a well-trained staff who will take care of you
during your stay. As a rule you may ask for any service by telephone. You may also
complain about some problem you have in your room: if a bulb has fused [fjuːzd], or
the shower is broken, or the pipe [paɪp] in the bathroom is clogged [klɒɡd], or your
toilet paper isn’t soft enough.
If you keep money and jewellery [ˈdʒuːəlri] in your room it is your own
responsibility and not that of the hotel. So it is advisable [ədˈvaɪ.zə.bl̩ ] to keep them
in a safety box to make sure they are not stolen.
The payment for the hotel is made according to the price-list . Bills are usually
paid at weekly intervals [ˈɪn.tə.vəlz] but you may also pay by the day, on arrival [ə
ˈraɪvl] or on departure [dɪˈpɑːtʃə]. Let the hotel management know well in advance
the day and time of your departure. The clerk will then make your bill ready. You
may pay in cash or use a credit card which is more convenient [kənˈviːniənt]. In case
you need a taxi, it’ll be called.
When leaving the hotel don’t forget to thank the personnel [ˌpɜː.sənˈel] for the
impeccable [ɪmˈpek.ə.bl̩ ] service and hospitality [ˌhɒs.pɪˈtæl.ə.ti]!
Коли люди подорожують, вони можуть зупинитися в готелях, мотелях,
корчмах, пансіонатах або курортах. Але незалежно від того, де ви збираєтесь
зупинитися, необхідно пам’ятати наступне: перше, що потрібно зробити, це
заздалегідь забронювати номер за допомогою електронної пошти або телефону.
В іншому випадку ви можете прибути в готель і вам повідомлять, що вільних
номерів немає.
Після прибуття в готель вам слід зайти на стійку реєстрації у фойє та
підтвердити своє бронювання. Потім секретар видасть вам реєстраційну форму,
яку потрібно заповнити та підписати (форма заповнюється друкованими
літерами). У менших готелях ви просто підписуєте книгу відвідувачів і вказуєте
свою постійну адресу. Секретар за стійкою видасть вам ключі, потім швейцар
або дзвоник забере ваш багаж і покаже до вашої кімнати.
Це може бути зовнішня кімната, що виходить на красиву площу, або у
вас може бути задня кімната, якщо ви не хочете, щоб вас турбував шум
дорожнього руху. Це може бути одномісна кімната, якщо ви подорожуєте
поодинці, та двомісна, якщо у вас є супутник. Або це може бути номер, якщо ви
можете собі це дозволити.
Номери більшості готелів мають усі сучасні зручності: кондиціонер,
приватну ванну з усіма необхідними туалетно-косметичними засобами (мило,
шампунь, зубна паста), рушники, постільна білизна та фен. Якщо ви любите
дивитися телевізор, зазвичай є такий із супутниковою антеною, що пропонує
численні канали на ваш смак. Телефон є обов’язковим для кожної кімнати, а
також холодильник з так званим “міні-баром”, який містить напої, закуски,
алкогольні напої, соки та шоколад. Плата за їх використання додається до
вашого рахунку при виїзді. Готелі також надають своїм гостям послуги
Інтернету, хоча вони можуть вимагають за це додаткову платню.
Зазвичай готелі пропонують багато зручностей, таких як цілодобове
обслуговування номерів, салон краси, перукарня, басейн, тенісний корт,
послуга прокату автомобілів, послуги няні тощо. Ви також знайдете ресторан і
бар на території, де пропонують вишукані страви. Пам’ятайте: чим більше зірок
у готелю, тим більше послуг пропонується і стягується більше грошей!
У хороших готелях зазвичай є добре навчений персонал, який подбає
про вас під час вашого перебування. Як правило, ви можете попросити будь-яку
послугу по телефону. Ви також можете поскаржитися на якусь проблему, яка
виникає у вас в кімнаті: якщо лампочка перегоріла, або душ зламався, або труба
у ванній засмічена, або ваш туалетний папір недостатньо м’який.
Якщо ви тримаєте гроші та коштовності у своїй кімнаті, це ваша
відповідальність, а не відповідальність готелю. Тому бажано тримати їх у
сейфі, щоб переконатись, що їх не вкрадуть.
Оплата за готель здійснюється за прейскурантом. Рахунки, як правило,
оплачуються з інтервалом в тиждень, але ви також можете платити щодня,
після прибуття чи від'їзду. Повідомте адміністрації готелю заздалегідь день і
час вашого виїзду. Потім клерк підготує ваш рахунок. Ви можете оплатити
готівкою або скористатися кредитною карткою, що є більш зручним. Якщо вам
потрібно таксі, воно буде викликане.
Виходячи з готелю, не забудьте подякувати персоналу за бездоганний
сервіс та гостинність!
Essential Vocabulary
to stay at a hotel - зупинитися в готелі the charge for smth - плата за щось

no matter where - no matter where to charge smb for smth - брати з когось
гроші за щось
in advance - наперед
to provide smb with smth - забезпечити
either … or – або, або
когось чимось
otherwise - інакше
to come at an additional price - за
to arrive at a hotel - прибути в готель додаткову плату

on arrival - по прибутті on the premises - на території

in block letters - друкованими літерами exquisite cuisine - вишукана кухня

permanent address - постійна адреса to ask for smth - просити про щось

to complain about smth - скаржитися на

to show smb to some place - показати
комусь якесь місце one’s own responsibility - власна
to be disturbed by smth - турбувати
it is advisable to do smth - бажано щось
the noise of traffic - шум дорожнього зробити
to make sure that - переконатися, що
companion -супутник
according to smth - згідно з
to afford smth - дозволити собі щось
in case - у разі
to one’s liking - до душі
to let smb know - щоб хтось знав
a must - обов’язково

Topical vocabulary 1

hotel - готель to book a room - забронювати кімнату

motel - мотель, для водіїв reception desk - стійка реєстрації

inn - трактир lobby - вестибюль

lodge - будиночок to confirm one’s reservation - підтвердити

чиєсь бронювання
resort - курорт
to fill in a registration form - заповнити to offer numerous channels - пропонувати
форму реєстрації безліч каналів

to sign a form / a visitor’s book - fridge - холодильник

залишити підпис у формі/ книзі
mini-bar - міні бар, морозилка
beverages - напої
signature - підпис
snacks - їжа для перекусів
desk clerk - офісний працівник
at check out - на перевірці
to give out the keys - видати ключі
internet services - інтернет послуги
porter - швейцар
24-hour room service - 24
bell-boy - посильний
годиннобслуговування номерів
luggage - багаж
a beauty parlor - перукарня
an outside / inside room
a babor’s shop - барбершоп, перукарня
a single room - кімната для одного для чоловіків

a double room - кімната для двох a swimming pool - басейн

suite - номер люкс a tennis court - тенісний корт

to face a beautiful square - виходити на a car rental service - послуга з оренди

гарну площу автомобіля

modern conveniences - сучасні зручності babysitting service - послуга наглядання

за дітьми, няня
air-conditioning - кондиціонер
well-trained staff - кваліфікований
necessary toiletries - необхідні засоби
a bulb has fused - лампа перегоріла
soap - мило
a shower has broken - душ зламався
shampoo - шампунь
a pipe is clogged - труба засмічена
toothpaste - зубна паста
to keep jewellery in a safety box -
towels - рушники
зберігати дорогоцінності у сейфі
linen - постільна білизна
facilities - послуги, засоби, зручності
hairdryer - фен
to offer facilities - пропонувати зручності
a satellite aerial - супутникова антена
to pay bills at weekly intervals - платити
за рахунки кожен тиждень
the payment for the hotel - плата за готель to pay in cash - платити готівкою

the price list - перелік цін impeccable service - бездоганне

hotel management - управління готелю
hospitality - гостинність
departure - виїзд
on departure - під час виїзду

Pronunciation Development

1. Transcribe the following words and learn their pronunciation:

hotel, resort, otherwise, vacant, sign, keys, luggage, suite, conveniences, affors, toiletries,
linen, satellite aerial, channels, beverages, although, premises, excuisite, cuisine, staff,
clogged, jewellery, departure, impeccable.

