Exercise: Business, Geography, and The Location Advantage

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The Location Advantage MOOC

Business, Geography, and the
Location Advantage
Section 1 Exercise 1
April 14, 2021
The Location Advantage MOOC

Business, Geography, and the Location Advantage

Use this guide and ArcGIS Online to reproduce the results of the exercise on your own.
Note: ArcGIS Online is a dynamic mapping platform. The screen captures that you see in
course materials may differ slightly from the version of ArcGIS Online that you will use.

Time to complete
Approximately 45-55 minutes

Technical note
To take advantage of the web-based technologies available in ArcGIS Online, you need to
use a fairly new version of a standard web browser, such as Google Chrome, Mozilla
Firefox, or Microsoft Edge. Older web browsers may not display your maps correctly.

In this week's lesson, you learned about the relevance of geography to business. You learned
how industries, companies, and departments can leverage location information in decision-
making to gain a competitive advantage. Now, you will be introduced to tools and techniques
used for analyzing location data in a business scenario.
This exercise presents an approach to using ArcGIS to map bank branches, along with the
characteristics of populations near those branches. The information will help management
decide how to best promote new bank services to customers and potential customers. For
example, people in densely populated areas might be more interested in the security and
convenience of online banking. People with more income might be more interested in
investments or home loans.
The purpose of this exercise is to give you experience using geospatial tools as part of a
geographic information system, or GIS, to help answer business questions and make informed
decisions based on analysis. GIS allows you to create visualizations and analyze spatial
relationships between objects or areas on the earth to reveal insights into data. The data,
scenario, analysis, and resulting decisions are hypothetical.

Exercise scenario
In this scenario, you are an analyst for Sixth Consolidated Bank, a fictitious bank chain in
Toronto, Canada. Your manager will be attending a meeting to discuss the promotion of new

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The Location Advantage MOOC

bank services and has asked for your assistance showing areas where Toronto bank branches
are located, along with some basic demographic data about the people who live in those
You realize that the best way to quickly and easily show this information is visually, so an
ArcGIS StoryMaps story is ideal.
In this exercise, you will use ArcGIS Business Analyst Web App and the ArcGIS Online
mapping platform to perform these tasks:

• Create a web map.

• Work with map layers.
• Visualize demographic data on a map.
• Create a web-based story.

Note: ArcGIS Business Analyst Web App and the analysis tools in ArcGIS Online require a
subscription. While you are enrolled in this course, you have access to both Business Analyst
Web App and an ArcGIS Online subscription at no cost.
If you would like to continue using these tools after the course ends, you will need to
purchase a subscription. For more information, visit https://arcgis.com.

Throughout the exercises in this course, you will use a four-step question-model-analyze-
interpret workflow for decision-making. You can use this approach in any situation, whether it
involves location data or any other business information.

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In this exercise, you will analyze bank locations in relationship to characteristics of the
populations located near each branch. As you examine these spatial relationships, you will see
how mapping and visualization can facilitate decision-making. In this case, you can use
information about the income characteristics and household sizes in areas near bank branches
to decide which services should be promoted in particular areas.
Formulate the Question
Using location information when approaching business decisions can help inform and support
your decision-making efforts. For this exercise, bank management needs to decide where to
promote new bank services. A map that shows the bank branch locations and demographic
characteristics of their surrounding populations would aid decision-making. Formulating the
question, or questions, you must answer to make decisions is your first task.
You can frame the primary business question as follows:
Where are bank branches located, and what are the characteristics of the populations in those
Model the Solution
Your next task is to model the solution, or identify the information and methods needed to
answer the business question. This task includes gathering the data, including the locational
component you need, and identifying the techniques you will use to provide the information
the business can use to make decisions.
What is the locational component?
Several locational components are associated with the business question in this exercise. For
example, you must identify where the bank branches are located—a map can be used to
show where things are located. You must also identify the characteristics of the populations
living in the areas near these bank branches—a map can also determine what is located within
an area. This determination involves assessing the types of people who live there, their
median income, and so on.
What data do I need for my map?
To create a map that shows the locations of Sixth Consolidated Bank branches and the
characteristics of the populations living nearby, you will use several types of data:

• A hosted feature layer containing bank branch locations in Toronto, Canada

• Demographic information about the populations living in the areas where the bank
branches are located, including median incomes
• A satellite image of the city of Toronto as an alternate basemap

Where can I get the data I need?

