Experiential Learning Assignment For Blockchain

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Experiential Learning Assignment for Blockchain (30 Marks)

Rules regarding the submission of assignment:

1. This is group assignment. All students will work on the assignment as per respective study
2. They will submit a word document with maximum 5 pages (excluding title page)
3. Submission title of the file should be Group “_”- Division”_” e.g. Group 1 - Division A. Title page
should clearly mention the case study name and names of all the students with PRN numbers.
4. All the documents will be checked for plagiarism and any document with plagiarism of more
than 10% would be rejected or given less marks as per SIU rules. Check your documents on your
own before submission.
5. There group case studies will be part of final exams syllabus.

Division A
Group Use Case Topic Additional Resources
Group 1 Bourse Back Japanese https://www.jpx.co.jp/english/corporate/research-
office Stock study/working-paper/b5b4pj000000i468-att/
Exchange (JPX) E_JPX_working_paper_No26.pdf

Group 2 Land Records Republic of https://www.oecd.org/corruption/integrity-forum/

Georgia academic-papers/Georg%20Eder-%20Blockchain

Group 3 Logistics Maersk Group https://www.maersk.com/news/articles/

express-join-tradelens and
Group 4 Demo/ Decentralized https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/
Dissemination Autonomous fbloc.2020.00025/full
Group 5 Academic NAD.gov.in https://nad.gov.in/
Group 6 Media & Blockchain in https://www.jpmorgan.com/commercial-banking/
Entertainment Media & insights/future-blockchain-media-
Entertainment entertainment#:~:text=The%20decentralized
Group 7 Permissioned & Bitcoin from Student to explore on her / his own
Permission-less Investment
Chains standpoint
Group 8 Forking: Hard Hard forking: https://medium.com/mycrypto/the-history-of-
Fork & Soft Fork Bitcoin & ethereum-hard-forks-6a6dae76d56f
Division B
Group Use Case Topic Additional Resources
Group 1 Smart Contracts Auto- http://digitalchamber.org/assets/smart-contracts-
insurance, 12-use-cases-for-business-and-beyond.pdf
Mortgages &
Group 2 Promises of HBR Article, https://hbr.org/2019/09/will-we-realize-blockchains-
Blockchain Sept. 2019 promise-of-decentralization#:~:text=Since%20its
Group 3 Demerits of Article by BY https://101blockchains.com/disadvantages-of-
Blockchain Gwyneth blockchain/
Iredaleon, Apr.
Group 4 Variants: Disruptions: 1- https://www.cbinsights.com/research/industries-
Sidechain, to-29 disrupted-blockchain/
Group 5 Variants: Disruptions: https://www.cbinsights.com/research/industries-
Sidechain, 30-to-58 disrupted-blockchain/
Group 6 Indian Bitcoin Student to explore on her / his own
Regulations Regulations by
Group 7 Singapore Bitcoin Student to explore on her / his own
Regulations Regulations by
Group 8 Japan Bitcoin Student to explore on her / his own
Regulations Regulations by

Please let me know if you have any queries.

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