2.5 Building The Winning Inbound Script

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6/18/2020 DigitalXP Marketing Accelerator

DigitalXP Marketing Accelerator

2.5 Building the Winning Inbound Script

But it's also figuring out how you manage these leads [inaudible 00:02:38]. So how did you hear
about us? That's a great marketing question to ask, to kind of guide where you want to go with
marketing in the future, just to see what's e ective.

And then the second thing I'll always ask is, "So, tell me about what you're looking for and we'll see
what we can best do to help." And, "I want to learn about the business, too. Tell me about the
business. What do you guys do exactly?" And then they just talk, talk, talk, talk, talk. What's
important of you to realize is that when you're doing these inbound calls, you are going to do most
of the listening. So listen more than you talk. Ideally you're letting them talk 60 to 70% of the time.
Because you're asking them probing questions, you're figuring out what they're looking for exactly,
what their challenges are, and if you can even solve their problems. Because o en times we have a
lot of inbound leads that come in, their budgets are too small, they don't fit our ideal client profile.
And maybe the services that they're looking for just aren't a fit for what we can do.

But the great thing about us is that we have a lot of di erent friends out there at partner agencies
that we can send the leads to that we can't necessarily fulfill. And in some cases, where they might
just be starting out. For example, when I should send them to a course, for example, or we might
send them to so ware. Or maybe they're not ready for our done for you services where we're doing
all the execution, maybe what we're doing is we're doing a strategy for them. So figuring out what
they need exactly is really important in the beginning, otherwise you're not going to know where to
go. It's important to use these questions to guide the conversation. Let it go however you want it to
go, but get the key details, and that's how you're going to be able to move forward.

So, "How did you hear about us? What can you tell me about your organization? Tell me about
yourself." And then from there you start to get deeper and deeper. "If you want help with one thing
right now, what would it be? How are you solving this problem right now? How is your marketing
team organized?" That's at least a question for us. And then what you also need to ask too is, "How
soon do you need to see an improvement for us to feel that this campaign is successful?" If they
want improvements or results tomorrow, not going to be the right fit. We're setting expectations. You
know what their expectations are, you back out there.

I don't usually like asking the budget question, but sometimes you might have to. A way I spin it,
because we manage marketing for people, is, "How much are you spending on marketing per month
right now?" And I also like asking people, "How much would it be worth for us to solve this
problem?" If they say, "Oh, we're going to make millions more," well then I know in that case I'm
going to charge based on value, and I'm going to try to make it that way. Because here's the thing.
Let me ask you a question. If I made you a million dollars, would you pay me $100,000, you pay me
10? Is that fair? It's pretty fair, right? So think about that. That's a totally di erent philosophy that
we'll talk about later around charging what you're worth instead of charging by the hour. It's a whole
di erent topic.

But also I like to talk about when can you start as well. So the script is right here. We can share this
with you, we'll drop it as a template as well. But there's all these other questions in here. Now what I
want to show you too is our inbound sales discovery script put together by one of our team
members. And what is important, this is easy for any sales member that joins your team to follow. So
we have a lot of di erent service o erings in here. But B-A-N-T, BANT. So B stands for budget, A
stands for authority, N stands for need, T stands for tighter. No, just kidding, timing.

So, budget. Do you have the budget that fits what we're working for? So like I mentioned, we are
looking to charge 30 grand for paid advertising in terms of their monthly minimum ad spend. 10
grand a month for SEO, for example.

Now, authority. Do they have the authority to make the decisions? Or do you have an intern calling
you? In some cases we've had interns call us where the can't make the decisions. You got to make
sure that you're not wasting your time and you're bringing in the authority, the decision makers.
Because if you don't have the decision makers, the contract's not going to get signed. So budget,

You have needs as well. What do they need exactly? Can you serve those needs?

Timing. How soon are you looking to get started? Because if they're not looking to get started for
another year, you may as well put them on the back burner right now. But if they're looking to get
started really soon, they move to the top of the priority chart for you as focusing on sales.

And then from there you can score it from one to 10. 10, 10, 10, 10. That's 40, right? 10, 10, 10, 10. 40.
So you want to score these leads, and then from there you can focus on them based on the priority.
That's why I like the BANT chart. And then you can see the average total here.

And then basically here we have our script, where I basically gave you my questions a little earlier.
It's a little more organized here. "Where are you located? How'd you hear about us? What can you tell
me? What's your KPI?" Budget, authority, needs, it's all laid out here. And then additional important
questions, we put them in here. But you can see what I'm doing already. You're already getting a
sense of how we're documenting everything. And again, I can't emphasize this enough, we're
making processes that help you scale. It's very, very, very simple. It's so simple you can do it. But
getting in the habit of doing this in the beginning, that's going to be important to have it. For not
only whatever you're doing right now in terms of this business that you're trying to do, but new
businesses that you want to start in the future, this is the same thing over and over and over. It's a
playbook that you can duplicate.


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