2. Read the following nouns. Pay attention to the final /z/:

hotels, motels, inns, lodges, rooms, letters, keys, conveniences, toiletries, towels,
channels, beverages, juices, services, facilities, barber’s, premises, stars, intervals,

Reading Comprehension

Exercise 3 Find in the text the answers to the following questions:

a) What are the main types of a hotel?

The main types of a hotel are hotels, motels, inns, lodges or resorts.

b) What is recommended to do before you leave home?

The first thing to do is to book a room in advance either by e-mail or telephone.

c) What may happen if you haven’t book a room in advance?

If you haven’t book a room in advance, you may arrive at the hotel and be told that there are
no vacant rooms.

d) Who will take care of your luggage when you arrive?

A porter or a bell-boy will take your luggage when you arrive.

e) What type of rooms are there?

There are may be an outside room, a back room, a single room, a twin or a double room, a

f) Which modern conveniences are offered at hotels?

Rooms in most hotels have all modern conveniences: air-conditioning, a private bath-room
with all the necessary toiletries ( soap, shampoo, toothpaste), towels, linen and a hairdryer.

g) What does the price of the hotel depend on?

the more stars the hotel has, the more facilities are offered and the more money is charged!

h) What problems may hotel guests encounter with?

You may complain about some problem you have in your room: if a bulb has fused, or the
shower is broken, or the pipe in the bathroom is clogged, or your toilet paper isn’t soft

4. Agree or disagree with the following statements:

a) When you plan to go to another city you must buy a ticket and you have nothing else
to worry about.

Far from it! You must also to book a room in advance either by e-mail or telephone.
Otherwise you may arrive at the hotel and be told that there are no vacant rooms.

b) Lodges and resorts are always situated near highways.

It’s simply nonsense! Motels and inns are always situated near highways.

c) At good hotels they usually have well-trained staff.

So it is! At good hotels they usually have a well-trained staff who will take care of you
during your stay.

d) If you don’t want to be disturbed by the noise of traffic you should take a front

Nothing of the kind. If you don’t want to be disturbed by the noise of traffic you should take
a backroom.

e) Newly married couples are usually settled in two-bedded rooms.

I doubt it greatly. Newly married couples are usually settled in double rooms.

f) Fashionable hotels offer their guests a lot of facilities.

No way! The more stars the hotel has, the more facilities are offered and the more money is

g) You may call the room service if you want to have meals sent up to your room.

Right you are. The room service delivers food from the onsite restaurant to a guest's room.
h) One-star establishments are the best ones and provide every comfort to their guests.

On the contrary! Five-star establishments are the best ones and provide every comfort to
their guests. The more stars the hotel has, the more facilities are offered and the more money
is charged!

i) A housekeeper is a person who takes care of the laundry, cleaning and pressing of the
guests’ clothes.

I am afraid you are wrong. Laundry Attendant is a person who takes care of the laundry,
cleaning and pressing of the guests’ clothes.

j) You must pay for your room only in advance.

No way! Bills are usually paid at weekly intervals but you may also pay by the day, on
arrival or on departure.

k) The receptionist usually asks you to fill in a registration form.

I am afraid I can’t agree with you. The clerk usually gives you a registration form to fill and
sign (the form is filled in block letters).

Language Development

5. Fill in the necessary prepositions and adverbs in the following sentences:

1) The first thing to do is to book a room advance.

2) ..on. arrival at… the hotel go to the reception desk in the lobby.
3) The form is filled in… capital letters.
4) The desk clerk will give you .out.. the keys and a porter will take your luggage and
show you .up.. to your room.
5) If you are fond ..of. watching TV, there’ll be one in each room.
6) The hotels also provide their guests ..with. the Internet, fax and translator’s assistance.
7) At large hotels you may ask ..for. any service by telephone.
8) You may find something to you liking among the 62 channels offered in our hotel.
9) The charge for… using mini-bar will be added …at check-out.
10) By phone you may also complain .about.. some problems you have in your room.
11)The hotel is assigned a temporary stay.
12) You may pay .in.. cash or use your credit card.
13) You may pay by… the day or on… departure.
14) The hotel also provides its visitors with… the internet facilities though they are
provided at… an additional price.
15) The charge for… using the mini-bar will be added …to your bill at… checkout.
16) There's also a restaurant and a bar on… the premises.
6. Complete the following sentences:

1) When people travel they may stay at hotels, motels, inns, lodges or resorts.
2) It’s advisable to book a room in advance or you may arrive at the hotel and be told
that there are no vacant rooms.
3) At large hotels the rooms are completed with.all modern conveniences: air-
conditioning, a private bath-room with all the necessary toiletries ( soap,
shampoo, toothpaste), towels, linen and a hairdryer
4) If you have an outside room, it faces a beautiful square
5) On arriving at a hotel you should go to the reception desk in the lobby and confirm
your reservation.
6) The main functions of the receptionist are to give you a registration form to fill and
sign and give you out the keys
7) If you are traveling by car you may stay at motels
8) The difference between the hotels of different classes lies in the more stars the hotel
has, the more facilities are offered
9) If you need your luggage brought up, a porter or a bell-boy will take your luggage
10) You should cancel your reservation if you do not arrive
11) In the lobby you will usually find the reception desk
12) If you need to make a trunk-call, the charge for it will be added to your bill at
13) To have your laundry cleaned you may ask for maid
14) If you are travelling by car you may stay at motels
15) Usually hotels offer a lot of facilities such as 24-hour room service, a beauty
parlor, a barber’s shop, a swimming pool, a tennis court, a car rental
service,babysitting service and so on.
16) First-class hotels are hotels that have all modern convenience, offer a lot of
facilities have the 4-5 stars and have a well-trained staff
17) The main functions of the bellboy are. take your luggage and show you up to your
18) Those who want to go on an excursion tour...
19) You can call a plumber if the shower is broken, or the pipe in the bathroom is
20) You can call room service if when you want a meal or drinks sent up to your
21) If you need a suit or a dress cleaned or pressed you call valet or maid service
22) You may pay for your room by the day, on arrival or on departure.
23) It's necessary to let the hotel manager know the day and time of your departure.
24) Before you sign out you must pay for the hotel according to the price-list\do
25) If you don’t vacate the room by noon...
26) When leaving the hotel, it’s advisable to thank the personnel for the impeccable
service and hospitality!

