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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been

fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TNSE.2020.2990984, IEEE
Transactions on Network Science and Engineering

Data-Driven Intrusion Detection for Intelligent

Internet of Vehicles: A Deep Convolutional Neural
Network-based Method
Laisen Nie, Zhaolong Ning, Xiaojie Wang, Xiping Hu, Yongkang Li, Jun Cheng

Abstract—As an industrial application of Internet of Things is an open network for each user, though the user may be a
(IoT), Internet of Vehicles (IoV) is one of the most crucial possible attacker. Due to the openness of the IoV, it is usually
techniques for Intelligent Transportation System (ITS), which attacked by various malware (e.g., the worm and the Trojan
is a basic element of smart cities. The primary issue for the
deployment of ITS based on IoV is the security for both users horse). Meanwhile, the Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS)
and infrastructures. The Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is im- attack has been a main menace for vehicles, in which the
portant for IoV users to keep them away from various attacks via flooding DDoS attack known as a brute-force attack exhausts
the malware and ensure the security of users and infrastructures. the cache and computing resources of vehicles. Thereby, to
In this paper, we design a data-driven IDS by analyzing the link protect the privacy and security of users, the intrusion detection
load behaviors of the Road Side Unit (RSU) in the IoV against
various attacks leading to the irregular fluctuations of traffic techniques have obtained more and more attention in IoVs [2]–
flows. A deep learning architecture based on the Convolutional [7].
Neural Network (CNN) is designed to extract the features of link Currently, the taxonomy of data-driven intrusion detection
loads, and detect the intrusion aiming at RSUs. The proposed methods consists of the signature-based methods and the
architecture is composed of a traditional CNN and a fundamental anomaly-based methods [8]–[11]. The signature-based meth-
error term in view of the convergence of the backpropagation
algorithm. Meanwhile, a theoretical analysis of the convergence ods take advantage of a database in an Intrusion Detection
is provided by the probabilistic representation for the proposed System (IDS), reporting the abnormal pattern signatures of
CNN-based deep architecture. We finally evaluate the accuracy known intrusions to implement intrusion detection. In this
of our method by way of implementing it over the testbed. case, the IDS matches the collected features of attacks with the
Index Terms—Internet of vehicles, intrusion detection, data- signatures to decide whether an intrusion occurs or not. The
driven, convolutional neural network, smart cities. main issue of the signature-based methods is the weakness
for the intrusions from the novel and unknown attacks. The
I. I NTRODUCTION anomaly-based methods analyze the network data (such as
network traffic), and detect attacks according to the abnormal
With the rapid development of Internet of Things (IoT), it behaviors of network data. Though the anomaly-based meth-
has been extended to vehicles for structuring the Intelligent ods are able to detect unknown attacks from novel malware,
Transportation System (ITS), i.e., the intelligent Internet of they suffer from the high false alarm rate.
Vehicles (IoV). The intelligent IoV can provide credible and The approaches based on machine learning are ubiquitous
efficient communication services for vehicles to support kinds for dealing with the issues of the anomaly-based methods.
of applications, e.g., the Global Positioning System (GPS) and However, considering the specific scenario of an IoV, there
the advanced driving assistance system [1]. It is one of the are several challenges to be solved which can be summarized
most crucial techniques for employing the ITS in order to as follows [12]–[16]:
realize smart cities. Recently, various networking techniques, • The nodes in an IoV may be limited in computing and
such as the 5G-enable communication network, have been memory [17]. In this case, it is rather difficult to deploy
already involved in IoVs to provide the higher bandwidth for the network data sampling function on each node of
users. Subsequently, an increasing number of users’ private IoVs for implementing a data-driven IDS. That is because
information is transmitted over IoVs. Furthermore, the IoV both data sampling and analyzing will consume a great
L. Nie and Y. Li are with the School of Electronics and Information, North- number node resources. Therefore, running a data-driven
western Polytechnical University, Xi’an, 710072, China, and with Qingdao IDS has a negative effect on nodes, which may reduce
Research Institute of Northwestern Polytechnical University, Qingdao, China the throughput of an IoV.
Z. Ning (Co-coresponding author) is with the School of Software, • Vehicles usually move fast, which means that the topol-
Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, China, (e-mail: zhaolongn- ogy of an IoV changes frequently and nodes access to the network randomly [18]. Moreover, the links of an IoV are
X. Wang (Co-Corresponding author) is with the Department of Computing,
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China (email: xiao- always short-time. Nevertheless, the machine learning- based approaches often need a lot of network data to
X. Hu (Co-coresponding author) and J. Cheng (Co-coresponding au- identify anomalies for intrusion detection.
thor) are with the Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese
Academy of Sciences, Shenzhen 518055, China (e-mail:, • Most of previous approaches based on machine learning analyze anomalous network data collecting by the On-

2327-4697 (c) 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF BIRMINGHAM. Downloaded on May 10,2020 at 20:57:23 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TNSE.2020.2990984, IEEE
Transactions on Network Science and Engineering