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As you learned in the lecture, location data exists in many forms within an organization. Your
bank maintains street address information for its branches. This type of location information
can be displayed on a map to show relationships that were not visible before, such as how far
objects are from one another or how objects are dispersed across a city or other area.
Location information is often stored in spreadsheets, or in an organization's ERP (enterprise
resource planning) or CRM (customer relationship management) systems. When searching for
location information in these sources, look for columns or key fields such as x/y, longitude/
latitude, mailing address, or postal code.
Geocoding is a technique that locates an object on a map using location information, such as
a street address, postal code, or longitude and latitude coordinates. Geocoding can be used
to create a feature layer, which is a group of similar geographic features. Your coworker used
geocoding to create a feature layer containing the point locations of the banks. Your coworker
then published the feature layer to ArcGIS Online so that you and other employees can
access bank location information for mapping and analysis.
ArcGIS Online includes population characteristics and demographic information for many
different countries, as well as satellite imagery.
ArcGIS Living Atlas of the World is also a robust source of data from around the world that
you can use to map and analyze data from categories such as people, infrastructure, the
environment, imagery, and more.
Which techniques will I use?
Geospatial techniques are a way to understand information that has a location component.
Using geospatial techniques, you can understand, explore, and analyze information with a
location component to help inform your business decisions.
For this exercise, you will use a technique called visualization to show the locations of bank
branches on the map. Another technique you will use is overlay, which refers to placing map
layers on top of one another to gain insight into geospatial relationships.
Perform the Analysis
Recall from the lecture that GIS is a system of tools and techniques that provide you with
information through analysis to help you answer business questions and make decisions.
Spatial analysis is the process of analyzing spatial relationships using a GIS. For this exercise,
you will use spatial analysis to examine, or analyze, the location of bank branches and
population characteristics to determine how and where to promote new bank services.
Interpret the Findings
After you perform the analysis and examine the findings, you may discover that you have
more questions. You can use the four-step decision-making workflow as an iterative process to
help you review and interpret information and inform decision-making.

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Using ArcGIS Online, you can create a map with the information needed for your analysis.

Step 1: Sign in to an ArcGIS Online organization

This course uses ArcGIS Business Analyst Web App as well as Esri's web-based GIS platform
ArcGIS Online. Every registered student receives a user name and password to access these
platforms during this course. Collectively, this user name and password are known as your
"course ArcGIS credentials." The first step of this exercise explains where to find your course
ArcGIS credentials and how to sign in for the first time.
You may already have an ArcGIS Online organizational account of your own. However, for this
course, we strongly advise you to use your student account, which includes the privileges and
access needed to complete the exercises. Using your own account is not advised, as the team
can provide limited support if you encounter technical issues.

a On the black navigation bar in the MOOC platform, click the Lessons tab to locate your
If you registered within the past few hours, your credentials may not be ready. You will see a
message asking you to check back later.
Note: You will need to refresh the web page to check whether your credentials are available.
We will do our best to provide your credentials within one business day after you register.
After you locate your course ArcGIS credentials on the Lessons tab, you may sign in to ArcGIS
Business Analyst Web App for the first time.

b Open a new private or incognito browser window.

Hint: Enable private browsing: https://bit.ly/2qTQdQL

c In the address bar, type www.arcgis.com and press Enter.

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d Click Sign In.

e Under ArcGIS Login, copy and paste or type your course ArcGIS user name and
The user name and password are the same for both ArcGIS Online and Business Analyst Web
App. Although Business Analyst Web App has its own web address, you will access it as an
extension of ArcGIS Online.

f Click Sign In.

The first time you that sign in, you will be asked to set a security question.

g Follow the instructions on-screen to set your security question, if necessary.

Note: An automated email will be sent to the email address associated with your account. No
action is required.
After you set your security question, you will see the home page for the MOOC organization.