7. Translate the following words and word combinations:

банкетна зала- banquet space, білизна- linen, брати гроші за...—to charge smb for
smth, бути потурбованим-to be disturbed by smth, ваша власна відповідальність-one’s
own responsibility , великими літерами-capital letters, вестибюль-lobby, викликати
працівника готелю (покоївку)- call(ask for) a hotel employee (maid), виходити вікнами
на...-to face, вишукана кухня-exquisite cuisine, гостинність-hospitality, добре навчений
персонал-well-trained staff, дозволити собі номер люкс-to afford a suite, за додаткові
кошти-to come at an additional price, заздалегідь-in advance, у протилежному
випадку-otherwise, закуски-snacks, заповнити реєстраційну форму-to fill in a
registration form, зовнішня кімната-an outside room,каналізація забилася-a pipe is
clogged , коридорний проведе вас до кімнати-a bell-boy will show you up your room,
лампа перегоріла-a bulb has fused, на ваш смак- to your liking, на території готелю- on
the premises, напої-beverages, необхідні туалетні дрібнички-necessary toiletries,
одномісний номер-a single room , підтвердити бронювання-to confirm one’s
reservation, піклуватись про когось- to take care of smb, після прибуття в готель-on
arrival at the hotel, платити готівкою-to pay in cash, платити за готель при від’їзді-to
pay on departure, подякувати персоналу за надання бездоганного сервісу-to thank the
personnel for the impeccable service, поскаржитися на щось- to complain about smth,
послуги няні-babysitting service , послуги перекладача-translator’s assistance\
translation services, постійна адреса- a permanent address, при виселенні з готелю-on
departure, приготувати рахунок-to make one’s bill ready, прокат машин-a car rental
service, пропонувати послуги-to offer facilities, рекомендується зберігати коштовності
у сейфі-it is advisable to keep jewellery in a safety box, салон краси / перукарня -a
beauty parlor\a barber’s shop, скористатись карткою-to use a credit card, сповіщати
заздалегідь-to know well in advance, супутникова антена-a satellite arial, сучасні
зручності-modern conveniences, фен-a hairdryer, цілодобовий сервіс-24-hour service,
шум транспорту-the noise of traffic.

Speech Development

8. Answer the questions:

a) what kind of room you would like to choose for a hotel stay and why;
b) what advice you can give to people who are planning to stay at a hotel;
c) what is expected from a first class hotel.

Topical Vocabulary 2 Types of Hotels

to come somewhere on business / to go on a business trip

an inn (a small hotel), motel, guest -house
a chain hotel – one of a group of hotels owned and managed by the same company
a boutique hotel
a family-run hotel
a bed-and-breakfast
a hostel for backpackers
an aparthotel
a self-catering apartment

to stay / to put up / to stop / to lodge at a hotel

a hotel-guide
to book a hotel through a booking site (,,,
to book (to reserve) a room in advance
to book accommodation with a hotel
to cancel the reservation
to confirm the reservation (in writing)

to read the reviews carefully

to be popular with the guests
to be in a good neighbourhood / not far from the centre of the city
to be known for comfortable rooms and well-trained personnel
to be centrally located
to be within easy reach of the business center
to be in a five-minute walk from the historical part of the city
to be linked by public transport to all parts of the city
to be outfitted with / equipped with top technical equipment;
to feature exquisite decor
to boast of refined cuisine
to offer the most up-to-date comfort
to be noted for chic suites / moderate prices- бути відзначеним шикарними люксами /
помірними цінами
to be a cherished landmark of the city- бути заповітною пам'яткою міста

the lounge = the lobby = the entrance hall

to sign in = to check in = to register
to sign out = to check out
a reception desk
a pigeon-hole – a small compartment to keep the mail of the hotel guests

Pronunciation development.
1. Transcribe the following words and learn how to pronounce them.
Boutique- [buːˈtiːk], aparthotel- [əˈpɑːt həʊˈtel], neighbourhood- [ˈneɪbəhʊd],
equipped- [ɪˈkwɪpt], exquisite- [ɪkˈskwɪzɪt], décor- [ˈdeɪkɔː], cuisine- [kwɪˈziːn], chic
suites- [ˈʃiːk ˈswiːts], lounge [laʊndʒ], pigeon- [ˈpɪdʒən].
Reading Comprehension .

2. Read the following test and paraphrase the underlined expressions with word
combinations from the Topical Vocabulary.
The Cavendish [ˈkævəndɪʃ] London is 10 minutes’ walk ( is not far
from)from Buckingham Palace and Trafalgar Square. This stylish hotel offers luxurious [lʌɡ
ˈʒʊə.ri.əs] rooms, an award [əˈwɔːd] -winning restaurant and delicious afternoon teas. Free
Wi-Fi is also available.
The air-conditioned rooms have elegant modern furnishings(offer the most up-to-
date comfort), subtle [ˈsʌt.əl] lighting and designer [dɪˈzaɪ.nər] bathrooms with walk-in
power showers and luxury [ˈlʌk.ʃər.i] toiletries. They include flat-screen TVs with
interactive movies, armchairs and laptop safes.
The hotel restaurant serves traditional and modern British cuisine, accompanied [ə
ˈkʌm.pə.ni] by an excellent wine list. Guests can relax with a pre-theatre [ˈθɪətə(r)] drink in
the chic Lobby Bar or in the Lounge with stylish sofas and table service.
Theatreland and fantastic shopping at Oxford Street are both just 10 minutes’ walk
away. Piccadilly Tube Station is 200 m away and provides easy access(within easy reach)
to all of London.
Westminster Borough [ˈbʌr.ə] is a great choice for travellers interested
in shopping, parks and city walks. This is our guests' favourite part of London, (It is popular
with the guests or This is a cherished landmark of the city) according to independent
Лондонський Кавендіш знаходиться за 10 хвилин ходьби (неподалік) від
Букінгемського палацу та Трафальгарської площі. Цей стильний готель пропонує
розкішні номери, відзначений нагородами ресторан та смачні післяобідні чаї. Також
надається безкоштовний Wi-Fi.
Номери з кондиціонером обставлені елегантними сучасними меблями (пропонують
найсучасніший комфорт), вишуканим освітленням та дизайнерськими ванними
кімнатами з душовими кабінами з сильним душем та розкішними туалетно-
косметичними засобами. Вони включають телевізори з плоским екраном з
інтерактивними фільмами, крісла та сейфи для ноутбуків.
У ресторані готелю подають традиційні та сучасні страви британської кухні у
супроводі чудової винної карти. Гості можуть відпочити за напоєм перед театром у
шикарному лобі-барі або у лаунжі зі стильними диванами та сервіром столу.
До театральної зони та фантастичних магазинів на Оксфорд-стріт можна дійти пішки
лише за 10 хвилин. Станція метро Piccadilly розміщена за 200 метрів і забезпечує
легкий доступ до всього Лондона.
Вестмінстерський район - прекрасний вибір для мандрівників, яких цікавить шопінг,
парки та прогулянки містом. Це улюблена частина наших гостей Лондона ((Це
популярно серед гостей або Це заповітна пам’ятка міста) за незалежними відгуками.

3. For questions 1-15 answer by choosing from paragraphs A-H.

You may choose any of the paragraphs more than once.

Which hotel(s):

1. is the owners’ home?

2. are not luxurious?
3. offer mountain views?
4. includes participation in leisure activities in its price?
5. is so pleasant that guests may stay longer than planned?
6. is said to be attractive on account of its simplicity?
7. are in buildings which originally had a different function?
8. looks like hotels found in another country?
9. is described as being in a most unusual location?
10.has not been well maintained?
11.currently attracts a new type of guest? said to be untypical of hotels in that part of the world?

1 A 2 A E 3 B D 4C 5G 6 A 7F H 8Е 9B 10 E 11 H 12 G
Ghanerao Hotel sits at the edge of the Aravalli Hills in a small rural village dominated by
craftsmen. It mixes English country-house tranquillity [træŋˈkwɪl.ɪ.ti] with Indian
symbolism [ˈsɪm.bəl.ɪ.zəm]. The (1)Ghanerao family have lived there for 400 years
and today, Sajjan Singh and his wife have opened their home to paying guests.
(2)The facilities are basic, with hot water arriving by bucket [ˈbʌk.ɪt], but (6)the
spartan [ˈspɑː.tən] aspects of life at Ghanerao just add to its appeal.