Traditional IDS RSU-based IDS carry out the network data sampling on the OBU all the
time, considering the limited resources of OBUs in an
Internet IoV, the proposed data-driven IDS collects network data
from the RSU.
Traffic Sampling • We propose a deep architecture based on CNN with 7
layers for intrusion detection. The spatial feature of link
loads is utilized to design the loss function. Based on the
RSU deep architecture, a redundant error term on the output
layer is employed to enhance the convergence of the
training error. This term derives a feedback of error from
V2V the output map, which increases the residual error during
the backpropagation process so that the parameters of
the deep architecture are rapidly updated without loss of
OBU rationality.
• We analyze the convergence of the training error in depth.
A probabilistic representation of the deep architecture is
Fig. 1. Illustration of IDS based on RSU.
brought in our evaluation. The deep architecture based
on CNN is constructed as a Bayesian hierarchical model,
Board Unit (OBU). The complicated network topology as and then we prove the prominent convergence of our deep
well as limited computing and cache capacity in IoVs im- architecture with a redundant error term in training error.
pede the network managers to sample adequate network The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. We
data using for the anomaly-based intrusion detection. introduce the related work in Section II. Section III describes
the data-driven IDS. Numerical results are provided to evaluate
Motivated by these observations, we focus on the problem
the proposed intrusion detection approach in Section IV.
of intrusion detection in an IoV, and propose a data-driven and
Section V concludes our work and summarizes the future work
anomaly-based detection approach by analyzing the network
about data-driven intrusion detection in intelligent IoVs.
traffic data from the egress points (i.e., RSUs), as shown in
Fig. 1. In our method, we assume that the coverage areas of
all RSUs are not overlapped. Then, each RSU identifies the II. R ELATED W ORK
intrusions of the corresponding OBUs independently. Namely, Initially, the signature-based (or host-based) intrusion de-
the RSU detects the intrusions of the OBUs accessing to this tection methods have been progressed widely, so that the
RSU. For convenience, we just present the intrusion detection accuracy of the IDS is guaranteed for the real-time intrusion
mechanism in an RSU as an example throughout this paper. In detection in an IoV [19]–[21]. In [12], the authors used a
details, we first describe the link loads entering the network statistical technique to analyze the traffic flows of IoV to find
by a matrix, and then design a deep architecture based on out the rogue nodes and detect other attacks. This method first
the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) with a redundant collected network traffic flows, and then modeled the intrusion
error term to extract the features of link loads. The CNN is detection problem as a hypothesis testing. Based on the insight
a prevalent technique to extract the spatio-temporal feature analysis of traffic flows, the designed IDS can make a decision
of a two-dimensional dataset. In image processing, pattern to accept or reject data. The proposed intrusion detection
recognition and computer vision, the CNN is a powerful mechanism had a good performance to detect both rogue nodes
tool to model the dependence of two-dimensional dataset. By and other attacks. Nevertheless, when several attacks appeared
contrast, the matrix that shows the volume of traffic also yields simultaneously, the accuracy deceased dramatically. Aiming at
a spatio-temporal feature. Hence, in our work, we use the the DDoS attack, integrity target, and false alert’s generation,
CNN to model the statistical features of link loads. In fact, the the authors in [15] designed a light-weight IDS. This IDS
intrusion detection can be formulated by the hypothesis testing. relied on relevant detection rule to identify the corresponding
Namely, the destination of the designed deep architecture is attacks, namely it detected each attack independently.
for classification. As a result, a fully connected layer and Recently, with the rapidly development of artificial intelli-
an output layer with two neurons are used to carry out the gent, the machine learning-based intrusion detection has ob-
supervised learning for intrusion detection. In addition, we also tained a sufficient development [22], [23]. The authors in [24]
take into account the real-time performance of the proposed studied the problem of intrusion detection and its overhead,
deep architecture, and refer to an additional error term on and proposed an intrusion detection mechanism based on the
the output layer. The additional error term can improve the Bayesian game model, in which the trade-off between false
convergence of the deep architecture. positive rates and overhead were taken into account. Besides,
The main contributions of this paper are summarized as the authors in [8] used the online sequential extreme learning
follows: machine to design a distributed IDS based on fog computing
• We design an effective data-driven IDS by way of an- in IoTs. Comparing with the traditional and centralized IDS,
alyzing the link loads of RSUs instead of the nodes in this IDS detected an intrusion and interpreted the attacker by
the network. Different from most of the traditional IDSs way of the fog nodes. Aiming at botnets, the authors in [25]