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Note: ArcGIS Online is a dynamic mapping platform, so the organization's home page may
look slightly different than the graphic.
You will leave the private or incognito browser window open for the rest of the exercise.
However, if you plan to finish the exercise later, you may close the browser window now.
Use a private or incognito browser window.
Each exercise will instruct you to open a new private or incognito browser window and sign in
to Business Analyst Web App (or another website) with your course ArcGIS credentials. Using
a private or incognito browser window will ensure that you access Business Analyst Web App
and ArcGIS Online with the correct account.
Sign in to ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Business Analyst Web App with correct credentials.
You will use your course ArcGIS credentials to access ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Business
Analyst Web App only. If you or your computer accidentally uses your course ArcGIS
credentials to sign in to an Esri.com website, you may see the following message: "Your active
ArcGIS organization account <user name>_locadv is not enabled for esri.com websites."
If you see this message, choose the Sign Out Of This Account option, go to the website that
you are trying to reach, and choose Sign In. Be sure to use the correct user name and
password (that is, not your course ArcGIS credentials) when signing in.
Note: The setting that shows your course ArcGIS account "is not enabled for esri.com
websites" is correct. The account administrator is not able to change this setting.
Now that you are familiar with your ArcGIS course credentials, you will create a new web map
in Business Analyst Web App.

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Step 2: Create a new map in Business Analyst Web App

To get started, you will need to open Business Analyst Web App from ArcGIS Online.
Business Analyst Web App is part of Esri's cloud platform that includes business and
demographic data that you will use to create your web map.

a In the upper right, on the ribbon for The Location Advantage MOOC homepage, Click
the app launcher button .

b From the list of apps that is displayed, click Business Analyst.

Note: The app icons may appear in a different order than what is shown in the graphic.

c On the Business Analyst page, click Sign In.

A pop-up window displays, prompting you to add a profile image.

d In the pop-up window, click Skip This Step.

You can always add a profile image later. Next, you will be prompted to create your first

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e Click Create Project.

This new project will contain the location map of the headquarters and branch location of
Sixth Consolidated Bank and further analysis. Similar to Business Analyst Desktop, the web
app has a project-based structure, which allows for more integration with ArcGIS Online for
easier sharing with your organization.

f In the Create Project dialog box, type Sixth Consolidated Expansion_<First Name Last
Name> and click Create.
Note: Adding your first and last name to the project will ensure that you can find your project
Creating a project in Business Analyst Web App automatically creates a group with the same
name in your ArcGIS Online organization. Your account must be assigned a role with
publishing privileges, such as the Publisher role.
After you create a project, you can share it with your organization or with individual users in
your organization who may or may not have publishing privileges.

g After the project has been created, click OK.

h Point to the thumbnail for your project and click Open.

A Guided Tours dialog box opens to display your progress. You have completed the first tour
by creating a project. If you want to explore more, you can complete additional tours later.

i In the Guided Tours dialog box, click Close.

You have the option in Business Analyst Web App to automatically save the state of the map
across sessions. This is enabled by default, and no further action is needed.
Notice that a map is displayed, centered on the United States. This type of map, called a
basemap, is a geographic background in a single map layer.

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A streets basemap can show a road network, a topographic basemap can show the land, and
a light or dark canvas background basemap can highlight certain operational layers.
When you place operational layers on top of a basemap, they become the foreground of the
map. You can think of operational layers as laying on top of a basemap, as in the following

In this exercise, operational layers contain the location information for the bank branches and
the demographic characteristics, such as income and average family size.

Step 3: Add location data to the map

Next, you will add location information for the banks to the map using the feature layer that
your coworker published to ArcGIS Online.

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a Click the Add Data tab and choose Web Maps And Layers.

The Web Maps And Layers window opens. In this window, you can search various categories
of content, such as content you own, content shared with your groups, content shared with
your organization, or content shared with ArcGIS Online.

b At the top of the window, click ArcGIS.

When you perform a search, all content shared to ArcGIS Online will be searched.

c In the search field, type Section1_Toronto_Banks_Data and press Enter.

d Point to the Section1_Toronto_Banks_Data icon and click Add to add the Toronto bank
data to the map.
On the left-side pane, Section1_Toronto_Banks_Data should be listed under Web Maps And

e To the right of Section1_Toronto_Banks_Data, click the More Options button and

choose Zoom To Web Map.

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The map display updates to show the Toronto, Canada, metropolitan area, with the locations
of the bank branches indicated by small colored point symbols, which represent point
features. Other feature types include line features, such as streets or rivers; and polygon
features that show area, such as states, countries, street parcels, or lakes.

Since the banks data is located in Canada, the country should be set to Canada.

f In the upper right, click the drop-down next to USA, then locate and choose Canada.

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The map extent will zoom out to display all of Canada.

