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LESSON PLAN Teaching Dates
and Time: January 27, 2021 Quarter: 1st Quarter

A. Content Standard Demonstrates understanding of the concepts of nouns, verbs and
adjectives for proper identification and description.
B. Performance Standard Properly identifies and describes people, animals, places, things and uses
them in a variety of oral and written theme-based activities

C. Learning Competency/ Differentiate Common Noun from Proper Noun.

Objectives EN2G-If-g-2
Write the LC code for
II. CONTENT Lesson 27: Common Noun and Proper Noun
A. References K TO 12 Curriculum Grade 2 – English page 22
1. Teacher’s Guide pages Pages 53-54
2. Learner’s Materials
Pages 81-83
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning Resource
(LR) portal
B. Other Learning Flash cards, Slideshow presentation, pictures, puzzle, tarpapel, video clip
Resource and activity sheets.
Integration: Math, Araling Panlipunan and Contextualization
Value Focus Love of nature
A. Reviewing previous Read the following words.
lesson or presenting the
new lesson Mother bag birthday
Father shoes Christmas
cat school market

What do you call these words?

What are nouns?
Nouns- are names of persons, animals, objects, places and events.

Look around and give examples of noun that are here in the classroom.
B. Establishing purpose Games: “Let’s Have Fun!” (Math Integration)
for the lesson Puzzle “You’re the missing piece”
Group the pupils into 2 groups. (Team Boys and Team Girls)
The first group who will form the puzzle will receive a star.

By connecting the puzzle, what image was

How many trees do you see in the picture? (Math Integration)
Let us count the trees.
Using your finger, how do you write number 1, 2, 3 and 4 in the air?
(Show Pictures)
What trees do you see in the picture?

Mango tree
Coconut tree
Lemon tree
Narra tree

What is the national tree of the Philippines? Narra tree

(Araling Panlipunan Integration)
Where do you think this place is? Farm

Let’s, proceed to the next game.

Riddles “The amazing game show, Guessing game”

1. It is an overflowing of a large amount of water due to heavy

rains. What is it? (Flood)
2. We give these to sick people to make them well. Especially those
who suffer COVID 19. What is it? (medicine)
3. The weather is hot. You rest under a mango tree. What does a
tree give to a person resting under a tree? (The tree gives shade)
4. We can have this if we cut down trees. It is used for building
houses. What is it? (Wood)
Today, we are going to differentiate the Common Noun and Proper Noun.
C. Presenting examples/ Class, we are going to read a dialogue related to the picture that you’ve
instances of the new seen earlier. But before that, what should you do when the teacher is
lesson reading a story or dialogue?

(Show the dialogue. The teacher will read the story.)

Narrator: Last weekend, the Harake family took a trip going to Anyas
Burobanglid Farm Mountain Resort. They rode in a private car.

They saw a lot of trees on their way. Two hours later, they reached
the Farm. Mr. Jeff Tugon was very happy to see them. He is the owner of
Anyas Burobanglid Farm Mountain Resort.

Mr. Jeff: Welcome to our resort. Let’s go inside and Let me tour you to
our beautiful resort.
Narrator: While walking, they saw different trees.
Mia: Wow! There’s a lot of trees.
Rico: I am tired. Let us rest under the mango tree.
Mr. Harake: It’s nice to stay here. Trees give us shade.
Mrs. Harake: Oh, Coconut! Can we have some coconut water?
Mr. Jeff: Sure!
Mr. Harake: There are mangoes too. Can we buy some?
Mr. Jeff: I will get a basket.
Mr and Mrs Harake: Thank You, Mr. Jeff.
Mr. Jeff: You’re welcome.
Narrator: (Mr. Harake went up the tree. He put the mangoes in a basket.)
Mia: Why there are many trees here?
Mr. Jeff: We planted them years ago.
Trees give us fruits, wood, medicine and shade. They also help prevent
Narrator: The family had a wonderful trip. The following day, they went
home very happy.

Now, it’s your turn to read the dialogue.

(The teacher will call some pupils to read the part of the character in the
D. Discussing new Question time!
concepts and practicing  Who are the characters in the dialogue?
new skills #1 (The characters in the dialogue are Mr. Harake, Mrs. Harake, Mr.
Jeff, Mia and Rico)

 Where did the family go? (Contextualization)

(In the Anyas Burobanglid Farm Mountain Resort)

 What were the things they saw?

(trees, basket and fruits)

 Are trees important to us? Why?

(Yes, because Trees give us fruits, wood, medicine and shade.)

 During heavy rains,why do you think our place is flooding?

(Araling Panlipunan Integration)
(There are no more trees in our environment.)

 If you were Mr. Jeff will you also plant trees like them? Why?
(Yes, to prevent floods.)

Presenting of Video clip

I have prepared a short videoclip, so what you are going to do is to
watch and observe because later on I will ask you some questions.
 What can you say about the video?
 What is the moral lesson that you get from the videoclip?
 Being a Grade 2 pupil, how can you help save trees? (Araling
Panlipunan Integration)
E. Discussing new Call some pupils and let them complete the Tree Map.
concepts and practicing (Call each pupil one at a time to get the pair of word cards. Read the
new skills #2 word and put it in a proper heading .



doll Barbie

What do you notice on the names

under Common Nouns?
How are the words written in Common Nouns?
The names in Common nouns are common names . They begin with small

What do you notice on the names under Proper Nouns?

How are the words written?
The names in Proper nouns are specific names. They begin with capital
F. Developing mastery Group Activity (with differentiated activities)
(leads to formative Today we shall have a group activity but before we do that, what should
assessment) we do while doing a group work?

(Group the class into 3 according to their level of development and

Give each group a task to accomplish. Explain them what to do. (after the
activity the teacher will check the work of each group.)

Group 1. Happy Group

Color the Common Nouns and Proper Nouns
Rose Miss Reyes boy April
friend planet Carlo store
Philippines cellphone Monday July

Group 2. Jolly Group

Give an example of Proper Noun for each Common Noun.
Common Noun Proper Noun

Group 3. Smiley Group

Group the words under proper heading.
tree, book , Safeguard, Sunsilk, Sampaguita, pen, China, bag, Elena

G. Finding practical Open your bags. Get your favorite thing in your bag, identify it and give
application of concepts the specific name of that thing.
and skills in daily living Ex. This is a flower – Its name is Rose.
H. Making generalizations Ask:
and abstractions about Class how do you differentiate the Common Nouns from Proper Nouns?
the lesson Common Nouns are common names of persons,animals,things,
places and events.
They begin with small letters while the
Proper nouns are specific names of persons,animals,things,
places and events.
They begin with capital letters.
I.Evaluating learning Direction: Write C-if the noun is a Common Noun and
P- if it is a Proper Noun

1. flower
2. Linda
3. Vista Mall
4. Muning
5. car

J. Additional activitiesfor Assignment:

application or Direction: Give example of Proper noun for each Common noun.
remediation 1. province
2. dog
3. hero
4. town
5. subject

IV. Remarks

V. Reflection

A. No. of learners
who earned 80%
in the evaluation
B. No. of learners
who require
activities for
remediation who
scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial
lessons work?
No. of learners
who have caught
up with the lesson
D. No. of learners
who continue to
E. Which of my
strategies worked
well? Why did
these work?
F. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my
principal or
supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation
or localized
materials did I
which I wish to
share with other

Prepared by:


Teacher I

Observed by:
Principal I

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