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Commas, Semi-Colons, and Colons

Punctuation is very important in writing. Each symbol has a very particular function.

Here is a quick reminder of the functions of a comma, a semi-colon, and a colon.

These three symbols are often misused and confused.
Name of Symbol What is it for? Example
comma , To separate the elements list:
of a list, to separate I like apples, oranges, and
dependent and bananas.
independent clauses, to dependent and independent
set off appositives, clauses:
interrupters, and question Because it stopped raining, I
tags put my raincoat away.
Thomas, my older brother,
started university this year.
Puppies, especially the ones
with huge paws, are
incredibly cute.
question tags:
You have a sister, don’t you?
semi-colon ; To join two independent The sun was shining brightly;
clauses together I finally got to go outside.
→ a semi-colon can be (replaced by a comma and a
replaced by a comma and conjunction: The sun was
a conjunction shining brightly, so I finally got
to go outise.
colon : To introduce a list, to list:
introduce a quote, to write I have traveled to three
the time different countries: Greece,
Turkey, and the United
Eleanor Roosevelt once said:
“No one can make you feel
inferior without your
Meet me at 9:30.
A. There is missing punctuation in each of these sentences. First, tell me between
which two words the punctuation should be. Then, tell me what kind of
punctuation should be there.

There are three countries I would love to visit Ireland, France, and Russia.
Punctuation missing between: _______visit______ and ______Ireland______
Kind of punctuation missing: ____colon_____

1. Harriet is your cousin right?

Punctuation missing between: __________________ and ___________________
Kind of punctuation missing: ________________

2. In the summer I love to go to my cottage to relax.

Punctuation missing between: __________________ and ___________________
Kind of punctuation missing: ________________

3. The book is very interesting it has many relatable characters.

Punctuation missing between: __________________ and ___________________
Kind of punctuation missing: ________________

4. My parents won’t let me go out after 10 00.

Punctuation missing between: __________________ and ___________________
Kind of punctuation missing: ________________

5. I am babysitting my cousin’s cat my cat is not happy about it.

Punctuation missing between: __________________ and ___________________
Kind of punctuation missing: ________________

6. My favourite snacks are popcorn, carrot sticks and chocolate-covered

Punctuation missing between: __________________ and ___________________
Kind of punctuation missing: ________________
7. Spas usually offer the following services saunas, steam rooms, whirlpools,
and massages.
Punctuation missing between: __________________ and ___________________
Kind of punctuation missing: ________________

8. I studied history in university but I teach English.

Punctuation missing between: __________________ and ___________________
Kind of punctuation missing: ________________

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