Step 4: Explore map scale and extent

Next, you will practice navigating the web map by exploring the map at different scales and

a Under Web Maps And Layers, to the right of the Section1_Toronto_Banks web map, click
the More Options button and choose Zoom To Web Map.

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Previously, the map showed a much larger area of the world. How close in or far out the map
is zoomed is similar to map scale on a traditional map. The map appears zoomed in to the
area of Canada that includes the city of Toronto.

b In the upper-right corner of the map display, point to the zoom slider and observe the
pop-ups indicating levels of zoom.

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You can choose from Dissemination Areas, Aggregated Disseminated Areas, Forward
Sortation Areas, Census Subdivisions, Census Divisions, and Provinces Or Territories. Clicking
any of these will zoom the map display to the respective map scale level.

c Click the different scale levels to observe the changes in the map scale.
The tool palette on the right side also contains tools to navigate the web map. The hand icon
can be used to pan, and the magnifying glasses can be used to zoom in and out of the map,
changing the extent—or what is displayed within the web map.

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When you zoom in on a map, objects in the map look larger, but you can see less of the
world. An example of large map scale would be a map that shows a neighborhood- or city-
level view. Large-scale maps show greater detail, because you are zoomed in closer to the
objects on the map.

When you zoom out, objects look smaller; you see less detail, but you can see more of the
world. A small-scale map could show states and provinces or even countries.

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d Take a moment to explore the map at different scales.

In addition to changing the map scale, you can change the display extent of the map.

e Pan, or move, the map by clicking and dragging the map up, down, left, or right.

f After you are finished exploring the map, zoom to the extent of the Toronto banks.
Hint: Section1_Toronto_Banks_Data web map > More Options button > Zoom To Web
Now that you are familiar with changing the map scale and extent, you will choose a different
basemap to provide more context for your analysis.

Step 5: Change the basemap

To provide geographical context, it helps to use different views of the city of Toronto. You can
gain different information from each view. You will change the basemap to a satellite image
and zoom in to the city to see a more realistic view of the concentration of branches located

a In the upper-right corner of the map display, click the Basemaps button and choose the
Imagery basemap.

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b Click the Basemaps button again to close the pop-up window.

c Zoom in to the bank locations in the south (toward the bottom of the map), near the
Note: You may need to zoom in several times and pan the map to find the Toronto city center.

d Note the multiple-story buildings in the city center, near the bank headquarters.

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Does there seem to be a spatial relationship between bank locations and the city center? Do
you think that banks might often be located near other businesses or other corporate
These findings allow you to gain knowledge about the branches and their customers and to
then make recommendations to your managers for use in decision-making.

Step 6: Rename a map layer

Next, you will rename the bank branches layer.

a In the right-side tool palette, click the Map Legend button .

The Legend pop-up window shows the Section1_Toronto_Banks_Data web map, with the
Section1_Toronto_Banks_Data layer nested underneath.

b To the right of the web map name, click the More Options button and choose Edit

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c Change the web map name to Toronto Branches.

d To the right of the layer name, click the More Options button and choose Edit Labels.

e Change the layer name to Toronto Branches.

f Close the Legend pop-up window.

Next, you will add a thematic layer to show population characteristics.

Step 7: Examine a thematic map layer

In this step, you will add a thematic layer showing median household income. Layers like this
and many more are available from Business Analyst Web App, ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS Living
Atlas of the World, your own content, your organization, or anyone who has shared content
with the public. There are millions of layers and maps to choose from.

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a Click the Create Maps tab and choose Color-Coded Maps.

b In the Color-Coded Maps pane, search for Median Household Income.

c Expand 2020 Households by Income (Current Year) and click 2020 Household Median
Income (Current Year $) to add the layer to the map.

You should see the Household Median Income layer added to the map.

d On the right side of the map, in the tool palette, click the Map Legend button .

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e To the right of the HH Inc: Median Curr$ By Dissemination Areas, click the More Options
button and choose Edit Labels.

f Change the layer name to 2020 Household Median Income.

The legend shows the Toronto Branches symbols. The legend also displays the color ramp
used to show the different levels, or classifications, of median household income in the map

g Close the Legend pop-up window.

h Click the Zoom Out button .

i Click and drag your mouse on the map, drawing boxes.

Note: Box size does not have to match following graphic. Drawing boxes with the Zoom Out
button selected will visualize the map at a more zoomed out extent, with smaller scale levels.

