1 5 10 Year Goal

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Instruction: Setting goals are essential for us to determine what we want to focus on, why it is

important, and what are our plans to achieve it. By creating a realistic plan, we can take steps to achieve
that goal. Most importantly, is the ability to visualize your life during those important times. This method
is about self-reflecting on how or what you see yourself during these years and the actions you will take
to achieve it. Although, there may be challenges during those years; think of the possible challenges or
barriers that may prevent you from achieving your goals.

For this assignment, please complete the chart.

Year Goals (what do you want Strategies (what are your Possible Challenges (what may
to achieve?) action plans to achieve be the possible barriers that
your goal?) can prevent you from achieving
your goals?)

1 year ● Be halfway done ● Make sure to pass ● Procrastination, work,

with my credits my classes, stay on life in general
19 years
for an Associates top of my ● Sometimes it is harder
of Art degree assignments, and to transfer into
● start applying to choose classes I programs because they
art schools/ know I can be can be impacted
schools with art productive in ● I like to sleep a little too
programs so I can ● Research is key!! much sometimes….
look into Decide what ● Work and regular
transferring careers I want to do school could make it
● Gain more good most hard for me to split my
study habits ● more sleep + doing time
● Apply for homework twice a ● I like to spend money
cosmetology day and things are really
school ● Research black expensive this day in
● buy a car owned age so that makes
cosmetology saving hard
● Save!!! DO NOT
5 year ● decide on a ● Research and deep ● uncertainty because
specific thought about you will always have a
23 years
profession what I want to do doubt about something
● be attending an with my life or some sort of anxiety
art because this will be ● not having enough
school/university the most life credits for my associate
and finishing a altering decision I degree
degree in the arts have ever made ● University and work
● Have finished ● Stay focused, and could take most of my
cosmetology work hard time, doing
school ● more and more cosmetology too would
research !!!!
● start looking for ● Look mostly in the be difficult and time
jobs in my field IE Area but I could consuming
● apartment decide to move ● Not having enough
hunting wherever I plan to money, avg cost to rent
transfer in california is

10 year ● Be finished with ● Stay in school!! ● Financial issues,

my masters FInish my laziness
28 years
degree in my associates degree ● I could have a hard
chosen then progress on, time finding an
profession choose the right affordable space
● Have a space to university for me ● Not all people get jobs
do hair + have my ● Research the best in the field where their
license properties degree is because it is
● Have a job in my ● Make sure I choose hard to do so right out
chosen a field I actually of college
profession as well enjoy and am ● life gets in the way, and
● Start a long term confident I can by the time I am 28
savings-account succeed in houses are probably
for a house ● buckle down and going to be at least a
budget half a million dollars

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