One of my favourite hotels is the Hermitage hotel on New Zealand's South Island which I
came across by chance when I was climbing. (3.9)We had been flown up to near the top
of a glacier [ˈɡlæs.i.ər] and had climbed to the peak and then had to walk all the way
down. When we finally reached the bottom, to my astonishment, there was this hotel.
It was on its own in the most stupendously [stjuːˈpen.dəsli] beautiful countryside, very
wild and very high up. To come down the mountain battered [ˈbæt.əd] and exhausted and
find yourself in extreme luxury [ˈlʌk.ʃər.i], with a man playing Cole Porter on the piano,
was extraordinary.

On the south-west of Mauritius, the Paradise Hotel is isolated on its own peninsula in one
of the quietest corners of the island. If you drive from here, the road winds along the coast
past beaches with no-one on them but fishermen. The hotel isn't small and (4)there are
plenty of takers for the free water sports, but you can easily escape from all the other
people along nine kilometres of private beach; you have only to swim a few yards out into
the Indian Ocean and you can barely see the hotel for palm [pɑːm] trees. Sit on the beach
in the evening when everyone has gone and as the light drains [dreɪn] from the sky you'll
feel far away from everything.

The Ladera Hotel in St Lucia has one of the Caribbean's [ˌkær.ɪˈbiː.əns] most dramatic
settings. Quiet and far off the beaten track, it stands at an altitude [ˈæl.tɪ.tjuːd] of 1,000
feet, (3)its open rooms looking out between the twin peaks of the Pitons to the
Caribbean Sea – some view first thing in the morning! The style is colonial [kə
ˈləʊ.ni.əl], with furniture in mahogany [məˈhɒɡ.ən.i] and greenheart wood, and four-
poster beds screened with muslin [ˈmʌz.lɪn] netting.

This hotel, on Büyükada in the Princes Islands is the perfect place to escape the noise of
Istanbul. The islands are only an hour by boat, and are simply idyllic [ɪˈdɪl.ɪk]. There are
no cars, only horse-drawn [drɔːn] carriages [ˈkær.ɪdʒiz] and fabulous twenties wooden
architecture. The islands are a cross between Key West and the Old South, and the
landmark building is the Splendid. (8)All in wood, painted white with red domes, it's a
copy of a turn-of-the-century hotel on the French Riviera. (2, 10)Today it's a little
run down, but has lost none of its charm.

In the tiny [ˈtaɪni] village of Etoges, in the heart of Champagne [ʃæmˈpeɪn], is a beautiful
seventeenth century (7)chateau [ˈʃæt.əʊ] -замок. Surrounded by a moat with two swans,
the chateau, (7)until recently a family home, has 20 rooms which are all different,
some with four-poster beds – one even has a large billiard table. There are special
weekend rates for 2 nights with breakfast and dinner plus complimentary champagne (their
own brand – if you want to take some home)

The Fairview is that rare bird in Africa – a comfortable hotel that hasn't decked itself out
in feathers [ˈfeð.ərz] of upmarket [ˌʌpˈmɑː.kɪt] gloss and tasteless luxury. (12)It's an
indispensable staging [ˈsteɪ.dʒɪŋ] post, always full of travellers recuperating [rɪ
ˈkuː.pər.eɪtin] from one safari [səˈfɑː.ri] and planning the next. (5)Overnight guests
have been known to arrive, take one look at the gardens, the bedrooms and the
dining-hall menu [ˈmen.juː], and decide on the spot to stay for a week. There are
even apartments set aside specially for those who make up their minds to settle in for
a few months. The hotel's leafy [ˈliː.fi] acres [ˈeɪ.kərz] and scattered buildings are laid out
on Nairobi Hill, a world away from the overhead bustle [ˈbʌs.l̩ ] of the city centre. I don't
know of any better place to sit and watch the sudden African sunset, sipping draught beer
and looking forward to a hearty [ˈhɑː.ti] dinner – braised zebra and two veg, followed by
jelly trifle.

The Duke of Windsor [ˈwɪnzə] was the first to sign the visitor’s book at the Hotel
Splendido. Ever since, a galaxy of the fabulous has drifted in and out of the hotel's portals
[ˈpɔː.təl] to play, stay and be seen: Lauren Bacall and Humphrey Bogart, Liz Taylor and
Richard Burton. Nowadays, (11)you are more likely to find yourself in the company of
a soft drinks billionaire or a rubber-tyred [ˈtaɪəd] heiress [ˈeə.res]. But (7)this old
Monastery [ˈmɒn.ə.stri] -turned-villa [ˈvɪl.ə] - turned-hotel is still, as its name
suggests, quite splendid and there is enough reflected glamour [ˈɡlæm.ər] to perk up any
weekend break. Deliciously simple food in the restaurant and the finest Persian ˈpɜː.ʒən]
rugs and homemade pasta.
Language Development.

4. Match the adjectives from the text above with the nouns they describe:

1. award winning a) restaurant

2. stylish b) hotel
3. delicious c) afternoon teas
4. free d) wifi
5. air-conditioned e) rooms
6. elegant f) furnishings
7. walk-in g) showers
8. designer h) bathrooms
9. excellent i) wine-list j) toiletries
11.flat-screen k) TVs
12.fantastic l) shopping
13.easy m) access
14.independent n) reviews

4. Read the advertisements and substitute the words in brackets with the words
from the boxes. Which of these hotels would you choose and why?

peaceful, overpriced, cloudless, modern, uncomfortable

Are you looking for sandy beaches, sparkling waters and 1)_____ (clear) skies without
the bother of 2) ______ (expensive) hotels or 3) _____ (rough) campsites? If so,
you’ll love the Sunnyside self-catering apartments near the town of Torremolinos. The
cosy apartments are situated on the 4) _____ (quiet) seafront on the outskirts of this
delightful resort and are fully equipped with 5) _____ (new) cooking and washing
facilities. Make this summer one to remember – come over to the Sunnyside.

welcoming, elegant, spacious, luxurious, delicious

Business or pleasure? The 1) _____ (high class and expensive) Chester Hotel in the
heart of Bangkok offers visitors to this exotic city the opportunity to relax in style.
Whether you wish to rest in our 2) _____ (large) and 3) ____ (beautiful) rooms, dine
on 4) _____ (tasty) cuisine in our exclusive restaurant or unwind in a relaxing sauna,
the Chester will cater for your every need. Every year, thousands of visitors choose to
stay in these stylish and 5) _____ (friendly) surroundings, so this year, why don’t you?

bottomless, endless, vast, towering, unpolluted

The Kingsbrooke campsite in the Rocky Mountains is a must for adventurous nature
lovers who long to escape to a land of 1) _____ (very long) rivers, 2) _____ (very
deep) lakes, 3) _____ (very tall)) mountains and colossal cliffs. The helpful staff,
washing facilities and shop also mean that you don’t even need to venture into town
during your stay. Situated on one of the few 4) _____ (vety big) undeveloped areas in
the world, with clean fresh air and 5) ____ (clean) water, the Kingsbrooke experience
is definitely one not to be missed.

Speech Development.

3. Work in pairs. Describe a hotel in which you would like to stay. Where is it
situated? What facilities does it offer? What is it noted for?

Writing Development.

4. Write an advertisement for a hotel in the centre of London. Be sure to

mention its location, design and facilities. Use expressions from the Topical

Topical Vocabulary 3 Hotel Personnel

hotel personnel (employees) = staff;

registration clerk = a desk clerk = a receptionist – a clerk who checks in guests, assigns their
rooms and keeps records;
bellman = bellboy = a bellhop – a man who moves luggage and does errands. He often pages
people in a restaurant (finds them by calling their name) and responds to the guests’ needs;
barmaid – a woman who serves drinks in a cocktail bar;
chambermaid (maid) – a woman who cleans the rooms;
doorman – a man who greets guests at the door, calls the bellman, taxis, etc;
manager – the person in charge of the staff and hotel;
assistant manager – one who ranks next to the manager and is responsible for the running of the
client = customer = guest – a person who stays at a hotel, a paying customer;
valet – a man in a hotel who takes care of the laundry, cleaning, and pressing of guests’
porter – a man responsible for carrying luggage and arranging taxis;
waiter – a man who serves in a restaurant or for room service.