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In Business Analyst Web App, as you zoom out from the map, the 2020 Median Household
Income layer automatically updates to display the information at smaller map scale levels.
When you are zoomed out to larger geographical area, such as the extent of Canada, the
information is displayed by Provinces or Territories. The display changes because showing too
much detail at smaller scales or when displaying a larger geographical area would make the
information too difficult to see and would also take longer to display.
Next, you will zoom to the extent of the Toronto Branches layer.

j Click the Sixth Consolidated Expansion tab.

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k To the right of Section1_Toronto_Banks_Data, click the More Options button map and
choose Zoom To Web Map.
Note: To ensure that you are viewing all of the Toronto Branches in the map, you may need to
use the pan button to adjust the extent of your map.

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On the left, under Web Maps And Layers, you will see that all the layers in your map are
You can see the full extent of the Toronto bank branches on top of the 2020 Canada Median
Household Income layer.

l In the map, click any area near a bank branch to view an information pop-up window, and
then click Infographics.

A window opens with preferences on how to view infographics.

Infographics present key indicators and summarized information for locations through
interactive charts, tables, maps, and images. The information provided can help you answer
location-based questions.
You can change these settings at any time in preferences.

m Leave the defaults and click Save.

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n Examine the information displayed in the infographic.

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Note: Information will vary and may not have the same information in the graphic above.

o After reviewing, in the upper-right corner of Business Analyst Web App, click the Export
Infographic button.

An Export Infographic window appears.

p Click the Export As drop-down and choose Image.

q Click Create Image, then save the Key Facts.png file to a location on your computer that
you will remember.
This infographic will be used later to provide additional analysis in an ArcGIS StoryMaps app
for the bank manager.

r In the upper-right corner, click the X to close the infographic.

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s In the map, click other areas near bank branches and explore additional infographics.
As part of a larger discussion about promoting new bank services, management is interested
in understanding the characteristics of the populations in the areas where bank branches are
located. As you explore the areas near bank branches, do you see any spatial patterns or
relationships between branch locations and population income, or between other variables?
For example, another useful characteristic for management to consider is the average size of
families living in areas near bank branches. Where are smaller or larger households located in
this area? How will this spatial information affect the marketing of targeted bank services? This
information can be used to make decisions about which services to promote in the different

t Close any open infographic and pop-up windows.

You are satisfied that management can use the work that you have done so far. Now that you
have seen some relationships between the bank locations and other variables, you will adjust
the map display before sharing your findings.

Step 8: Change the layer style and transparency

Although the appropriate data layers and basemap have been added to the web map, it is
important to adjust the map symbology. Appropriate symbology makes web maps more
aesthetically pleasing and makes analysis results more clear.

a To change the symbology for 2020 Median Household Income, click Create Maps and
choose Color-Coded Maps.

b On the Color-Coded Maps pane, click the Style tab.

c Next to Colors, click the drop-down next to the color palette and choose the orange to

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d Click the reversing arrows to change the color slider from purple to orange, with orange
indicating a higher annual household median income.
You want to ensure that the imagery basemap will be visible beneath the data layers in your
map. To do this, you will adjust the layer transparency.

e On the Color-Coded Maps pane, next to Transparency, click and drag the slider to 75%.

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Next, you will add the map that you just created to an ArcGIS StoryMaps story that illustrates
your analysis results for the bank manager.

Step 9: Create a story with ArcGIS StoryMaps

In this step, you will use the ArcGIS Online web apps feature to help easily communicate your

a In the tool palette, click the Share Map To ArcGIS button .

b In the Share Map window, for Title, type Sixth Consolidated Expansion_<First Name
Last Name>.

c For Description, type Locations of bank branches and population characteristics to

determine how and where to promote new bank services.

d Under Share Map With Selected Groups, check the box next to Entire Organization (The
Location Advantage) and My Groups.

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The window should appear similar to the previous graphic.

e In the lower-right corner of the window, click Share.

f After the map has been created, click Click Here To Access The Map.

A new web browser tab opens to ArcGIS Online.

ArcGIS Online provides a method of creating web apps, which can be used to display and
compare different thematic layers. One type of web app, a story, allows you to visually
communicate the information in your map layers and can be useful for summarizing data and

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communicating analytical results to an audience. You can share your story with your
organization so that anyone else employed with Sixth Consolidated Bank can see it.

g Click the app launcher button and choose StoryMaps.

