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This section gives a scope description and overview of everything included in this Report. The Report is
designed to document and describe the agreement between the customer and the developer regarding the
specification of the software product requested . Its primary purpose is to provide a clear and descriptive
“statement of user requirements” that can be used as a reference in further development of the software
system. This document is broken into a number of sections used to logically separate the software
requirements into easily referenced parts.
This Report aims to describe the Functionality, External Interfaces, Attributes and Design Constraints
imposed on Implementation of the software system described throughout the rest of the document.
Throughout the description of the software system, the language and terminology used should be
unambiguous and consistent throughout the document.

1.1 Objective
The main objective of the project is to search and rent a book based on title and author . It will also help
the users to know about the latest books in the market. The selected books are displayed in a tabular for-
mat and the user can order their books online through Cash on delivery.

1.2 Scope
The software system being produced is called Book rental System or BRS. It is being produced for a cus-
tomer interested in renting books via the Internet. This system is designed to “provide automation sup -
port” for the process of ordering books on rent.
This system is largely cross-platform and is available to anyone specially pursuing engineering in
Computer Science.
The Book Rental System will allow any user to create an account to become a customer. The customer,
through the process of account creation, will have the option to become a member of the site. It will
enable the users (customers) to view the real time inventory and extract book information, enable users to
place orders online and pick up books in-store and access to a personalized account profile etc. The
system will allow customers to browse, search, select, and add books to a shopping cart. Then, provided
they have books in their shopping cart, check out books in shopping cart and decrement the stock that the
inventory the system maintains. The BRS also allows a manager to manage the inventory with full create,
retrieve, update and delete (CRUD) functionality with regards to books in the system.

Admin has authority to add/delete users, grant permissions to members and users to rent books and in
return is also responsible for generating E-Mail messages for customer regarding book purchase
transaction and delivery.

1.3 Problem Domain

Traditionally, customers are used to buy the Book at the real, in other words, factual shops . It needs the
customers to show up in the shops in person, and walk around different shopping shelves, and it also
needs the owners of shops to stock, exhibit, and transfer the products required by customers. It takes
labor, time and space to proceed these operations. Also the high cost of new books proved a problem for
today’s students as they needed to buy the books that for short period of times for e.g. to study for
semester exams.

1.4 Solution Domain

Books Rental System provides a solution to reduce and optimize these expenses. Authorized Customers
do not need to go to the factual shops to choose and bring the Books it saves time and save human efforts.
The customer can save money up to 75% of the book price. Also reusing books proves helpful to save

1.5 Platform Specification

1.5.1 Hardware
 Processor : Intel P4 or Above 2.5Ghz
 RAM : 512 MB RAM or Above
 HDD : 80 GB or Above


 OS : Windows 7 & above

 Web Browser : Internet Explorer/ Mozilla/ Fire fox/Google Chrome
 Web server : Apache tomcat version 7.0.32
 Database server : MYSQL or sqlyog
 Development technologies: Java advanced,MYSQL,HTML5,Bootstrap,CSS3,JavaScript

2. System Requirement Analysis

System Analysis refers into the process of examining a situation with the intent of improving it through
better procedures and methods. System Analysis is the process of planning a new System to either replace
or complement an existing system. But before any planning is done the old system must be thoroughly
understood. The goal of the coding phase is to translate the design of the system into code in a given
programming language. Hence during coding, the focus should be on developing programs that are easy
to read and understand, and not simply on developing programs that are easy to write.

2.1. Information Gathering

2.1.1 Functional Requirement
After analyzing the problem domain and concluding the solution, the function requirements that
will satisfy the need are following:
 The system should provide a registration page for users.

 User and admin must be verified using login module.

 System should provide a search book mechanism.

 The system should provide complete details of books along with cover page.

 The customer should be able to rent book.

 Rent should be calculated on the basis of period of rent and marcket price of book.

 Order id and user id must be given to customer by system.

 Customer should be able to return book

 Admin should be able to add, update and delete books.

 Admin should be able to view the registered users and remove them if required.

 System should provide a way to add books to cart.

 System should display total rent of books.

 System should provide mechanism to logout.

2.1.2 Nonfunctional Requirement

 Performance Requirement: The project is web based so it will require a good
internet connection to process faster. The software will be efficient if powerful server
is available the speed of processing of input and generation of output will also depend

on hardware i.e. processor an advanced processor will fulfill the needs more faster as
compared to an older and slower one.

 Size Requirement: The website should use minimum space at user side the webside will use
only 15 MB space at user side. But at server side a large database space is required to store infor -
mation about thousands of books and users.
 Portability Requirement : the website should be portable enough this means that the software
should support different web browsers and no. of popular platforms such as Linux and
windows .the graphical user interface should support different devices with varying size this can
be done using programming techniques such as bootstrap and html 5.
 Security Requirement: the security system of the website should be strong enough to prevent
any unauthorized access privacy of the personal details of customer must be maintained. User
provides access will be doe through user id and password which will be unique for each user. the
password will be at least six digit string user access should be limited in a way that it cannot harm
the stored data such as book details.
 External Requirement: the website is logically approved as it does not disobey any low. the
website is ethical at it is helpful to users and looking at boarder aspect help to save environment.