Pronunciation development.
1. Transcribe the following words and learn how to pronounce them.
personnel, clerk, assigns, records, client, valet, chambermaid, laundry, decor, cuisine,
chic suites, lounge, pigeon.
Reading Comprehension.
2. Read the following extract about Julian Payne, who used to be the manager of the
Ritz Hotel in London.
After reading the interview complete the following sentences:
1) A good hotel gives its customers ______________________________
2) A Japanese businessman wanted _____________________________
3) Businessmen and lovers _____________________________________
4) 'Mr Smith' gave a man at the Savoy £5 because ______________________
5) Porters are very powerful because ________________________________




1 'You get all sorts of requests, and the mark of a good hotel is to provide whatever is
asked for without sounding surprised. If a client asks for rubber gloves, you don't ask why.
You say, 'No problem, pink or yellow?"
2 'There have been some requests which, much as I would have liked to comply with
them, I couldn't. A Japanese businessman thought I was like a captain of a ship and asked me
to marry him and his fiancee. On another occasion, we did help out. A young lad thought
that if he proposed to his girlfriend at the Ritz she would say yes. He asked us to put the ring
in the pastry – I think it was in the strawberry tart – and she accepted.
3 'Top hotels are used more and more to impress. They are used for doing business and
romancing. If you've got something to sell, take your clients to the best hotel where the
surroundings are so conducive to saying yes. A friend of mine working at the Savoy tells the
story about a man who gave him £5 to say, "Good morning, Mr Smith" when he walked
through the door with two other men. This he did, and could hear Mr Smith saying, "I do
wish they would leave me alone at this place."
4 According to Julian Payne, the most powerful people in any top hotel are the porters.
'They can do almost anything. They can get tickets on Concorde – when Concorde is fully
booked. They can get you tables at the best restaurants or tickets for "Phantom of the Opera".
Don't ask me how they do it or what their deal is because I don't know. Most of them have
been there for years. They retain their jobs for a long time and they know more about the
history of the hotel and the guests than anyone else. They are invaluable. A head porter will
come in on his day off so he can greet someone he remembers visiting the hotel years ago. '
(from The Observer)

3. In pairs, write short dialogues between the hotel staff and each of the following
people referred to in the text above. Include the request mentioned in the text.
a) a client asking for rubber gloves
b) Mr Smith
c) the Japanese business man
d) a customer wanting a ticket for 'Phantom of the Opera'
e) the 'young lad'

Practise your dialogues and present some of them to the rest of the class.

Language development .

4. Match a word from the right column with its definition from the left one.

1. chambermaid a)the owner of the hotel

2. porter b)a woman in charge of chambermaids who supervises cleaning and ordering
of supplies
3. valet
c)a security officer of the hotel
4. manager d)a person who receives guests, gives accommodation, does all the formalities
5. waiter/waitress e)a person who shows the guests up to the room and carries the luggage
6. customer f)a person who keeps the door, helps visitors to get out of the car or get a taxi
7. housekeeper g)a person in charge of the hotel personnel
h) a man who takes care of the laundry, cleaning and pressing of the guests’
8. proprietor
9. receptionist i)a man or a woman who serves in a restaurant or for room service
10. doorman j)a person who stays at a hotel
11. detective k)a woman who cleans the rooms

5. Say what expression is extra in each line and why.

1) a detective, a receptionist, a chambermaid, car parking space;

2) to settle the bills, to book accommodation with a hotel, to confirm the reservation, to
fill in a registration form;
3) to carry the luggage up, to be complete with a private bathroom, to order taxis, to
attend to the needs of the guests;
4) to hand in the keys, to be full, to be vacated by noon, to sign out.

Speech Development.

6. Work in groups. Imagine that you are co-managers of a new 4-star international
hotel in London. You are looking for people to fill in 6 different staff positions:


Talk to each other about how demanding / important these jobs are.
Rank the 6 jobs according to the salary you are prepared to pay them, and give your

Writing Development.
7. Write a job advertisement for each position from the previous exercise. Mention
the responsibilities, qualification requirement and the salary you have agreed to

Topical Vocabulary 4 Types of rooms. Signing In.

a suite
a single room
a double room
a twin room, a twin-bedded room;
a business apartment; an executive apartment
adjacent/adjoining rooms;
a front (outside) room
a back (inside) room

to overlook the central square / a noisy street full of the traffic

to offer stunning views of the city
to be disturbed by street noises
to face the yard
a quiet room away from the noise of traffic
to be complete with bath, air-conditioner...
with a private bathroom = en suite
with shared facilities
non-smoking rooms
to be equipped with an air conditioning system
a refrigerator / mini-bar
a 62-channel satellite TV
a hairdryer
tea-and-coffee making facilities
to offer bathrobes and slippers
to offer free WiFi (only in public places)

Would you like to see the room?

How much do you charge for the room?
What's the rate per day?
What will the charge be?
Don't you have anything larger ( cheaper )?
Is breakfast included? – No, you should pay $5 extra.
Do I pay in advance or on departure? – As you like.

I shall take the room by the week.

Bills are paid at weekly intervals.
When is the check-out time in your hotel?

How long are you planning to stay with us?

How long will you be staying for?
When do you intend to leave?

to sign in the hotel register

Will you please register?
Enter your name in the register.
to fill in a registration / an arrival card – листок прибуття
a guest card – візитівка готелю
The porter will take your luggage up.
I'll have your trunks sent up.
to show smb. to = to escort smb. to = to take smb. to his room;

Have you any vacant rooms? Sorry, but all rooms are engaged.
Have you got any accommodation? We are full at present.
Can you accommodate 3 people? Every room is taken.
We want two singles, please. Just one night. We are heavily booked.

Pronunciation development.
1. Transcribe the following words and learn how to pronounce them.

Suit, adjacent, adjoining, equipped, refrigerator, satellite, channel, sign, register.

Reading Comprehension.
2. Read the text about hotel room types. Which room would you recommend to
a) a married couple
b) a family travelling on a budget with with 2 young kids
c) a family of two who have some dietary restrictions
d) a solo traveller
e) a family travelling on a budget with one young kid
f) two friends

Hotel Rooms by Bed

Some hotels classify rooms by the number or size of the beds in the room. However, guests
should note that hotels still have restrictions on how many guests are allowed per room.
Many hotels will charge more for extra guests (to a certain limit) or allow for you to add a
cot to a room with an odd number of people.
Here are some room types determined by bed availability.

● Single: a room assigned to one person. As a rule, has one bed, but can have two beds
and be used for single occupancy.
● Double: a room assigned to two people. May have one or more beds.
● Queen: a room with a queen-sized bed. 
● King: a room with a king-sized bed.
● Twin: a room with two single beds.
● Double-double: these rooms have two double beds (sometimes two queen beds) and
are meant to accommodate two to four people, especially families traveling with
young kids.
● Studio: this type of room has a studio bed, e.g. a couch that can be converted into a
bed. Some studios come with additional beds. Others come with more space: a studio
room can be like a fully-furnished apartment, meaning it will have a small kitchenette.

Hotel guests can often get confused by all these different room types and classifications. A
hotel representative should help them discern which room is best for their budget, the size of
their party, and their comfort by asking them more about their trip and matching them with a
room accordingly.

