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6/18/2020 DigitalXP Marketing Accelerator

DigitalXP Marketing Accelerator

2.2 What Sales Really Is: Solving People's Problems


Okay. So in the last video, we gave a quick overview of what sales really is, but now let's talk about
what sales really really is. 

So sales is about, again, what did I say? It's solving people's problems, asking the right questions.
But how do you actually start doing that? Because it sounds very convoluted. 

So in the next couple videos we're actually going to show you how you can actually set that up, the
processes that we use. But sales is a system, and every single thing that you do when it comes to
becoming a really great consultant, if you don't have good systems you are not going to be able to
scale. So whether it's scaling your sales systems, your marketing systems, your hiring systems, your
client experience systems, your o ice management systems, there's just so many systems out there. 

And every single piece that I see inside of a consultancy or a business, that's basically a game or a
power-up that you have, and you're just going to continue to refine it. Because as you continue to
get bigger your power-ups are going to change, you're going to have to actually level up each power

And when you think about it, when you think about, well, all of the things that ... Actually, when I
think about all the times where I failed at sales, it's because I've been floundering about, not really
being sure what to do. What kind of a question should I ask? What are the objections that I'm
handling? What are the frequently asked questions? And are my payment terms fair? And am I
solving the right problems?

And this all comes from asking questions. So again, sales is all about solving people's problems. But
in order to really get to the root of their problems it's asking questions. And if I even think back to,
we're talking about consulting right now, but even building so ware for example, when we're asking
people ... When we're building so ware and we're asking people questions, it's because we cannot
solve problems in a vacuum. It's the same thing when it comes to trying to consult on SEO, trying to
consult on paid advertising. And the thing is, if you provide a cookie cutter template to people, it's
not going to work out that well.

The time that it starts to work out well when you have more of a cookie cutter template is what we
talked about in the first section of this entire course. It's about niching down. So there's a lot of
nuances around sales, but I'm just telling you, at a high level you got to figure out the right questions
to ask. And don't feel like you need to sound like a broker record and ask questions like you're
reading from a script. Ask questions and generally have a conversation with people, and that's what
sales really is. And don't worry, in the next couple of videos we got you covered. We got a bunch of
templates for you, a bunch of worksheets to get the process really going so that you can actually go
out there, start reaching out to prospects, and start making money.


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