2327-4697 (c) 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF BIRMINGHAM. Downloaded on May 10,2020 at 20:57:23 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TNSE.2020.2990984, IEEE
Transactions on Network Science and Engineering

proposed a traffic-based IDS, in which a network feature set at first. Generally,

 the loss function for a single training
and a feature selection technique were designed to implement example X (m), y (m) can be described as:
decision making for botnet detection. Nowadays, the deep
learning technique has been brought in intrusion detection to   1   2
L w, b, X (m), y (m) = hw,b X (m) − y (m) , (2)

decrease the false alarm rate, such as the hierarchical deep 2
architecture consisting of the recurrent neural network and the  
multilayer perceptron. In addition, the authors in [26] studied where hw,b X (m) is the output of the neural network, and
the IDS in software defined networks, and designed a simple notation k·k is the `2 -norm. For M training examples, the loss
feedforward neural network with 3 hidden layers for intrusion function is:
Comparing with the traditional Internet service provider 1 Õ  
L (w, b) = L w, b, X (m), y (m) . (3)
network, wireless networks (e.g., wireless sensor networks and m m=1
mobile ad-hoc networks) have significant differences, such
as limited cache and computing resources of nodes. Thus, The backpropagation algorithm searches the optimal solution
the emphasis of the intrusion detection approach for wireless by minimizing the loss function utilizing the gradient descent
network is obtaining a tradeoff between the false alarm rate algorithm. The partial.derivative in the
. gradient descent algo-
and network resources. Motivated by this issue, the cooperative (l)
rithm denoted by ∂L ∂wi, j and ∂L ∂b(l) i can be computed
game theory was utilized in [27] to increase the efficiency by the backpropagation of an error term. Herein, wi,(l)j is the
of the IDS so as to obtain a tradeoff between security and weight associated with the connection between neuron j in the
energy. The authors in [28] studied the intrusion detection l-th layer and neuron i in the l + 1-th layer, and b(l) shows the
problem for a specific paradigm of wireless sensor networks, bias associated with neuron i in the l + 1-th layer. Then, the
i.e., the visual sensor network. The proposed approach was parameters are updated by:
also based on the feature extraction of network traffic. They
proposed the correlated N-Burst model for feature extraction (l) (l) ∂L
 wi, j = wi, j − α ∂w (l) ,

at first, and then the hierarchical self-organizing map neural i, j
(l) (l) ∂L
network was adopted for binary classification. To decrease the  bi = bi − α b(l) ,

memory and computational consumption of nodes, a principal

component analysis-based intrusion detection method was where α is the learning rate. To obtain these partial derivatives,
proposed in [29], in which an improved V-detector algorithm the error term is defined as the error between the training
and a multi-levels detection model were used jointly. example y (m) and the corresponding output map hw,b X (m) .
To the best of our knowledge, the previous intrusion de- For any neuron of the output layer, the error term is defined
tection approaches are employed within the network, namely as:
the network data come from network inside. Sampling these
ei(nl ) = − yi − ai(nl ) × f 0 zi(nl ) , (5)
datasets will consume a lot of network resources. For instance,
transmitting these datasets may occupy the bandwidth of an
where nl is the number of layers, and i ∈ S (l) . S (l)

IoV, and sampling these datasets reduces the capacity of IoV’s
denotes the number of neurons in the l-th layer. Then, the
memory. Thereby, it is still significantly difficult to gain an
backpropagation for the convolution layers is given as:
available IDS with lower false alarm rate and consumption.
ei(l) = ei(l+1) ⊗ 1Q×Q ◦ f 0 zi(l) , (6)
where ”◦” and ”⊗” denote the Hadamard product and the Kro-
A. Convolutional Neural Network
necker product, respectively. Q is the factor of the following
A convolutional neural network is a hierarchical system pooling layer. For a pooling layer followed by a convolution
made up of neurons [30]–[33]. For a single neuron, it is layer, it is:
formulated by a function with input X and output a. The     
function can be denoted by: ei(l) = ei(l+1) ∗r w(l+1)
i ◦ f 0 zi(l) . (7)
a(l) = f X (l−1) ∗ w (l−1) + b(l−1) , (1) Function r (·) denotes the rotation operation of a matrix, in
which it is rotated by 180◦ . Then, the partial derivatives for
where w is the weight vector, and scalar b is the bias of the the convolution layer are computed by:
neuron. Function f (·) is known as the activation function.
The activation function has various choices, e.g., the sigmoid ∂L Í  (l)   (l−1) 
 ∂wi,(l)j u,v ei u,v a j ,

function, the Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU), the hyperbolic 
∂L Í (l)
 ∂b(l) = u,v ei u,v,
tangent function and so on. The process of training is to 

explore a group of parameters (e.g., weights and biases),  i

so that the neural network can fit the relationship between  

inputs and outputs. The prevalent training approach is the where a(l−1)
j is the element at (u, v) in the output map of
backpropagation algorithm, in which a loss function is defined the l − 1-th layer.

2327-4697 (c) 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF BIRMINGHAM. Downloaded on May 10,2020 at 20:57:23 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TNSE.2020.2990984, IEEE
Transactions on Network Science and Engineering



Input Layer Hidden Layer Output Layer

Fig. 2. CNN architecture for intrusion detection.