Language development
3. Fill in the gaps with the words from the box

face private single disturbed accommodation well trained bill suite

Signing In
Mr. Apron: Good afternoon! I'd like a ______ room with a ______ bathroom for a week
or so.
Receptionist: Very well, sir. Have you made reservations?
A – Yes, my friend has booked ________ with you. He said your hotel is known for its
comfortable rooms and _____________ personnel.
R – Thank you, sir. What is your name, please?
A – My name is Apron, Ronald Apron.
R – Yes, you've got a reservation. I can offer you a _____ on the 5th floor.
A – Does it ______ the street?
R – No, it doesn't. All the suites face the yard, so you won't be ________ by street noises.
A – OK, I'll take it. Shall I register?
R – Do, please. Here is your arrival card. May I ask you how many days you are planning
to stay with us?
A – I expect to _____ for at least a week, probably more, until the 18th.
R – Very good, sir. Would you mind letting us know the day before you leave the hotel?
We can have your _____ ready for you.
A – I'll let you know. And now I need some help to take my ______ up to my room.
R – _______, show the gentleman up to room 20.

4. Translate into English:

1) Перш, ніж відправитись у поїздку, варто заздалегідь замовити кімнату у готелі.

2) – Кілька днів тому я замовив номер-люкс по телефону. – Зачекайте, зараз
подивлюсь... Як Ваше прізвище? Майкл Вільямс. – Так, дійсно. Заповніть, будь-
ласка, цей бланк. Посильний проведе Вас до номера та занесе речі.
3) Мені не подобається вид з кімнати. Хотілося б, щоб вікна виходили на
узбережжя і щоб номер був кількома поверхами вище.
4) – У вас є вільні номери? – Можу запропонувати Вам лише одномісний номер. –
Ми подорожуємо сім’єю і хотіли зупинитися в номері на двох. – На жаль, всі
двохмісні номери зайняті. Нічим не можу Вам допомогти.
5) П’ятизіркові готелі пропонують туристам послуги найвищого ґатунку, але через
високу вартість проживання лиш окремі люди можуть дозволити собі
зупинятись у них.
6) Довідник по готелям рекомендує бронювати кімнати заздалегідь і зачекати, поки
готель підтвердить бронь у письмовій формі. Тоді у вас не буде проблем з
розміщенням, навіть якщо готель буде переповнений.
7) Чому цей готель користується таким попитом серед гостей нашого міста? – Він
розташований у гарному район відомий своїми зручними кімнатами, добре
навченим персоналом і прекрасною кухнею.

Speech Development.

5. Make up a conversation or a story for this situation:

1) Tom Brown arrives at a hotel late at night. He has booked a room there.
2) He apologizes for arriving so late (his plane was delayed).
3) The hotel clerk smiles and looks through the guest list.
4) He begins to look worried; then he says that Tom's name is not on the list and that
there are no rooms free that evening
5) Tom is sure the clerk is wrong about this.
6) The clerk checks the guest list again and suddenly notices that there is a room
reserved for "W. Brown". The clerk says that someone has spelt Tom's name wrongly
and apologizes. The clerk calls a porter who takes Tom's luggage to the room.

6. Play your role. Now it is your turn. Tell the receptionist that you have booked a

Receptionist: Good afternoon. Can I help you?

Receptionist: Single or double?
Receptionist: With or without bathroom?
Receptionist: What was the name?
Receptionist: How long do you wish to stay?
Receptionist: I could give you a room on the second floor for 22 pounds or one on the
fourth floor for 19 pounds. Which one would you like?
Receptionist: Right. Would you please fill in this room?
Receptionist: Where do you go from here?
Receptionist: Just write that under “destination” then. And don’t forget to sign.
Receptionist: Thank you. Would you like Continental or English breakfast tomorrow
Receptionist: Continental breakfast is served in your room, English is served in our
coffee shop. It’s 1.35 extra.
Receptionist: If you’d like to have lunch, our restaurant is open till three.
Receptionist: Right. I hope the room’ll suit you. The porter will take your bags up. Here’s
the key.

Writing Development.

7. Study an example of reservation letter to a hotel.

From: David Mathews
Subject: Booking 2 nights next week
Dear Ascot Hotel,
I would like to reserve an accessible single room for two nights with breakfast on the
22 and 23 of April. Could I have a quiet room with a view if possible, please?
I will arrive at about 10 p.m. and I have an early meeting the next morning, so please
could you leave an iron and ironing board in the room?
I have a promotional code (MH2219). Please can you confirm that it is £80 per night
with breakfast included?
Please could you confirm the booking? Let me know if you need any further information.
Many thanks.
With kind regards,
David Mathews
Imagine that your family is going to the seaside: 2 adults and 2 kids (aged 4 and 13).
Write a reservation letter to a hotel in which you describe the type of room you would
like to book.

Topical Vocabulary 5 Service. Signing out.

At the hotel we can find:

a 24-hour front desk sauna / steam bath / Jacuzzi / spa;

(underground) car parking; flower shop / florist’s;
car / bicycle rental agency; fitness center / wellness center;
travel agency/service; banquet rooms
multi-lingual staff internet / fax / photocopying facilities
air ticket booking office; interpreter’s assistance;
a free shuttle bus; a news-stand
currency exchange unit; a gift shop;
beauty parlour / parlor; luggage storage
barber’s shop / hair dressing salon; conference room

to cater for the guests – to provide food and services, especially at social events, such as
weddings, conventions

to run / to offer / to provide special services for the guests

to attend to the needs of the guests
to provide impeccable service
to do errands
to offer excursion tours / guided tours

What time do you serve breakfast? It's any time between 7 and 10.
Can I have it served in my room? You could have it up?
What time does the restaurant open?
Could you book a table for two?

to take charge of one’s laundry (luggage, etc)

to summon a chambermaid
Could you wake me up at 7, please?
I would like to have my trousers cleaned / shirts ironed / shoes polished / camera repaired.
When will it be ready?

Signing out

I'm going to sign out tomorrow.

to settle one's account
I'd like my bill. = Have my bill ready, please.
to add a 20 per cent service charge to one’s bill
to pack one's suit-cases
to have the desk-clerk call the taxi for 10 o'clock
to forward one's mail to home address
Pronunciation development.
1. Transcribe the following words and learn how to pronounce them.
Agency, multi-lingual, parlour, salon, sauna, banquet, photocopying, impeccable,
Reading Comprehension.
2. Read the description of a hotel and say which services it offers (there should be
at least nine on your list):

Located in London, St. David's Hotels Paddington offers free WiFi throughout
the hotel. Popular points of interest around the property include Hyde Park and The
Serpentine. The accommodation provides a 24-hour front desk, a concierge service
and exchange bureau for guests.The rooftop swimming pool opens in summer. We
also offer disabled facilities throughout the hotel. Guest rooms in the hotel are
equipped with a flat-screen TV.
A cooked breakfast is available each morning, and includes vegetarian, gluten-
free and continental options.
The nearest airport is London City Airport, 16 km from the property.There is a
free shuttle service to the airport which is available on request.
Westminster Borough is a great choice for travellers interested
in shopping, parks and city walks.
We speak your language!

3. Read the information provided in a room leaflet from The Barclay Hotel in New
York. For questions 1 to 10, choose the correct answer.


Instant service
To make your stay more enjoyable, Instant Service is available “around the clock” for any

Wake-up service
Please contact Instant Service.

In-room bar
Your private bar is stocked daily with a variety of drinks and snacks. Items removed are
automatically charged to your account. A menu with pricing is located in your room.

The internet
Your room is equipped with high speed Internet access. A daily access fee will be assessed
to your account.

Express check-out
For a fast and effortless check-out, please utilize our voicemail check-out by dialing
extension 4510 and leave your name and room number.