You will use the ArcGIS StoryMaps platform to build your app.

h Near the bottom of the page, click Start A Story.

The story builder will launch.

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i In the Title area of the template, type Toronto Area Analysis_<First Name Last Name>.

j In the subtitle line, type This web app allows users to visualize median household
income and a variety of demographic data to promote new bank services in the
Toronto area.

k To add a content block, scroll down and click the plus sign next to Tell Your Story.

l From the list of items available to add, choose Map.

m Click your Sixth Consolidated Expansion map.

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The map layers from your web map are added to the ArcGIS StoryMaps web app. However,
the names reflected need to be changed again for a reader-friendly appearance.

n On the left-side pane, click the Section1_Toronto_Banks_Data layer name and type
Toronto Branches.

o Click the 2020 HH Inc: Median Curr$ By Dissemination Areas layer name and type 2020
Household Median Income.

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p In the upper-right corner, type Toronto into the search bar and choose Toronto, Ontario.

q Zoom in to Toronto so that the map looks similar to the graphic below.

r On the left-side pane, click the Options button to access the map settings.

s Under Options, enable the Legend.

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Enabling the legend ensures that whoever views your story can see the legend and use it to
interpret the layers included in your map.

t In the lower-right corner, click Place Map.

The map appears in the story.

u Beneath the map, highlight the default text and type 2020 Canada Household Median

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v Point to the recently added web map to observe the Add Content Block button.

w Click the Add Content Block button and choose Image.

x In the Add An Image window, click Browse Your Files.

y Navigate to Key Facts.png and click Open.

This infographic will provide your manager with an example of demographic information that
can aid the requested analysis.

z Click Add.

aa At the top of the page, click Preview.

You can preview what the story will look like on a phone, tablet, or desktop when it is

ab Click the preview for each device and explore the results.

ac After reviewing how the story will look when it is published, click Edit Story to return to
your draft.

Step 10: Share a story from ArcGIS StoryMaps

If you would like, spend some time exploring ArcGIS StoryMaps. After you are finished, you
will publish and share the story to be shared with the decision makers within your

a At the top of ArcGIS StoryMaps, click Publish.

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The default is for items to be unpublished and shared privately, so that only the creator can
see them. You can also share items with select groups within your organization (such as
project teams), with the entire organization, or with anyone in the general public.

In this case, you will share your web app with your organization.

b Under Set Sharing Level, click My Organization.

c Click Publish Story.

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d After your story has published, in the upper-right corner, click the account button and
choose your name.

You will be directed to your profile page in ArcGIS Online.

Step 11: Locate your content

You can find maps, web apps, and any other content that you create in the My Content
section of ArcGIS Online.

a At the top of the ArcGIS Online window, click Content.

Your content items have been updated to include the story that you just created. You may
also notice additional content items generated by Business Analyst Web App.

b To find the web map that you created in Business Analyst Web App, click the BA - My
Maps folder.

c For the Sixth Consolidated Expansion web map, click the More Options button and
choose View Item Details.

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The Location Advantage MOOC

On the item details page, you can see settings and metadata about the map, including
sources of the map layers you added, with URLs, properties, and comments people have
made about your item (if comments have been enabled by your ArcGIS Online administrator).

Step 12: Sign out of ArcGIS Online

After you have finished the activity and are done exploring Business Analyst Web App and
ArcGIS Online, you can sign out and close related windows.

a In the upper-right corner, click your name and choose Sign Out.

b Close any open private or incognito browser tabs.

After reviewing the work that you have done, your manager is happy with the story and feels
that it provides a good foundation for discussing how to promote new bank services. You
could continue developing your story by adding more demographic data for additional
In this exercise, you looked at how you can incorporate visual analysis using mapping software
to learn about locations. You also learned how location can help decision-making. In this
scenario, you used geospatial techniques to gain insight into branch locations and population
characteristics in those areas. Based on the findings, decisions can be made regarding the
promotion of new bank services. You can apply the techniques used in this activity whenever

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The Location Advantage MOOC

your data has a location component—and most data does have a location component. For
any industry, using geospatial techniques in your data analysis can improve your toolset and
help you make more informed decisions.
In future sections, you will perform more complex analyses that will yield more business-
specific information. You will combine data to produce information that can increase your
competitive advantage.

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