Backpropagation an IP backbone network. As an aggregation of traffic flows,

the link loads of RSUs also yield these fluctuations, which
arises the main challenge of intrusion detection in an IoV. In
order to extract irregular fluctuations and other spatial features,
we use the average pooling with a factor of 2, which can be
described as follows:
Hidden a(3)
j = average a (2)
j , j ∈ S (2), (10)

where S (2) is a selection of input maps in the first pooling

layer, and average (·) describes the average pooling with a
factor of 2. Similarly, the forward propagation of the following
.. convolution layers and pooling layers is given by:
 a = sigmoid
Í (3) (3) (3)
ai ∗ Ki, j + b j , j ∈ S (3),

Error Term 
 j

Forward Bropagation 
 i ∈Z 
(5) (4)
 a j = average a j , j ∈ S (4),

Fig. 3. Output map of the CNN architecture with redundant error term.
(6) Í (5) (5) (5)
a = sigmoid a ∗ K + b , j ∈ S (5),

 j i i, j j

 i ∈Z (3)
(7) (6)
 a j = average a j , j ∈ S (6),

B. Deep Architecture based on CNN for Intrusion Detection 

The deep architecture based on CNN designed for intrusion
detection is made up of 6 hidden layers (3 convolution layers where Z (l) is the set of output maps of layer l. The intrinsic
and 3 pooling layers), as shown in Fig. 2. Three convolution problem of intrusion detection is a classifying operation.
layers learn 6, 6 and 12 convolution kernels of size 5 × 5. Hence, we put forward a fully connected layer before the
The fully connected layer is used in this deep architecture, output layer, in which the sigmoid function is also used as the
and then two single neurons are employed for classification. activation function. In terms of the architecture of the fully
Three pooling layers implement the average pooling with a connected layer and the output layer, we have the following
factor of 2. Essentially, the intrusion detection is a problem of output map:
classification, thus the sigmoid function is brought in the deep Õ
(7) (7) (7)
architecture. hw,b (X) = sigmoid ai ∗ wi, j + b j , j ∈ S (7) .
Generally, the link load is a time series in the sense that we i ∈Z (2)
can denote it by a vector. Besides, the link load obeys various (12)
statistical features, just as the same as the end-to-end network To train the proposed deep architecture based on CNN, the
traffic. Therefore, we take into account the spatial features of backpropagation algorithm is put forward for updating the
link load, and denote it by a matrix. We assume that the link parameters including kernels and biases. During the training
load of an RSU is denoted by the square matrix X, where process, we take into account a loss function based on `1 -norm,
X= [x1, x2, ..., x N ] and x n ∈ R N . For a training example defined as:
(X, y), y is the output map that shows whether the network is 1 2
intruded or not. The output map of the first convolution layer L (w, b, X, y) = hw,b (X) − y . (13)
can be calculated by:
  Considering M training examples, Eq. (13) is expanded as:
j = sigmoid X ∗ K (1)
j + b(1)
j , j ∈ S (1), (9) M
1 Õ  
where sigmoid (·) denotes the sigmoid function utilized in our L (w, b) = L w, b, X (m), y (m) . (14)
M m=1
deep architecture. S (1) represents the set of kernels in the first
convolution layer. In an IoV, the traffic flows have much more All of the parameters in each layer are initialized via a uniform
irregular fluctuations comparing with other networks, such as distribution with zero-mean.

2327-4697 (c) 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF BIRMINGHAM. Downloaded on May 10,2020 at 20:57:23 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TNSE.2020.2990984, IEEE
Transactions on Network Science and Engineering

C. Deep Architecture with Redundant Error Term is O S (l) K (l) . Similarly, for the convolution layer, the
To increase the precision and convergence of the proposed computation complexity is O S (l) K (l) S (l−1) K (l−1) . Spe-
deep architecture, a redundant error term is used. The purpose cially, for the convolution
layer following the fully connected
of this redundant error term is to enhance the backpropagation layer, we have S (7) = S (6) K (6) .

of error, so that the convergence of the training error improves
remarkably, as shown in Fig. 3. After adding the redundant D. Probabilistic Representation with Redundant Error Term
error term, the loss function is computed by:
Previous works have tried to depict a deep learning

 L̂ (w, b) = L (w, b) + L̃ (w, b) , architecture by a complex probabilistic model [34], [35].
 M 2
To demonstrate the performance of our deep architecture
 L (w, b) = 1 Í hw,b X (m) − y (m) ,

2M (15) based on CNN for intrusion detection, we first introduce

 M   2
some relevant notations briefly in this paper. We assume
 L̃ (w, b) = 2M hw,b X (m) − ỹ (m) ,

