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PLACEMENT TEST for Adults/young adults (+16)

Total de pontos 41/50

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A: ___________________________ B: P-E-N * 1/1

a) How do you spell pen?

b) What does pen mean?

c) What are these?

02. Paola is from _____________________. * 1/1

a) Spanish

b) Mexico

c) Brazilian
03. __________ do you live? * 1/1

a) What

b) How

c) Where

04. _____ is she crying? * 1/1

a) What

b) When

c) Why
05. A:“ __________ do you exercise?” B: I exercise twice a week. * 1/1

a) What time

b) How often

c) Where

06. What are these? * 1/1

a) They’re Keys.

b) It’s a bag.

c) It’s an egg.
07. 10:15 am is the same as * 1/1

a) a quarter after ten

b) half past ten

c) fifteen to eleven

08. She ___________ in Salvador. * 1/1

a) lives

b) likes

c) goes
09. Does she speak English? * 1/1

a) Yes, she is.

b) No, she doesn’t.

c) Yes, she did.

10. _______ he ________ TV in the evening? * 1/1

a) Does/watches

b) Does/watch.

c) Do/watch
11. I love birthdays. My friends and I often _______ to a restaurant or a disco. * 0/1

a) go

b) going

c) are going

Resposta correta

a) go

12. Don’t forget to take your umbrella! It __________ now. * 1/1

a) rain

b) rains

c) is raining
13. Jenny always ______ to work by car but today she _________. * 1/1

a) goes - drive

b) go - is drives

c) goes - is driving

14. My grandmother has four ______. * 0/1

a) child

b) childs

c) children

Resposta correta

c) children
15. I _______ ride a bike but I _______ drive a car. * 1/1

a) can/can’t

b) can/can

c) can’t/can’t

16. I have English classes _______ five pm. * 1/1

a) in

b) on

c) at
17. She _______________her friends tomorrow night. * 1/1

a) is to meet

b) is going to meet

c) was meeting

18. My friend ______ a birthday party next week. * 1/1

a) is going to has

b) is going to have

c) is to have
19. They ______ to the park because they were very tired. * 1/1

a) don’t walk

b) not walked

c) didn’t walk

20. A: _____ you _______ the book? B: Yes, I_______. __________. * 1/1

a) Did/finish – did

b) Do/finish – do

c) Are/finishing - do
21. My parents __________ at home at half past six. * 1/1

a) arrives

b) are arrive

c) arrived

22. Where ______ you __________ yesterday? * 1/1

a) did/go


c) do/gone
23. I _______ flowers every week but last week I ________ some roses. * 1/1

a) buy - buys

b) buy – bought

c) buying - am buying

24. I ________ this picture before. * 0/1

a) did seen

b) haven’t seen

c) didn’t saw

Resposta correta

b) haven’t seen
25. Peter _____ Tennis since 2016, when he ______ school. * 1/1

a) has been playing - left

b) had played - leave

c) played - leaves

26. When Jack was at school, he _____ to play the saxophone. He _____ it ever since. * 0/1

a) learned – has played

b) learning – played

c) learned – has been played

Resposta correta

a) learned – has played

27. English is _______________ Portuguese. * 1/1

a) easy as

b) easier than

c) more easy than

28. Gold isn't ____________ as platinum. * 1/1

a) as expensive

b) more expensive

c) most expensive
29. In your opinion, what is _______________ sport? * 1/1

a) more dangerous

b) the more dangerous

c) the most dangerous

30. Jonathan is _____________ person in the office. * 1/1

a) intelligenter

b) the more intelligent

c) the most intelligent

31. I want to go abroad for my holiday. I've ______ reserved my flight, but I haven't 1/1
found a good hotel ______. *

a) yet – already

b) already – yet

c) just – already

32. Whenever I ________ a mistake, the teacher corrects me and explains why. * 1/1

a) do

b) make

c) done
33. I will be very ______ if she does well in her test. * 0/1

a) suprise

b) surprised

c) surprising

Resposta correta

b) surprised

34. I'm ______ ! There's nothing to do in the house. Let's go out. * 1/1

a) bore

b) boring

c) bored
35. She doesn’t want _______ coffee. * 1/1

a) some

b) any

c) many

36. My birthday is _______ November, 28th. * 1/1

a) in

b) on

c) at
37. Valentine’s Day is _______ February. * 1/1

a) in

b) on

c) at

38. Lucas said __________ to me, but I couldn’t hear __________. * 0/1

a) anything - nothing

b) something - nothing

c) something – anything

Resposta correta

c) something – anything
39. The man _________________ car we bought was from Texas. * 1/1

a) who

b) which

c) whose

40. We _______ to the station exactly when the train _______. * 1/1

a) ran – left

b) were running – left

c) ran – was left

41. _____________ a new language is really interesting. * 0/1

a) Learning

b) To learn

c) Learn

Resposta correta

a) Learning

42. Stop ________ this terrible noise! * 0/1

a) to make

b) making

c) doing

Resposta correta

b) making
43. If he _______ me "lazy" again, I ________ help him when he is in trouble. * 1/1

a) calls – won’t

b) call – don’t

c) called – would

44. Our teacher _____ angry if we _____ our homework. * 1/1

a) be – do

b) will be – don’t do

c) is – did
45. What ______ you _____ if you ______the lottery? * 1/1

a) would – do – won

b) will – done – won

c) did – do – win

46. Oxygen ________ by red blood cells. * 1/1

a) carries

b) is carried

d) is carrying
47. Penicillin _______ by Sir Alexander Fleming. * 1/1

a) discovered

b) were discovered

c) was discovered

48. Anthony _____ that he was hungry. * 1/1

a) said

b) told

c) spoke
49. Sara _____ me that you were ill. * 1/1

a) said

b) told

c) spoke

50. When Airi _______ at school, she realised she _______ her textbook. * 0/1

a) arrived – forgot

b) had arrived – forgot

c) arrived – had forgotten

Resposta correta

c) arrived – had forgotten

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