2.1 System Feasibility

2.2.1 Operational

The operational feasibility is based on the human factors and political aspects

 Factors describing the society

 High cost of books

 Books not required for larger period of time
 More Books, more paper more deterioration of forest

 Change brought by system

 Reuse of books by leading to saving environment

 Renting books for required period
 Low rent cost

 Website development and designing skills are .required

2.2.2 Technical

This is concerned with the specifying equipment and software that will successfully satisfy the require-
mens.the proposed system is technically feasible as it can be developed easily with the help of available
technology these may be different technical needs but on broader aspect it will include the following:

 Better GUI on platforms such as windows 7 and above

 Producing outputs in less time
 User friendly website not much technical knowledge required
 Support different web browsers such as Google chrome, Firefox, internet explore

2.2.3 Economical

This kind of feasibility study is done for cost or benefit analysis. In this study the benefit of proposed sys -
tem are identified and the corresponding costs are determined. in this website the books are provided at
rent so multiple books can be rented by a user. This will prove beneficial for user as well as owner as:

 User need not buy book

 Same book can be rented many times generating profit for owner
 Specifying particulars

 75% of money will be given back if book rented for one month
 60% of money will be given back if book rented for Three month
 50% of money will be given back if book rented for Six month

Design is meaningful activity needed to develop a quality product. Design is the only way by which we
can accurately translates the customer’s requirement into a finished software product or system.

3.1 Class diagram

It is the main building block of any object oriented solution. It shows the classes in a system, attributes
and operations of each class and the relationship between each class. Different relationships between
Classes are shown by different types of arrows.

Figure 3.2 Class Diagram

3.2 Use case diagram

A use case diagram at its simplest is a representation of a user's interaction with the system that
shows the relationship between the user and the different use cases in which the user is involved. A
use case diagram can identify the different types of users of a system and the different use cases
and will often be accompanied by other types of diagrams as well.

Figure 3.2 Use Case Diagram

3.3 Activity diagrams

Activity diagrams represent workflows in a graphical way. They can be used to describe business
workflow or the operational workflow of any component in a system. Sometimes activity diagrams are

used as an alternative to State machine diagrams.

Figure 3.3 Activity Diagram

3.4 Sequence Diagram

Sequence diagrams in UML show how objects interact with each other and the order those interactions
occur. It’s important to note that they show the interactions for a particular scenario. The processes are
represented vertically and interactions are show as arrows.
3.4.1 Sequence Diagram for Customer

Figure 3.4.1 Sequence Diagram for Customer

3.4.2 Sequence Diagram for Admin

Figure 3.4.2 Sequence Diagram for Admin

3.5 Collaboration diagram
A collaboration diagram, also called a communication diagram or interaction diagram, is an illustration of
the relationships and interactions among software objects in the Unified Modeling Language.

Figure 3.5.1 Collaboration Diagram

3.6 Data flow diagram
A data flow diagram (DFD) illustrates how data is processed by a system in terms of inputs and outputs.
As its name indicates its focus is on the flow of information, where data comes from, where it goes and
how it gets stored.
3.6.1 level-0 data flow diagram

figure3.6.1 level-0 data flow diagram

3.6.2 level-1 data flow diagram

Figure 3.6.2 level-1 data flow diagram

3.6.3 level-2 data flow diagram

Figure 3.6.3 level-2 data flow diagram

3.6.4 level-3 data flow diagram

Figure 3.6.4 level-3 data flow diagram

3.6.5 level-4 data flow diagram

Figure 3.6.5 level-4 data flow diagram

3.5.6 level-5 data flow diagram

Figure 3.6.6 level-5 data flow diagram

4.1 Data Design

Data design is used to transfer the information domain model of analysis phase into the data structures.
Those data structure play an important role in software implementation.
4.1.1 ER Diagram
The entity relationship model is a way of graphically representing the logical relationships of entities in
order to create a database .An entity relationship model is a systematic way of describing a business
process. The ER model defines the conceptual view of a database. It works around real world entities and
the association among them.

Figure 4.1.1 E-R Diagram
4.2 System Architecture
4.2.1 Structure chart
The structure chart is principal tool of structured design. The basic element in the structured chart is
module. Module is defined as the collection of program with four attributes.
 Input and output: What the module gets from the invoker is called input and what the receiver
gets from the module is called output.
 Function: the function process the input and produces output.
 Mechanics: The code or the logic by which the function is carried out.

Figure 4.2.1 Structure chart

5 Implementation


It gives simple ways of renting a book and returning on minimum price. It is economical as well as
environment friendly project.


We hereby declare that the project entitled “Books Rental System” submitted by us to Medicaps
Institute of science and technology in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the awards of the
degree of BE in Computer Science Department is a record of an original project work carried out
by us under the guidance of Asst. Prof. Vidhya Samad Barpha. I further declare that the work
reported in this project as not been submitted and will not be submitted, either in part of or in
full,for the award of any other degree in this institute or any other institute or university.

Name Signature of the student

Ayushi Pingle (0876CS131041)

Ayushi Rathod (0876CS131042)
Bhagyashree Zambre (0876CS131044)



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