 1 Í

 m=1 that X and y are the training datasets and the training
labels, respectively. Subsequently, p (X) and p (y) are the
where L̃ is the redundant loss term. Due to the fully connected prior distributions with respect to X and y, respectively.
layer before the output layer, the error term of the output layer Meanwhile, samplings of theo training dataset D =
is defined as: n  the
X ,y ∈ R S, y (m) ∈ R L are independently iden-
(m) (m)
ei(8) = − yi − ai(8) × f 0 zi(8) , i = {1, 2, 3} , (16) tically distribution with the joint distribution pθ (X, y), where θ
    denotes the parameters in the joint distribution. Then, the CNN
where e3(8) = − y3 − a3(8) × f 0 z3(8) is the redundant error can be defined as CNN = x; f1 ; f2 ; f3 ; ...; fI ; fy , and fy is the

term that can be viewed as a feedback of the intrinsic CNN. estimator of the prior distribution p (y). Besides, we denote
Under this case, the error term of the fully connected layer is the random variable of the hidden layer fl by Fl . According
shown as follows: to the work in [35], [36], it is proved that the deep neural
networks obey two fundamental properties, i.e., the hierarchy
S (8)
©Õ (7) (8) ª 0 (7) and generalization properties [34].
= ­ W ji e j ® f (zi ). (17)
Lemma 1: The whole architecture of DNNs can be for-
« j=1 ¬ mulated as a Bayesian hierarchical model. Meanwhile, each
From Eqs. (16) and (17), we find that each error term of the hidden layer obeys a Gibbs distribution.
fully connected layer can be enhanced, that is: The hierarchy property derives the representation of an
n o entire CNN architecture with I hidden layers shown as:
(7) (8) 0 (7)
∆ei(7) = W3i e3 f (zi ), i = S (7) . (18)
F1 → F2 → ...FI → Fy , (19)
Obviously, for the backpropagation algorithm, the subsequent
which is a Bayesian hierarchical model. According to Eq. (19),
parameters of the proposed deep architecture are increased in
the CNN can be formulated as a Markov chain:
turn. The increasing of parameters can improve both the train-
q F1 ; F2 ; ...; FI ; Fy = q (F1 ) q (F1 |F2 ) ...q FI Fy . (20)
ing error and the convergence of the training error, which will
be demonstrated by the following subsection via a probabilistic
Eq. (20) arises the destination of training the  CNN,
representation of the proposed deep architecture.
namely searching an optimal q F1 ; F 2 ; ...; FI ; F y denoted
The real-time performance of an intrusion detection mech-
by q∗ F1 ; F2 ; ...; FI ; Fy closed

to the posterior distribu-
anism has an effect on the security level of an IDS, because
tion p F1 ; F2 ; ...; FI ; Fy |D . Generally, the distance

the response time with respect to an attack defines the security
p F1 ; F2 ; ...; FI ; Fy |D and q F1 ; F2 ; ...; FI ; Fy can be de-

level of the IDS. The computation complexity of our method
scribed by the Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence. Therefore,
depends on the backpropagation algorithm under the proposed
the backpropagation algorithm explores the optimal distri-
CNN-based deep learning architecture. Meanwhile, it is also
bution by minimizing the KL divergence to the posterior
the sum of each layer in the deep architecture. In the previous
distribution, i.e.,
section, notation S (l) , where l = 1, 2, ..., 6, denotes the set of
q∗ F1 ; F2 ; ...; FI ; Fy = arg min

kernels in layer l. Besides, S (7) and S (8) (it can be viewed q ∈Q
K L p F1 ; F2 ; ...; FI ; Fy |D q F1 ; F2 ; ...; FI ; Fy .

as l = 7 and l = 8) are the sets of neurons of the relative
layers. We define the number of elements in set S (l) as S (l) . (21)
Then, the computation complexity of the fully connected To obtain an optimal solution with lower training error, the
(7) (8)  loss function can be relaxed to:
layer is O S S . In the pooling layer, the computation
q∗ F  1 ;F2 ; ...; FI ;(nl)
Fy = arg minq ∈Q

complexity depends on the number of neurons in the following  , (22)
K L p Fy {yi } S q Fy |F1 ; F2 ; ...; FI

convolution layer.
If we assume that the following convolution
layer contains S (l) kernels and each kernel has K (l) elements,  
S (nl)
where p F1 ; F2 ; ...; F7 ; Fy |D = p Fy {yi }i=1

is known

and then the output of the pooling layer during backpropaga-

tion algorithm has S (l−1) kernels and each kernel has K (l−1) for us [34].
elements (i.e., the output of the previous convolution layer). Based on the Bayesian hierarchical model, we consider the
In this case, the computation complexity in a pooling layer convergence of our deep architecture. First, as is well-known,