In-room coffee
Complimentary coffee is replenished daily in your room. Keurig-makers have directions
located on the front of the machine. If further assistance is required please dial Instant
Service. Complimentary coffee and tea is also served in the Lobby from 6:00AM to

Fitness center
The Fitness Center offers an assortment of cardio and weight training equipment. Available
24 hours a day with a guestroom key card access on the third floor. Access to the steam room
and sauna are available from 6:00AM to 8:00PM.

In-room safe
The safe can be programmed with a personalized four-digit pin code for each use. Please see
detailed instructions located in the safe. Alternatively, safe deposit boxes are available at the
Reception Desk.

Housekeeping service
Your room is serviced daily between 8:30AM and 2:30PM Monday through Friday; between
9:00AM and 3:00PM Saturday, Sunday and Holidays. For fresh towels after service hours,
please dial Instant Service.

Laundry & shoe shine

Please find instructions in your closet for Laundry, Pressing and Dry Cleaning Service. For
Shoe Shine service, please contact Instant Service for pick-up.

For your viewing pleasure we are pleased to offer a selection of pay per view movies and
entertainment options. To view these and other options, press the menu button on the remote
1. 1You can contact Instant Service ...
a. twelve hours a day
b. twenty-four hours a day
c. in the hotel lobby next to the clock
d. every hour on the hour: at 6 o’clock, 7 o’clock, etc.
2. There is a variety of drinks and snacks ...
a. in the hotel’s private bar
b. that are removed from your room every day
c. that you can have and pay with your room bill
d. that are automatically charged to your bank account
3. There is ... Internet access in your room.
a. fast
b. free
c. basic
d. wireless
4. If you want a coffee, you can ...
a. dial Instant Service
b. put money in a machine in your room
c. follow the directions to the nearest coffee bar
d. have it for free in the lobby early in the morning
5. To enter the Fitness Center you need ...
a. your room key card
b. to ask for a specific key
c. to be a guest on the third floor
d. to go between 6:00AM and 8:00PM

6. The in-room safe is ...

a. an alarm system that you can program
b. a box with a pin code to keep valuable things
c. a deposit box that you can get at the Reception Desk
d. a personalized four-digit pin code to enter each room

7. You can find that your room hasn’t been cleaned yet if you come back at ...
a. 2:00AM on a Friday
b. 2:00PM on a Friday
c. 3:00AM on a Sunday
d. 3:30PM on a Sunday

8. If you need to clean your shoes ...

a. you’ll find instructions in your closet
b. call Instant Service for instructions on how to clean them
c. call Instant Service and they’ll clean them for you in your room
d. call Instant Service and they’ll collect the shoes from your room

9. The hotel offers a selection of films that you can watch ...
a. for free
b. for a daily amount of money
c. and pay for each film you watch
d. in the hotel’s entertainment area

10. Which one is NOT TRUE? You should contact Instant Service if you need ...
a. to check out
b. fresh towels
c. to wake up early
d. to clean your shoes

Language development .

4. Fill in the gaps with proper expressions form the list to restore a hotel review.

comfortable hotel grounds features plush beds overlook quiet

lush balconies indeed yet friendly

The room was excellent; ___ plush beds____ (1) mattresses and pillows.
Номер був відмінний; _ _ _ плюшеві ліжка_ _ _ _ (1) Матраци і подушки.
The staff were all efficient ____ yet friendly ___ (2).
Весь персонал був ефективним, але дружнім.
The food was very good  __ indeed _____ (3).
Їжа дійсно була дуже смачною.
There were gardens and walks around the ___ lush____ (4).
Навколо були розбиті пишні сади і алеї.
The area was  ___ comfortable____ (5) and relaxing.
Район був _ _ _ зручним_ _ _ _ (5) і розслаблюючим.
Set within extensive, _____ quiet__ (6) gardens, this 5 star resort is just 5 km from the
nearest town.
Цей 5-зірковий курортний готель розташований в оточенні великих тихих садів,
всього в 5 км від найближчого міста.
It  ___ features____ (7) a selection of sports and leisure facilities including 3 golf courses
and a large outdoor pool.
До послуг гостей різні спортивні та розважальні зручності, в тому числі 3 поля для
гольфу і великий відкритий басейн.
The spacious rooms are filled with natural light and have ____ balconies___ (8) with white
Просторі номери наповнені природним світлом і мають балкони з білою постільною
The rooms open onto ___ hotel grounds____ (9) and offer seating areas.
Номери виходять на територію готелю і мають у своєму розпорядженні гостинним
Many rooms  __ overlook____ (10) the pool area.
З багатьох номерів відкривається вид на басейн.

5. Translate the sentences.

1) Мені потрібно почистити костюм. – Дуже добре, мадам. В нашому готелі є

хімчистка. – Коли він буде готовий? – Ми повернемо його Вам вранці. – Чи повинна
я доплатити за цю послугу додатково? – Ні, це враховано у 12% надбавку за
I would like to have my suit cleaned. - Very well, Madam. Our hotel has a dry cleaning
service. - When will it be ready? - We'll return it to you in the morning. - – Do I have to
pay extra for this service? - No, this is included in the 12% surcharge for services.
2) Ви можете прийняти двох чоловік? – Чи є у вас бронь? – Ми бронювали два люкси,
але потім відмінили бронь оскільки думали зупинитися в іншому готелі. – У такому
випадку можу запропонувати вам два окремих номери. Це спокійні кімнати, що
розташовані далеко від транспортного шуму. Бажаєте подивитись?
Could you accommodate 2 people? – Do you have a reservation? – We booked two
suites, but then canceled the reservation because we thought to stay in another hotel. – In
that case, I can offer you two separate rooms. These are quiet rooms that are located away
from traffic noise. Would you like to see it?
3) Якими послугами забезпечуються гості готелю? – В кімнати регулярно подається
гаряча вода, у нас спортивний зал, сауна, басейн, прекрасний ресторан. Для
іноземних груп влаштовуються екскурсійні тури.
What services are provided to hotel guests? - The rooms are regularly supplied with hot
water, we have a sports hall, sauna, swimming pool, a wonderful restaurant. Excursion
tours are arranged for foreign groups.
4) Можу запропонувати вам номер на двох. Він виходить вікнами на центральну
площу , звідки відкривається чудовий вид на місто. Номер обладнаний телефоном і
холодильником. – Яка платня за кімнату? – 80 доларів включаючи сніданок. Як
довго ви плануєте залишатися тут? – Декілька тижнів. Я буду платити за кімнату
потижнево. – Сповістіть, будь-ласка, про ваш від'їзд напередодні, тоді ми зможемо
вчасно підготувати ваш рахунок. – Звичайно.
I can offer you a double room. It overlooks the Central Square, which offers a magnificent
view of the city. The room is equipped with a telephone and refrigerator. - How much do
you charge for the room? - 80 $ including breakfast. How long are you planning to stay
with us? – For a few weeks. I'll pay for the room every week. - Please inform us of your
departure the day before, so that we can prepare your bill in time." "Of course.
Speech Development.

6. Play your role. Now it is your turn to act as a receptionist:

Guest: Are there any vacant rooms at your hotel?

Guest: What facilities do suites include in their rates?
Guest: What services do you run for your guests?
Guest: How much is the room?
Guest: Must I pay in advance ?
Guest: When should I vacate the room?

7. Watch the video about one of the world’s most luxurious hotels, Burj al Arab.
Make a list of the services offered by the hotel. Would you like to stay there? Why
or why not?

Writing Development.