2327-4697 (c) 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF BIRMINGHAM. Downloaded on May 10,2020 at 20:57:23 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TNSE.2020.2990984, IEEE
Transactions on Network Science and Engineering

the great generalization performance is gained by means of IoV

designing an appropriate CNN architecture and choosing a
proper training dataset. Nevertheless, it has been proved that an
over-parametrized CNN still acquires a desired generalization
performance, and the generalization performance depends on a
prior distribution of training dataset according to the Bayesian
theory. In [35], the authors demonstrated the regularization
property with respect to the posterior distribution of training

From Lemma 1, for the convergence of our deep architec- Brute-force Attack
ture, the following proposition holds.
Proposition 1: The convergence of the training error in the
proposed deep architecture based on CNN can be enhanced
by the redundant error term.
Attackers Servers
Proof : The fundamental object of a learning algorithm is
learning some features of the training dataset D to model Fig. 4. Illustration of our testbed.
pθ (X, y), where θ is the parameters of the joint distribu-
tion. Eq. (20) has given the Bayesian hierarchical model
to represent a deep CNN architecture. Obviously, we find
that the hidden layer fi−1 is the input of the subsequent
hidden layer fi . Consequently, fi−1 is a prior distribution of
layer fi . As we known, the Gibbs distribution is conjugate, 100%
namely if the prior and likelihood distributions are the Gibbs
False Positive Rate

distribution, and then the posterior distribution also formulates

the Gibbs distribution. Hence, q F1 ; F2 ; ...; FI ; Fy is the

Gibbs distribution accordingly, which means that the Gibbs
distribution holds for pθ (X, y). In this case, the posterior
distribution p F1 ; F2 ; ...; FI ; Fy |D can be described via an 1.6

energy function, that is: 0 1.2

0.4 0.4
exp (−E (X, θ)) 0.8
p F1 ; F2 ; ...; FI ; Fy |D = Í ,
(23) -0.8
exp (−E (X, θ)) 1.6
2 -1.6
x Weight -2

where E is the energy function. In our deep architecture with Fig. 5. Sensitivity of CNN for 12 OBUs.
redundant error term, the optimization model shown in Eq.
(21) can be transformed into
q∗ F1 ; F2 ; ...; FI ; Fy+ = arg minq ∈Q
K L p F1 ; F2 ; ...; FI ; Fy+ |D, yr q F1 ; F2 ; ...; FI ; Fy+ ,

(24) 100%
where yr and Fy+ are the additional output data and the relative
False Positive Rate

random variable. In the information theory, Eq. (24) can be

deviated as the following form:
q∗ F1 ; F2 ; ...; FI ; Fy+ = arg minq ∈Q 0
Í  p (F1 ;F2 ;...;FI ;F + |D,yr ) 2

p F1 ; F2 ; ...; FI ; Fy+ |D, yr log q F ;F ;...;F y;F + . 0 1.2
x ( 1 2 I y) 0.4 0.4
(25) 0.8
1.2 -0.8
Multiple convolution layers can be modeled as a Gibbs distri- 1.6 -1.2
2 -1.6
bution. Then, judging from Eq. (25), the objective function is Weight -2 Bias

much steeper than before, which can enhance the convergence

Fig. 6. Sensitivity of CNN for 30 OBUs.
of the optimization model.

IV. E XPERIMENTS a deep learning technique with respect to initialized weights

In this section, numerical results are provided to evaluate the and biases. Motivated by that, we first evaluate the sensitivity
performance of the proposed deep architecture. The problem of of our method, when different initialized weights and biases
a CNN-based intrusion detection mechanism is its sensitivity derive. Subsequently, we discuss the evaluation of our method
for various initial parameters, due to the explicit issues of under various strengths of attacks. Above evaluations are based

2327-4697 (c) 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF BIRMINGHAM. Downloaded on May 10,2020 at 20:57:23 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TNSE.2020.2990984, IEEE
Transactions on Network Science and Engineering

on an attack. After that, we carry out our method while a series
of attacks occur simultaneously with diverse persistent periods. 100%

True Positive Rate

A. Network Traffic Dataset 80%
We build a testbed to imitate the scene of an IoV. The 60%
testbed shown by Fig. 4 consists of 1 RSU and 30 OBUs.
Furthermore, four attackers, in which the Low Orbit Ion 40%

Cannon (LOIC) is installed to implement the DDoS attack, 20%

are employed in our testbed. The LOIC implements the DDoS
attack by sending a number of malicious requests with respect 0
20 40 60 80 100
to the specific protocols consisting of TCP, UDP, and HTTP. Factor of Anomalies for Normal Traffic
In an IoV, the cost-efficient network intrusion attacks the
Fig. 7. True positive rates with various strengths of attacks for the scenario
OBU instead of the server as same as the traditional DDoS with 12 OBUs.
attack, since exhausting the resources of OBUs is much easier
than that comparing with the server [19]. Hence, all the four
attackers carry out the brute-force attack (also known as the
flooding DDoS attack) to the OBUs using TCP-SYN, UDP, 120%