1. Imagine that you have returned from a vacation and are now ready to leave a
review of the hotel you stayed at. Decide if it is going to be a positive or a negative
review. Comment on the hotel location, cleanliness, overall quality and service.
Was it worth the price? Did anything strike you as a particularly attractive or
frustrating feature? Rate your hotel on a scale from 1 to 5.
Topical Vocabulary 6. Complaints. Reviews.

As a rule hotels charge high prices for their services, so when something goes wrong or the
hotel guests don’t get good quality services, they often choose to complain!

to complain of / about smth

I have a complaint.
The towels aren't clean.
The bedclothes are not changed in time.
The pipe in the bathroom is clogged and the water doesn’t drain away.
The toilet paper isn’t soft enough.
to demand a discount / a refund
to fix smth

State the problem Express your feelings Ask for action

1. No hot water! A.This is 1) Restore the connection

unacceptable. immediately.

2. The bed linen is stained! B. I cannot stand it. 2) Call the plumber.

3. My room overlooks a C. I am really angry. 3) I want a refund.


4. The room temperature is D.I am confused, it 4) Transfer me to a room

boiling hot! was supposed to be with a proper bed.
the ocean.

5. The food is cold! E. I cannot accept it. 5) Get someone to fix the

6. You overcharged me ,it is F. I can't be off-the- 6) Find the one with a

nothing like a 5-star hotel! grid. breath-taking view.

7. The Internet is down!!! G.I used to believe 7) Change it for a fresh

TripAdvisor. and clean one .

8. The bed is not King size! H.This is wrong. 8) Heat it and bring it
Language Development

1. Before you call the reception you must think your complaint over and decide what to
say. It is necessary to sound polite but firm. So a good complaint should consist of 3

state the problem – express your feelings or inconveniences – ask for action

Take a look at the example:

There's no mineral water in the mini-bar – I am thirsty – Refill the fridge ASAP!

Work in groups. Look at the table on the previous page: you have 8 full complaints
which are split into 3 parts and jumbled – your task is restore the complaints!

2. Complete the sentences with the pairs of words and think of the action you are going
to ask for in each situation.
available + booking fixed + low
bill + overcharge main road + noisy
boiling + air conditioning toiletries + room service
filthy + insects wake-up call + missed

1) Our room was next to the ___________ so there was a lot of traffic and it was really
2) I didn’t get my _________ and so I overslept and I _______ my flight!
3) My room was absolutely _______ – and there was no _______ !
4) I couldn’t understand why it was so wxpensive. Then I checked the _______ and
found they’d _______ us by 100 euro!
5) The room was absolutely ______ ! There were ________ all over the walls and the
bathroom. It was disgusting.
6) There were no _________ in mt room. I tried ringing _______, but there was no
7) They told me that the room wasn’t ________ and that they didn’t have any record of
my _________ .
8) The shower really wasn’t designed for tall people. It was ________ to the wall – and
the water pressure was so ________ that hardly any water came out!

Which problem is the worst? Why?

Speech Development.

3. Emily is now on a vacation. She sends a postcard to her parents from her hotel on the
Canary Islands. Emily doesn’t want to upset her parents, so she tries to make things
look a little bit better than they are in reality. Read her letter and compare it to the real
picture of her stay.

Dear Mom and Dad,

Hello from a wonderful 5-star Sun Rise Resort Hotel!
No doubt this is my best vacation ever. It's hot and sunny here. A great number of tourists
came this time. The premises of the hotel are covered in greenery so I can breathe in
plenty of fresh air. There's much to do here. The swimming pool is enormous and beach in
right next to the hotel. All day long I can enjoy active sports like tennis and some others in
the games room The hotel is very clean and the food is delicious. Luckily, my favourite ice
cream is very cheap here so I can enjoy it to my heart's content. I feel really happy and
want this vacation last forever!
Look at the picture and figure out whether Emily tells the truth. Read her postcard
once again, cross out the wrong words and write the correct information!

4. It’s not surprising that Emily tried to complain. She approached the receptionist
several times and each time the man promised to set things right. Look at the
expressions in the table and restore their conversation: match the complaint and the
response. Study the model:

Complaint : There is a party in the room next door. I can't get to sleep .

Response: I'm so sorry! They are here for the wedding, but I’ll tell them to keep the noise
down .

1. This towel is damp. a) I'll get the chambermaid to clean it.

2. The pillowcase is stained b) I’ll have the heating turned up.

3. The shower curtain is torn с) I'll get someone to open it.

4. I wanted a newspaper in my room d) I‘ll have it brought down.

5. The room is dusty e) I'll fetch you a dry one

6. There's a lot of noise on the telephone f) If you tell me which one you read
line l’ll have it delivered.

7. The mirror is cracked g) I’ll get you a clean one

8. l think the hairdryer is faulty h) I'll have it replaced.

9. The window is stuck. i) I'll have a stronger one fitted.

10. My suitcase is still in my room. j) I‘ll have one brought to your room.

11. The waste-paper basket is full k) I'll have a new one put up.
12. This light bulb is too weak for reading l) I'll have it checked.

13. The room is cold m) I'll call the operator and have it checked

14. There‘s no ashtray in my room n) I’ll get someone to empty it

Reading Development

5. When people return from unsatisfactory hotels they often choose to leave negative
comments on one of the popular travelling sites or on the hotel’s own Facebook page.

Work in groups. Group A reads the review of the St. James Hotel, while group B reads
the review of the Healing Manor Hotel. While reading, each group makes a list of
complaints and then shares this information with the other group.

The St. James

Stayed here for Valentine's Day. We eventually found our room through the labrynth of
corridors and thought it was OK. Nothing more, nothing less. Around 7pm, there was very
loud music which we soon realised was the live music performance downstairs. We didn't
have to leave the room to experience the entertainment as could hear every word in the
bedroom! We could even hear people's conversations from the street below! We went down
for the meal at 8pm and that was lovely, I couldn't fault it whatsoever. When we mentioned
the loud music to our waiter, he acted as if he didn't believe us!

We went back to the round around 10pm and the music was louder than ever and went on for
another hour or so. I understand it's for everyone else's benefit that was still down there but
to hear every song as clear as day is just ridiculous! The bed felt as though it had been there
for fifty years, with springs in your back when you move and very noisy. All in all, the worst
night's sleep we've ever had!

Partly we're glad we stayed as we wanted to book our wedding here for next year, but
definitely will not be doing so now! Will not be recommending nor returning!

Healing Manor

This hotel is not quite as dog friendly as we had hoped and as a result should be more
described as a hotel with dog-friendly rooms. Firstly you cannot take your dog to breakfast,
you have to leave them behind in the room, or for no extra charge you can have room service
but there are no table and chairs in the room to eat your food at.
The rooms were clean and a good size. The shower was amazing, probably the best shower I
have had in years! The bed was a little bouncy for my liking and I have to say I'm never a fan
of a double room that is actually two beds pushed together – those beds just are not
comfortable for two cuddlers!

We received a handwritten note and some macaroons to wish us a Happy New Year, which
was a lovely touch. The grounds of the hotel are stunningly beautiful and I bet make the
perfect setting for a wedding.

On checking out, we noticed a few errors with our bill that we questioned and they rectified
immediately. Just annoying that the errors were there in the first place.

In short, decent value overall but rooms are a bit tired and in need of care and think their dog
policy in the main hotel could do with being reviewed. Why not offer dog-friendly breakfast
in the Pig and Whistle pub, which is undoubtedly the jewel in your crown?

Writing development.

5. Remember Emily? When she returned home from her vacation she decided to
leave a negative review for the hotel on the booking website. She wanted to do the
right thing and warn other tourists that the hotel offers substandard service.
Help her to write the review. Decide which complaints you are going to include
into it. Rate the hotel on the scale of 1 to 5.

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