and HTTP floods concurrently. To imitate the traffic flows 100%

of an IoV vividly, the server provides various services for

True Positive Rate

OBUs, consisting of radio, video, voice calls, and the GPS. 80% CNN
Meanwhile, the Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) is used as 60%
the routing protocol among OBUs, and then the weights of
the OSPF are defined as the general urban path loss model 40%
as shown in [37]. Under this case, we sample the packets
transmitted by the link of the RSU using the Wireshark.
Meanwhile, the volume of network traffic is reported over 0
20 40 60 80 100
one second. Namely, each element in the dataset expresses Factor of Anomalies for Normal Traffic
the number of packets in the link over one second. Besides,
we consider two scenarios with different network scales, in Fig. 8. True positive rates with various strengths of attacks for the scenario
with 30 OBU.
which the number of OBUs is 12 and 30, respectively. For
simulations, Wollect one-week link loads from the RSU.

B. Sensitivity Analysis
This subsection first shows the sensitivity of the deep archi- three machine learning-based intrusion detection methods are
tecture for the initialized parameters (biases and weights of the brought for comparison, i.e., the traditional shallow Neural
convolution layer). Figs. 5 and 6 depict the false positive rates Network method (NN) [38], the Support Vector Machine
(i.e., the false alarm rate) with various initialized values. The method (SVM) [39], and the Principal Component Analysis
initialized weights of convolution layers obey the symmetric method (PCA) [40]. Figs. 7 and 8 display the true positive
uniform distribution U (−p, p), and we set p ∈ [0, 2]. Fig. 5 rates with respect to various strengths of attacks for two
shows the false positive rates with respect to the weights and scenarios. On the x-axis, the factors are 20, 40, 60, 80, and
biases for the scenario with 12 OBUs. We find that the false 100, respectively. Accoridng to the results in Figs. 7 and 8, we
positive rates have explicit fluctuations for a small number find that the true positive rates of four methods are consistent
of initialized parameters. There are 7 points with high false versus different factors except for the PCA method in the
positive rates in all the 66 points with various initialized scenario with 12 OBUs. The NN, SVM and CNN methods
parameters. Meanwhile, from Fig. 6, it declares that the CNN are steady for all attacks in Fig. 7, and they are 60%, 100%,
architecture with redundant error term is stabilized for various and 100%, respectively. By contrast, the PCA method has a
initial parameters. low true positive rate when the factor is 80, and shows the
The LOIC provides manifold configurations for the DDoS lowest true positive rates among four methods. Considering the
attack, such as the strength of DDoS attack, thus we also eval- scenario with 30 OBUs as shown in Fig. 8, the true positive
uate the performance of our method under various strengths rate of the NN method is no longer outstanding comparing
of DDoS attacks. To make the strength of DDoS attack with the simulation result of the former scenario. The true
quantifiable, we refer to a metric in this paper, which is defined positive rates of NN and PCA are 10% in this case, and they
as: are 100% for CNN and SVM. The NN method is a shallow
Xan − Xn learning approach. When a large number of OBUs access to
Str = , (26)
Xmax an RSU, the irregular fluctuations are much more obvious. As
where Xn and Xan are the normal and anomalous traffic, a result, these irregular fluctuations viewed as a noise for the
respectively. Xmax is the maximum traffic that can be cal- shallow neural network arise the overfitting. Hence, the NN
culated from previous known network traffic. Meanwhile, method shows lower true positive rates.

2327-4697 (c) 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF BIRMINGHAM. Downloaded on May 10,2020 at 20:57:23 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TNSE.2020.2990984, IEEE
Transactions on Network Science and Engineering

120% CNN+12 120% CNN+12

NN+12 NN+12
100% SVM+12 100% SVM+12
PCA+12 PCA+12
CNN+30 CNN+30
80% NN+30 80% NN+30
SVM+30 SVM+30
60% PCA+30 60% PCA+30

40% 40%

20% 20%

0 0
Accuracy Precision Recall False Alarm F-score Accuracy Precision Recall False Alarm F-score

Fig. 9. Performance for 2 attacks with 2 timeslots. Fig. 13. Performance for 2 attacks with 6 timeslots.

120% CNN+12 120% CNN+12

100% SVM+12
100% SVM+12
80% CNN+30
NN+30 80% NN+30
60% PCA+30
60% PCA+30



Accuracy Precision Recall False Alarm F-score 0
Accuracy Precision Recall False Alarm F-score

Fig. 10. Performance for 2 attacks with 3 timeslots.

Fig. 14. Performance for 2 attacks with 7 timeslots.

120% CNN+12
NN+12 120% CNN+12
100% SVM+12 NN+12
PCA+12 SVM+12
CNN+30 PCA+12
80% NN+30 CNN+30
SVM+30 80% NN+30
60% PCA+30 SVM+30
60% PCA+30
Accuracy Precision Recall False Alarm F-score 0
Accuracy Precision Recall False Alarm F-score
Fig. 11. Performance for 2 attacks with 4 timeslots.
Fig. 15. Performance for 3 attacks with 2 timeslots.

120% CNN+12
120% CNN+12
100% NN+12
CNN+30 100% SVM+12
80% NN+30 PCA+12
SVM+30 CNN+30
80% NN+30
60% PCA+30
60% PCA+30
Accuracy Precision Recall False Alarm F-score
Accuracy Precision Recall False Alarm F-score
Fig. 12. Performance for 2 attacks with 5 timeslots.
Fig. 16. Performance for 4 attacks with 2 timeslots.
C. Precision Analysis
In order to analyze the precision of our method, five metrics
architecture based on CNN. They are the accuracy, precision,
are used to evaluate the performance of the proposed deep

2327-4697 (c) 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF BIRMINGHAM. Downloaded on May 10,2020 at 20:57:23 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TNSE.2020.2990984, IEEE
Transactions on Network Science and Engineering

100% SVM+12
PCA+12 Predicted Intrusion
Attack Normal
CNN+30 Actual Intrusion
80% NN+30
Attack TP FN
60% PCA+30 Normal FP TN


20% attacks.
• Recall: It describes the percentage of the attacks detected
Accuracy Precision Recall False Alarm F-score correctly over all of the attacks.
• False Alarm: It shows the number of normal network
Fig. 17. Performance for 5 attacks with 2 timeslots.
traffic viewed as attack among all of normal network
120% CNN+12 • F-score: It expresses a balance between precision and
CNN+30 Here we also compare our method with the NN, SVM,
80% NN+30 and PCA methods in this subsection. The NN architecture
60% PCA+30 is a feedforward network with a hidden layer including 200
neurons. The input and output layers have 400 and 2 neurons,
40% respectively. The activation function of each neuron is also the
sigmoid function in the approach based on NN. Meanwhile,
we used the LOIC to implement the DDoS attack using TCP-
0 SYN, UDP, and HTTP floods. As mentioned in the above, the
Accuracy Precision Recall False Alarm F-score
sensitivity analysis mainly discusses the detection performance
Fig. 18. Performance for 6 attacks with 2 timeslots. under a single attack via 4 attackers. In this subsection,
we evaluate the performance of the proposed method with
CNN+12 NN+12 SVM+12 PCA+12
respect to repeated attacks implemented by 4 attackers and
CNN+30 NN+30 SVM+30 PCA+30 various lengths of persistent period, and depict their accuracy,
100% precision, recall, false alarm, and F-score respectively.
In Figs. 9-14, we set the number of attacks to 2, and each
attack lasts for 2 to 7 timeslots. From Fig. 9, when two attacks
60% lasting two timeslots appear, the accuracy, the precision, the
recall, the false alarm, and the F-score of the NN method are
78.22%, 78.53%, 77.71%, 21.27%, and 78.12% respectively
20% for the scenario with 12 nodes. By contrast, the proposed
method is 100% in four metrics, and the false alarm is 0%.
Accuracy Precision Recall False Alarm F-score
Meanwhile, they are 47.06%, 100%, 47.06%, 0%, and 64.00%
for SVM. The PCA method obtains the lowest accuracy of
Fig. 19. Performance of CNN method for 12 nodes. intrusion detection. It defines two subspaces (i.e., the normal
and anomalous subspaces) by means of a threshold-based
approach, and then the observed traffic data are projected to
recall, false alarm and F-score, which are defined as follows: two subspaces to make a decision for intrusion detection. The
Accuracy = T P+TTNP+T traffic flows in an IoV reveal so many irregular fluctuations that
+F P+F N ,
 N

 Precision = T P+F P , the normal and anomalous subspaces are blurry. As a result,

 TP

Recall = T P+F the PCA method has the highest error of intrusion detection.

 TP
= We also obtain the same conclusion according to the scenario
F P+T N ,
False Alarm

with 30 OBUs shown by Figs. 9- 13. Comparing with the

 F − score = 2 × Precision×Recall .

 scenario with 12 OBUs, we find that the larger scale of the
The TP, TN, FP, FN are true positive, true negative, false network (such as 30 OBUs) has not a prominent influence on
positive, and false negative, respectively (shown in Table I). the performance.
The intrinsic definitions of the above five metrics are shown From the other scenarios with different timeslots, we can
as follows: achieve similar conclusions except for Figs. 13 and 14. When
• Accuracy: It illustrates the percentage of exactly detec- the timeslots are 6 and 7, the CNN method cannot identify
tion results over the number of tests. the intrusion at all. The CNN method extracts the temporal
• Precision: It is defined as the percentage of the attacks and spatio-temporal features of network traffic, due to the
detected correctly by an IDS over all of the detected link load of the RSU is denoted by a matrix. Hence, if the

2327-4697 (c) 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF BIRMINGHAM. Downloaded on May 10,2020 at 20:57:23 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TNSE.2020.2990984, IEEE
Transactions on Network Science and Engineering

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